From 7dd79da83d61ce4100ac4538c13bf392006c9934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lintao <>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 11:26:26 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Import SEcal05 detector constructor from Chengdong Fu.

 Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt             |   4 +
 .../src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Barrel.cpp        | 444 +++++++++++
 .../src/calorimeter/SEcal05_ECRing.cpp        | 689 +++++++++++++++++
 .../src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Endcaps.cpp       | 390 ++++++++++
 .../src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.cpp       | 729 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.h         | 309 ++++++++
 6 files changed, 2565 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Barrel.cpp
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_ECRing.cpp
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Endcaps.cpp
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.cpp
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.h

diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt
index 7211736c..ff3a8a70 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ set(DetCEPCv4_src
+    src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.cpp
+    src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Barrel.cpp
+    src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Endcaps.cpp
+    src/calorimeter/SEcal05_ECRing.cpp
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Barrel.cpp b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Barrel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0329b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Barrel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+//  lcgeo - LC detector models in DD4hep
+//  DD4hep Geometry driver for SiWEcalBarrel
+//  Ported from Mokka
+//  S.Lu, DESY
+//  D.Jeans, Tokyo <-- to 05: add possibility to remove preshower layer
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+#include "XML/Layering.h"
+#include "TGeoTrd2.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "DDSegmentation/MegatileLayerGridXY.h"
+#include "DDSegmentation/WaferGridXY.h"
+#include "SEcal05_Helpers.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <assert.h>
+using namespace std;
+using dd4hep::BUILD_ENVELOPE;
+using dd4hep::DetElement;
+using dd4hep::Detector;
+using dd4hep::Layering;
+using dd4hep::Material;
+using dd4hep::PlacedVolume;
+using dd4hep::Position;
+using dd4hep::Readout;
+using dd4hep::Ref_t;
+using dd4hep::RotationZYX;
+using dd4hep::Segmentation;
+using dd4hep::SensitiveDetector;
+using dd4hep::Transform3D;
+using dd4hep::Translation3D;
+using dd4hep::Trapezoid;
+using dd4hep::Volume;
+using dd4hep::_toString;
+using dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData;
+#define VERBOSE 1
+// workaround for DD4hep v00-14 (and older)
+#define DD4HEP_VERSION_GE(a,b) 0
+ *
+ * new SEcal05 barrel driver: allows removal of preshower layer. DJeans UTokyo, sep/2016
+ * based on SEcal04
+ *
+ *  @author: Shaojun Lu, DESY
+ *  @version $Id: SEcal04_Barrel.cpp 1060 2016-09-05 07:48:41Z /C=JP/O=KEK/OU=CRC/CN=JEANS Daniel Thomelin Dietrich $
+ *              Ported from Mokka SEcal04 Barrel part. Read the constants from XML
+ *              instead of the DB. Then build the Barrel in the same way with DD4hep
+ *              construct.
+ *
+ * @history: F.Gaede, CERN/DESY, Nov. 10, 2014
+ *              added information for reconstruction: LayeringExtension and surfaces (experimental)
+ *              removed DetElement for slices (not needed) increased multiplicity for layer DetElement
+ *              along tower index
+ *   F.Gaede: 03/2015:
+ *            create the envelope volume with create_placed_envelope() using the xml
+ *
+ *  D. Jeans: 03/2015:
+ *             generalise to non-octagonal barrel shape
+ *             allow dead region between end of each slab and the module edge (e.g. for the slab fastening system)
+ */
+  y
+  ^
+  |     z is perpendicular to page (along beamline)
+  |
+  ----->  x
+  original coord system was very mixed up.
+  Daniel tried to rationalise it to make it more understandable (hopefully)
+  absorber layers are wrapped in a number of layers of carbon fibre composite (CF)
+  structure of slab (which is inserted into the structure) is defined in the compact description
+  general structure (from +ve y)
+  -------------------------------
+  if preshower, front face (CF)               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+  if no preshower, wrapped absorber           ==================
+                                              __________________
+  alveolus, containing the slab              |__________________|
+  wrapped absorber                           ===================
+                                              __________________
+  alveolus, containing the slab              |__________________|
+  .
+  repeat as required
+  .
+  wrapped absorber                           ===================
+                                             __________________
+  alveolus, containing the slab             |__________________|
+  back support plate (CF)                    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+                                             ////////////////////
+  */
+static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& theDetector, xml_h element, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+  cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
+  cout << "creating SEcal05_Barrel" << endl;
+  cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
+  xml_det_t     x_det     = element;
+  string        det_name  = x_det.nameStr();
+  Layering      layering (element);
+  Material      carbon_fibre = theDetector.material("CarbonFiber");
+  int           det_id    =;
+  DetElement    sdet      (det_name,det_id);
+  xml_comp_t    x_dim     = x_det.dimensions();
+  int           nsides    = x_dim.numsides();
+  double        dphi      = (2*M_PI/nsides);
+  double        hphi      = dphi/2;
+  // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+  Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  element , sdet ) ;
+  dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( element, sdet ) ;
+  if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return sdet ;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  sens.setType("calorimeter");
+  DetElement    stave_det("module1stave1",det_id);
+  //====================================================================
+  //
+  // Read all the constant from ILD_o1_v05.xml
+  // Use them to build HcalBarrel
+  //
+  //====================================================================
+  // some hardcoded values!
+  //  const int N_FIBERS_W_STRUCTURE = 2; // number of CF layers around absorber layers in the structure
+  //  const int N_FIBERS_ALVEOLUS    = 3; // number of CF layers used to make alveolus
+  //  read other parameters from compact.xml file
+  // overall size
+  double Ecal_inner_radius                  = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_inner_radius");
+  double Ecal_Barrel_halfZ                  = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Barrel_halfZ");
+  int    Ecal_barrel_z_modules              = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_barrel_z_modules");
+  int    Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers       = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers");
+  double Ecal_barrel_thickness              = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_barrel_thickness"); // what's assumed in the compact description
+  // absorber layers
+  int    Ecal_nlayers1                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers1");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers2                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers2");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers3                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers3");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness1           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set1_thickness");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness2           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set2_thickness");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness3           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set3_thickness");
+  // CF support dimensions
+  double Ecal_support_thickness             = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_support_thickness");
+  double Ecal_front_face_thickness          = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_front_face_thickness");
+  double Ecal_lateral_face_thickness        = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_lateral_face_thickness");
+  double Ecal_Slab_H_fiber_thickness        = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Slab_H_fiber_thickness");
+  //  double Ecal_fiber_thickness               = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness");
+  // some hardcoded values!
+  // const int N_FIBERS_W_STRUCTURE = 2; // number of CF layers around absorber layers in the structure
+  // const int N_FIBERS_ALVEOLUS    = 3; // number of CF layers used to make alveolus
+  double Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure"); // absorber wrapping thickness
+  double Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus  = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus"); // alveolar wall thickness
+  double Ecal_Slab_shielding                = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Slab_shielding");
+  // first layer is preshower?
+  bool   Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer         = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_Barrel_Preshower") > 0;
+  // internal dimensions of slab
+  double Ecal_guard_ring_size               = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_guard_ring_size");
+  int    Ecal_n_wafers_per_tower            = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_n_wafers_per_tower");
+  std::string Ecal_layerConfig              = theDetector.constant<string>("Ecal_layer_pattern");
+  int Ecal_end_of_slab_strategy             = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_end_of_slab_strategy");
+  int Ecal_cells_across_megatile            = theDetector.constant <int> ("Ecal_cells_across_megatile" );
+  int Ecal_strips_across_megatile           = theDetector.constant <int> ("Ecal_strips_across_megatile");
+  int Ecal_strips_along_megatile            = theDetector.constant <int> ("Ecal_strips_along_megatile" );
+  float Ecal_plugLength = 0.;
+  try {
+    Ecal_plugLength = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Slab_Plug_length"); 
+  } catch (std::runtime_error&e) {
+    cout << "SEcal05_Barrel: Ecal_plugLength not found, using " << Ecal_plugLength << endl;    
+  }
+  //---------------------------------
+  // set up the helper, which will make a module for us
+  SEcal05_Helpers helper;
+  helper.setDet( & x_det );
+  //   absorber layer structure
+  helper.setPreshower( Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer );
+  cout << "SEcal05_Barrel: Preshower ? " << Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer << endl;
+  helper.setAbsLayers( Ecal_nlayers1, Ecal_radiator_thickness1,
+                       Ecal_nlayers2, Ecal_radiator_thickness2,
+                       Ecal_nlayers3, Ecal_radiator_thickness3 );
+  cout << "SEcal05_Barrel: absorber layers " << 
+    Ecal_nlayers1 << "*" << Ecal_radiator_thickness1/dd4hep::mm << " mm + " <<
+    Ecal_nlayers2 << "*" << Ecal_radiator_thickness2/dd4hep::mm << " mm + " <<
+    Ecal_nlayers3 << "*" << Ecal_radiator_thickness3/dd4hep::mm << " mm " << endl;
+  helper.checkLayerConsistency();
+  // structural CF thicknesses
+  helper.setCFthickness( Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure,  // was N_FIBERS_W_STRUCTURE*Ecal_fiber_thickness, : updated DJ
+			 Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus,   //     N_FIBERS_ALVEOLUS*Ecal_fiber_thickness,
+                         Ecal_front_face_thickness,
+                         Ecal_support_thickness);
+  helper.setPlugLength( Ecal_plugLength );
+  // check resulting thickness is consistent with what's in compact description
+  float module_thickness = helper.getTotalThickness();
+  if ( fabs( Ecal_barrel_thickness - module_thickness ) > 0.01 ) {
+    cout << "ERROR SEcal05_Barrel : ECAL barrel thickness in comapct decription not consistent with what I calculate!" << endl;
+    cout << "    calculated = " << module_thickness << "    compact description: " << Ecal_barrel_thickness << endl;
+    assert( 0 ); // exit
+  }
+  cout << "SEcal05_Barrel : module thickness = " << module_thickness << endl;
+  // set up the sensitive layer segmentation
+  Readout readout = sens.readout();
+  Segmentation seg = readout.segmentation();
+  helper.setSegmentation( &seg );
+  helper.setNCells( Ecal_cells_across_megatile, Ecal_strips_across_megatile, Ecal_strips_along_megatile);
+  helper.setMagicMegatileStrategy ( Ecal_end_of_slab_strategy );
+  // layer configuration
+  int ntemp;
+  stringstream stream(Ecal_layerConfig);
+  std::vector < int > layerConfig;
+  while ( stream >> ntemp ) {
+    assert (ntemp>=0 );
+    layerConfig.push_back( ntemp );
+  }
+  cout << "SEcal05_Barrel : layer config: ";
+  for (size_t i=0; i<layerConfig.size(); i++) cout << layerConfig[i] << " ";
+  cout << endl;
+  helper.setLayerConfig( layerConfig );
+  // set the alveolar structure
+  // get width of alveolus
+  double Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z = 2 * Ecal_Barrel_halfZ / Ecal_barrel_z_modules ;
+  double alv_width = ( Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z - 2.*Ecal_lateral_face_thickness ) / Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers;
+  cout << "SEcal05_Barrel : width of module, alveolus = " << Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z << " " << alv_width << endl;
+  std::vector < int > ntowers; ntowers.push_back(Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers);
+  helper.setTowersUnits( ntowers,
+			 alv_width,
+			 Ecal_n_wafers_per_tower,
+			 Ecal_lateral_face_thickness,
+			 Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus + Ecal_Slab_H_fiber_thickness + Ecal_Slab_shielding,
+                         Ecal_guard_ring_size );
+  // shape of barrel module
+  // to get alignment as in ECAL interface design doc fig10
+  double module_thickness_noSupport = module_thickness - Ecal_support_thickness;
+  //  double max_dim_x    = 2. * tan(M_PI/8.) * Ecal_inner_radius + module_thickness_noSupport/sin(M_PI/4.); // longest side assumes oct
+  //  double min_dim_x = max_dim_x - 2*module_thickness; // shorter one (assumes octagon)
+  //  double max_dim_x    = 2. * tan(M_PI/nsides) * Ecal_inner_radius + module_thickness_noSupport / tan( 2*M_PI/nsides );  // longest side 
+  double max_dim_x    = 2. * tan(M_PI/nsides) * Ecal_inner_radius + module_thickness_noSupport / sin( 2*M_PI/nsides );  // longest side : fix DJeans 03/2017
+  double min_dim_x = max_dim_x - 2*module_thickness/tan( 2*M_PI/nsides ) ; // shorter one
+  if ( min_dim_x<0 || max_dim_x<0 ) {
+    std::cout << "SEcal05_Barrel ERROR : requesting too many sides! barrel modules have max/min extent " << max_dim_x << " " << min_dim_x << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "exiting" << std::endl;
+    assert(0); // exit gracefully
+  }
+  Trapezoid trd(max_dim_x / 2,
+                min_dim_x / 2,
+                Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z / 2,
+                Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z / 2,
+                module_thickness/2);
+  Volume mod_vol(det_name+"_module", trd, carbon_fibre); // DJeans 5-sep-2016
+  //========== fill data for reconstruction ============================
+  LayeredCalorimeterData* caloData = new LayeredCalorimeterData ;
+  helper.setModuleDimensions( 0, // int XYtype, // module shape in XY
+                              1, // int XZtype, // module shape in XZ
+                              max_dim_x, // double dX_max, // maximum extent in X
+			      -999, // dummy
+			      2.*M_PI/nsides
+                              );
+  // traslation to get layers within the envelope
+  helper.setTranslation ( Position ( -max_dim_x/2. , -Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z/2., -module_thickness/2. ) );
+  // make the module
+  helper.makeModule( mod_vol, stave_det,
+		     *caloData,
+		     theDetector, sens );
+  for (size_t i=0; i<caloData->layers.size(); i++) {
+    caloData->layers[i].distance += Ecal_inner_radius; // add IP->front face distance
+  }
+  //  cout << "SEcal05_Barrel : cell sizes: " << endl;
+  //  for (size_t i=0; i<caloData->layers.size(); i++) {
+  //    cout << "sensitive layer " << i << " : x,y = " << caloData->layers[i].cellSize0 << " " << caloData->layers[i].cellSize1 << endl;
+  //  }
+  // ------------- create extension objects for reconstruction -----------------
+  caloData->layoutType = LayeredCalorimeterData::BarrelLayout ;
+  caloData->inner_symmetry = nsides  ;
+  caloData->outer_symmetry = nsides  ;
+  caloData->phi0 = 0 ; // hardcoded
+  // extent of the calorimeter in the r-z-plane [ rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax ] in mm.
+  caloData->extent[0] = Ecal_inner_radius ;
+  caloData->extent[1] = ( Ecal_inner_radius + module_thickness );
+  caloData->extent[2] = 0. ;
+  caloData->extent[3] = Ecal_Barrel_halfZ ;
+  //-------------------------------------------------------
+  //====================================================================
+  // Place ECAL Barrel stave module into the envelope volume
+  //====================================================================
+  double X = Ecal_inner_radius + module_thickness / 2.;
+  // altered to get alignment as in ECAL interface design doc fig10
+  //   end of slabs aligned to inner face of support plate in next stave (not the outer surface)
+  // double Y = (module_thickness/2.) / sin(M_PI/4.);
+  double Y = (module_thickness_noSupport/2.) / sin(2.*M_PI/nsides);
+  // stave numbering from 1->8
+  //   stave = 1 is in +ve x direction
+  //   stave = 3 is in +ve y direction (ie at top of barrel)
+  // module index from 1->5
+  //   module = 1 is at -ve z
+  for (int istave = 0; istave < nsides ; istave++) {
+    //for (int istave = 0; istave < 1 ; istave++) {
+    int stave_id = istave+1;
+    // dstave is the change in stave index from the top module to the one with smallest positive phi (which has istave=0)
+    int dstave = int( nsides/4. );
+    // rotations around the center to get the modules in the correct orientation
+    // top module (dstave) shits by hphi + pi/4
+    double phirot =  hphi + M_PI/2.; // 
+    phirot += (istave - dstave)*dphi;
+    // this angle is used to get the stave in the right position wrt the origin
+    double phirot2 =  (istave - dstave ) * dphi + hphi;
+    for (int imodule = 0; imodule < Ecal_barrel_z_modules; imodule++) {
+      int module_id = imodule+1;
+      Transform3D tr( RotationZYX( 0 , phirot, M_PI/2.),  // magic rotation!
+                      Translation3D(
+                                    ( X*cos(phirot2)-Y*sin(phirot2) ) ,
+                                    ( X*sin(phirot2)+Y*cos(phirot2) ) ,
+                                    ( imodule+0.5 )*Ecal_Barrel_module_dim_z - Ecal_Barrel_halfZ )
+                      );
+      PlacedVolume pv = envelope.placeVolume(mod_vol,tr);
+      pv.addPhysVolID("module",module_id);
+      pv.addPhysVolID("stave",stave_id);
+      DetElement sd = (imodule==0 && istave==0) ? stave_det : stave_det.clone(_toString(module_id,"module%d")+_toString(stave_id,"stave%d"));
+      sd.setPlacement(pv);
+      sdet.add(sd);
+    }
+  }
+  // Set envelope volume attributes.
+  envelope.setAttributes(theDetector,x_det.regionStr(),x_det.limitsStr(),x_det.visStr());
+  sdet.addExtension< LayeredCalorimeterData >( caloData ) ;
+  //  cout << "finished SEcal05_Barrel" << endl;
+  return sdet;
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_ECRing.cpp b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_ECRing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9499c1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_ECRing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+//  lcgeo - LC detector models in DD4hep
+//  DD4hep Geometry driver for SiWEcalEndcaps
+//  Ported from Mokka
+//  S.Lu, DESY
+//  $Id$
+/* History:
+// *******************************************************
+// *                                                     *
+// *                      Mokka                          *
+// *   - the detailed geant4 simulation for ILC   -      *
+// *                                                     *
+// * For more information about Mokka, visit the         *
+// *                                                     *
+// *  Mokka home page.                   *
+// *                                                     *
+// *******************************************************
+// $Id$
+// $Name: mokka-07-00 $
+Shaojun Lu:  Ported from Mokka SEcal04 Endcaps part. Read the constants from XML
+instead of the DB. Then build the Endcap in the same way with DD4hep
+Inside SEcal04, some parameters, which used by Ecal Endcaps, come from
+Ecal Barrel. They can be seen here again.
+Start ECRing ...
+  ==============
+  SEcal05_ECRing
+  ===============
+  SEcal04_ECRing driver originally assumend 2 identical modules in +/- z
+  this is not true, because lumical (and therefore hole in EC plug) is not centred, but offset in +z position
+  SEcal05_ECRing driver corrects this (applies offset according to the crossing algle, to center it on the outgoing beampipe).
+  it also deals with the presence or not of a preshower layer
+  this is a hack of the 04 version, not a clean rewrite as was done for barrel and endcap, so it's not very clean & tidy....but I think it works
+  DJeans jan 2017
+  ========
+  - fixed dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData for case with no preshower
+  - small fixes to layer thicknesses (now take from compact description) to get exactly same structure as main endcaps
+  DJeans July 2017
+  ======
+  - fixes to LayeredCalorimeterData: "distance" defined to start of layer, some other issues
+  - fix to use correct absorber thickness at transition between stacks
+  - LayeredCalorimeterData material describtion: overall structure made in CF (previously air)
+  DJeans Sep 2017
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+#include "XML/Layering.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+using namespace std;
+using dd4hep::BUILD_ENVELOPE;
+using dd4hep::Box;
+using dd4hep::DetElement;
+using dd4hep::Detector;
+using dd4hep::Layering;
+using dd4hep::Material;
+using dd4hep::PlacedVolume;
+using dd4hep::Position;
+using dd4hep::Readout;
+using dd4hep::Ref_t;
+using dd4hep::Rotation3D;
+using dd4hep::RotationZYX;
+using dd4hep::Segmentation;
+using dd4hep::SensitiveDetector;
+using dd4hep::SubtractionSolid;
+using dd4hep::Transform3D;
+using dd4hep::Tube;
+using dd4hep::Volume;
+using dd4hep::_toString;
+using dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData;
+//#define VERBOSE 1
+// workaround for DD4hep v00-14 (and older)
+#define DD4HEP_VERSION_GE(a,b) 0
+static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& theDetector, xml_h element, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+  static double tolerance = 0e0;
+  cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;
+  cout << " creating Ecal ECRing ( SEcal05_ECRing ) " << endl;
+  cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;
+  xml_det_t     x_det     = element;
+  string        det_name  = x_det.nameStr();
+  Layering      layering (element);
+  Material      air       = theDetector.air();
+  Material      CF        = theDetector.material("CarbonFiber");
+  int           det_id    =;
+  xml_comp_t    x_staves  = x_det.staves();
+  DetElement    sdet      (det_name,det_id);
+  // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+  Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  element , sdet ) ;
+  dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( element, sdet ) ;
+  if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return sdet ;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  sens.setType("calorimeter");
+  Material stave_material  = theDetector.material(x_staves.materialStr());
+  Readout readout = sens.readout();
+  Segmentation seg = readout.segmentation();
+  std::vector<double> cellSizeVector = seg.segmentation()->cellDimensions(0); //Assume uniform cell sizes, provide dummy cellID
+  double cell_sizeX      = cellSizeVector[0];
+  double cell_sizeY      = cellSizeVector[1];
+  //====================================================================
+  //
+  // Read all the constant from ILD_o1_v05.xml
+  // Use them to build Ecal ECRing
+  //
+  //====================================================================
+  //  read parametere from compact.xml file
+  double Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus      = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus");
+  double Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure     = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness1           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set1_thickness");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness2           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set2_thickness");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness3           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set3_thickness");
+  double Ecal_Barrel_halfZ                  = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Barrel_halfZ");
+  double Ecal_support_thickness             = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_support_thickness");
+  double Ecal_front_face_thickness          = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_front_face_thickness");
+  double Ecal_lateral_face_thickness        = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_lateral_face_thickness");
+  double Ecal_EC_Ring_gap                   = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_EC_Ring_gap");
+  double Ecal_cables_gap                    = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_cables_gap");
+  double Lcal_outer_radius                  = theDetector.constant<double>("Lcal_outer_radius");
+  double Ecal_Lcal_ring_gap                 = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Lcal_ring_gap");
+  double Ecal_endcap_center_box_size        = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_endcap_center_box_size");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers1                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers1");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers2                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers2");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers3                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers3");
+  double      EcalEndcapRing_inner_radius   = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcapRing_inner_radius");
+  double      EcalEndcapRing_outer_radius   = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcapRing_outer_radius");
+  double      EcalEndcapRing_min_z          = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcapRing_min_z");
+  double      EcalEndcapRing_max_z          = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcapRing_max_z");
+  double      crossing_angle = theDetector.constant<double>("CepC_Main_Crossing_Angle");
+  bool        Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer         = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_Barrel_Preshower") > 0;
+  double      Ecal_barrel_thickness         = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_barrel_thickness");
+  //========== fill data for reconstruction ============================
+  dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData* caloData = new dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData ;
+  caloData->layoutType = dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData::EndcapLayout ;
+  caloData->inner_symmetry = 0  ; // hard code cernter pipe hole
+  caloData->outer_symmetry = 4  ; // outer box
+  caloData->phi0 = 0 ;
+  /// extent of the calorimeter in the r-z-plane [ rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax ] in mm.
+  caloData->extent[0] = EcalEndcapRing_inner_radius ;
+  caloData->extent[1] = EcalEndcapRing_outer_radius ;
+  caloData->extent[2] = EcalEndcapRing_min_z ;
+  caloData->extent[3] = EcalEndcapRing_max_z ;
+  //====================================================================
+  //
+  // general calculated parameters
+  //
+  //====================================================================
+  int Number_of_Si_Layers_in_Barrel = 0;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+  std::cout << " Ecal total number of Silicon layers = " << Number_of_Si_Layers_in_Barrel  << std::endl;
+  int n_total_layers = Ecal_nlayers1 + Ecal_nlayers2 + Ecal_nlayers3;
+  Number_of_Si_Layers_in_Barrel = n_total_layers; // take account of preshower on/off (djeans)
+  if ( Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer ) Number_of_Si_Layers_in_Barrel++;
+  // calculate total thickness of ECAL
+  // updated to take info from xml description - djeans: 12 July 2017
+  double module_thickness = Ecal_support_thickness + Ecal_front_face_thickness;// front and back supports
+  // the absorber in the structure
+  for (int i=0; i<Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2+Ecal_nlayers3; i++) {
+    bool inStructure = Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer==1 ? i%2==1 : i%2==0 ;
+    if ( inStructure ) {
+      double thickness (Ecal_radiator_thickness1);
+      if ( i>=Ecal_nlayers1 ) thickness = Ecal_radiator_thickness2;
+      if ( i>=Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2 ) thickness = Ecal_radiator_thickness3;
+      module_thickness += thickness + 2*Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure; // the absorber and its wrapping
+    }
+  }
+  // the slabs
+  int l_num2(0);
+  for(xml_coll_t li(x_det,_U(layer)); li; ++li)  { // types of layers (i.e. thin/thick absorber) or "stack"
+    xml_comp_t x_layer = li;
+    // Loop over number of repeats for this layer.
+    for (int j=0; j< x_layer.repeat(); j++)    {  // layers within this type (or "stack")
+      float thisthick = layering.layer(l_num2)->thickness();
+      module_thickness+=thisthick + 2*Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus; // slab thickness, and the alveolar wall around it
+      l_num2++;
+    }
+  }
+  if ( fabs( Ecal_barrel_thickness - module_thickness) > 0.1 ) {
+    cout << "ERROR EC ecal thickness inconsistency: calculated, nominal = " << module_thickness << " " << Ecal_barrel_thickness << endl;
+    assert(0);
+  }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+  std::cout << " module_thickness = " << module_thickness  << std::endl;
+  double ECRingSiplateSize = Ecal_endcap_center_box_size
+    - 2 * Ecal_EC_Ring_gap
+    - 2 * Ecal_lateral_face_thickness;
+  // central hole is not centred on detector axis, but on outgoing beampipe (as is the lumical)
+  double hole_x_offset = tan(crossing_angle/2.) * (EcalEndcapRing_min_z + EcalEndcapRing_max_z)/2.;
+  // ========= Create Ecal end cap ring   ====================================
+  //  It will be the volume for palcing the Ecal endcaps alveolus(i.e. Layers).
+  //  And the structure W plate.
+  //  Itself will be placed into the world volume.
+  // ==========================================================================
+  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  //~              EndcapRing                           ~
+  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  for(int module_num=0;module_num<2;module_num++) { // move module loop to here (modules not identical)
+    DetElement    module_det(_toString(module_num,"module%d"),det_id);
+    double thismodule_hole_dx = hole_x_offset;
+    if ( module_num==0 ) thismodule_hole_dx*=-1;
+    Position hole_position(thismodule_hole_dx, 0, 0);
+    double Ecal_endcap_Tube_rmax = Lcal_outer_radius + Ecal_Lcal_ring_gap;
+    Tube CenterECTub(0., Ecal_endcap_Tube_rmax, module_thickness);
+    Box  CenterECBox((Ecal_endcap_center_box_size/2. - Ecal_EC_Ring_gap),
+                     (Ecal_endcap_center_box_size/2. - Ecal_EC_Ring_gap),
+                     module_thickness/2.);
+    SubtractionSolid ECRingSolid( CenterECBox, CenterECTub, hole_position);
+    //  Volume EnvLogECRing("ECRing",ECRingSolid,theDetector.material("g10"));
+    Volume EnvLogECRing("ECRing",ECRingSolid,theDetector.material("CarbonFiber")); // DJeans 5-sep-2016
+    //==============================================================
+    // build the layer and place into the ECRing
+    //==============================================================
+    //-------------------------------------------------------
+    // Radiator and towers placements inside the ECRing module
+    //-------------------------------------------------------
+    // We count the layers starting from IP and from 1,
+    // so odd layers should be inside slabs and
+    // even ones on the structure.
+    //
+    double distance_ip_to_front_face = Ecal_Barrel_halfZ + Ecal_cables_gap;
+    double dist_from_front_face_tally(0);
+    double z_floor =  - module_thickness/2;
+    double l_pos_z = z_floor;
+    dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer caloLayer ;
+    caloLayer.cellSize0 = cell_sizeX;
+    caloLayer.cellSize1 = cell_sizeY;
+    //-------------------- start loop over ECAL layers ----------------------
+    // Loop over the sets of layer elements in the detector.
+    double radiator_dim_y = Ecal_radiator_thickness1; //to be updated with slice radiator thickness
+    double nRadiationLengths=0.;
+    double nInteractionLengths=0.;
+    double thickness_sum=0;
+    int l_num = 1;
+    bool isFirstSens = true;
+    int myLayerNum = 0 ;
+    bool isFrontFace=true;
+    int absorber_index(0);
+    for(xml_coll_t li(x_det,_U(layer)); li; ++li)  { // types of layer
+      xml_comp_t x_layer = li;
+      int repeat = x_layer.repeat();
+      // Loop over number of repeats for this layer.
+      for (int j=0; j<repeat; j++)    {
+        // move structural layer to before the slabs - djeans
+        // deal with preshower or lack thereof ------------------
+        double radiator_dim_Z(0);
+        //double rad_pos_Z(0);
+        double this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs(0);
+        double this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs(0);
+        double _CF_absWrap = Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure;
+        double _CF_alvWall = Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus;
+        if ( isFrontFace ) { // the first part of the module depends on whether we have preshwer or not
+          if ( Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer==1 ) { // don't include W+CF wrapping; only one side of alveolus
+            this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs = 0;
+            this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs = Ecal_front_face_thickness + _CF_alvWall;
+            radiator_dim_Z = 0;
+          } else { // include W+CF wrapping; only one side of alveolus
+            this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs = Ecal_front_face_thickness + _CF_absWrap;
+            this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs = _CF_absWrap + _CF_alvWall;
+            radiator_dim_Z = Ecal_radiator_thickness1; // this line implicitly assumes Ecal_nlayers1>0...
+            //rad_pos_Z = radiator_dim_Z/2. + this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs; // distance from top surface of structure to centre of radiator
+            absorber_index++;
+          }
+          thickness_sum       += radiator_dim_Z;
+          nRadiationLengths   += radiator_dim_Z/stave_material.radLength();
+          nInteractionLengths += radiator_dim_Z/stave_material.intLength();
+          thickness_sum       += ( this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs );
+          nRadiationLengths   += ( this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs ) / CF.radLength();
+          nInteractionLengths += ( this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs ) / CF.intLength();
+          isFrontFace=false;
+        } else { // internal layer: include W+CF wrapping; both sides of alveolus
+          this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs = _CF_alvWall+_CF_absWrap;
+          this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs = _CF_alvWall+_CF_absWrap;
+          if ( absorber_index<Ecal_nlayers1 ) radiator_dim_Z=Ecal_radiator_thickness1;
+          else if ( absorber_index<Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2 ) radiator_dim_Z=Ecal_radiator_thickness2;
+          else if ( absorber_index<Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2+Ecal_nlayers3 ) radiator_dim_Z=Ecal_radiator_thickness3;
+          else {
+            assert(0 && "ERROR cannot determine absorber thickness for layer ");
+          }
+          absorber_index++;
+          assert( radiator_dim_Z>0 && "no radiator!" );
+        }
+        //-------------------------------
+        radiator_dim_y = radiator_dim_Z; // ahh different axis conventions....
+        l_pos_z += this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + radiator_dim_y/2;
+        // #########################
+        // BuildECRingStructureLayer
+        // #########################
+        Tube CenterECTubForSi(0.,
+                              Lcal_outer_radius + Ecal_Lcal_ring_gap + 0.001, // + tolerance,
+                              module_thickness,
+                              0.,
+                              2 * M_PI);
+        string l_name = _toString(l_num,"layer%d");
+        RotationZYX rot(0,0,0); // a null rotation
+        if ( radiator_dim_y>0 ) {
+          string bs_name="bs";
+          Box        EndcapStructureLayer_box(ECRingSiplateSize/ 2. - tolerance, ECRingSiplateSize/ 2. - tolerance, radiator_dim_y/2.);
+          SubtractionSolid  EndcapStructureLayerSolid( EndcapStructureLayer_box, CenterECTubForSi, hole_position);
+          Volume     EndcapStructureLayer_vol(det_name+"_"+l_name+"_"+bs_name,EndcapStructureLayerSolid,theDetector.material(x_staves.materialStr()));
+          EndcapStructureLayer_vol.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes( x_staves.visStr()));
+          // this is where we place the tungsten into the envelope
+          double bsl_pos_z = l_pos_z;
+          Position   bsl_pos(0,0,bsl_pos_z);
+          Transform3D bsl_tran3D(rot,bsl_pos);
+          EnvLogECRing.placeVolume(EndcapStructureLayer_vol,bsl_tran3D);
+        }
+        // Increment to next layer Z position.
+        l_pos_z += radiator_dim_y/2 + this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs;
+        // now move to the alveolus and what's inside
+        double l_thickness = layering.layer(l_num-1)->thickness();  // Layer's thickness. this is the internal thickness of the alveolus
+        l_pos_z  += l_thickness/2.; // add in half the alveolus thickness
+        int EC_Number_of_towers = 0;
+        // We use the same method able to create the Barrel
+        // Slabs, so we have to rotate it later when placing
+        // into the EC modules.
+        //
+        // We use the same method able to create the Barrel
+        // radiator plates between slabs, but with the good
+        // dimensions to avoid to rotate it later when placing
+        // into the EC modules.
+        // While the towers have the same shape use the same
+        // logical volumes and parameters.
+        string tower_name = _toString(EC_Number_of_towers,"tower%d");
+        // build the ECRing layer, a box with hole in the middle
+        Box  ECRingSiBox( ECRingSiplateSize/ 2. - tolerance, ECRingSiplateSize/ 2. - tolerance, l_thickness/2.0-tolerance);
+        SubtractionSolid ECRingSiSolid( ECRingSiBox, CenterECTubForSi, hole_position);
+        Volume     l_vol(det_name+"_"+l_name+"_"+tower_name,ECRingSiSolid,air);
+        DetElement layer(module_det, l_name+tower_name, det_id);
+        l_vol.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes( x_layer.visStr() ));
+        // Loop over the sublayers or slices for this layer.
+        int s_num = 1;
+        double s_pos_z = -(l_thickness / 2);
+        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        // BuildECRing keep the Alveolus structure, the same as the Barrel and Endcap
+        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        for(xml_coll_t si(x_layer,_U(slice)); si; ++si)  {
+          xml_comp_t x_slice = si;
+          string     s_name  =  _toString(s_num,"slice%d");
+          double     s_thick = x_slice.thickness();
+          Material slice_material  = theDetector.material(x_slice.materialStr());
+          double slab_dim_x = ECRingSiplateSize/2.-tolerance;
+          double slab_dim_y = s_thick/2.-tolerance;
+          double slab_dim_z = ECRingSiplateSize/2.-tolerance;
+          Box        s_box(slab_dim_x,slab_dim_z,slab_dim_y);
+          SubtractionSolid ECRingSiSliceSolid( s_box, CenterECTubForSi, hole_position);
+          Volume     s_vol(det_name+"_"+l_name+"_"+s_name,ECRingSiSliceSolid,slice_material);
+          DetElement slice(layer,s_name,det_id);
+          s_vol.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes(x_slice.visStr()));
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+          std::cout<<"x_slice.materialStr(): "<< x_slice.materialStr() <<std::endl;
+          if (x_slice.materialStr().compare(x_staves.materialStr()) == 0){
+            radiator_dim_y = s_thick;
+            absorber_index++;
+#if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 )
+            caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths   = nRadiationLengths;
+            caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths = nInteractionLengths;
+            caloLayer.outer_thickness           = thickness_sum;
+            caloLayer.distance                  = distance_ip_to_front_face + dist_from_front_face_tally;
+            if (Ecal_Barrel_PreshowerLayer==0 || !isFirstSens ){ // add this layer to the caloData (unless its the first absorber layer of a no-preshower calo)
+              if ( module_num==0 ) {
+                caloData->layers.push_back( caloLayer ) ;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+#if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 )
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.distance: "<< caloLayer.distance <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths: "<< caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths: "<< caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.inner_thickness: "<< caloLayer.inner_thickness <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.sensitive_thickness: "<< caloLayer.sensitive_thickness <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.cellSize0, 1: "             << caloLayer.cellSize0 << " " << caloLayer.cellSize1 << std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths: "<< caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths: "<< caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" caloLayer.outer_thickness: "<< caloLayer.outer_thickness <<std::endl;
+                std::cout<<" EcalECRing[1]==>caloLayer.inner_thickness + caloLayer.outer_thickness: "
+                         << caloLayer.inner_thickness + caloLayer.outer_thickness <<std::endl;
+                dist_from_front_face_tally += caloLayer.inner_thickness+caloLayer.outer_thickness;
+              }
+            }
+            nRadiationLengths   = 0. ;
+            nInteractionLengths = 0. ;
+            thickness_sum       = 0. ;
+            isFirstSens         = false;
+          } // if radiator
+          nRadiationLengths   += s_thick/(2.*slice_material.radLength());
+          nInteractionLengths += s_thick/(2.*slice_material.intLength());
+          thickness_sum       += s_thick/2;
+          if ( x_slice.isSensitive() ) {
+            s_vol.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+#if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 )
+            //Store "inner" quantities
+            caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths   = nRadiationLengths;
+            caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths = nInteractionLengths;
+            caloLayer.inner_thickness           = thickness_sum;
+            //Store sensitive slice thickness
+            caloLayer.sensitive_thickness       = s_thick;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+            std::cout<<" l_num: "<<l_num <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" s_num: "<<s_num <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" module_thickness: "<< module_thickness <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" l_pos_z: "<< l_pos_z <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" l_thickness: "<< l_thickness <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" s_pos_z: "<< s_pos_z <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" s_thick: "<< s_thick <<std::endl;
+            std::cout<<" radiator_dim_y: "<< radiator_dim_y <<std::endl;
+            caloLayer.absorberThickness = radiator_dim_y ;
+            nRadiationLengths   = 0. ;
+            nInteractionLengths = 0. ;
+            thickness_sum       = 0. ;
+          } // if sensitive
+          nRadiationLengths   += s_thick/(2.*slice_material.radLength());
+          nInteractionLengths += s_thick/(2.*slice_material.intLength());
+          thickness_sum       += s_thick/2;
+          slice.setAttributes(theDetector,s_vol,x_slice.regionStr(),x_slice.limitsStr(),x_slice.visStr());
+          // Slice placement.
+          PlacedVolume slice_phv = l_vol.placeVolume(s_vol,Position(0,0,s_pos_z+s_thick/2));
+          if ( x_slice.isSensitive() ) {
+            slice_phv.addPhysVolID("layer", myLayerNum++);
+          }
+          slice.setPlacement(slice_phv);
+          // Increment Z position of slice.
+          s_pos_z += s_thick;
+          // Increment slice number.
+          ++s_num;
+        }
+        // add material between the "slabs"
+        // we need to use correct thickness here! especially at the interface between stacks.
+        if      ( absorber_index < Ecal_nlayers1 ) radiator_dim_y=Ecal_radiator_thickness1;
+        else if ( absorber_index < Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2 ) radiator_dim_y=Ecal_radiator_thickness2;
+        else if ( absorber_index < Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2+Ecal_nlayers3 ) radiator_dim_y=Ecal_radiator_thickness3;
+        else {
+          radiator_dim_y=0;
+        }
+        // deal with final support plate
+        float cf_thick = Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus;
+        if ( absorber_index<Ecal_nlayers1+Ecal_nlayers2+Ecal_nlayers3 ) {
+          cf_thick += Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure;
+        } else {
+          cf_thick += Ecal_support_thickness;
+        }
+        if ( module_num==0 ) {
+#if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 )
+          caloLayer.distance = distance_ip_to_front_face + dist_from_front_face_tally;
+          caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths   = nRadiationLengths + cf_thick/CF.radLength();
+          caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths = nInteractionLengths + cf_thick/CF.intLength();
+          caloLayer.outer_thickness           = thickness_sum + cf_thick;
+          caloData->layers.push_back( caloLayer ) ;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+#if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 )
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.distance: "<< caloLayer.distance <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths: "<< caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths: "<< caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.inner_thickness: "<< caloLayer.inner_thickness <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.sensitive_thickness: "<< caloLayer.sensitive_thickness <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.cellSize0, 1: "             << caloLayer.cellSize0 << " " << caloLayer.cellSize1 << std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths: "<< caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths: "<< caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" caloLayer.outer_thickness: "<< caloLayer.outer_thickness <<std::endl;
+          std::cout<<" EcalECRing[2]==>caloLayer.inner_thickness + caloLayer.outer_thickness: "
+                   << caloLayer.inner_thickness + caloLayer.outer_thickness <<std::endl;
+          dist_from_front_face_tally += caloLayer.inner_thickness+caloLayer.outer_thickness;
+        }
+        nRadiationLengths   = radiator_dim_y/stave_material.radLength() + cf_thick/CF.radLength();
+        nInteractionLengths = radiator_dim_y/stave_material.intLength() + cf_thick/CF.intLength();
+        thickness_sum       = radiator_dim_y + cf_thick;
+        // this is where we place the slab (l_vol) into the envelope
+        int i_stave = 1;
+        int i_tower = 1;
+        Position l_pos(0,0,l_pos_z);
+        Transform3D tran3D(rot,l_pos);
+        PlacedVolume layer_phv = EnvLogECRing.placeVolume(l_vol,tran3D);
+        layer_phv.addPhysVolID("tower", i_tower);
+        layer_phv.addPhysVolID("stave", i_stave);
+        layer.setPlacement(layer_phv);
+        l_pos_z +=   l_thickness/2.; // add in the other half of the alveolus
+        ++l_num;
+      }
+    }
+    // Set stave visualization.
+    if (x_staves)   {
+      EnvLogECRing.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes(x_staves.visStr()));
+    }
+    //====================================================================
+    // Place Ecal Endcap module into the assembly envelope volume
+    //====================================================================
+    double EC_module_z_offset = (EcalEndcapRing_min_z + EcalEndcapRing_max_z)/2.;
+    int module_id = ( module_num == 0 ) ? 0:6;
+    double this_module_z_offset = ( module_id == 0 ) ? - EC_module_z_offset : EC_module_z_offset;
+    double this_module_rotY = ( module_id == 0 ) ? M_PI:0;
+    Position xyzVec(0,0,this_module_z_offset);
+    RotationZYX rot(0,this_module_rotY,0);
+    Rotation3D rot3D(rot);
+    Transform3D tran3D(rot3D,xyzVec);
+    PlacedVolume pv = envelope.placeVolume(EnvLogECRing,tran3D);
+    pv.addPhysVolID("module",module_id); // z: -/+ 0/6
+    DetElement sd = module_det;
+    sd.setPlacement(pv);
+  }
+  sdet.addExtension< dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData >( caloData ) ;
+  return sdet;
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(SEcal05_ECRing, create_detector)
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Endcaps.cpp b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Endcaps.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0f4c69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Endcaps.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+//  lcgeo - LC detector models in DD4hep 
+//  DD4hep Geometry driver for SiWEcalEndcaps
+//  Ported from Mokka
+//  S.Lu, DESY
+//  $Id: SEcal04_Endcaps.cpp 1060 2016-09-05 07:48:41Z /C=JP/O=KEK/OU=CRC/CN=JEANS Daniel Thomelin Dietrich $
+ /* History:  
+// *******************************************************
+// *                                                     *
+// *                      Mokka                          * 
+// *   - the detailed geant4 simulation for ILC   -      *
+// *                                                     *
+// * For more information about Mokka, visit the         *
+// *                                                     *
+// *  Mokka home page.                   *
+// *                                                     *
+// *******************************************************
+// $Id: SEcal04_Endcaps.cpp 1060 2016-09-05 07:48:41Z /C=JP/O=KEK/OU=CRC/CN=JEANS Daniel Thomelin Dietrich $
+// $Name: mokka-07-00 $
+   Shaojun Lu:  Ported from Mokka SEcal04 Endcaps part. Read the constants from XML
+                instead of the DB. Then build the Endcap in the same way with DD4hep
+		construct.
+		Inside SEcal04, some parameters, which used by Ecal Endcaps, come from
+		Ecal Barrel. They can be ssen here again.
+ */
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "XML/Layering.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Shapes.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "DDSegmentation/WaferGridXY.h"
+#include <sstream>
+using namespace std;
+using dd4hep::BUILD_ENVELOPE;
+using dd4hep::Box;
+using dd4hep::DetElement;
+using dd4hep::Detector;
+using dd4hep::IntersectionSolid;
+using dd4hep::Layering;
+using dd4hep::Material;
+using dd4hep::PlacedVolume;
+using dd4hep::PolyhedraRegular;
+using dd4hep::Position;
+using dd4hep::Readout;
+using dd4hep::Ref_t;
+using dd4hep::Rotation3D;
+using dd4hep::RotationZYX;
+using dd4hep::Segmentation;
+using dd4hep::SensitiveDetector;
+using dd4hep::Transform3D;
+using dd4hep::Volume;
+using dd4hep::_toString;
+using dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData;
+#include "SEcal05_Helpers.h"
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <assert.h>
+//#define VERBOSE 1
+// workaround for DD4hep v00-14 (and older) 
+#define DD4HEP_VERSION_GE(a,b) 0 
+static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& theDetector, xml_h element, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+  cout << "------------------------" << endl;
+  cout << "creating SEcal05_Endcaps" << endl;
+  cout << "------------------------" << endl;
+  xml_det_t     x_det     = element;
+  string        det_name  = x_det.nameStr();
+  Layering      layering (element);
+  int           det_id    =;
+  //  xml_comp_t    x_staves  = x_det.staves();
+  DetElement    sdet      (det_name,det_id);
+  //  Volume        motherVol = theDetector.pickMotherVolume(sdet);
+  // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+  Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  element , sdet ) ;
+  dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( element, sdet ) ;
+  if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return sdet ;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  sens.setType("calorimeter");
+  Readout readout = sens.readout();
+  Segmentation seg = readout.segmentation();
+  //====================================================================
+  //
+  // Read all the constant from ILD_o1_v05.xml
+  // Use them to build Ecal endcaps
+  //
+  //====================================================================
+  //  read parameters from compact.xml file
+  double Ecal_Slab_shielding                = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Slab_shielding");
+  double Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure"); // absorber wrapping thickness
+  double Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus  = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus"); // alveolar wall thickness
+  double EcalBarrel_inner_radius                  = theDetector.constant<double>("TPC_outer_radius") +theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Tpc_gap");
+  int    Ecal_barrel_z_modules              = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_barrel_z_modules");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness1           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set1_thickness");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness2           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set2_thickness");
+  double Ecal_radiator_thickness3           = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_radiator_layers_set3_thickness");
+  double Ecal_Barrel_halfZ                  = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Barrel_halfZ");
+  int    Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers       = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers");
+  double Ecal_support_thickness             = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_support_thickness");
+  double Ecal_front_face_thickness          = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_front_face_thickness");
+  double Ecal_lateral_face_thickness        = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_lateral_face_thickness");
+  double Ecal_Slab_H_fiber_thickness        = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_Slab_H_fiber_thickness");
+  double Ecal_endcap_extra_size             = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_endcap_extra_size");
+  double Ecal_cables_gap                    = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_cables_gap");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers1                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers1");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers2                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers2");
+  int    Ecal_nlayers3                      = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_nlayers3");
+  // first layer is preshower?
+  bool   Ecal_Endcap_PreshowerLayer         = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_Endcap_Preshower") > 0;
+  std::string Ecal_endcap_number_of_towers       = theDetector.constant<string>("Ecal_endcap_number_of_towers");
+  int Ecal_end_of_slab_strategy             = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_end_of_slab_strategy");
+  int    Ecal_n_wafers_per_tower            = theDetector.constant<int>("Ecal_n_wafers_per_tower");
+  double Ecal_guard_ring_size               = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_guard_ring_size");
+  double      EcalEndcap_inner_radius          = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcap_inner_radius");
+  double      EcalEndcap_outer_radius          = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcap_outer_radius");
+  double      EcalEndcap_min_z                 = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcap_min_z");
+  double      EcalEndcap_max_z                 = theDetector.constant<double>("EcalEndcap_max_z");
+  std::string Ecal_layerConfig              = theDetector.constant<string>("Ecal_layer_pattern");
+  int Ecal_cells_across_megatile = theDetector.constant <int> ("Ecal_cells_across_megatile" );
+  int Ecal_strips_across_megatile= theDetector.constant <int> ("Ecal_strips_across_megatile");
+  int Ecal_strips_along_megatile = theDetector.constant <int> ("Ecal_strips_along_megatile" );
+  double Ecal_barrel_thickness              = theDetector.constant<double>("Ecal_barrel_thickness"); // what's assumed in the compact description
+  //====================================================================
+  //
+  // set up the helper
+  //
+  //====================================================================
+  SEcal05_Helpers helper;
+  helper.setDet( & x_det );
+  // layer configuration
+  helper.setPreshower( Ecal_Endcap_PreshowerLayer );
+  cout << "Preshower ? " << Ecal_Endcap_PreshowerLayer << endl;
+  helper.setAbsLayers( Ecal_nlayers1, Ecal_radiator_thickness1,
+                       Ecal_nlayers2, Ecal_radiator_thickness2,
+                       Ecal_nlayers3, Ecal_radiator_thickness3 );
+  cout << "absorber layers " <<
+    Ecal_nlayers1 << "*" << Ecal_radiator_thickness1 << "mm + " <<
+    Ecal_nlayers2 << "*" << Ecal_radiator_thickness2 << "mm + " <<
+    Ecal_nlayers3 << "*" << Ecal_radiator_thickness3 << "mm " << endl;
+  // check this setup is self-consistent
+  helper.checkLayerConsistency();
+  // set structural CF thicknesses
+  helper.setCFthickness( Ecal_fiber_thickness_structure,
+                         Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus,
+                         Ecal_front_face_thickness,
+                         Ecal_support_thickness);
+  // check that resulting total thickness is consistent with what's in the compact file
+  //   n.b. this assumes same thickness in barrel and endcap!
+  float module_thickness = helper.getTotalThickness();
+  if ( fabs( Ecal_barrel_thickness - module_thickness ) > 0.1*dd4hep::mm ) {
+    cout << "ERROR : thickness in comapct decription not consistent with what I calculate!" << endl;
+    cout << "    calculated = " << module_thickness << "    compact description: " << Ecal_barrel_thickness << endl;
+    assert( 0 ); // exit
+  }
+  cout << "module thickness = " << module_thickness << endl;
+  // set up the sensitive layer segmentation
+  helper.setSegmentation( &seg );
+  helper.setNCells( Ecal_cells_across_megatile, Ecal_strips_across_megatile, Ecal_strips_along_megatile);
+  helper.setMagicMegatileStrategy ( Ecal_end_of_slab_strategy );
+  int ntemp;
+  std::stringstream stream(Ecal_layerConfig);
+  std::vector < int > layerConfig;
+  while ( stream >> ntemp ) {
+    assert( ntemp>=0 );
+    layerConfig.push_back( ntemp );
+  }
+  cout << "layer config: ";
+  for (size_t i=0; i<layerConfig.size(); i++) cout << layerConfig[i] << " ";
+  cout << endl;
+  helper.setLayerConfig( layerConfig );
+  // set the number of towers/modules
+  std::vector < int > ntowers;
+  std::stringstream stream2( Ecal_endcap_number_of_towers );
+  while ( stream2 >> ntemp ) {
+    ntowers.push_back( ntemp );
+  }
+  cout << "ECAL endcap tower configuration " << Ecal_endcap_number_of_towers << " : ";
+  for (size_t i=0; i<ntowers.size(); i++) 
+    cout << ntowers[i] << " ";
+  cout << endl;
+  // check that resulting quadrant size is consistent with compact description
+  // here we assume that the width of an alveolus in the endcaps is the same as that in the barrel.
+  double barrel_alv_width    = ( Ecal_Barrel_halfZ*2./Ecal_barrel_z_modules - 2.*Ecal_lateral_face_thickness ) / Ecal_barrel_number_of_towers;
+  double calc_endcap_rout(EcalEndcap_inner_radius);
+  for (size_t i=0; i<ntowers.size(); i++) {
+    calc_endcap_rout+=ntowers[i]*barrel_alv_width + 2.*Ecal_lateral_face_thickness;
+  }
+  cout << "alveolus width = " << barrel_alv_width << endl;
+  //  compare calculated size vs that in compact description
+  if ( fabs( calc_endcap_rout - EcalEndcap_outer_radius ) > 0.1*dd4hep::mm ) {
+    cout << "WARNING, inconsistent ECAL endcap radial extent! calculated: " << calc_endcap_rout << 
+      " cm , nominal (from compact descrition): " << EcalEndcap_outer_radius << endl;
+    cout << "consider changing Ecal_endcap_extra_size from " << Ecal_endcap_extra_size << 
+      " to " << calc_endcap_rout - EcalBarrel_inner_radius - Ecal_barrel_thickness << endl;
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  helper.setTowersUnits( ntowers,
+			 barrel_alv_width,
+			 Ecal_n_wafers_per_tower,
+			 Ecal_lateral_face_thickness,
+                         Ecal_fiber_thickness_alveolus + Ecal_Slab_H_fiber_thickness + Ecal_Slab_shielding,
+			 Ecal_guard_ring_size );
+  // ========= Create Ecal endcaps   ====================================
+  //  It will be the volume for palcing the Ecal endcaps alveolus(i.e. Layers).
+  //  And the structure W plate.
+  //  Itself will be placed into the world volume.
+  // ==========================================================================
+  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  //~              EndcapStandardModule                 ~
+  //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  // octagon
+  PolyhedraRegular ECPolyHedra(8, M_PI/8., 0., calc_endcap_rout, module_thickness);
+  // take just one quadrant of the octagon, and remove the centre box
+  double quadr = calc_endcap_rout; // anything which is big enough
+  Box quadrant( quadr, quadr , module_thickness);
+  IntersectionSolid EndCapSolid( ECPolyHedra, 
+				 quadrant,
+				 Position( quadr - EcalEndcap_inner_radius, 
+					   quadr + EcalEndcap_inner_radius, 0 ) );
+  Volume EnvLogEndCap("EcalEndcapQuadrant",EndCapSolid,theDetector.material("CarbonFiber"));
+  // kink position wrt bottom of quadrant (inside the lateral support)
+  // Y==0 is defined as outer edge of lateral face of inner module of quadrant
+  double kink_y = calc_endcap_rout*tan(M_PI/8.) - EcalEndcap_inner_radius;
+  helper.setModuleDimensions(1, // xytype
+			     0, // xztype
+			     calc_endcap_rout + EcalEndcap_inner_radius, // dxMax
+			     kink_y
+			     );
+  helper.setTranslation ( Position ( -EcalEndcap_inner_radius , EcalEndcap_inner_radius, -module_thickness/2. ) );
+  // make the module
+  LayeredCalorimeterData* caloData = new LayeredCalorimeterData ;
+  caloData->layoutType = LayeredCalorimeterData::EndcapLayout ;
+  DetElement mod_det ("quad0",det_id);
+  helper.makeModule( EnvLogEndCap, 
+		     mod_det,
+		     *caloData,
+		     theDetector, 
+		     sens );
+  for (size_t i=0; i<caloData->layers.size(); i++) {
+    caloData->layers[i].distance += Ecal_Barrel_halfZ + Ecal_cables_gap; // add IP->front face distance
+  }
+  //  cout << "cell sizes: " << endl;
+  //  for (size_t i=0; i<caloData->layers.size(); i++) {
+  //    cout << "sensitive layer " << i << " : x,y = " << caloData->layers[i].cellSize0 << " " << caloData->layers[i].cellSize1 << endl;
+  //  }
+  caloData->layoutType = LayeredCalorimeterData::EndcapLayout ;
+  caloData->inner_symmetry = 4  ; // hard code cernter box hole
+  caloData->outer_symmetry = 8  ; // outer Octagun
+  caloData->phi0 = 0 ;
+  /// extent of the calorimeter in the r-z-plane [ rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax ] in mm.
+  caloData->extent[0] = EcalEndcap_inner_radius ;
+  caloData->extent[1] = EcalEndcap_outer_radius ;
+  caloData->extent[2] = EcalEndcap_min_z ;
+  caloData->extent[3] = EcalEndcap_max_z ;
+  //====================================================================
+  // Place Ecal Endcap modules into the assembly envelope volume
+  //====================================================================
+  for (int iend=0; iend<2; iend++) { // the 2 endcaps
+    int module_id = ( iend == 0 ) ? 0:6;
+    double this_module_z_offset = (EcalEndcap_min_z + EcalEndcap_max_z)/2.;
+    if ( iend == 0 ) this_module_z_offset*=-1;
+    double this_module_rotY = iend==0 ? M_PI : 0;
+    double rotZ_offset = iend==0 ? M_PI/8. - M_PI/2. : M_PI/8. + 3.*M_PI/4.; // magic rotation to get modules in right place
+    for (int iquad=0; iquad<4; iquad++) { // the 4 quadrants per endcap
+      int stave_id=iquad+1;
+      double this_module_rotZ(0);
+      if ( iend==0 ) {
+	this_module_rotZ = rotZ_offset - (iquad-2) * M_PI/2.;
+      } else {
+	this_module_rotZ = rotZ_offset + (iquad+1) * M_PI/2.;
+      }
+      Position xyzVec(0,0,this_module_z_offset);
+      RotationZYX rot( this_module_rotZ ,this_module_rotY, 0);
+      Rotation3D rot3D(rot);
+      Transform3D tran3D(rot3D,xyzVec);
+      PlacedVolume pv = envelope.placeVolume(EnvLogEndCap,tran3D);
+      pv.addPhysVolID("module",module_id); // z: -/+ 0/6
+      pv.addPhysVolID("stave",stave_id);
+      DetElement sd = (iend==0 && iquad==0) ? mod_det : mod_det.clone(_toString(module_id,"module%d")+_toString(stave_id,"stave%d"));
+      sd.setPlacement(pv);
+    }
+  }
+  sdet.addExtension< LayeredCalorimeterData >( caloData ) ; 
+  //  cout << "finished SEcal05_Endcaps" << endl;
+  return sdet;
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(SEcal05_Endcaps, create_detector)
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.cpp b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5b57dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+#include "SEcal05_Helpers.h"
+SEcal05_Helpers::SEcal05_Helpers() {
+  // constructor, initialise internal variables
+  _x_det=NULL;
+  _layering=NULL;
+  _preshower=-1;
+  _CF_absWrap=-1;
+  _CF_alvWall=-1;
+  _CF_front=-1;
+  _CF_back=-1;
+  _ntowers.clear();
+  _towerGap=-999;
+  _unitsPerTower=0;
+  _unitDeadEdge=-999;
+  _cells_across_megatile=0;
+  _strips_across_megatile=0;
+  _strips_along_megatile=0;
+  _constantSlabXYDimensions.clear();
+  _caloLayer.absorberThickness = -999;
+  _caloLayer.sensitive_thickness = -999;
+  _caloLayer.distance = 0;
+  _totThick=0;
+  _plugLength=0;
+  _magicMegatileStrategy=-1;
+void SEcal05_Helpers::setAbsLayers( int nl1, double th1, int nl2, double th2, int nl3, double th3 ) {
+  // set the number and thicknesses of absorber layers
+  _nlayers1=nl1;
+  _nlayers2=nl2;
+  _nlayers3=nl3;
+  _radiator_thickness1=th1;
+  _radiator_thickness2=th2;
+  _radiator_thickness3=th3;
+  return;
+void SEcal05_Helpers::checkLayerConsistency() {
+  // check requested number of absorber layers is cinsistent with preshower status 
+  // we are constrained to have an even number of sensitive layers [ 2 sens. layers / slab ]
+  assert( (_preshower==0 || _preshower==1) && "_preshower not set" );
+  int n_total_abs_layers = _nlayers1 + _nlayers2 + _nlayers3;    // total number of Absorber layers
+  // check that number of requested absober layers is consistent
+  // if we want a preshower layer, total number of Absorber layers should be odd; otherwise even
+  if ( _preshower==1 && n_total_abs_layers%2==0 ) {
+    std::cout << "SEcal05_Helpers ERROR: inconsistent ECAL model !! if you request a preshower layer, the number of absorber layers = _nlayers1 + _nlayers2 + _nlayers3 must be odd" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << " Ecal_PreshowerLayer = " << _preshower << " ; _nlayers1/2/3 = " << _nlayers1 << " " << _nlayers2 << " " << _nlayers3 << std::endl;
+    assert(0);
+  } else if ( _preshower==0 && n_total_abs_layers%2==1 ) {
+    std::cout << "SEcal05_Helpers ERROR: inconsistent ECAL model !! if you request no preshower layer, the number of absorber layers = _nlayers1 + _nlayers2 + _nlayers3 must be even" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << " Ecal_PreshowerLayer = " << _preshower << " ; _nlayers1/2/3 = " << _nlayers1 << " " << _nlayers2 << " " << _nlayers3 << std::endl;
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  return;
+float SEcal05_Helpers::getTotalThickness() {
+  // calculate total thickness of ECAL
+  checkLayerConsistency();
+  assert( _x_det && _layering && "_x_det or _layering not set" );
+  assert( (_preshower==0 || _preshower==1) && "_preshower not set" );
+  assert( _CF_absWrap>=0. && _CF_alvWall>=0. && _CF_front>=0. && _CF_back>=0. && "CF thicknesses not set" );
+  float totalThickness = _CF_front+_CF_back;// front and back supports
+  // the absorber in the structure
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i<_nlayers1+_nlayers2+_nlayers3; i++) {
+    bool inStructure = _preshower ? i%2==1 : i%2==0 ;
+    if ( inStructure ) {
+      double thickness (_radiator_thickness1);
+      if ( i>=_nlayers1 ) thickness = _radiator_thickness2;
+      if ( i>=_nlayers1+_nlayers2 ) thickness = _radiator_thickness3;
+      totalThickness += thickness + 2*_CF_absWrap; // the absorber and its wrapping
+    }
+  }
+  // the slabs
+  int l_num(0);
+  for(xml_coll_t li(*_x_det,_U(layer)); li; ++li)  { // types of layers (i.e. thin/thick absorber) or "stack"
+    xml_comp_t x_layer = li;
+    // Loop over number of repeats for this layer.
+    for (int j=0; j< x_layer.repeat(); j++)    {  // layers within this type (or "stack")
+      float thisthick = _layering->layer(l_num)->thickness();
+      totalThickness+=thisthick + 2*_CF_alvWall; // slab thickness, and the alveolar wall around it
+      l_num++;
+    }
+  }
+  return totalThickness;
+void SEcal05_Helpers::printSEcal05LayerInfo( dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer & caloLayer) {
+  std::cout<<"SEcal05_Helpers === CALOLAYER printout: "                 << std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.distance: "                 << caloLayer.distance <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths: "  << caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths: "<< caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.inner_thickness: "          << caloLayer.inner_thickness <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.sensitive_thickness: "      << caloLayer.sensitive_thickness <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.cellSize0, 1: "             << caloLayer.cellSize0 << " " << caloLayer.cellSize1 << std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths: "  << caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths: "<< caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths <<std::endl;
+  std::cout<<"    caloLayer.outer_thickness: "          << caloLayer.outer_thickness <<std::endl;
+  return;
+double SEcal05_Helpers::getAbsThickness( unsigned int iAbsLay ) { //, int n1, int n2, int n3, double t1, double t2, double t3) {
+  // get the thickness of a given absorber layer
+  if ( iAbsLay < _nlayers1 ) return _radiator_thickness1;
+  else if ( iAbsLay - _nlayers1 < _nlayers2 ) return _radiator_thickness2;
+  else if ( iAbsLay - _nlayers1 - _nlayers2 < _nlayers3 ) return _radiator_thickness3;
+  assert(0 && "impossible layer number"); // should never get here
+  return -999.;
+std::vector <SEcal05_Helpers::dimposXYStruct> SEcal05_Helpers::getAbsPlateXYDimensions( double ztop ) {
+  // get the dimensions of absorber plates
+  // for trapeziodal case, this depends on the Z position
+  // CF wrap not taken into account, so this width constains both absorber and its wrapping
+  if ( _module_XZtype==1 ) assert( ztop>=0 && "getAbsPlateXYDimensions: ztop not specified" ); // must specify Z position for case with non-uniform layers
+  std::vector <dimposXYStruct> absorbersheets;
+  if ( _module_XYtype == 1 ) { // each slab is different: calculate slab-by-slab (eg in endcap)
+    absorbersheets = getSlabXYDimensions( ztop );
+  } else {                    // single sheet over all slabs (eg in barrel)
+    dimposXYStruct ss;
+    if ( _module_XZtype==0 ) { // no taper
+      ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max;
+      ss.posX = ss.sizeX/2.;
+    } else {   // size varies by laer
+      //      ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max - 2.*ztop; // this assumes octagon
+      ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max - 2.*ztop/tan(_module_angle); // for general shape
+      ss.posX  = _module_dX_max/2.;   // keep it centered
+    }
+    ss.sizeY = _module_dY_total;
+    ss.posY = _module_dY_total/2.;
+    absorbersheets.push_back(ss);
+  }
+  return absorbersheets;
+std::vector <SEcal05_Helpers::dimposXYStruct> SEcal05_Helpers::getSlabXYDimensions( double ztop ) {
+  // calculate size and position of slab volumes
+  //  size includes slab and dead area around it
+  // ztop is Z of upper face of this slab (the face shortest in X)
+  if ( _module_XZtype==1 ) assert( ztop>=0 && "getSlabXYDimensions: ztop not specified" ); // must specify Z position for case with non-uniform layers
+  std::vector <dimposXYStruct> layerslabdims;
+  if ( _module_XZtype == 0 && _constantSlabXYDimensions.size()>0 ) { // every layer is the same, and has already been calculated
+    layerslabdims = _constantSlabXYDimensions;
+  } else {
+    dimposXYStruct ss;
+    int totTow(0);
+    for (size_t imod=0; imod<_ntowers.size(); imod++) { // loop over "modules" [nb, for barrel, we only make a single module; for endcaps, typically have 3 per quadrant]
+      for (int itow = 0; itow<_ntowers[imod]; itow++) { // towers within the module
+	// each slab has same width
+        ss.sizeY = _alveolus_total_dim_Y; // this size include edge-of-tower dead space
+        ss.posY = 
+	  _moduleGap * ( 1 + 2*imod ) + // edge-of-module gaps from Y=0 to this slab
+	  _alveolus_total_dim_Y * (totTow+0.5); // position of slab centre w.r.t (X,Y) = (0,0)
+        if ( _module_XYtype==0 ) { // all slabs in a layer have same length
+          if ( _module_XZtype == 0 ) { // all layers have same length
+            ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max;
+            ss.posX = ss.sizeX/2.;
+          } else {                     // layers vary in length : barrel module
+            // ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max - 2.*ztop; // assumes octagon
+	    ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max - 2.*ztop/tan(_module_angle); // for general shape
+            ss.posX = _module_dX_max/2.;  // slabs all centred
+          }
+	  ss.sizeX -= _plugLength; // DANIELHACK 
+	  ss.posX += _plugLength/2.;  // DANIELHACK 
+        } else if ( _module_XYtype==1 ) { // slabs within layer have different lengths : this is for endcap
+          // placing in Y
+          double upperY = ss.posY + 0.5*_alveolus_total_dim_Y; // Y position of upper edge
+	  if ( upperY<=_module_dY_kink ) { // straight edge part under kink
+	    ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max;
+	  } else {            // sloping edge: take length at upperY, which is the shortest one
+	    ss.sizeX = _module_dX_max - ( upperY - _module_dY_kink );
+	  }
+          ss.posX = ss.sizeX/2.; // this aligns the -X end of slab
+	  ss.sizeX -=  _plugLength;  // DANIELHACK
+	  ss.posX  +=  _plugLength/2.;  // DANIELHACK      
+        } else {
+	  cout << " SEcal05_Helpers ERROR _module_XYtype = " << _module_XYtype << "!!!" << endl;
+	  assert(0);
+	}
+	layerslabdims.push_back(ss);
+	totTow++;
+      } // towers
+    } // modules
+    // if slab dimensions do not change layer-by-layer, memorise for next time
+    if ( _module_XZtype == 0 ) _constantSlabXYDimensions = layerslabdims;
+  }
+  return layerslabdims;
+void SEcal05_Helpers::updateCaloLayers(double thickness,
+                                       dd4hep::Material mat,
+                                       bool isAbsorber,
+                                       bool isSensitive,
+                                       double cell_size_x, double cell_size_y,
+                                       bool isFinal
+                                       ) {
+  if ( isFinal ) { // add material before saving layer
+    _layer_thickness           += (thickness);
+    _layer_nRadiationLengths   += (thickness)/mat.radLength() ;
+    _layer_nInteractionLengths += (thickness)/mat.intLength() ;
+  }
+  // should we finish off the current layer?
+  if ( isFinal ||  // last slice of calo
+       (isAbsorber && _caloLayer.sensitive_thickness > 0 )  // end of a caloLayer
+       ) {
+    // finalise caloLayer entry, add to caloData
+    _caloLayer.outer_thickness           = _layer_thickness;
+    _caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths   = _layer_nRadiationLengths;
+    _caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths = _layer_nInteractionLengths;
+    //_caloLayer.thickness                 = _caloLayer.inner_thickness + _caloLayer.outer_thickness ;
+    // push it back
+    _caloData->layers.push_back( _caloLayer ) ;
+    //    printSEcal05LayerInfo( _caloLayer );
+    // reset layer thicknesses
+    _layer_thickness=0;
+    _layer_nRadiationLengths=0;
+    _layer_nInteractionLengths=0;
+    // update the calolayer.distance ( DJeans 12 sep 2017)
+    // here this is distance from ECAL start to the layer start; the Barrel and Endcap drivers add the distance from IP
+    _caloLayer.distance += _caloLayer.inner_thickness+_caloLayer.outer_thickness;
+  }
+  if (!isFinal) {
+    // first add half the material
+    _layer_thickness           += (thickness/2.);
+    _layer_nRadiationLengths   += (thickness/2.)/mat.radLength() ;
+    _layer_nInteractionLengths += (thickness/2.)/mat.intLength() ;
+    // then we store material before and after centre of this layer
+    if ( isSensitive ) {
+      _caloLayer.cellSize0 = cell_size_x;
+      _caloLayer.cellSize1 = cell_size_y;
+      _caloLayer.sensitive_thickness       = thickness ;
+      _caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths   = _layer_nRadiationLengths ;
+      _caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths = _layer_nInteractionLengths ;
+      _caloLayer.inner_thickness           = _layer_thickness ;
+      // reset layer thicknesses
+      _layer_thickness=0;
+      _layer_nRadiationLengths=0;
+      _layer_nInteractionLengths=0;
+    }
+    // add in remaining half of layer
+    _layer_thickness           += (thickness/2.);
+    _layer_nRadiationLengths   += (thickness/2.)/mat.radLength() ;
+    _layer_nInteractionLengths += (thickness/2.)/mat.intLength() ;
+  }
+  _totThick+=thickness;
+  return;
+SEcal05_Helpers::dxinfo SEcal05_Helpers::getNormalMagicUnitsInX( double dx_total, double dx_unit, double dx_cell, double dx_dead ,
+								 int magicStrategy ) {
+  dxinfo dxInf;
+  dxInf.normal_nX=-1;
+  dxInf.magic1_unitDX=-1;
+  dxInf.magic1_ncellsX=-1;
+  dxInf.magic2_unitDX=-1;
+  int nNormalUnit = int( floor( dx_total / dx_unit ) );
+  if ( magicStrategy==0 ) { // just integer number of standard units (wafers/megatiles)
+    dxInf.normal_nX = nNormalUnit;
+  } else {
+    double extraSpace = dx_total - nNormalUnit*dx_unit;
+    double extraSensitiveSpace = extraSpace - 2.*dx_dead;
+    double extraNCells = extraSensitiveSpace / dx_cell;
+    if ( magicStrategy==1 ) { // last magic megatile has integer number of standard-sized cells
+      dxInf.normal_nX = nNormalUnit;
+      if ( extraNCells > 1.0 ) { 
+	int iext = int( floor( extraNCells ) );
+	dxInf.magic1_unitDX = iext*dx_cell + 2.*dx_dead;
+	dxInf.magic1_ncellsX = iext;
+      }
+    } else if ( magicStrategy==2 ) { 
+      // one magic megatile with integer number of standard cells, 
+      //  second with non-standard cell size to fill space exactly
+      //   last magic cell size in range  shortestMacigCell<magicCellsSize/standardCellSize<shortestMagicCell
+      // the shortest magic cell (in terms of the usual cell size)
+      const double shortestMagicCell = 1.0; // this means that the last magic cell is at least as long as the standard cell
+      extraSensitiveSpace = extraSpace - 4.*dx_dead; // because both the magic tiles may have a dead area
+      extraNCells = extraSensitiveSpace / dx_cell;
+      if ( extraNCells < shortestMagicCell ) { // too small to make magic unit. remove one normal unit
+	nNormalUnit-=1;
+	extraSpace = dx_total - nNormalUnit*dx_unit;
+	extraSensitiveSpace = extraSpace - 4.*dx_dead;
+	extraNCells = extraSensitiveSpace / dx_cell;
+      }
+      int imagic1 = int( floor( extraNCells ) ); // rounded down number of standard-sized cells
+      double magic1size = imagic1>0 ? imagic1*dx_cell + 2*dx_dead : 0.;
+      double magic2cellsize = extraSpace - magic1size - 2*dx_dead;
+      if ( magic2cellsize/dx_cell < shortestMagicCell ) { // too small
+	imagic1 -= 1; // remove last standard cell
+	magic1size = imagic1>0 ? imagic1*dx_cell + 2*dx_dead : 0;
+	magic2cellsize = extraSpace - magic1size - 2*dx_dead;
+      }
+      assert( magic2cellsize/dx_cell >= shortestMagicCell && magic2cellsize/dx_cell <= shortestMagicCell+1.0 && "problem in deciding magic unit size" );
+      dxInf.normal_nX = nNormalUnit;
+      dxInf.magic1_ncellsX = imagic1;
+      dxInf.magic1_unitDX = imagic1>0 ? imagic1*dx_cell + 2*dx_dead : 0;
+      dxInf.magic2_unitDX = magic2cellsize + 2*dx_dead;
+    }
+  }
+  if ( magicStrategy==2 ) {
+    // check it fills exactly
+    if ( fabs( dxInf.normal_nX*dxInf.magic1_unitDX + dxInf.magic1_unitDX + dxInf.magic2_unitDX - dx_total ) < 0.01*dd4hep::mm ) {
+      cout << " SEcal05_Helpers ERROR : " << endl;
+      cout << dxInf.normal_nX*dxInf.magic1_unitDX << " " << dxInf.magic1_unitDX << " " << dxInf.magic2_unitDX << endl;
+      cout << dxInf.normal_nX*dxInf.magic1_unitDX + dxInf.magic1_unitDX + dxInf.magic2_unitDX << " " << dx_total << endl;
+      cout << dxInf.normal_nX*dxInf.magic1_unitDX + dxInf.magic1_unitDX + dxInf.magic2_unitDX - dx_total << endl;
+      assert(0 && "magic unit does not fill space exactly");
+    }
+  }
+  return dxInf;
+void SEcal05_Helpers::makeModule( dd4hep::Volume & mod_vol,  // the volume we'll fill
+				  dd4hep::DetElement & stave_det, // the detector element
+				  dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData & caloData, // the reco data we'll fill
+				  dd4hep::Detector & theDetector,
+				  dd4hep::SensitiveDetector & sens
+				  ) {
+  // make the module
+  _caloData = &caloData;
+  // calculate widths of module/tower/unit (in z-direction for barrel: across the slab/module
+  assert ( _ntowers.size()>0 && _unitsPerTower>0 && "_ntowers or _unitsPerTower not set" );
+  _module_dY_total=0;
+  for (size_t i=0; i<_ntowers.size(); i++) {
+    _module_dY_total = _ntowers[i]*_alveolus_total_dim_Y + 2.*_moduleGap;
+  }
+  double alveolus_active_dim_Y = _alveolus_total_dim_Y - 2.*_towerGap;
+  double unit_dim_Y            = alveolus_active_dim_Y/_unitsPerTower;
+  double unit_sensitive_dim_Y  = unit_dim_Y - 2*_unitDeadEdge; // width of the sensitive area in each sensor
+  assert( unit_sensitive_dim_Y>0 && "negative-sized sensitive area..." ); // otherwise really weird!
+  // get detector stuff
+  assert ( _x_det && "_x_det not set");
+  int det_id           = _x_det->id();
+  xml_comp_t x_staves  = _x_det->staves();
+  _carbon_fibre_material = theDetector.material("CarbonFiber");
+  _radiator_material     = theDetector.material(x_staves.materialStr());
+  _air_material          = theDetector.air();
+  dd4hep::VisAttr _radiator_visatt      = theDetector.visAttributes( x_staves.visStr() );
+  // get segmentation stuff
+  assert (_geomseg && "segmentation not set");
+  dd4hep::DDSegmentation::WaferGridXY* waferSeg = dynamic_cast< dd4hep::DDSegmentation::WaferGridXY* > ( _geomseg->segmentation() ) ;
+  dd4hep::DDSegmentation::MegatileLayerGridXY* megatileSeg = dynamic_cast< dd4hep::DDSegmentation::MegatileLayerGridXY* > ( _geomseg->segmentation() ) ;
+  assert( (waferSeg || megatileSeg) && "no segmentation found" );
+  // set up the standard megatile size and offset
+  if ( megatileSeg ) {
+    megatileSeg->setMegaTileSizeXY( unit_sensitive_dim_Y, unit_sensitive_dim_Y );
+    megatileSeg->setMegaTileOffsetXY( -unit_sensitive_dim_Y/2., -unit_sensitive_dim_Y/2. );
+  }
+  _module_thickness = getTotalThickness();
+  double currentLayerBase_pos_Z  = 0; // this gets updated: it's the position of the bottom face of the next detector slice
+  int layer_index = 0; // 1;// layer number - Daniel changes to c-type counting from 0...lets get rid of fortran habits!
+  // to deal with initial layers
+  bool isFrontFace = true;
+  int myLayerNum = 0 ; // this is the sensitive layer number (one per sensitive)
+  unsigned int absorber_index(0); // keep track of which absorber layer we're in
+  // keep track of thickness within a layer
+  // initialise
+  _layer_thickness           = 0. ;
+  _layer_nRadiationLengths   = 0. ;
+  _layer_nInteractionLengths = 0. ;
+  //--------------------------------
+  // loop over the layers
+  //---------------------------------
+  for(xml_coll_t li(*_x_det,_U(layer)); li; ++li)  { // types of layers (i.e. thin/thick absorber) or "stack"
+    xml_comp_t x_layer = li;
+    //    cout << " ---- NEW LAYER TYPE " << layer_index << " repeat " <<  x_layer.repeat() << endl;
+    // Loop over number of repeats for this layer type
+    for (int j=0; j< x_layer.repeat(); j++)    {  // layers within this type (or "stack")
+      std::string l_name = dd4hep::_toString(layer_index,"layer%d");
+      // #########################
+      // Build Structure Layer
+      // #########################
+      //----------------------------------------------------
+      // position and thickness of absorber plates in the structure
+      //----------------------------------------------------
+      double radiator_dim_Z(0);
+      double rad_pos_Z(0);
+      double this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs(0);
+      double this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs(0);
+      if ( isFrontFace ) { // the first part of the module depends on whether we have preshwer or not
+        if ( _preshower==1 ) { // don't include W+CF wrapping; only one side of alveolus
+          this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs = 0;
+          this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs = _CF_front + _CF_alvWall;
+          radiator_dim_Z = 0;
+        } else { // include W+CF wrapping; only one side of alveolus
+          // cout << " -- no preshower, including absorber" << endl;
+          this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs = _CF_front + _CF_absWrap; // allow for initial CF front plate also in no preshower case - djeans 6 july 2017
+          this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs = _CF_absWrap + _CF_alvWall;
+          radiator_dim_Z = getAbsThickness( absorber_index++ );
+          rad_pos_Z = radiator_dim_Z/2. + this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs; // distance from top surface of structure to centre of radiator
+        }
+        isFrontFace=false;
+      } else { // internal layer: include W+CF wrapping; both sides of alveolus
+        this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs = _CF_alvWall+_CF_absWrap;
+        this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs = _CF_alvWall+_CF_absWrap;
+        radiator_dim_Z = getAbsThickness( absorber_index++ );
+        assert( radiator_dim_Z>0 && "no radiator!" );
+        rad_pos_Z = this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + radiator_dim_Z/2.; // distance from top surface of structure to centre of radiator
+      }
+      // create the radiator volume
+      if ( radiator_dim_Z>0 ) {       // only create the volume if we have radiator
+        std::vector < dimposXYStruct > absorbersheets = getAbsPlateXYDimensions( currentLayerBase_pos_Z + this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + radiator_dim_Z ); // add CF before abs. added djeans 21 nov 2016
+        // create and place the absorber sheets
+        for ( size_t ipl=0; ipl<absorbersheets.size(); ipl++) {
+          dimposXYStruct plSize = absorbersheets[ipl];
+          dd4hep::Box    barrelStructureLayer_box( plSize.sizeX/2.,
+                                                             plSize.sizeY/2. - _CF_absWrap,  // remove CF wrapping
+                                                             radiator_dim_Z/2.);
+          dd4hep::Volume barrelStructureLayer_vol( _det_name+"_"+l_name+"_"+dd4hep::_toString(int(ipl),"bs%02d"),
+                                                             barrelStructureLayer_box, _radiator_material);
+          barrelStructureLayer_vol.setVisAttributes( _radiator_visatt );
+          // Position the layer.
+          dd4hep::Position      bsl_pos = getTranslatedPosition(plSize.posX, plSize.posY, currentLayerBase_pos_Z + rad_pos_Z );
+	  //          dd4hep::PlacedVolume  barrelStructureLayer_phv = 
+	  mod_vol.placeVolume(barrelStructureLayer_vol, bsl_pos);
+        } // loop over sheets
+      }
+      // update layer thickness until front face of absorber
+      updateCaloLayers( this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs, _carbon_fibre_material, false, false);
+      updateCaloLayers( radiator_dim_Z, _radiator_material, true, false );
+      updateCaloLayers( this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs, _carbon_fibre_material, false, false);
+      // update position within module
+      currentLayerBase_pos_Z += this_struct_CFthick_beforeAbs + radiator_dim_Z + this_struct_CFthick_afterAbs;
+      // #########################
+      // Build Slab
+      // #########################
+      //-------------------------------
+      // first sum the various materials for the caloData/caloLayer
+      //-------------------------------
+      int myLayerNumTemp = myLayerNum;
+      for(xml_coll_t si(x_layer,_U(slice)); si; ++si)  {
+        xml_comp_t  x_slice = si;
+        double      s_thick = x_slice.thickness();
+        dd4hep::Material slice_material  = theDetector.material( x_slice.materialStr() );
+        if (x_slice.materialStr().compare(x_staves.materialStr()) == 0){
+          // this is absorber material
+          //  check it's consistent with what we expect from the detector parameters
+          assert ( fabs( s_thick - getAbsThickness( absorber_index++ ) ) < 1e-5 && "inconsistent radiator thickness" );
+          updateCaloLayers( s_thick, slice_material, true, false ); // absorber
+        } else if ( x_slice.isSensitive() ) {
+          double cell_size_x(0), cell_size_y(0);
+          if ( waferSeg ) {
+            cell_size_x = waferSeg->cellDimensions(0)[0];
+            cell_size_y = waferSeg->cellDimensions(0)[1];
+          } else if ( megatileSeg ) {
+            // setup megatile
+            int laytype = _layerConfig [ myLayerNumTemp%_layerConfig.size() ];
+            if ( laytype==0 ) {
+              megatileSeg->setMegaTileCellsXY( myLayerNumTemp, _cells_across_megatile , _cells_across_megatile );
+            } else if  ( laytype==1 ) {
+              megatileSeg->setMegaTileCellsXY( myLayerNumTemp, _strips_across_megatile , _strips_along_megatile ); // strips in one orientation
+            } else if  ( laytype==2 ) {
+              megatileSeg->setMegaTileCellsXY( myLayerNumTemp, _strips_along_megatile , _strips_across_megatile ); // and in the other
+            } else {
+              assert(0 && "unknown layer type");
+            }
+            cell_size_x = megatileSeg->cellDimensions(myLayerNumTemp, 0)[0]; // dummy wafer
+            cell_size_y = megatileSeg->cellDimensions(myLayerNumTemp, 0)[1];
+          }
+          updateCaloLayers( s_thick, slice_material, false, true, cell_size_x, cell_size_y ); // sensitive
+          myLayerNumTemp++;
+        } else {
+          updateCaloLayers( s_thick, slice_material, false, false );
+        }
+      }
+      //------------------------------------
+      // then actually construct the slabs
+      //------------------------------------
+      double slab_dim_Z = _layering->layer(layer_index)->thickness();
+      double slab_pos_Z = currentLayerBase_pos_Z + slab_dim_Z/2.; // centre position of slab
+      std::vector <dimposXYStruct> slabDims = getSlabXYDimensions( currentLayerBase_pos_Z + slab_dim_Z );
+      for (size_t islab = 0; islab<slabDims.size(); islab++) {
+        myLayerNumTemp = myLayerNum;
+        double slab_dim_X  = slabDims[islab].sizeX;
+        // make an air volume for the alveolus
+        dd4hep::Box        l_box( slab_dim_X/2. ,
+                                            slabDims[islab].sizeY/2. - _CF_alvWall,
+                                            slab_dim_Z/2. );
+        dd4hep::Volume     l_vol( _det_name+"_alveolus_"+l_name, l_box, _air_material);
+	l_vol.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes( "GrayVis" ) );
+        dd4hep::DetElement l_det( stave_det, l_name+dd4hep::_toString(int(islab),"tower%02d") , det_id );
+        dd4hep::Position   l_pos = getTranslatedPosition(slabDims[islab].posX, slabDims[islab].posY, slab_pos_Z );
+        dd4hep::PlacedVolume l_phv = mod_vol.placeVolume(l_vol,l_pos);
+        l_phv.addPhysVolID("tower", int(islab) );
+        l_det.setPlacement(l_phv);
+        // then fill it with the slab sublayers
+        int s_num(0);
+        double s_pos_Z = -slab_dim_Z / 2.; // position of sub-layer with respect to centre of this slab
+        for(xml_coll_t si(x_layer,_U(slice)); si; ++si)  { // the sub-layers
+          xml_comp_t  x_slice = si;
+          std::string s_name  = dd4hep::_toString(s_num,"slice%d");
+          double      s_thick = x_slice.thickness();
+          dd4hep::Material slice_material  = theDetector.material( x_slice.materialStr() );
+	  std::string vis_str = x_slice.visStr();
+	  if ( !x_slice.isSensitive() ) { // not the sensitive slice: just a layer of stuff
+	    dd4hep::Box      s_box( slab_dim_X/2. , slabDims[islab].sizeY/2. - _CF_alvWall, s_thick/2. );
+	    dd4hep::Volume   s_vol(_det_name+"_"+l_name+"_"+s_name, s_box, slice_material);
+	    s_vol.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes( vis_str ));
+	    dd4hep::Position s_pos( 0, 0, s_pos_Z + s_thick/2. );
+	    //	    dd4hep::PlacedVolume slice_phv = 
+	    l_vol.placeVolume(s_vol, s_pos );
+	  } else { // sensitive slice
+            // Normal squared wafers - this is just the sensitive part
+            // square piece of silicon, not including guard ring. guard ring material is not included
+            dd4hep::Box WaferSiSolid( unit_sensitive_dim_Y/2., unit_sensitive_dim_Y/2., s_thick/2.);
+	    // get the standard cell size in X for this layer
+	    double cell_size_x = waferSeg ? waferSeg->cellDimensions(0)[0] : megatileSeg->cellDimensions(myLayerNumTemp, 0)[0];
+	    double cell_size_y = waferSeg ? waferSeg->cellDimensions(0)[1] : megatileSeg->cellDimensions(myLayerNumTemp, 0)[1];
+	    // work out how to make the magic units, if requested
+	    dxinfo xseg = getNormalMagicUnitsInX( slab_dim_X,
+						  unit_dim_Y,
+						  cell_size_x,
+						  _unitDeadEdge,
+						  _magicMegatileStrategy );						  
+            int n_wafers_x = xseg.normal_nX;
+	    int ncellsy = int( unit_sensitive_dim_Y/cell_size_y + 0.5 ); // should be exactly integer. take nearest integer to account for possible rounding errors.
+            int wafer_num = 0;
+	    double wafer_pos_X = -slab_dim_X/2.; // keep track of wafer position in X
+            for (int n_wafer_x = 0; n_wafer_x < n_wafers_x+2 ; n_wafer_x++) { // loop along slab, including magic megatile/wafer
+              double megatile_size_x = unit_dim_Y;
+	      int ncellsx(-1);
+	      bool isMagic = n_wafer_x >= n_wafers_x;
+	      if ( n_wafer_x==n_wafers_x ) { // first magic unit
+		megatile_size_x = xseg.magic1_unitDX;
+		ncellsx = xseg.magic1_ncellsX;
+	      } else if ( n_wafer_x==n_wafers_x+1 ) { // second magic unit
+		megatile_size_x = xseg.magic2_unitDX;
+		ncellsx = 1;
+	      }
+	      // cout << "ismagic " << isMagic << " wafer " << n_wafer_x << " / " << n_wafers_x << " : sizex " << megatile_size_x << " nx " << ncellsx << endl;
+	      if ( megatile_size_x<=0 ) continue;
+	      // cout << " PASSED" << endl;
+              double megatile_sensitive_size_x = megatile_size_x - 2*_unitDeadEdge;
+              for (int n_wafer_Y = 0; n_wafer_Y < _unitsPerTower; n_wafer_Y++) { // loop across slab (usually 2 wafers, or 1 EBU) [ie along beam dir for barrel module]
+                double wafer_pos_Y = -alveolus_active_dim_Y/2.0 + (n_wafer_Y+0.5)*unit_dim_Y;
+                wafer_num++;
+                std::string Wafer_name;
+                if ( isMagic ) Wafer_name="magic";
+                Wafer_name +=  dd4hep::_toString(wafer_num,"wafer%d");
+                dd4hep::Box* box = isMagic ? new dd4hep::Box( megatile_sensitive_size_x/2,unit_sensitive_dim_Y/2,s_thick/2.) : &WaferSiSolid;
+                dd4hep::Volume WaferSiLog(_det_name+"_"+l_name+"_"+s_name+"_"+Wafer_name,*box,slice_material);
+		std::string wafer_vis_str = isMagic ? "YellowVis" : vis_str;
+		WaferSiLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector.visAttributes( wafer_vis_str ));	  
+                WaferSiLog.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+                dd4hep::Position w_pos(wafer_pos_X + megatile_size_x/2., wafer_pos_Y, s_pos_Z + s_thick/2. );
+                dd4hep::PlacedVolume wafer_phv = l_vol.placeVolume(WaferSiLog, w_pos );
+                wafer_phv.addPhysVolID("wafer", wafer_num);
+		wafer_phv.addPhysVolID("layer", myLayerNumTemp );
+                if ( isMagic ) {
+                  if ( megatileSeg ) { // define the special megatile
+                    megatileSeg->setSpecialMegaTile( myLayerNumTemp, wafer_num,
+                                                     megatile_sensitive_size_x, unit_sensitive_dim_Y,
+                                                     -megatile_size_x/2., -unit_sensitive_dim_Y/2., // the offset
+                                                     ncellsx, ncellsy ); // the segmentation
+                  }
+                } else { // not magic
+                  if ( waferSeg ) {  // Normal squared wafers, this waferOffsetX is 0.0 // if its an odd number of cells, need to do something?
+                    waferSeg->setWaferOffsetX(myLayerNumTemp, wafer_num, 0.0);
+                  }
+                } // isMagic
+              } // y-wafers
+	      wafer_pos_X += megatile_size_x;
+            } // x-wafers
+            myLayerNumTemp++;
+          } // end sensitive slice
+          // Increment Z position of slice.
+          s_pos_Z += s_thick;
+          // Increment slice number.
+          ++s_num;
+        } // end slice within one slab
+      } // slabs
+      myLayerNum = myLayerNumTemp;
+      currentLayerBase_pos_Z += slab_dim_Z;
+      layer_index++; // this is the structural layer counter (one per slab, not per sensitive layer)
+    } // layers in compact file
+  } // layer types in compact file
+    // add material after last slab. Just CF
+  updateCaloLayers( _CF_alvWall + _CF_back, _carbon_fibre_material, false, false, -1, -1, true ); // the last layer
+  return;
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.h b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80e8e829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/calorimeter/SEcal05_Helpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#ifndef __SECAL05_HELPERS_H__
+#define __SECAL05_HELPERS_H__ 1
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "XML/Layering.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Segmentations.h"
+#include "DDSegmentation/MegatileLayerGridXY.h"
+#include "DDSegmentation/WaferGridXY.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <assert.h>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+we build general ECAL modules on a horizontal table. 
+X-Y are on the table
+Z is vertically upwards
+slabs are aligned along X
+the lower Z side will face the IP
+2 shapes when looking down on table:
+XYtype = 0:  (barrel and endcap)
+     -----------------------------     ^ Y
+     |                           |     |
+     |                           |     |
+     -----------------------------      ----> X
+XYtype = 1:  (endcap)
+     ----------------------
+     |                      \
+     |                        \
+     |                          \
+     |                           |   ^
+     |                           |   | dY_kink
+     -----------------------------   |
+2 shapes when looking from side:
+XZtype = 0:  (endcap)
+   ---------------------------------
+   |                               |
+   |                               |
+   ---------------------------------
+XZtype = 1:  (barrel)
+       --------------------------        ^ Z
+      /                          \       |
+     /                            \      |
+    /                              \     |
+    --------------------------------     ----> X
+the slabs are prefectly aligned at -ve X side
+"magic" wafers are at +ve X
+local position: 0,0 defined as -veX,Y,Z corner
+we start building from Z=0, the face nearest IP, moving in the +ve Z direction
+D.Jeans update: 03/2015
+dead space between slab end and module edge
+other than 8-fold symmetry for barrel
+ */
+class SEcal05_Helpers {
+ public:
+  SEcal05_Helpers();
+  ~SEcal05_Helpers() {
+    delete _layering;
+  }
+  void setDet( xml_det_t* x_det ) {
+    _x_det = x_det;
+    _layering = new dd4hep::Layering(*x_det);
+    _det_name  = x_det->nameStr();
+  }
+  void setAbsLayers( int nl1, double th1, int nl2, double th2, int nl3=0, double th3=0 );
+  void setLayerConfig( std::vector < int > layerConfig ) {
+    _layerConfig=layerConfig;
+  }
+  void setSegmentation(  dd4hep::Segmentation & seg ) {
+    _geomseg = &seg;
+  }
+  void setSegmentation(  dd4hep::Segmentation * seg ) {
+    _geomseg = seg;
+  }
+  void setNCells( int Ecal_cells_across_megatile, int Ecal_strips_across_megatile, int Ecal_strips_along_megatile) {
+    _cells_across_megatile   =  Ecal_cells_across_megatile   ;
+    _strips_across_megatile  =  Ecal_strips_across_megatile  ;
+    _strips_along_megatile   =  Ecal_strips_along_megatile   ;
+  }
+  void setMagicMegatileStrategy ( int i ) {
+    // magic megatile strategy
+    //  0: no magic megatile at lend of slab
+    //  1: magic megatile includes integer number of standard-sized cells
+    //  2: last cell of magic megatile adjusted to fill up to end of slab (size between 1 and 2 times normal cell size)
+    assert ( i>=0 && i<=2 );
+    _magicMegatileStrategy = i;
+  }
+  void setPreshower( bool p ) {
+    _preshower = p? 1 : 0; // do we have preshower layer? (if 1, first layer is sensitive; if 0, first layer is absorber)
+  }
+  void setCFthickness( double absWrap, double alvWall, double front, double back ) {
+    _CF_absWrap = absWrap; // wrapping around absorber
+    _CF_alvWall = alvWall; // alveolar wall
+    _CF_front   = front;   // front (IP side) support plate
+    _CF_back    = back;    // back support plate
+  }
+  void setModuleDimensions( int XYtype, // module shape in XY
+			    int XZtype, // module shape in XZ
+			    double dX_max, // maximum extent in X
+			    double dY_kink = -999, // distance from lowerY edge to kink for XYtype=2
+			    double angle = M_PI/4. // angle, if not rectangular. pi/4 for octagon
+			    ) {
+    if ( XYtype>0 ) assert ( XZtype==0 ); // endcap module has vertical edges
+    if ( XZtype>0 ) assert ( XYtype==0 ); // barrel module should have rectangular shadow
+    _module_XYtype  = XYtype;
+    _module_XZtype  = XZtype;
+    _module_dX_max  = dX_max;
+    _module_dY_kink = dY_kink;
+    _module_angle   = angle;
+  }
+  void setTowersUnits( std::vector <int> ntowers, // a vector of modules, containing the specified # of towers/alveolii
+		       double towerWidth,
+		       int unitsPerTower, // # megatiles/units per tower
+		       double moduleDeadEdge, // dead region at edge of module
+		       double towerDeadEdge, // dead region at edge of tower
+		       double unitDeadEdge // width of dead region at edge of each unit (e.g. wafer's guard ring)
+		       ) {
+    _ntowers = ntowers;                 // number of towers (or alveoli) across Y
+    _alveolus_total_dim_Y = towerWidth; // width of tower (including dead area)
+    _unitsPerTower = unitsPerTower;     // how many units (megatiles/wafers) across one tower
+    _moduleGap = moduleDeadEdge;        // distance from tower boundary to edge of unit
+    _towerGap = towerDeadEdge;          // distance from tower boundary to edge of unit
+    _unitDeadEdge = unitDeadEdge;       // width of dead area around edge of unit
+  }
+  void checkLayerConsistency();
+  float getTotalThickness();
+  void setTranslation( dd4hep::Position trans ) {_trans = trans;}
+  // ---- this is the main workhorse
+  void makeModule( dd4hep::Volume & mod_vol,  // the volume we'll fill
+		   dd4hep::DetElement & stave_det, // the detector element
+		   dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData & caloData, // the reco data we'll fill
+		   dd4hep::Detector & theDetector,
+		   dd4hep::SensitiveDetector & sens
+		   );
+  void setPlugLength( float ll ) { _plugLength = ll; }
+ private:
+  void printSEcal05LayerInfo( dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer & caloLayer);
+  double getAbsThickness( unsigned int iAbsLay );
+  int getNumberOfAbsorberLayers() {
+    // total number of absorber layers
+    return _nlayers1+_nlayers2+_nlayers2;
+  }
+  int getNumberOfStructuralAbsorberLayers() {
+    // number of absorber layers in the module (not in the slabs)
+    assert( _preshower==0 || _preshower==1 );
+    return _preshower ? getNumberOfAbsorberLayers()/2 : (getNumberOfAbsorberLayers()-1)/2 ;
+  }
+  struct dimposXYStruct {
+    double sizeX, sizeY;
+    double posX, posY;
+  };
+  struct dxinfo {
+    int normal_nX;
+    double magic1_unitDX;
+    int magic1_ncellsX;
+    double magic2_unitDX;
+  };
+  xml_det_t* _x_det;
+  dd4hep::Layering* _layering=NULL;
+  std::string _det_name;
+  std::vector <dimposXYStruct> getAbsPlateXYDimensions( double ztop=-999 );
+  std::vector <dimposXYStruct> getSlabXYDimensions( double ztop=-999 );
+  dd4hep::Position  getTranslatedPosition(double x, double y, double z) {
+    return dd4hep::Position ( x, y, z ) + _trans;
+  }
+  dxinfo getNormalMagicUnitsInX( double dx_total, double dx_unit, double dx_cell, double dx_dead ,
+				 int magicStrategy );
+  void updateCaloLayers(double thickness,
+			dd4hep::Material mat,
+			bool isAbsorber,
+			bool isSensitive,
+			double cell_size_x=0, double cell_size_y=0,
+			bool isFinal=false
+			);
+  dd4hep::Segmentation* _geomseg;
+  dd4hep::Material _air_material;
+  dd4hep::Material _carbon_fibre_material;
+  dd4hep::Material _radiator_material;
+  unsigned int _cells_across_megatile;
+  unsigned int _strips_across_megatile;
+  unsigned int _strips_along_megatile;   
+  int _preshower;
+  unsigned int _nlayers1;
+  unsigned int _nlayers2;
+  unsigned int _nlayers3;
+  double _radiator_thickness1;
+  double _radiator_thickness2;
+  double _radiator_thickness3;
+  std::vector < int > _layerConfig; // square or X or Y strips
+  double _CF_absWrap;
+  double _CF_alvWall;
+  double _CF_front;
+  double _CF_back;
+  // overall module size
+  int    _module_XYtype;
+  int    _module_XZtype;
+  double _module_dX_max;
+  double _module_dY_total;
+  double _module_dY_kink;
+  double _module_angle;
+  // internal details
+  std::vector <int> _ntowers;
+  double _towerGap;
+  double _moduleGap;
+  int    _unitsPerTower;
+  double _unitDeadEdge;
+  dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData* _caloData;
+  dd4hep::rec::LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer _caloLayer ; // this is the output info which is passed to reconstruction
+  double _layer_thickness;
+  double _layer_nRadiationLengths;
+  double _layer_nInteractionLengths;
+  double _totThick;
+  double _alveolus_total_dim_Y;
+  double _module_thickness;
+  int _magicMegatileStrategy;
+  dd4hep::Position _trans;
+  std::vector <dimposXYStruct> _constantSlabXYDimensions;
+  float _plugLength;