diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt
index ff3a8a705aaac03ca036e80d14e4a045fed91286..e969df42e033b2bff74f08dd13c729fb0eec31f9 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/compact DESTINATION Detector/DetCEPC
+    src/tracker/FTD_cepc_geo.cpp
+    src/tracker/SIT_Simple_Planar_geo.cpp
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(DetCEPCv4
                   # GaudiKernel
-                  DD4hep
+                  #DD4hep
                   # ROOT 
                   # Geant4
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/Beampipe_o1_v01_01.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/Beampipe_o1_v01_01.xml
index 33dbea275ee6d4d70f2956d7cb88d1f2cead6fd3..ad3dc116fdba1d1a849f205a642ced6e9f3b48de 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/Beampipe_o1_v01_01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/Beampipe_o1_v01_01.xml
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
   <!-- central tube -->
   <section type ="Center"                
-	   start="0*mm"                                  end="TUBE_innerCylinder_zEnd"
+	   start="0*mm"                                  end="500*mm"
            rMin1="TUBE_innerCylinder_rInner"  rMin2="TUBE_innerCylinder_rInner"       
 	   rMax1="TUBE_innerCylinder_rInner+TUBE_innerCylinder_thickness"        rMax2="TUBE_innerCylinder_rInner+TUBE_innerCylinder_thickness"
 	   material="G4_Be" name="IPInnerTube" />
   <!-- first cone -->
   <section type ="Center"
-           start="TUBE_firstCone_zStart"                               end="TUBE_firstCone_zEnd"
-           rMin1="TUBE_firstCone_rInnerStart"                          rMin2="TUBE_firstCone_rInnerEnd"
-           rMax1="TUBE_firstCone_rInnerStart+TUBE_firstCone_RadThickness" rMax2="TUBE_firstCone_rInnerEnd+TUBE_firstCone_RadThickness"
+           start="500*mm"                               end="700*mm"
+           rMin1="TUBE_innerCylinder_rInner"                          rMin2="17*mm"
+           rMax1="TUBE_innerCylinder_rInner+TUBE_innerCylinder_thickness" rMax2="17.5*mm"
            material="G4_Be" name="IPInnerBulge" />
   <!-- second cylinder -->
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/CepC_v4-onlyTracker.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/CepC_v4-onlyTracker.xml
index 9d00426806e14fdb9a8961b751ff5a3dd6fc17b0..586e4a1f3a3acd99861ee9127b981d8091ca43fb 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/CepC_v4-onlyTracker.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/CepC_v4-onlyTracker.xml
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
   <include ref="display.xml"/>
   <include ref="Beampipe_o1_v01_01.xml"/>
   <include ref="vxd07.xml"/>
-  <include ref="ftd_simple_staggered_02.xml"/>
-  <include ref="sit_simple_pixel_sensors_01.xml"/>
+  <include ref="ftd_cepc.xml"/>
+  <include ref="sit_simple_planar_sensors_01.xml"/>
   <include ref="tpc10_01.xml"/>
   <include ref="set_simple_planar_sensors_01.xml"/>
   <!--include ref="SEcal05_siw_Barrel.xml"/>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/README.md b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82da7ff49a3b444b1a19340295a69d5fbde13cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# CEPC_v4 detector models - Overview
+# inplement according database models03 (MokkaC), by using lcgeo detector construction 
+The following CEPC_v4 detector models are available in CEPCSW
+| Model         |  Description                 | MainTracker |  Ecal   | Hcal | Status         |
+| ------------- | -----------------------------|------------ |---------|------|----------------|
+| CEPC_v4       | following MokkaC's version   | TPC         | Si-W    | RPC  | implementing   |
+| ------------- | -----------------------------|-------------|---------|------|----------------|
+## Details
+### CEPC_v4
+ - BeamPipe
+         - Z from 0 to 700mm same as MokkaC's CEPC_v4
+ - Vertex
+         - with silicon ladders (VXD + SIT)
+ - MainTracker
+         - TPC
+         - TPC_outer_radius = 1808*mm
+ - EndcapTracker
+         - with silicon pestals (FTDPixel + FTDStrip)
+ - Ecal (un-implemented)
+         - with si-W calorimeter
+ - Hcal (un-implemented)
+         - with scintillator **and** RPC readout
+         - creates two sets of hit collections
+ - compact files:
+         - only Tracker [./CEPC_v4.xml](./CEPC_v4.xml)
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/envelope_defs.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/envelope_defs.xml
index 63f0b2bb5bac88ccd217f8984522c71be423443a..e80faf2de8143bc34460b2c4b05ab373f2bd14aa 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/envelope_defs.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/envelope_defs.xml
@@ -34,9 +34,12 @@
   <!-- a few defined parameters needed for envelopes -->
   <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_start_radius"  value="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_innerradius"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_z"        value="top_Lcal_z_begin - TUBE_Lcal_clearance"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_radius"   value="Lcal_outer_radius-LumiCal_tubebulge_overshoot"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_envradius"   value="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_innerradius + TUBE_inner_maxthick"/>
+  <!--constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_z"        value="top_Lcal_z_begin - TUBE_Lcal_clearance"/-->
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_z"        value="2364.5*mm"/>
+  <!--constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_radius"   value="Lcal_outer_radius-LumiCal_tubebulge_overshoot"/-->
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_radius"   value="30*mm"/>
+  <!--constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_envradius"   value="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_innerradius + TUBE_inner_maxthick"/-->
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_envradius"   value="18.5*mm"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_envradius"    value="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_envradius"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterBulge_start_envradius"   value="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_innerradius+TUBE_outer_maxthick"/>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/ftd_cepc.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/ftd_cepc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1566734d9cc99303396268d315a9df8f578a3aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/ftd_cepc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+   FTD parameters for ILD_o1_v5
+   from database : ftd_simple_staggered_02
+  -->
+  <detectors>
+    <detector name="FTD" type="FTD_cepc" vis="FTDVis" id="ILDDetID_FTD" limits="Tracker_limits" readout="FTDCollection" insideTrackingVolume="true">
+      <envelope vis="ILD_FTDVis">
+        <shape type="BooleanShape" operation="Subtraction" material="Air" >
+          <shape type="BooleanShape" operation="Subtraction" material="Air" >
+            <shape type="BooleanShape" operation="Subtraction" material="Air" >
+              <shape type="BooleanShape" operation="Subtraction" material="Air" >
+                <shape type="BooleanShape" operation="Subtraction" material="Air" >
+                  <shape type="Tube" rmin="FTD_inner_radius"   rmax="FTD_outer_radius" dz="FTD_half_length"  />
+                  <shape type="Tube" rmin="0." rmax="FTD_outer_radius+env_safety" dz="FTD_min_z_0" />
+                </shape>
+                <shape type="Tube" rmin="FTD_outer_radius_1" rmax="FTD_outer_radius+env_safety" dz="FTD_min_z_2-petal_cp_support_thickness-petal_support_zoffset" />
+              </shape>
+              <shape type="Tube" rmin="FTD_outer_radius_2" rmax="FTD_outer_radius+env_safety" dz="FTD_min_z_2" />
+            </shape>
+            <shape type="Cone" rmin1="0" rmax1="FTD_inner_radius" rmin2="0" rmax2="FTD_cone_radius"
+                   z="(FTD_half_length-FTD_cone_min_z)/2. + env_safety "/>
+            <position x="0" y="0" z="FTD_cone_min_z+(FTD_half_length-FTD_cone_min_z)/2."/>
+          </shape>
+          <shape type="Cone" rmin1="0" rmax1="FTD_inner_radius" rmin2="0" rmax2="FTD_cone_radius"
+                 z="(FTD_half_length-FTD_cone_min_z)/2. + env_safety "/>
+          <position x="0" y="0" z="-FTD_cone_min_z-(FTD_half_length-FTD_cone_min_z)/2."/>
+          <rotation x="0" y="180.*deg" z="0" />
+        </shape>
+      </envelope>
+      <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER +  DetType_ENDCAP  + DetType_PIXEL + DetType_STRIP "/>
+      <!-- SQL command: "select * from common_parameters;"  same as ftd_cepc_v4 checked by fucd, no support_spaceframe_width in ftd_cepc_v4-->
+      <common_parameters ftd1_vtx3_distance_z="top_FTD1_vtx3_distance_z"
+                         ftd7_ecal_distance_z="top_FTD7_ecal_distance_z" ftd1_sit1_radial_diff="-1*mm" ftd2_sit1_radial_diff="-1*mm" ftd3_sit2_radial_diff="-1*mm"
+                         ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap="20*mm" beamtube_clearance="15*mm" cables_thickness="0.08*mm" cable_shield_thickness="0.1*mm" outer_cylinder_total_thickness="1*mm"
+                         petal_half_angle_support="11.25*deg" petal_y_ratio="0.5015"
+                         support_spaceframe_width="10*mm"/>
+      <!-- SQL command: "select * from extended_reconstruction_parameters;"  same as ftd_cepc_v4 checked by fucd -->
+      <extended_reconstruction_parameters strip_width="0.001*mm" strip_length="250*mm" strip_pitch="0.01*mm" strip_angle="5*deg"  />
+      <!-- SQL command: "select * from disks;"  same as ftd_cepc_v4 checked by fucd-->
+      <disk disk_number="1" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="0"                            disk_si_thickness="0.02*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="72*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="68*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="1*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="1" double_sided="0"  />
+      <disk disk_number="2" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="FTD_disk2_zPosRelToTpcLength" disk_si_thickness="0.02*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="72*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="68*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="1*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="1" double_sided="0"  />
+      <disk disk_number="3" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="FTD_disk3_zPosRelToTpcLength" disk_si_thickness="0.20*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="122.49*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="118.46*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="2*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="0" double_sided="1"  />
+      <disk disk_number="4" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="FTD_disk4_zPosRelToTpcLength" disk_si_thickness="0.20*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="122.49*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="118.46*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="2*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="0" double_sided="1"  />
+      <disk disk_number="5" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="FTD_disk5_zPosRelToTpcLength" disk_si_thickness="0.20*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="122.49*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="118.46*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="2*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="0" double_sided="1"  />
+      <!--disk disk_number="6" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="FTD_disk6_zPosRelToTpcLength" disk_si_thickness="0.20*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="122.49*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="118.46*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="2*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="0" double_sided="1"  /-->
+      <!--disk disk_number="7" z_position_ReltoTPCLength="0"                            disk_si_thickness="0.20*mm" petal_cp_support_dxMax="122.49*mm" padUp_Si_dxMax="118.46*mm" petal_cp_support_thickness="2*mm" petal_support_zoffset="1.5*mm" sensor_is_pixel="0" double_sided="1"  /-->
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <readouts>
+    <readout name="FTDCollection">
+      <!-- fixme: for now DD4hep cannot handle signed values - side should actually be "-2" -->
+      <id>system:5,side:2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8</id>
+    </readout>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/sit_simple_planar_sensors_01.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/sit_simple_planar_sensors_01.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa644d844cfc3f70e42f24edd45ba7e8b53576f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/sit_simple_planar_sensors_01.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+   SIT parameters for ILD_o1_v5
+  -->
+  <detectors>
+    <detector name="SIT" type="SIT_Simple_Planar" vis="ILD_SITVis" id="ILDDetID_SIT" readout="SITCollection" insideTrackingVolume="true">
+      <envelope vis="ILD_SITVis">
+        <shape type="BooleanShape" operation="Union" material="Air" >
+          <shape type="Tube" rmin="SIT_inner_radius"   rmax="SIT_outer_radius_1" dz="SIT_half_length_1" />
+          <shape type="Tube" rmin="SIT_outer_radius_1" rmax="SIT_outer_radius"   dz="SIT_half_length" />
+        </shape>
+      </envelope>
+      <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER + DetType_BARREL + DetType_STRIP "/>
+      <!-- database : sit_simple_planar_sensors_03 -->
+      <!-- SQL command: "select * from extended_reconstruction_parameters;"  -->
+      <reconstruction strip_width="0.0125*mm" strip_length="92*mm" strip_pitch="0.05*mm" strip_angle="7*deg"  />
+      <!-- SQL command: "select * from global;"  -->
+      <global sensitive_thickness="0.2*mm" support_thickness="1*mm" sensor_length="92*mm"
+              sensitive_mat="G4_Si" support_mat="G4_C" sensitive_threshold_KeV="64*keV"  />
+      <!-- SQL command: "select * from sit_layers;"  -->
+      <layer layer_id="0" sensitive_radius="153*mm" n_sensors_per_ladder="8" n_ladders="10"
+             ladder_clearance="0.1*mm" faces_IP="1" is_SIT1="1" is_SIT2="0"  />
+      <layer layer_id="1" sensitive_radius="155.5*mm" n_sensors_per_ladder="8" n_ladders="10"
+             ladder_clearance="0.1*mm" faces_IP="0" is_SIT1="0" is_SIT2="0"  />
+      <layer layer_id="2" sensitive_radius="300*mm" n_sensors_per_ladder="14" n_ladders="19"
+             ladder_clearance="0.1*mm" faces_IP="1" is_SIT1="0" is_SIT2="1"  />
+      <layer layer_id="3" sensitive_radius="302.5*mm" n_sensors_per_ladder="14" n_ladders="19"
+             ladder_clearance="0.1*mm" faces_IP="0" is_SIT1="0" is_SIT2="0"  />
+    </detector>
+  </detectors>
+  <readouts>
+    <readout name="SITCollection">
+      <!-- fixme: for now DD4hep cannot handle signed values - side should actually be "-2" -->
+      <id>system:5,side:2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8</id>
+    </readout>
+  </readouts>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/top_defs.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/top_defs.xml
index 49208899381cc8e4cd7fae1115ac2bf50e8e2506..51652c84dc740e7388887e89c99378b169b86efd 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/top_defs.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/top_defs.xml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   <!-- SIT -->
   <constant name="SIT1_Half_Length_Z" value="368.00*mm"/>
-  <constant name="SIT1_Radius"        value="153.00*mm"/>
+  <constant name="SIT1_Radius"        value="152.90*mm"/>
   <constant name="SIT2_Half_Length_Z" value="644.00*mm"/>
   <constant name="SIT2_Radius"        value="299.90*mm"/>
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   <constant name="top_Lcal_inner_radius" value="30.0*mm"/>
   <constant name="Lcal_outer_radius"     value="100.0*mm"/>
   <constant name="LumiCal_tubebulge_overshoot"   value="11.2*mm"/>
-  <constant name="top_Lcal_z_begin"      value="Ecal_endcap_zmin" />
+  <constant name="top_Lcal_z_begin"      value="951.9*mm" />
   <!-- lhcal -->
   <constant name="top_LHCal_thickness"               value="480*mm"/>
@@ -112,20 +112,20 @@
   <constant name="BCal_rOuter" value="140*mm"/>
   <!-- the beam tube -->
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerTube_end_z"         value="500*mm"/>
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerTube_end_z"         value="230*mm"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_central_inner_radius" value="14*mm"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_central_thickness" value="0.5*mm"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_z"        value="700*mm"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_innerradius" value="17.5*mm"/>
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_z"        value="970*mm"/>
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPInnerBulge_end_innerradius" value="14*mm"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_start_z"       value="700*mm"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_z"         value="700*mm"/>
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_start_z"       value="500*mm"/>
+  <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_z"         value="230*mm"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_Lcal_clearance" value="20*mm"/>
   <!-- space left for envelopes (counting from inner beampipe surface) -->
   <constant name="TUBE_inner_maxthick" value="1.0*mm"/> 
-  <constant name="TUBE_outer_maxthick" value="3.0*mm"/> 
+  <constant name="TUBE_outer_maxthick" value="1.0*mm"/> 
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tpc10_01.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tpc10_01.xml
index eb46b3b7335c717378890327c0c1d64eeab9ca47..aa769400e9d7e8abc95cc808e50da6d7c9971e63 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tpc10_01.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tpc10_01.xml
@@ -20,16 +20,18 @@
       <!-- SQL command: "SELECT * FROM `global`;"  -->
       <!--	ORIGINAL :     dr_InnerServiceArea="30*mm" dr_OuterServiceArea="30*mm"  DANIEL REDUCED TO FIT THICK ECAL -->
+      <!-- dr_InnerServiceArea="18.1*mm" dr_OuterServiceArea="18.1*mm" recover to tpc10_01 matching CEPC_v4, by fucd-->
       <global TPC_pad_height="6*mm" TPC_pad_width="1*mm"  TPC_max_step_length="5*mm" dr_InnerWall="25*mm" 
-	      dr_InnerServiceArea="18.1*mm" dr_OuterServiceArea="18.1*mm"
-              dr_OuterWall="55*mm" dz_Cathode="0.06*mm" dz_Readout="25*mm" dz_Endplate="100*mm"
+              dr_InnerServiceArea="30*mm" dr_OuterServiceArea="30*mm"
+              dr_OuterWall="60*mm" dz_Cathode="0.06*mm" dz_Readout="25*mm" dz_Endplate="100*mm"
               chamber_Gas="TDR_gas" sensitive_threshold_eV="32*eV"  />
       <!-- updates from Dimitra 4/7/17 -->
-      <cathode dz_Cathode_Insulator="0.046*mm" dz_Cathode_Conductor="0.004*mm" material_Cathode_Insulator="G4_KAPTON"
-               material_Cathode_Conductor="G4_Cu" dr_Cathode_Grip="18*mm" dz_Cathode_Grip="15*mm" material_Cathode_Grip="SiC_foam"  />
+      <!--cathode dz_Cathode_Insulator="0.046*mm" dz_Cathode_Conductor="0.004*mm" material_Cathode_Insulator="G4_KAPTON"
+               material_Cathode_Conductor="G4_Cu" dr_Cathode_Grip="18*mm" dz_Cathode_Grip="15*mm" material_Cathode_Grip="SiC_foam"  /-->
+      <!-- recover to tpc10_01 matching CEPC_v4, by fucd-->
+      <cathode dz_Cathode_Insulator="0.0275*mm" dz_Cathode_Conductor="0.0025*mm" material_Cathode_Insulator="G4_KAPTON"
+               material_Cathode_Conductor="G4_Cu" dr_Cathode_Grip="20*mm" dz_Cathode_Grip="15*mm" material_Cathode_Grip="SiC_foam"  />
       <!-- SQL command: "SELECT * FROM `innerWall`;"  -->
@@ -45,15 +47,15 @@
       <!-- SQL command: "SELECT * FROM `outerWall`;"  -->
-	<!-- updates from Dimitra 4/7/17 -->
-	<row dr="0.03*mm" material="G4_Al"  />
-	<row dr="0.15*mm" material="G4_KAPTON"  />
-	<row dr="0.9*mm" material="g10"  />
+	<!-- updates from Dimitra 4/7/17 --> <!--recover to tpc10_01 matching CEPC_v4, by fucd-->
+	<row dr="0.01*mm" material="G4_Al"  />
+	<row dr="0.05*mm" material="G4_KAPTON"  />
+	<row dr="0.3*mm" material="g10"  />
 	<!-- row dr="57.66*mm" material="G4_AIR"  / -->
-	<row dr="52.66*mm" material="G4_AIR"  /> <!-- removed 5 mm to accomadate fat ecal: to be finalised when numbers available -->
-	<row dr="0.9*mm" material="g10"  />
-	<row dr="0.15*mm" material="G4_KAPTON"  />
-	<row dr="0.21*mm" material="G4_Cu"  />
+	<row dr="59.22*mm" material="G4_AIR"  /> <!-- removed 5 mm to accomadate fat ecal: to be finalised when numbers available -->
+	<row dr="0.3*mm" material="g10"  />
+	<row dr="0.05*mm" material="G4_KAPTON"  />
+	<row dr="0.07*mm" material="G4_Cu"  />
       <!-- SQL command: "SELECT * FROM `readout`;"  -->
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tube_defs.xml b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tube_defs.xml
index a446b1e85fff66abe73f654fb7a0a08314feddb0..450b569cdc2f5d95fb2c2883241211c5b5cec315 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tube_defs.xml
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/compact/tube_defs.xml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   <constant name="TUBE_secondCylinder_zStart"    value="TUBE_firstCone_zEnd"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_secondCylinder_zEnd"      value="TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_z"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_secondCylinder_rInner"    value="TUBE_firstCone_rInnerEnd"/>
-  <constant name="TUBE_secondCylinder_thickness" value="3*mm"/>
+  <constant name="TUBE_secondCylinder_thickness" value="0.5*mm"/>
   <constant name="TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_radius" value="TUBE_secondCylinder_rInner+TUBE_secondCylinder_thickness"/>
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/FTD_cepc_geo.cpp b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/FTD_cepc_geo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b8250858ecdc5ee3bfdfe3eddd947aba0bfa039b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/FTD_cepc_geo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2048 @@
+//  lcgeo - LC detector models in DD4hep 
+//  F.Gaede, DESY
+//  $Id$
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+#include "XMLHandlerDB.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "FTD_Simple_Staggered.h"
+// #define DEBUG_VALUES
+// #define DEBUG_PETAL 4
+//#include "DDRec/DDGear.h"
+//#define MOKKA_GEAR
+#include <cmath>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <assert.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dd4hep;
+using namespace rec;
+namespace cepc{ 
+/// helper to wrap access to global constants
+struct EnvDetector{
+  Detector* _theDetector;
+  EnvDetector() : _theDetector(0) {} ;
+  EnvDetector(Detector& theDetector) : _theDetector( &theDetector) {} ;
+  inline double GetParameterAsDouble(const std::string& name) const {  return _theDetector->constant<double>( name ) ; } 
+} ;
+/// Helper vector for creation of DetElements holding Volumes and their placement 
+typedef std::vector< std::pair< Volume, PlacedVolume > > VolVec ;
+///Helper vector for DetElements (e.g. petals in disk)
+typedef std::vector< DetElement > DEVec ;
+/// Storing all the gear parameters
+std::map<int,std::vector<double> > _ftdparameters;
+/// Global environment variables
+glEnviron _glEnv;
+/// common DB Parameters
+dbInfoCommon _dbParCommon;
+/// disk DB Parameters
+dbInfoDisk _dbParDisk;
+/// reco DB Parameters
+dbExtended_reconstruction_parameters _dbParExReco;
+double _inner_radius = 0.0;
+double _outer_radius = 0.0;
+double _z_position = 0.0;
+double _beamTubeRadius = 0.0;
+double _zEnd = 0.0;
+Material _SiMat ;
+Material _KaptonMat ;
+Material _CuMat ;
+Material _AirMat ;
+Material _CarbonFiberMat ;
+// function prototpyes
+double Getdy(const double & innerRadius );
+double Getdx( const double & innerRadius );
+//void DoAndPlaceDisk( Detector& theDetector,DetElement det,SensitiveDetector sens, std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict, Volume  mother ) ;
+void petalSupport( Detector& theDetector,DetElement det,  std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict, Volume  FTDPetalAirLogical ) ;
+VolVec  petalSensor(  Detector& theDetector, DetElement ftd, SensitiveDetector sens, std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict, Volume  FTDPetalAirLogical ) ;
+Trap SemiPetalSolid(const double& petal_cp_support_dy, const std::string& whereItgoes, const bool isSilicon ) ;
+//debug print function
+void printVolume( Volume v ){
+  std::cout << " ++++ create Volume " << v.name() << std::endl ;
+//=========================== PARAMETERS SETTERS FUNCTIONS ====================================/
+// Set Environment variables (dependent of other subdetectors)
+void SetEnvironPar(const EnvDetector& env)
+  _glEnv.TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ = env.GetParameterAsDouble("TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ") ;
+  _glEnv.Ecal_endcap_zmin = env.GetParameterAsDouble("Ecal_endcap_zmin")  ;
+  _glEnv.TPC_inner_radius = env.GetParameterAsDouble("TPC_inner_radius")  ;
+  _glEnv.SIT1_Half_Length_Z = env.GetParameterAsDouble("SIT1_Half_Length_Z") ;
+  _glEnv.SIT2_Half_Length_Z = env.GetParameterAsDouble("SIT2_Half_Length_Z") ;
+  _glEnv.SIT1_Radius = env.GetParameterAsDouble("SIT1_Radius") ;
+  _glEnv.SIT2_Radius = env.GetParameterAsDouble("SIT2_Radius") ;
+  _glEnv.VXD_layer3_maxZ = env.GetParameterAsDouble("VXD_length_r3") ;
+  _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube = (env.GetParameterAsDouble("TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_z"))  ;  // ---> A lo mejor no hacen falta
+  _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube = (env.GetParameterAsDouble("TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_radius")) ;
+  _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterBulge = (env.GetParameterAsDouble("TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_z")) ;
+  _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterBulge = (env.GetParameterAsDouble("TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_radius")) ;
+  _glEnv.beamTubeTangent = ( _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterBulge - _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube ) / (_glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterBulge - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube);
+// Set variables common to all disk, dumping 'common_parameters' table from 'ftd08' database
+void SetdbParCommon(xml_comp_t x_det)
+  // Getting common_parameters table
+  //db->exec("select * from common_parameters;");
+  { 
+    XMLHandlerDB db(  x_det.child( _Unicode( common_parameters ) ) );
+    //  db->getTuple();
+    _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance = db->fetchDouble("beamtube_clearance") ; 
+    _dbParCommon.outer_cylinder_total_thickness = db->fetchDouble("outer_cylinder_total_thickness") ;
+    _dbParCommon.inner_cylinder_total_thickness = _dbParCommon.outer_cylinder_total_thickness;
+    _dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness = db->fetchDouble("cable_shield_thickness") ;
+    _dbParCommon.cables_thickness = db->fetchDouble("cables_thickness") ;
+    // check that there is enough space for the cables and support
+    if( _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance < (_dbParCommon.cables_thickness + (2.0*_dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness) + 0.5 *mm) )  
+      {
+	cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop: Not enough space for inner support structure and cables: increase beamTubeClearance" << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+    _dbParCommon.ftd1_vtx3_distance_z =  db->fetchDouble("ftd1_vtx3_distance_z") ; 
+    _dbParCommon.ftd7_ecal_distance_z =  db->fetchDouble("ftd7_ecal_distance_z") ; 
+    _dbParCommon.ftd1_sit1_radial_diff =  db->fetchDouble("ftd1_sit1_radial_diff") ; 
+    _dbParCommon.ftd2_sit1_radial_diff =  db->fetchDouble("ftd2_sit1_radial_diff") ; 
+    _dbParCommon.ftd3_sit2_radial_diff =  db->fetchDouble("ftd3_sit2_radial_diff") ; 
+    _dbParCommon.ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap =  db->fetchDouble("ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap") ; 
+    // Petal Central Part Support: X-Y dimensions, thickness and angles. Same constant values
+    // for all the micro-strips disks
+    _dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support = db->fetchDouble("petal_half_angle_support") ;
+    _dbParCommon.petal_y_ratio = db->fetchDouble("petal_y_ratio") ;
+    //fg: add additional parameter:
+    _dbParCommon.support_spaceframe_width= db->fetchDouble("support_spaceframe_width") ;
+  } 
+  // db->exec("select * from extended_reconstruction_parameters;");
+  // db->getTuple();
+  {
+    XMLHandlerDB db(  x_det.child( _Unicode( extended_reconstruction_parameters ) ) );
+    _dbParExReco.strip_width  = db->fetchDouble("strip_width")   ;
+    _dbParExReco.strip_length = db->fetchDouble("strip_length")  ;
+    _dbParExReco.strip_pitch  = db->fetchDouble("strip_pitch")   ;
+    _dbParExReco.strip_angle  = db->fetchDouble("strip_angle")   ;
+  }
+  cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:SetdbParCommon:\n" 
+       << "beamTubeClearance = " << _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance << " \n"   
+       << "outer_cylinder_total_thickness = " << _dbParCommon.outer_cylinder_total_thickness << " \n"   
+       << "inner_cylinder_total_thickness = " << _dbParCommon.inner_cylinder_total_thickness << " \n"   
+       << "cable_shield_thickness = " << _dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness << " \n"   
+       << "cables_thickness = " << _dbParCommon.cables_thickness << " \n"   
+       << "ftd1_vtx3_distance_z = " << _dbParCommon.ftd1_vtx3_distance_z << " \n"   
+       << "ftd7_ecal_distance_z = " << _dbParCommon.ftd7_ecal_distance_z << " \n"   
+       << "ftd1_sit1_radial_diff = " << _dbParCommon.ftd1_sit1_radial_diff << " \n"   
+       << "ftd2_sit1_radial_diff = " << _dbParCommon.ftd2_sit1_radial_diff << " \n"   
+       << "ftd3_sit2_radial_diff = " << _dbParCommon.ftd3_sit2_radial_diff << " \n"   
+       << "ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap = " << _dbParCommon.ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap << " \n"   
+       << "petal_half_angle_support = " << _dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support << " \n"   
+       << "petal_y_ratio = " << _dbParCommon.petal_y_ratio << " \n"   
+       << "strip_width = " << _dbParExReco.strip_width << " \n"   
+       << "strip_length = " << _dbParExReco.strip_length << " \n"   
+       << "strip_pitch = " << _dbParExReco.strip_pitch << " \n"   
+       << "strip_angle = " << _dbParExReco.strip_angle << " \n"   
+       << endl;
+// Set variables disk number specific, dumping 'disk' table from 'ftd08' database
+void SetParDisk( XMLHandlerDB db)
+  _dbParDisk.disk_number = db->fetchInt( "disk_number" );
+  _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness = db->fetchDouble("disk_si_thickness")  ;
+  _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness = db->fetchDouble("petal_cp_support_thickness")  ;
+  _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax = db->fetchDouble("petal_cp_support_dxMax") ; 
+  _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset = db->fetchDouble("petal_support_zoffset") ; //NEW
+  _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel = db->fetchInt("sensor_is_pixel"); //NEW
+  _dbParDisk.double_sided = db->fetchInt("double_sided"); //NEW
+  cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:SetParDisk:\n" 
+       << "disk_number = " << _dbParDisk.disk_number << " \n"   
+       << "sensor_is_pixel = " << _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel << " \n"   
+       << "double_sided = " << _dbParDisk.double_sided << " \n"   
+       << "petal_support_zoffset = " << _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset << " \n"   
+       << "disks_Si_thickness = " << _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness << " \n"   
+       << "petal_cp_support_thickness = " << _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness << " \n"   
+       << "petal_cp_support_dxMax = " << _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax << " \n"   
+       << "petal_support_zoffset = " << _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset << " \n"   
+       << endl;
+//=END======================= PARAMETERS SETTERS FUNCTIONS ================================END=/
+  using namespace cepc;
+/** Construction of FTD detector, ported from Mokka driver FTD_simple_Staggered.cc
+ *
+ * FTD_Simple_Staggered.cc
+ *
+ * Simplified Implementation of a self scaling 7 disk FTD
+ * Based on SFtd06 but using simple trapezoid sensitive and support structures
+ * All disks have the same structure
+ * Sensitive material Silicon 
+ * Support material Carbon Fiber, Foam 
+ *
+ * All disks' envelop:
+ * Dimensions and coordinates are specified for the sensitive layer, support disks are built on to these
+ * _inner_radius = (  _beamTubeRadius + beamTubeClearance)
+ *
+ * First Disk:
+ * z defined by distance from end of VTX layer 3
+ * outer r defined by radial difference to SIT layer 1
+ *
+ * Second Disk:
+ * z defined relative to TPC half-length: to ensure positioning with SIT set these numbers to the same value in DB
+ * outer r defined by radial difference to SIT layer 1
+ *
+ * Third Disk:
+ * z defined relative to TPC half-length: to ensure positioning with SIT set these numbers to the same value in DB
+ * outer r defined by radial difference to SIT layer 1
+ *
+ * Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Disk:
+ * z defined relative to TPC half-length
+ * outer r defined by gap between TPC inner radius and FTD disks
+ *
+ * Last Disk:
+ * z defined by distance from front of ECal endcap
+ * outer r defined by gap between TPC inner radius and FTD disks
+ *
+ * Parameters Set in Model Parameter DB Table:
+ * TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ
+ * _glEnv.Ecal_endcap_zmin
+ * _glEnv.TPC_inner_radius
+ * VXD_length_r3
+ *
+ * Parameters shared with other drivers:
+ * SSit03:_glEnv.SIT1_Half_Length_Z
+ * SSit03:_glEnv.SIT2_Half_Length_Z 
+ * SSit03:_glEnv.SIT1_Radius 
+ * SSit03:_glEnv.SIT2_Radius 
+ * TubeX01:TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_z
+ * TubeX01:TUBE_IPOuterTube_end_radius
+ * TubeX01:TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_z
+ * TubeX01:TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_radius
+ *
+ *
+ * History:
+ *  May 2014: FG: original port from Mokka
+ *  Oct 2014  FG: - added class ZDiskPetalsData as interface to reconstruction (initially to 
+ *                  instantiate gear::FTDParameters )  
+ *                - changed rotations and translations to a more natural one (positive sense of rotation, etc.)
+ *                - 'replaced' usage of reflection in original code with individual placements
+ *                  in distinct disks on either side of the origin (see comments in code for placements
+                    of 
+ * 
+ * Mokka History:  
+ * - first implementation P. Mora de Freitas (sept 02)
+ * - fixed geometry overlap -- Adrian Vogel, 2005-12-05
+ * - implemented new GEAR interface -- K. Harder, T. Pinto Jayawardena  2007-07-31
+ * - SFtd03: Modified version of SFtd02: Rewritten as a self scaling driver which does not
+ *   make use of a seperate super driver. Steve Aplin (May 2008)
+ *   October 15th 2008, Steve Aplin using description from SiLC Collaboration
+ * - Fixes a bug in SFtd04.cc which meant that the copper cables on thin 
+ *   inside of the cylinder were far to thick (SJA 28/05/09)
+ *   September 7th 2010, Jordi Duarte using mechanical design from IFCA group
+ * - SFtd06: Modified version of SFtd05 implementing realistic details of the disks 
+ *           4,5,6,7 structure. -- J. Duarte Campderros (Sept. 2010)
+ *           Added realistic description to disks 1,2,3. Changed disk 3 to micro-strips 
+ *           technology --- J. Duarte Campderros (Oct. 2010)
+ *           Included the alternative z-offset between petals --|
+ *           Included the use of the GEAR class FTDParameter  --| J. Duarte Campderros (July, 2011)
+ *           Modified the placement of the Volumes using the 
+ *           G4ReflectionFactory Place methods. Now the volumes in Z
+ *           negatives are specular images from the positives -- J. Duarte Campderros (Sept, 2011)
+ * - FTD_Simple_Staggered: created to enable development of tracking code while SFtd06 is finalised.
+ *   S.J. Aplin (Nov 2011)
+ *
+ *  @author: F.Gaede, DESY, May 2014
+ *  @version $Id$
+ */
+static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+  //  std::cout << " FTD04 - Detector.BuildType = " << theDetector.buildType() << std::endl ;
+  //------------------------------------------
+  //  See comments starting with '//**' for
+  //     hints on porting issues
+  //------------------------------------------
+  xml_det_t    x_det = e;
+  string       name  = x_det.nameStr();
+  DetElement   ftd(  name, x_det.id()  ) ;
+ // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+  Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  e , ftd ) ;
+  dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( e, ftd ) ;
+  if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return ftd ;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  PlacedVolume pv;
+  sens.setType("tracker");
+  // --- create assembly and DetElement for support and service volumes 
+  Assembly supp_assembly( name + "_support_assembly"  ) ;
+  pv = envelope.placeVolume( supp_assembly ) ;
+  DetElement suppDE( ftd , name+"_support" , x_det.id() )  ;
+  suppDE.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+  //--------------------------------
+  dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData*  zDiskPetalsData = new ZDiskPetalsData ;
+ //######################################################################################################################################################################
+  //  code ported from FTD_Simple_Staggered::construct() :
+  //##################################
+  double phi1 = 0 ;
+  double phi2 = 2*M_PI;
+  //fg: vis attributes defined in xml now
+  //     // Globals and cosmetics definitions
+  // 	_VisAttSensitive = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.,1.,.45));
+  //   //G4VisAttributes *
+  // 	_VisAttSupport = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1,.5,.5));
+  // 	_VisAttHolePetal = new G4VisAttributes(G4Color(1,.5,.5,1.0));
+  // 	G4VisAttributes *VisAttAirDisk = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(.5,.3,.8,0.98));
+  // 	VisAttAirDisk->SetVisibility(0);
+  // 	G4VisAttributes *VisAttAirPetal = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(.5,.3,.8,0.98));
+  // 	VisAttAirPetal->SetVisibility(0);
+  // 	G4VisAttributes *VisAttCyl = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.45,.2,0.9,.98));
+  //   G4VisAttributes *VisAttCables = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.,0.9,0.));
+  //   VisAttCables->SetForceWireframe(false);
+  // 	PhysicalVolumesPair Phys;
+  // Get and set the Globals from the surrounding environment TPC ECAL SIT VTX and Beam-Pipe
+  SetEnvironPar(   EnvDetector( theDetector ) );
+  // Get and set the variables global to the FTD cables_thickness, ftd1_vtx3_distance_z, etc
+  //  Database * db = new Database(env.GetDBName());
+  SetdbParCommon( x_det );
+  // Materials definitions
+  _SiMat     = theDetector.material("G4_Si") ; // silicon_2.33gccm");
+  _KaptonMat = theDetector.material("G4_KAPTON"); //kapton");
+  _CuMat     = theDetector.material("G4_Cu"); //copper"); 
+  _AirMat    = theDetector.material("G4_AIR" ); //air");
+  _CarbonFiberMat = theDetector.material("CarbonFiber");
+  //fg: replace with standard from materials file
+  // -- PROVISIONAL -- Carbon Fiber definition from database ?? 
+  // double density;
+  // std::string matname, symbol;
+  // int nel;
+  // double fractionmass, volumefraction;
+  // volumefraction = 0.5;
+  // density = (1.3 + volumefraction / 3 ) * g/cm3;
+  // fractionmass = 1 - 1.3 * (1 - volumefraction) / (density / (g/cm3));
+  // _CarbonFiberMat = new Material(matname = "CarbonFiber", density, nel=2);
+  // _CarbonFiberMat->AddElement(CGAGeometryManager::GetElement("C"), fractionmass);
+  // _CarbonFiberMat->AddMaterial(CGAGeometryManager::GetMaterial("epoxy"),1.0-fractionmass);
+  // cout << "CarbonFiber->GetRadlen() = " << _CarbonFiberMat->GetRadlen() / cm << " cm" << endl;
+  // <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:"  
+       << "\t inner support thickness = " << _dbParCommon.inner_cylinder_total_thickness  
+       << "\t cables thickness = " << _dbParCommon.cables_thickness
+       << "\t 2 x cable shield thickness = " << 2 * _dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness
+       << "\t beamTubeClearance = " << _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance
+       << endl;
+  // Now we can start to build the disks -------------------------------------------
+  const double theta = _dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support;
+  // Disk parameters
+  _dbParDisk.ZStartOuterCylinder=0;
+  _dbParDisk.ZStopOuterCylinder=0;
+  double OuterCylinderInnerRadius=0;
+  _dbParDisk.ZStartInnerCylinder=0;
+  _dbParDisk.ZStopInnerCylinder=0;
+  double InnerCylinderOuterRadius1=0;
+  double InnerCylinderOuterRadius2=0;
+  //   db->exec("select * from disks;");
+  //   db->getTuple();
+  //   //... assembling detector
+  //   do {
+  for(xml_coll_t c( x_det ,_U(disk)); c; ++c)  {
+    xml_comp_t  x_disk( c );
+    XMLHandlerDB db( x_disk )  ;
+    //... 
+    int disk_number(-1);
+    // double _inner_radius = 0.0;
+    // double _outer_radius = 0.0;
+    // double _z_position = 0.0;
+    // double _beamTubeRadius = 0.0;
+    // double _zEnd = 0.0;
+    // Get and set the parameters disk specific
+    SetParDisk( db );
+    disk_number = _dbParDisk.disk_number;
+#ifdef ONE_DISK
+    if (disk_number != ONE_DISK )
+      {
+	continue;
+      }
+    switch (disk_number) 
+      {
+      case 1:
+	// z defined by distance from end of VTX layer 3
+	_z_position = ( _glEnv.VXD_layer3_maxZ + _dbParCommon.ftd1_vtx3_distance_z );
+	//          _z_position = disk_number * 100.0 * mm;
+	// outer r defined by radial difference to SIT layer 1
+	_outer_radius = ( _glEnv.SIT1_Radius + _dbParCommon.ftd1_sit1_radial_diff ); 
+	// beam tube radius at backside of disk 
+	_zEnd = _z_position +  _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset + 0.5 * _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + ( _dbParDisk.double_sided * _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ) ;
+	// check which part of the beam tube this disk lies above
+	_beamTubeRadius = (_zEnd < _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) ? _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube : _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube + ( (_zEnd - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) * _glEnv.beamTubeTangent );
+	_inner_radius = (  _beamTubeRadius + _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance);
+	// check that there is no overlap with SIT1
+	if( _z_position <= _glEnv.SIT1_Half_Length_Z && _outer_radius>=_glEnv.SIT1_Radius) 
+	  {
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop: Overlap between FTD1 and SIT1" << endl;
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:FTD1 Radius = " << _outer_radius << "SIT1 Radius = " << _glEnv.SIT1_Radius << endl;
+            exit(1);
+	  }
+	if( db->fetchDouble("z_position_ReltoTPCLength") != 0.0) 
+	  {
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop: The z position of FTD1 is not relative. The relative value will not be used. It should be set to 0.0 in the DB." << endl;
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop: The z position of FTD1 is set by the distance between the centre of the sensitive layer and the max z of VTX layer 3." << endl;
+            exit(1);
+	  }
+	break;
+      case 2:
+	// z defined relative to TPC half-length: to ensure positioning with SIT set these numbers to the same value in DB
+	_z_position = (_glEnv.TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ * db->fetchDouble("z_position_ReltoTPCLength")) ;
+	//          _z_position = disk_number * 100.0 * mm;
+	// outer r defined by radial difference to SIT layer 1
+	_outer_radius = _glEnv.SIT1_Radius + _dbParCommon.ftd2_sit1_radial_diff; 
+	// beam tube radius at backside of disk 
+	_zEnd = _z_position +  _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset + 0.5 * _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + ( _dbParDisk.double_sided * _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ) ;
+	// check which part of the beam tube this disk lies above
+	_beamTubeRadius = (_zEnd < _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) ? _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube : _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube + ( (_zEnd - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) * _glEnv.beamTubeTangent );
+	_inner_radius = (  _beamTubeRadius + _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance) ;
+	//... keep information for inner support cylinder with 0.5mm saftey clearance from inner radius of disks
+	_dbParDisk.ZStartInnerCylinder = _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube;
+	InnerCylinderOuterRadius1 = _inner_radius - ( ( _zEnd - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) * _glEnv.beamTubeTangent ) - 0.5 * mm; 
+	// check that there is no overlap with SIT1
+	if( _z_position <= _glEnv.SIT1_Half_Length_Z && _outer_radius>=_glEnv.SIT1_Radius) 
+	  {
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop:Overlap between FTD2 and SIT1" << endl;
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:FTD2 Radius = " << _outer_radius << "SIT1 Radius = " << _glEnv.SIT1_Radius << endl;
+            exit(1);
+	  }
+	break;
+      case 3:
+	// z defined relative to TPC half-length: to ensure positioning with SIT set these numbers to the same value in DB
+	_z_position = (_glEnv.TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ * db->fetchDouble("z_position_ReltoTPCLength")) ;
+	//          _z_position = disk_number * 100.0 * mm;
+	// outer r defined by radial difference to SIT layer 2
+	_outer_radius = _glEnv.SIT2_Radius + _dbParCommon.ftd3_sit2_radial_diff; 
+	// beam tube radius at backside of disk 
+	_zEnd = _z_position +  _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset + 0.5 * _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + ( _dbParDisk.double_sided * _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ) ;
+	// check which part of the beam tube this disk lies above
+	_beamTubeRadius = (_zEnd < _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) ? _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube : _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube + ( (_zEnd - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) * _glEnv.beamTubeTangent );
+	_inner_radius = _beamTubeRadius + _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance ;
+	// check that there is no overlap with SIT1
+	if( _z_position <= _glEnv.SIT2_Half_Length_Z && _outer_radius>=_glEnv.SIT2_Radius) 
+	  {
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop:Overlap between FTD3 and SIT2" <<  endl;
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:FTD3 Radius = " << _outer_radius << "SIT2 Radius = " << _glEnv.SIT2_Radius << endl;
+            exit(1);
+	  }
+	break;
+      case 4:
+      case 5:
+      case 6:
+	// z defined relative to TPC half-length
+	_z_position = (_glEnv.TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ * db->fetchDouble("z_position_ReltoTPCLength")) ;
+	//          _z_position = disk_number * 100.0 * mm;
+	// outer r defined by gap between TPC inner radius and FTD disks
+	_outer_radius = _glEnv.TPC_inner_radius - _dbParCommon.ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap; 
+	// beam tube radius at backside of disk 
+	_zEnd = _z_position +  _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset + 0.5 * _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + ( _dbParDisk.double_sided * _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ) ;
+	// check which part of the beam tube this disk lies above
+	_beamTubeRadius = (_zEnd < _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) ? _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube : _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube + ( (_zEnd - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) * _glEnv.beamTubeTangent );
+	_inner_radius = _beamTubeRadius + _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance ;
+	// keep the information for outer cylinder
+	if(disk_number==4)
+	  {
+            _dbParDisk.ZStartOuterCylinder = _z_position;
+	  }
+	break;
+      case 7:
+	// z defined by distance from front of ECal endcap
+	_z_position = _glEnv.Ecal_endcap_zmin - _dbParCommon.ftd7_ecal_distance_z;
+	//          _z_position = disk_number * 100.0 * mm;
+	// outer r defined by gap between TPC inner radius and FTD disks
+	_outer_radius = _glEnv.TPC_inner_radius - _dbParCommon.ftd4to7_tpc_radial_gap; 
+	// beam tube radius at backside of disk 
+	_zEnd = _z_position +  _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset + 0.5 * _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + ( _dbParDisk.double_sided * _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ) ;
+	// check which part of the beam tube this disk lies above
+	_beamTubeRadius = (_zEnd < _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) ? _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube : _glEnv.rEnd_IPOuterTube + ( (_zEnd - _glEnv.zEnd_IPOuterTube ) * _glEnv.beamTubeTangent );
+	_inner_radius = _beamTubeRadius + _dbParCommon.beamTubeClearance ;
+	// End of Support Structure: 0.5mm clearance from disks
+	_dbParDisk.ZStopOuterCylinder = _zEnd;
+	_dbParDisk.ZStopInnerCylinder = _zEnd;
+	OuterCylinderInnerRadius = _outer_radius + 0.5 * mm;
+	InnerCylinderOuterRadius2 = _inner_radius - 0.5 * mm; 
+	if( db->fetchDouble("z_position_ReltoTPCLength") != 0.0) 
+	  {
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop: The z position of FTD7 is not relative. The relative value will not be used. It should be set to 0.0 in the DB." << endl;
+            cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered:Stop: The z position of FTD7 is set by the distance between the centre of the sensitive layer and the min z of the ECal Endcap." << endl;
+            exit(1);
+	  }
+	break;
+      default:
+	cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered: Error disk number must be between 1-7: disk number = " << disk_number << endl;
+	exit(1);
+      }
+    cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered: Disk:" << disk_number
+	 << "\t z = " << _z_position
+	 << "\t inner rad = " << _inner_radius
+	 << "\t outer rad = " << _outer_radius
+	 << "\t beamtube rad = " << _beamTubeRadius
+	 << "\t free space = " << (_inner_radius - 0.5 * mm - _dbParCommon.inner_cylinder_total_thickness - (2*_dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness) - _dbParCommon.cables_thickness) - _beamTubeRadius 
+	 << endl;
+    /**************************************************************************************
+     ** Begin construction of disks with appropiate parameters    **
+     **************************************************************************************/
+    //================================== AIR DISK =======================================//
+    //  The air-disk is the container and mother volume of the petals. There will be
+    //  7x2 air disks copies placed in the world volume.
+    //  
+    //  Check the comments at the beginning of this file for the description of 
+    //  each # disk parameter.
+    //  
+    //  Input parameters:
+    //       _inner_radius: inner radius of the whole structure
+    //       _outer_radius: outer radius of the whole structure
+    //       max_half_thickness_disk: 
+    //           the maximum thickness of the disk = 2.0 * ( sensitive thickness + support thickness + Zoffset ) 
+    //                                 Zoffset=the displacement of the disks in z-direction
+    // 
+    //		// The thickness of the air petal (containing the support and sensors)
+    //		double petalairthickness_half = 0.5 * ( _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness +
+    //			_dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness )  
+    // need enough space for double sided 
+    double petalairthickness_half = 0.5 * ( _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness
+					    + 2.0*_dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ) ;
+    double max_half_thickness_disk = _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset + petalairthickness_half ;
+    // Tubs *FTDDiskSolid = new Tubs("FTDAirDiskSolid",
+    // 				  _inner_radius,
+    // 				  _outer_radius,
+    // 				  max_half_thickness_disk,
+    // 				  phi1,
+    // 				  phi2
+    // 				  );
+    Tube FTDDiskSolid( _inner_radius, _outer_radius, max_half_thickness_disk, phi1, phi2 );
+    // LogicalVolume *FTDDiskLogical = new LogicalVolume(FTDDiskSolid,
+    // 						      _AirMat,
+    // 						      "FTDAirDiskLogical", 
+    // 						      0, 
+    // 						      0, 
+    // 						      0);
+    //fg: Volume FTDDiskLogical(  _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDAirDiskLogical_%d" ), FTDDiskSolid, _AirMat ) ;
+    //fg: replace the logical volume for the disks with two individual ones for the pos. and neg. z axis respectively
+    //fg: this way we do not need a reflection and can position the petals with different transforms on either side...
+    Volume FTDDiskLogicalPZ(  _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDAirDiskLogicalPZ_%d" ), FTDDiskSolid, _AirMat ) ;
+    Volume FTDDiskLogicalNZ(  _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDAirDiskLogicalNZ_%d" ), FTDDiskSolid, _AirMat ) ;
+    //    FTDDiskLogical->SetVisAttributes(VisAttAirDisk);
+    //    ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "SeeThrough", FTDDiskLogical ) ;
+    ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "SeeThrough", FTDDiskLogicalPZ ) ;
+    ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "SeeThrough", FTDDiskLogicalNZ ) ;
+    // RotationMatrix *rotDiskPositive = new RotationMatrix();
+    // // Sensors facing the IP)
+    // rotDiskPositive->rotateY(pi);
+    // // Re-allocating the local disk frame to the global frame
+    // rotDiskPositive->rotateZ(-pi/2.0);
+    // Transform3D transPositive( *rotDiskPositive, Position( 0.,0.,_z_position) );
+    // // Place the positive copy in the world
+    // Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place( transPositive,
+    // 						 "FTDAirDisk",
+    // 						 FTDDiskLogical,
+    // 						 worldLog,
+    // 						 false,
+    // 						 disk_number);
+    // registerPV( Phys );
+    ///fg RotationZYX rotDiskPositive( -pi/2.0, pi , 0. ) ; 
+    //fg use unrotated air disks...
+    RotationZYX rotDiskPositive(0,0,0) ; 
+    Transform3D transPositive( rotDiskPositive,  Position( 0.,0.,_z_position) );      
+    pv = envelope.placeVolume( FTDDiskLogicalPZ, transPositive ) ;
+    DetElement   diskDEposZ( ftd ,   _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDDisk_%d_posZ" ) , x_det.id() );
+    diskDEposZ.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+    pv.addPhysVolID("layer", disk_number - 1  ).addPhysVolID("side", 1 )   ;
+    cout << "===================================================================== " << "\n" <<
+      "FTDAirDisk:\n" << 
+      " Inner Radius= " << _inner_radius <<  "\n" <<
+      " Outer Radius= " << _outer_radius <<  "\n" <<
+      " thickness =   " << max_half_thickness_disk*2.0 << "\n" <<
+      " placed at \n" << 
+      " x =   " <<  transPositive.Translation().Vect().X() << "\n" <<
+      " y =   " <<  transPositive.Translation().Vect().Y() << "\n" <<
+      " z =   " <<  transPositive.Translation().Vect().Z() << "\n" <<
+      endl;
+//     // Place negative copy
+    // 		RotationMatrix *rotDiskNegative = new RotationMatrix();
+    // 		rotDiskNegative->rotateZ(-pi/2.0);
+    // 		Transform3D transNegative( *rotDiskNegative, Position( 0.,0.,-_z_position ) );
+    //     //Specular image
+    // 		transNegative = transNegative*ReflectX3D();
+    // 		Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place( transNegative,
+    //                                                   "FTDAirDisk",
+    //                                                   FTDDiskLogical,
+    //                                                   worldLog,
+    //                                                   false,
+    //                                                   -disk_number);
+    // 		registerPV( Phys );
+    //fg RotationZYX rotDiskNegative( -pi/2.0, 0 , 0. ) ; 
+    //fg use unrotated air disks...
+    RotationZYX rotDiskNegative(0,0,0) ; 
+    Transform3D transNegative( rotDiskNegative,  Position( 0.,0., -_z_position) );      
+    pv = envelope.placeVolume( FTDDiskLogicalNZ, transNegative ) ;
+    DetElement   diskDEnegZ( ftd ,   _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDDisk_%d_negZ" ) , x_det.id() );
+    diskDEnegZ.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+    pv.addPhysVolID("layer", disk_number -1  ).addPhysVolID("side", -1 )   ;
+    cout << "===================================================================== " << "\n" <<
+      "FTDAirDisk:\n" << 
+      " Inner Radius= " << _inner_radius <<  "\n" <<
+      " Outer Radius= " << _outer_radius <<  "\n" <<
+      " thickness =   " << max_half_thickness_disk*2.0 << "\n" <<
+      " placed at \n" << 
+      " x =   " <<  transNegative.Translation().Vect().X() << "\n" <<
+      " y =   " <<  transNegative.Translation().Vect().Y() << "\n" <<
+      " z =   " <<  transNegative.Translation().Vect().Z() << "\n" <<
+      endl;
+    //=END=============================== AIR DISK  =================================END=/
+    //=================================== AIR PETAL =====================================/
+    // Air container for the petal: the mother of the real support petal and the silicon 
+    // sensors. This air petal will be placed inside the Air Disk,
+    // generating N rotated copies along the z-axis.               
+    //  Input parameters:     dxMax                                _
+    //                      --------                              | |    
+    //                      \      /   |                          | |              
+    //       XY-Plane        \    /    | dy          YZ-Plane     | |    
+    //                        \__/     |                          |_|     
+    //                        dxMin                                dz
+    // 
+    //                     dxMax: given by the database
+    //                     dxMin: depends of the _inner_radius of each disk
+    //                     dy:    heigth, depends of each disk
+    //                     dz:    thickness of the supports + thickness of Si
+    //                     theta: given by the db, semi-angle which defines the trapezoid
+    // Dimensions for the disk
+    const double petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin = Getdx( _inner_radius )/2.0;
+    const double petal_cp_support_dy = Getdy(_inner_radius);
+    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    std::cout << "*** Petal parameters : petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin=" << petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin
+	      << " _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0 =" << _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0
+	      << " petal_cp_support_dy/2.0 =" << petal_cp_support_dy/2.0
+	      << " petalairthickness_half =" << petalairthickness_half << std::endl ;
+    Trap FTDPetalAirSolid( petalairthickness_half, //thickness (calculated in the disk zone)
+    			   0.0,
+    			   0.0,
+    			   petal_cp_support_dy/2.0,  // dy
+    			   petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin, //dxMin 
+    			   _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0, //dxMax
+    			   0.0,
+    			   petal_cp_support_dy/2.0,  // dy
+    			   petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin,  // dxMin
+    			   _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0, //dxMax
+    			   0.0);
+    Volume FTDPetalAirLogical( _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDPetalAirLogical_%d" ) , FTDPetalAirSolid, _AirMat ) ;
+    //printVolume( FTDPetalAirLogical ) ; 
+    ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "SeeThrough" , FTDPetalAirLogical ) ;
+    // Placing N-copies of the air petal inside the air disk. The copies are built using the z-axis as
+    // the axis of rotation
+    const int petal_max_number = (int)(360.0*deg/(2.0*theta)) ; 
+    DEVec petVecposZ(petal_max_number) ;
+    DEVec petVecnegZ(petal_max_number) ;
+    double zSignPetal0 = 1. ;
+    for (int i = 0; i < petal_max_number; i++){ 
+      if(i != DEBUG_PETAL ) {
+	continue;
+      }
+      // Put the petal in the position inside the disk
+      double petalCdtheta = i*2.0*theta;
+      //fg: changed this to positve rotation
+      //fg: the petals at negative z are numbered in positive sense of rotation
+      //    for the ones at positve z, we have to flip around the petal (rotY(pi)) 
+      //    and then rotate in the negative direction around the new (inverted) z-axis
+      //    -> this really mimicks the reflection of the petal disk:
+      //       changed sense of rotation and flipped petals !!
+      RotationZ   rotPetalNZ(    petalCdtheta - pi/2.             );
+      RotationZYX rotPetalPZ( -( petalCdtheta - pi/2. ) , pi , 0. );
+      int zsign = pow((double)-1,i);
+      // Petal i=0 parameters for gear
+      if( i == 0 ) {
+	_ftdparameters[gearpar::PHI0].push_back(petalCdtheta );
+	_ftdparameters[gearpar::PETAL0SIGNOFFSET].push_back(zsign);
+	zSignPetal0 = zsign ;
+      }
+      _ftdparameters[gearpar::PHI0].push_back(0);
+      _ftdparameters[gearpar::PETAL0SIGNOFFSET].push_back(1);
+      //fg: exchanged sin() and cos() in order to have a normal positve sense 
+      //    of rotation around z-axis
+      double dx = (petal_cp_support_dy/2.0 + _inner_radius)*cos( petalCdtheta );
+      double dy = (petal_cp_support_dy/2.0 + _inner_radius)*sin( petalCdtheta ); 
+      double dz = zsign*( _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset) ;
+      Transform3D transPetalPZ( rotPetalPZ, Position( dx, dy, -dz) );
+      //fg: at negative z we just exchange the sign of the z-offset
+      dx = (petal_cp_support_dy/2.0 + _inner_radius)*cos( petalCdtheta );
+      dy = (petal_cp_support_dy/2.0 + _inner_radius)*sin( petalCdtheta ); 
+      Transform3D transPetalNZ( rotPetalNZ, Position( dx, dy,  dz) );
+      // Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+      // 						  transPetal,
+      // 						  "FTDPetalAir",
+      // 						  FTDPetalAirLogical,
+      // 						  FTDDiskLogical,
+      // 						  false,
+      // 						  i+1);
+      // registerPV( Phys );
+      //      pv = FTDDiskLogical.placeVolume( FTDPetalAirLogical, transPetal ) ;
+      // create DetElements for every petal
+      std::stringstream sspz ;  sspz << "ftd_petal_posZ_" << disk_number << "_"  << i  ;
+      std::stringstream ssnz ;  ssnz << "ftd_petal_negZ_" << disk_number << "_"  << i  ;
+      DetElement petalDEposZ( diskDEposZ, sspz.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+      DetElement petalDEnegZ( diskDEnegZ, ssnz.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+      pv = FTDDiskLogicalPZ.placeVolume( FTDPetalAirLogical, transPetalPZ ) ;
+      pv.addPhysVolID("module", i ) ;
+      petalDEposZ.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+      pv = FTDDiskLogicalNZ.placeVolume( FTDPetalAirLogical, transPetalNZ ) ;
+      pv.addPhysVolID("module", i ) ;
+      petalDEnegZ.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+      petVecposZ[i] =  petalDEposZ ;
+      petVecnegZ[i] =  petalDEnegZ ;
+      cout << "===================================================================== " << "\n" <<
+	"FTDPetalAir: " << i << "\n" << 
+	" Petal Offset = " << zsign*_dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset << 
+	" Inner Radius= " << _inner_radius <<  "\n" <<
+	" Outer Radius= " << _outer_radius <<  "\n" <<
+	" xMax = " << _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax <<  "\n" <<
+	" xMin = " << 2.0*petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin << "\n" <<
+	" dy =   " << petal_cp_support_dy << "\n" <<
+	" thickness =   " << petalairthickness_half*2.0 << "\n" <<
+	" placed at (pos z)  \n" << 
+	" x =   " <<  transPetalPZ.Translation().Vect().X() << "\n" <<
+	" y =   " <<  transPetalPZ.Translation().Vect().Y() << "\n" <<
+	" z =   " <<  transPetalPZ.Translation().Vect().Z() << "\n" <<
+	endl;
+    } // end petal loop ...  
+    // -------- reconstruction parameters  ----------------
+    dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::LayerLayout thisLayer ;
+    int isDoubleSided = false;
+    int nSensors = 1;
+    if( _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel != 1 ) {
+      isDoubleSided = true;
+      nSensors = 2;
+    }
+    thisLayer.typeFlags[ dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::SensorType::DoubleSided ] = isDoubleSided ;
+    thisLayer.typeFlags[ dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::SensorType::Pixel ]	   = _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel ;
+    thisLayer.petalHalfAngle	  = _dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support ;
+    thisLayer.alphaPetal	  = 0. ;	// petals are othogonal to z-axis
+    thisLayer.zPosition		  = _z_position ;
+    thisLayer.petalNumber	  = petal_max_number ;
+    thisLayer.sensorsPerPetal	  = nSensors ; 
+    thisLayer.phi0		  = 0.  ;
+    thisLayer.zOffsetSupport	  = - zSignPetal0 *  fabs( _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset ) ; // sign of offset is negative (!?)
+    thisLayer.distanceSupport	  = _inner_radius ;
+    thisLayer.thicknessSupport	  = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness ;
+    thisLayer.widthInnerSupport	  = 2. * petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin ;
+    thisLayer.widthOuterSupport	  = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax ;
+    thisLayer.lengthSupport	  = petal_cp_support_dy ;
+    thisLayer.zOffsetSensitive	  = zSignPetal0 * ( fabs( _dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset ) +  0.5 * (_dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness+_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness)  )  ;
+    thisLayer.distanceSensitive	  = _inner_radius ; 
+    thisLayer.thicknessSensitive  = _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness ;
+    thisLayer.widthInnerSensitive =  2. * petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin ;
+    thisLayer.widthOuterSensitive = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax ;
+    thisLayer.lengthSensitive	  = petal_cp_support_dy ;
+    zDiskPetalsData->layers.push_back( thisLayer ) ;
+    // -------- end reconstruction parameters  ----------------
+#ifdef DD4HEP_WITH_GEAR // ------------------------ Gear disk parameters
+    int sensorType = gear::FTDParameters::PIXEL;  
+    int isDoubleSided = false;
+    int nSensors = 1;
+    if( _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel != 1 ) {
+      sensorType = gear::FTDParameters::STRIP;
+      isDoubleSided = true;
+      nSensors = 2;
+    }
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::NPETALS].push_back(1);
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::NPETALS].push_back(petal_max_number);
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSORTYPE].push_back(sensorType);
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::ISDOUBLESIDED].push_back(isDoubleSided);
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::NSENSORS].push_back(nSensors);
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::ZPOSITION].push_back(_z_position);
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::ZOFFSET].push_back(_dbParDisk.petal_support_zoffset);		
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::ALPHA].push_back(0.0); // staggered design has no tilt
+    _ftdparameters[gearpar::HALFANGLEPETAL].push_back(_dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support);
+    //=END=============================== AIR PETAL =================================END=/
+    //=========================== PETALS & SENSORS ==============================/ 
+    /******************************************************
+     ** Support, sensors and electronics are built via   **
+     ** DoAnPlaceDisk, see the appropiate functions:     **
+     **                                                  **  
+     **   +---------------------++--------------------+  **
+     **   |    Petal Supports   ||       sensors      |  **
+     **   +---------------------++--------------------+  **
+     **   | petalSupportPixels  || pixelSensors       |  **
+     **   +---------------------++--------------------+  **
+     **                                                  **
+     **                                                  **
+     **                                                  **
+     ******************************************************/
+    std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict;
+    valuesDict["petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin"] = petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin;
+    valuesDict["petal_cp_support_dy"] = petal_cp_support_dy;
+    valuesDict["_inner_radius"] = _inner_radius;
+    //    DoAndPlaceDisk( theDetector, ftd, sens, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical );		
+    petalSupport(theDetector, ftd, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical ) ; 
+    VolVec volV = petalSensor( theDetector, ftd, sens, valuesDict, FTDPetalAirLogical );
+    //---- meassurement surface vectors 
+    Vector3D u0( -1. , 0. ,  0. ) ;
+    Vector3D v0(  0. , 1. ,  0. ) ;
+    Vector3D n0(  0. , 0. , -1. ) ;
+    Vector3D u1( -1. , 0. ,  0. ) ;
+    Vector3D v1(  0. , 1. ,  0. ) ;
+    Vector3D n1(  0. , 0. , -1. ) ;
+    double supp_thick = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness ;
+    double active_silicon_thickness =  _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness  ;
+    SurfaceType surfType(SurfaceType::Sensitive) ;
+    if( ! _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel ){  // strip sensor
+      surfType.setProperty( SurfaceType::Measurement1D , true ) ;
+      // implement stereo angle 
+      double strip_angle  = _dbParExReco.strip_angle  ;
+      // choose the rotation here such that u x v = n
+      u0.fill( -cos( strip_angle ) ,  sin( strip_angle  ) , 0. ) ;
+      v0.fill(  sin( strip_angle ) ,  cos( strip_angle  ) , 0. ) ;
+      u1.fill( -cos( strip_angle ) , -sin( strip_angle  ) , 0. ) ;
+      v1.fill( -sin( strip_angle ) ,  cos( strip_angle  ) , 0. ) ;
+    }
+    // surf0 is used for the first sensor and includes the complete support material - surf1 is used for the second sensor and has only the silicon
+    VolPlane surf0( volV[0].first , surfType , active_silicon_thickness/2 , active_silicon_thickness/2 + supp_thick,  u0,v0,n0 ) ;
+    VolPlane surf1( volV[1].first , surfType , active_silicon_thickness/2 , active_silicon_thickness/2             ,  u1,v1,n1 ) ; ;
+    //----
+    // create DetElements for every sensor and assign to the petal DEs
+    // one or two (for double layers ) for positve and negative z each 
+    for (int i = 0; i < petal_max_number; i++){ 
+      if(i != DEBUG_PETAL ) {
+	continue;
+      }
+      //create DetElements for sensors - one per sensitive petal
+      std::stringstream sspz ;  sspz << "ftd_sensor_posZ_" << disk_number << "_"  << i << "_0"  ;
+      std::stringstream ssnz ;  ssnz << "ftd_sensor_negZ_" << disk_number << "_"  << i << "_0"  ;
+      DetElement sensorDEposZ( petVecposZ[i], sspz.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+      DetElement sensorDEnegZ( petVecnegZ[i], ssnz.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+      sensorDEposZ.setPlacement( volV[0].second ) ;
+      sensorDEnegZ.setPlacement( volV[0].second ) ;
+      volSurfaceList( sensorDEposZ )->push_back( surf0 ) ;
+      volSurfaceList( sensorDEnegZ )->push_back( surf0 ) ;
+      if(_dbParDisk.double_sided == 1 ) { // first two disks are single sided pixel
+	std::stringstream sspz1 ;  sspz1 << "ftd_sensor_posZ_" << disk_number << "_"  << i << "_1"  ;
+	std::stringstream ssnz1 ;  ssnz1 << "ftd_sensor_negZ_" << disk_number << "_"  << i << "_1"  ;
+	DetElement sensorDEposZ_2( petVecposZ[i], sspz1.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+	DetElement sensorDEnegZ_2( petVecnegZ[i], ssnz1.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+	sensorDEposZ_2.setPlacement( volV[1].second ) ;
+	sensorDEnegZ_2.setPlacement( volV[1].second ) ;
+	volSurfaceList( sensorDEposZ_2 )->push_back( surf1 ) ;
+	volSurfaceList( sensorDEnegZ_2 )->push_back( surf1 ) ;
+      }
+    }
+    //=END======================= PETALS, SENSORS & ELECT. ==========================END=/ 
+  } //**************** LOOP over disks *******************************
+  //================================ OUTER CYLINDER ==================================/
+#ifndef DEBUG_PETAL
+#ifndef ONE_DISK
+  assert(_dbParDisk.ZStartOuterCylinder>0);
+  assert(_dbParDisk.ZStopOuterCylinder>0);
+  double OuterCylinder_half_z = (_dbParDisk.ZStopOuterCylinder-_dbParDisk.ZStartOuterCylinder)/2.;
+  assert(OuterCylinder_half_z>0);
+  double OuterCylinder_position = _dbParDisk.ZStartOuterCylinder + OuterCylinder_half_z;
+  Tube FTDOuterCylinderSolid(OuterCylinderInnerRadius,
+			     OuterCylinderInnerRadius+_dbParCommon.outer_cylinder_total_thickness,
+			     OuterCylinder_half_z,
+			     phi1, 
+			     phi2);
+  Volume FTDOuterCylinderLogical("FTDOuterCylinder", FTDOuterCylinderSolid, _KaptonMat ) ;
+  ftd.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "FTDCylVis", FTDOuterCylinderLogical ) ;
+  Transform3D transCylPlus(  RotationZYX() , Position(0.,0.,OuterCylinder_position));
+  Transform3D transCylMinus( RotationZYX(), Position(0.,0.,-OuterCylinder_position));
+  //fixme: do we need a special transform here ?
+  //       nothing is placed anyways - see below...
+  // transCylMinus = transCylMinus*ReflectZ3D();
+  //	Phys= ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  //                                               transCylPlus,
+  //                                               "FTDOuterCylinder",
+  //                                               FTDOuterCylinderLogical,
+  //                                               worldLog,
+  //                                               false,
+  //                                               0);      
+  //	registerPV( Phys );
+  //  
+  //	Phys= ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  //                                               transCylMinus,
+  //                                               "FTDOuterCylinder",
+  //                                               FTDOuterCylinderLogical,
+  //                                               worldLog,
+  //                                               false,
+  //                                               0);      
+  //	registerPV( Phys );
+  //=END============================ OUTER CYLINDER =============================END==/
+  //================================ INNER CYLINDER ==================================/
+  //... Inner cylinder (cone)
+  assert(_dbParDisk.ZStartInnerCylinder>0);
+  assert(_dbParDisk.ZStopInnerCylinder>0);
+  double InnerCylinder_half_z =  (_dbParDisk.ZStopInnerCylinder-_dbParDisk.ZStartInnerCylinder)/2.;
+  assert(InnerCylinder_half_z>0);
+  //double InnerCylinder_position = _dbParDisk.ZStartInnerCylinder + InnerCylinder_half_z; NOT USED
+  double InnerCylinderRmin1 = InnerCylinderOuterRadius1 - _dbParCommon.inner_cylinder_total_thickness - (2.0*_dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness) - _dbParCommon.cables_thickness ;
+  double InnerCylinderRmax1 = InnerCylinderOuterRadius1;
+  double InnerCylinderRmin2 = InnerCylinderOuterRadius2 - _dbParCommon.inner_cylinder_total_thickness - (2.0*_dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness) - _dbParCommon.cables_thickness ;
+  double InnerCylinderRmax2 = InnerCylinderOuterRadius2;
+  double cableShieldRmin1 = InnerCylinderRmin1;  double cableShieldRmax1 = cableShieldRmin1 + (2.0*_dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness) + _dbParCommon.cables_thickness ;
+  double cableShieldRmin2 = InnerCylinderRmin2;
+  double cableShieldRmax2 = cableShieldRmin2 + (2.0*_dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness) + _dbParCommon.cables_thickness;
+  double cablesRmin1 = cableShieldRmin1 + _dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness; 
+  double cablesRmax1 = cablesRmin1 + _dbParCommon.cables_thickness;
+  double cablesRmin2 = cableShieldRmin2 + _dbParCommon.cable_shield_thickness; 
+  double cablesRmax2 = cablesRmin2 + _dbParCommon.cables_thickness;
+  ConeSegment FTDInnerCylinderSolid( InnerCylinder_half_z, 
+				     InnerCylinderRmin1,
+				     InnerCylinderRmax1,
+				     InnerCylinderRmin2,
+				     InnerCylinderRmax2,		 
+				     phi1, 
+				     phi2);
+  Volume FTDInnerCylinderLogical("FTDInnerCylinder", FTDInnerCylinderSolid, _KaptonMat ) ;
+  ftd.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "FTDCylVis", FTDInnerCylinderLogical ) ;
+  ConeSegment FTDCableShieldSolid( InnerCylinder_half_z,
+				   cableShieldRmin1,
+				   cableShieldRmax1,
+				   cableShieldRmin2,
+				   cableShieldRmax2,
+				   phi1, 
+				   phi2);
+  Volume FTDCableShieldLogical( "FTDInnerCableShield", FTDCableShieldSolid, _KaptonMat ) ;
+  ftd.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "FTDCylVis",   FTDCableShieldLogical );
+  ConeSegment FTDCablesSolid( InnerCylinder_half_z,
+			      cablesRmin1,
+			      cablesRmax1,
+			      cablesRmin2,
+			      cablesRmax2,
+			      phi1, 
+			      phi2);
+  Volume FTDCablesLogical("FTDInnerCables", FTDCablesSolid, _CuMat ) ;
+  ftd.setVisAttributes( theDetector, "FTDCylVis",  FTDCablesLogical ) ;
+  // fg: the placements are all commented out in the Mokka original
+  //     so no outer cylinder is created - do we need one ???
+  //  //... the cables are placed inside the cylinder
+  //	Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  //                                                Transform3D(),
+  //                                                "FTDInnerCables",
+  //                                                FTDCablesLogical,
+  //                                                FTDCableShieldLogical,
+  //                                                false,
+  //                                                0);      
+  //	registerPV( Phys );
+  //	
+  //	Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  //                                                Transform3D(),
+  //                                                "FTDInnerCableShield",
+  //                                                FTDCableShieldLogical,
+  //                                                FTDInnerCylinderLogical,
+  //                                                false,
+  //                                                0);      
+  //	registerPV( Phys );
+  //  
+  //	Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  //                                                Transform3D(RotationMatrix(), 
+  //                                                              Position(0., 0., InnerCylinder_position) ),
+  //                                                "FTDInnerCylinder",
+  //                                                FTDInnerCylinderLogical,
+  //                                                worldLog,
+  //                                                false,
+  //                                                0);
+  //	registerPV( Phys );
+  //  
+  //  Transform3D Tcyl( RotationMatrix(), Position(0.,0.,-InnerCylinder_position) );
+  //	Tcyl = Tcyl*ReflectZ3D();
+  //	Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  //                                                Tcyl,
+  //                                                "FTDInnerCylinder",
+  //                                                FTDInnerCylinderLogical,
+  //                                                worldLog,
+  //                                                false,
+  //                                                0);
+//fg  registerPV( Phys );
+  //=END============================ INNER CYLINDER =============================END==/
+  //######################################################################################################################################################################
+  zDiskPetalsData->widthStrip  = _dbParExReco.strip_width  ;
+  zDiskPetalsData->lengthStrip = _dbParExReco.strip_length ;
+  zDiskPetalsData->pitchStrip  = _dbParExReco.strip_pitch  ;
+  zDiskPetalsData->angleStrip  = _dbParExReco.strip_angle  ;
+  ftd.addExtension< ZDiskPetalsData >( zDiskPetalsData ) ;
+  //--------------------------------------
+  return ftd;
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(FTD_cepc ,create_element)
+namespace cepc{
+//================================ PETAL BUILD FUNCTIONS ======================================/
+//fg: obsolete - call the two functions directly 
+// //***********************************************************************************************
+// // Build the support, sensors and electronics, choosing what technology have the current disk    
+// //
+// // Input Parameters: 
+// //                   valuesDict: map (name variable, its value)  containing some dimension-disk 
+// //                               parameters, to be passed to the real building functions
+// //                   mother:     Volume where will be placed the volumes are going to
+// //                               build.
+// //
+// void DoAndPlaceDisk( Detector& theDetector,DetElement det,  SensitiveDetector sens, std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict, Volume  mother )
+// {
+//   petalSupport(theDetector, det, valuesDict, mother ) ; // support is placed at 0,0,0 withing the petal
+//   petalSensor( theDetector, det, sens, valuesDict, mother );
+// Build the petal  support. The support is a trapezoid made of foam.
+// Input Parameters: 
+//                   valuesDict: map (name variable, its value)  containing some dimension-disk 
+//                               parameters, to be passed to the real building functions
+//                   mother:     Volume the volumes built are to be placed.
+void petalSupport( Detector& theDetector, DetElement ftd,  std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict, Volume  FTDPetalAirLogical )
+  double petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin = valuesDict["petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin"];
+  double petal_cp_support_dy = valuesDict["petal_cp_support_dy"];
+  double _inner_radius_petal = valuesDict["_inner_radius"];
+  if( _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel == 1) {
+    Trap FTDPetalSupportSolid( _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness/2.0, //thickness
+			       0.0,
+			       0.0,
+			       petal_cp_support_dy/2.0,  // dy
+			       petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin, //dxMin 
+			       _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0, //dxMax
+			       0.0,
+			       petal_cp_support_dy/2.0,  // dy
+			       petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin,  // dxMin
+			       _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0, //dxMax
+			       0.0);
+    Volume FTDPetalSupportLogical( _toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDPetalSupportLogical_%d" ), FTDPetalSupportSolid, _CarbonFiberMat );
+    //printVolume( FTDPetalSupportLogical ) ;
+    ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "FTDSupportVis" , FTDPetalSupportLogical ) ; 
+    // Position Ta;
+    // Ta.setX(0.0); 
+    // Ta.setY(0.0); 
+    // Ta.setZ(0.0); 
+    // PhysicalVolumesPair Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+    // 								    Transform3D(RotationMatrix(),Ta),
+    // 								    "FTDPetalSupport",
+    // 								    FTDPetalSupportLogical,
+    // 								    FTDPetalAirLogical,
+    // 								    false,
+    // 								    0);
+    //   registerPV(Phys);
+    // PlacedVolume pv =
+    FTDPetalAirLogical.placeVolume( FTDPetalSupportLogical , Transform3D() ) ;
+  }  else {
+    Trap FTDPetalSupportCPSolid( _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness/2.0,//thickness
+				 0.0,
+				 0.0,
+				 petal_cp_support_dy/2.0,  // height
+				 petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin, 
+				 _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0,
+				 0.0,
+				 petal_cp_support_dy/2.0,  // height
+				 petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin, 
+				 _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0,
+				 0.0);
+    //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Holes  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/
+    Trap FTDPetalSupportHoleDownSolid = SemiPetalSolid( petal_cp_support_dy, "DOWN", false );
+    Trap FTDPetalSupportHoleUpSolid   = SemiPetalSolid( petal_cp_support_dy, "UP", false );
+    //fg	      
+    //fg   // some transformation needed 
+    const double petal_cp_holes_separation = 10.0*mm; // WARNING! HARDCODED...
+    //fg   
+    //fg   // RotationMatrix * idRot = new RotationMatrix;
+    Position movDown( 0.0, -petal_cp_support_dy/4.0+petal_cp_holes_separation/4.0, 0.0 );
+    Position movUp( 0.0, petal_cp_support_dy/4.0-petal_cp_holes_separation/4.0, 0.0);
+    //fg----- SemiPetalSolid does not seem to work - compute hole parameters here instead:
+    /* recover to FTD_cepc.cc in MokkaC, by fucd
+    // the space frame width 
+    double spfw = _dbParCommon.support_spaceframe_width ; 
+    double dxmin = petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin*2. ;
+    double dxmax = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax  ;
+    double ybase = petal_cp_support_dy / ( dxmax / dxmin  - 1. )  ;
+    // compute y_base to use intercept theorem for computing
+    //  the x-widths of the wholes at various y-values
+    //                        dxMax                                  _
+    //                     -----------   |                          | |    
+    //                     \         /   |                          | |              
+    //       XY-Plane       \ dxMin /    | dy          YZ-Plane     | |    
+    //                       \_____/     |                          |_|     
+    //                        \   /    |                            dz
+    //                         \ /     | ybase
+    //                          v      |
+    double petal_hole_dy =  ( petal_cp_support_dy - 3 * spfw ) / 2. ;
+    double petal_hole_down_dxMin = ( ( ybase + spfw                        ) / ybase  ) * dxmin  - 2. * spfw ; 
+    double petal_hole_down_dxMax = ( ( ybase + spfw    + petal_hole_dy     ) / ybase  ) * dxmin  - 2. * spfw ; 
+    double petal_hole_up_dxMin   = ( ( ybase + spfw *2 + petal_hole_dy     ) / ybase  ) * dxmin  - 2. * spfw ; 
+    double petal_hole_up_dxMax   = ( ( ybase + spfw *2 + petal_hole_dy * 2 ) / ybase  ) * dxmin  - 2. * spfw ; 
+    Trap FTDPetalSupportHoleDownSolid(  2.*_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness/2.0,//thickness
+    					0.0,
+    					0.0,
+    					petal_hole_dy/2.0,  // height
+    					petal_hole_down_dxMin/2., 
+    					petal_hole_down_dxMax/2., 
+    					0.0,
+    					petal_hole_dy/2.0,  // height
+    					petal_hole_down_dxMin/2., 
+    					petal_hole_down_dxMax/2., 
+    					0.0) ;
+    Trap FTDPetalSupportHoleUpSolid(   2.*_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness/2.0,//thickness
+    				      0.0,
+    				      0.0,
+    				      petal_hole_dy/2.0,  // height
+    				      petal_hole_up_dxMin/2., 
+    				      petal_hole_up_dxMax/2., 
+    				      0.0,
+    				      petal_hole_dy/2.0,  // height
+    				      petal_hole_up_dxMin/2., 
+    				      petal_hole_up_dxMax/2.,
+    				      0.0 ) ;
+    Position movDown( 0.0,  -( petal_hole_dy /2.  + spfw / 2. ) , 0.0 );
+    Position movUp(   0.0,   ( petal_hole_dy /2.  + spfw / 2. ) , 0.0 );
+    std::cout << " *** support holes parameters : " 
+    	      << " petal_hole_dy "  <<   petal_hole_dy 
+    	      << " petal_hole_down_dxMin "  <<  petal_hole_down_dxMin 
+    	      << " petal_hole_down_dxMax "  <<   petal_hole_down_dxMax
+    	      << " petal_hole_up_dxMin "  <<   petal_hole_up_dxMin 
+    	      << " petal_hole_up_dxMax "  <<   petal_hole_up_dxMax 
+    	      << " y shift: " << ( petal_hole_dy /4.  + spfw / 2. )  ;
+    //fg----- END: SemiPetalSolid does not seem to work - compute hole parameters here instead:
+    */
+    SubtractionSolid FTDPetalSupportSolid_Prov( FTDPetalSupportCPSolid, FTDPetalSupportHoleDownSolid, movDown ) ;
+    SubtractionSolid FTDPetalSupportSolid( FTDPetalSupportSolid_Prov, FTDPetalSupportHoleUpSolid, movUp ) ;
+    //fg: debug stuff - cutting out tubes and boxes...
+    //    Tube tubehole( 0, 20*mm , 2.*_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness ); 
+    //    Box tubehole( 20*mm , 20*mm , 2.*_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness ); 
+    // SubtractionSolid FTDPetalSupportSolid_Prov( FTDPetalSupportCPSolid, tubehole , movDown ) ;
+    // SubtractionSolid FTDPetalSupportSolid( FTDPetalSupportSolid_Prov, tubehole , movUp ) ;
+    //%END%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Holes  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%END%/
+    // Petal support with two holes substracted
+    Volume FTDPetalSupportLogical (_toString(  _dbParDisk.disk_number, "FTDPetalSupportLogical_%d" ), FTDPetalSupportSolid,  _CarbonFiberMat ) ;
+    //printVolume( FTDPetalSupportLogical ) ;
+    ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "FTDSupportVis" , FTDPetalSupportLogical ) ; 
+    //ftd.setVisAttributes(theDetector,  "Green Vis" , FTDPetalSupportLogical ) ; 
+      // // Placing all together ( support petal boolean  ) inside the air petal container
+      // PhysicalVolumesPair Phys = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+      // 								      Transform3D(),
+      // 								      "FTDPetalSupport",
+      // 								      FTDPetalSupportLogical,
+      // 								      FTDPetalAirLogical,
+      // 								      false,
+      // 								      0);
+      // registerPV(Phys);
+      // PlacedVolume pv =
+	   FTDPetalAirLogical.placeVolume( FTDPetalSupportLogical , Transform3D() ) ;
+    }
+  //-END--------------------------- Central Part ----------------------------------END-/
+  cout << "===================================================================== " << "\n" <<
+    "FTDPetalSupport:\n" << 
+    " Inner Radius= " << _inner_radius_petal <<  "\n" <<
+    " Outer Radius= " << _outer_radius <<  "\n" <<
+    " xMax = " << _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax <<  "\n" <<
+    " xMin = " << 2.0*petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin << "\n" <<
+    " dy =   " << petal_cp_support_dy << "\n" <<
+    " thickness =   " << _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness << "\n" <<
+    // " placed at \n" << 
+    // " x =   " <<  Ta.getX() << "\n" <<
+    // " y =   " <<  Ta.getY() << "\n" <<
+    // " z =   " <<  Ta.getZ() << "\n" <<
+    endl;
+  // Gear Ladder 
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTRINNER].push_back(_inner_radius_petal);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTLENGTHMIN].push_back(2.0*petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTLENGTHMAX].push_back(_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTWIDTH].push_back(petal_cp_support_dy);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTTHICKNESS].push_back(_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness);
+// Build the petal sensitive. The sensitive volume is a trapezoid made of silicon.
+// Input Parameters: 
+//                   valuesDict: map (name variable, its value)  containing some dimension-disk 
+//                               parameters, to be passed to the real building functions
+//                   mother:     Volume the volumes built are to be placed.
+VolVec petalSensor(  Detector& theDetector, DetElement ftd, SensitiveDetector sens, std::map<std::string,double> valuesDict, Volume  FTDPetalAirLogical ) {
+  VolVec volV ;
+  double petal_half_dxMin = valuesDict["petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin"];
+  double petal_dy = valuesDict["petal_cp_support_dy"];
+  double _inner_radius_petalSensor = valuesDict["_inner_radius"];
+  Trap FTDPetalSensitiveSolid( _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness/2.0, //thickness
+				0.0,
+				0.0,
+				petal_dy/2.0,  // dy
+				petal_half_dxMin, //dxMin 
+				_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0, //dxMax
+				0.0,
+				petal_dy/2.0,  // dy
+				petal_half_dxMin,  // dxMin
+				_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/2.0, //dxMax
+				0.0);
+  // Now check 
+  // FIXME: sensitive detectors
+  // TRKSD_FTD01* sensitive_det = 0 ;
+  // if ( _dbParDisk.sensor_is_pixel ) {
+  //   sensitive_det = _theFTDSD_pixel;
+  // } 
+  // else {
+  //   sensitive_det = _theFTDSD_strip;
+  // }
+  Volume FTDPetalSensitiveLogical (_toString( _dbParDisk.disk_number , "FTDPetalSensitiveLogical_%d" ) , FTDPetalSensitiveSolid, _SiMat ) ; 
+  //printVolume( FTDPetalSensitiveLogical ) ;
+  FTDPetalSensitiveLogical.setSensitiveDetector( sens ) ;
+  //ftd.setVisAttributes(  theDetector, "SeeThrough" , FTDPetalSensitiveLogical );
+  ftd.setVisAttributes(  theDetector, "FTDSensitiveVis" , FTDPetalSensitiveLogical );
+  // front sensor
+  Position Ta( 0. , 0. , (_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness)/2.0 ) ;    
+  // PhysicalVolumesPair Phys_front = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+  // 									Transform3D(RotationMatrix(),Ta),
+  // 									"FTDPetalSensitive",
+  // 									FTDPetalSensitiveLogical,
+  // 									FTDPetalAirLogical,
+  // 									false,
+  // 									1);
+  PlacedVolume pv = FTDPetalAirLogical.placeVolume( FTDPetalSensitiveLogical, Ta)  ;
+  pv.addPhysVolID("sensor", 1 )   ;
+  volV.push_back(  std::make_pair( FTDPetalSensitiveLogical , pv )  ) ;
+  cout << "===================================================================== " << "\n" <<
+    "FTDPetalSensitive:\n" << 
+    " Inner Radius= " << _inner_radius_petalSensor <<  "\n" <<
+    " Outer Radius= " << _outer_radius <<  "\n" <<
+    " xMax = " <<  _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax <<  "\n" <<
+    " xMin = " << 2.0*petal_half_dxMin << "\n" <<
+    " dy =   " << petal_dy << "\n" <<
+    " thickness =   " << _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness << "\n" <<
+    " placed at\n " << 
+    " x =   " <<  Ta.X() << "\n" <<
+    " y =   " <<  Ta.Y() << "\n" <<
+    " z =   " <<  Ta.Z() << "\n" <<
+    endl;
+  if(_dbParDisk.double_sided == 1 ) { // first two disks are single sided pixel
+    // rear sensor
+    Ta.SetZ( -(_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness + _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness)/2.0 );    
+    // PhysicalVolumesPair Phys_rear = ReflectionFactory::Instance()->Place(
+    //                                                                          Transform3D(RotationMatrix(),Ta),
+    //                                                                          "FTDPetalSensitive",
+    //                                                                          FTDPetalSensitiveLogical,
+    //                                                                          FTDPetalAirLogical,
+    //                                                                          false,
+    //                                                                          2);
+    pv = FTDPetalAirLogical.placeVolume( FTDPetalSensitiveLogical, Ta )  ;
+    pv.addPhysVolID("sensor", 2 )   ;
+    volV.push_back(  std::make_pair( FTDPetalSensitiveLogical , pv )  ) ;
+    // registerPV(Phys_front);
+    // registerPV(Phys_rear);
+    cout << "===================================================================== " << "\n" <<
+    "FTDPetalSensitive:\n" << 
+    " Inner Radius= " << _inner_radius_petalSensor <<  "\n" <<
+    " Outer Radius= " << _outer_radius <<  "\n" <<
+    " xMax = " <<  _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax <<  "\n" <<
+    " xMin = " << 2.0*petal_half_dxMin << "\n" <<
+    " dy =   " << petal_dy << "\n" <<
+    " thickness =   " << _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness << "\n" <<
+    " placed at\n " << 
+    " x =   " <<  Ta.X() << "\n" <<
+    " y =   " <<  Ta.Y() << "\n" <<
+    " z =   " <<  Ta.Z() << "\n" <<
+    endl;
+  }
+  //        //================================ SILICON SENSORS ==================================/
+  //        // Sensors build as boxes of silicon. Assemblyblblaa
+  //        // 
+  //        //
+  //	double pixel_si_width = 9.9 * mm; //FIXME: From DB 
+  //	double pixel_si_length = 7.0 * mm; //FIXME: From DB 
+  //	double pixel_si_interspace = 5.0 * um; //FIXME: From DB
+  //    
+  //	Box * FTDPixelSolid = new Box( "FTDPixelSensor",
+  //                                      pixel_si_length/2.0,
+  //                                      pixel_si_width/2.0,
+  //                                      _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness/2.0
+  //                                      );
+  //    
+  //	Volume  FTDPixelLogical ( FTDPixelSolid,
+  //                                                            _SiMat,
+  //                                                            "FTDPixelSensor",
+  //                                                            0,
+  //                                                            0,
+  //                                                            0);
+  //    
+  //	FTDPixelLogical->SetVisAttributes( _VisAttSensitive );
+  //	FTDPixelLogical->SetSensitiveDetector(_theFTDSD); //Sensitive
+  //    
+  //        // Defining two (one) rows of pixels per assembly
+  //	std::vector<AssemblyVolume*> pixelsAssemblyRows;
+  //	
+  //	int howManyTotalRows = (int)(petal_cp_support_dy/pixel_si_width);
+  //        // How many rows have in the first assembly (disk 1 = 2, disk 2 =2 );
+  //        // except the first assembly, all the others have two rows per assembly
+  //	int numberRows = 2;
+  //	if( howManyTotalRows % 2 != 0 )
+  //        {
+  //		numberRows = 1;
+  //        }
+  //	int howManyMinPixels = (int)(2.0*petal_cp_supp_half_dxMin/pixel_si_length);
+  //#ifdef DEBUG_VALUES
+  //	cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n" <<
+  //    "Total Pixel rows: " << howManyTotalRows << " ( really done " << howManyTotalRows/2.0 << " assemblies ) \n";
+  //#endif
+  //	
+  //	Position rowTrans( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  //	for(int row = 0; row < (howManyTotalRows/2 + howManyTotalRows%2); ++row)
+  //        {
+  //            //Instantiating the assembly
+  //		pixelsAssemblyRows.push_back( new AssemblyVolume() );
+  //            // Number of pixels (lowest row should have 4)
+  //		int nPixel = howManyMinPixels+row;
+  //            // Positioning: note that if there are a odd number of
+  //            // pixels, the center pixel is centered in x=0
+  //		double x_offset = 0.0;
+  //		if( nPixel % 2 == 1 )
+  //            {
+  //			x_offset = pixel_si_length/2.0;
+  //                // Placing the central pixel
+  //			rowTrans.setX( 0.0 );
+  //			for(int j = 0; j < numberRows; ++j)
+  //                {
+  //				rowTrans.setY( pixel_si_width*(1.0/2.0 + j) +pixel_si_interspace );
+  //				pixelsAssemblyRows.back()->AddPlacedVolume( FTDPixelLogical, 
+  //                                                           rowTrans, (RotationMatrix*)0 );
+  //                }
+  //            }
+  //            // The others pixels except the central one, if there is
+  //		for(int pixelId = 0 ; pixelId < nPixel/2; ++pixelId)
+  //            {
+  //			rowTrans.setX( x_offset + pixel_si_length/2.0 + pixel_si_interspace + pixelId*pixel_si_length); //pixel_si_offset
+  //			for(int j = 0; j < numberRows; ++j)
+  //                {
+  //				rowTrans.setY( pixel_si_width*(1.0/2.0 + j) + pixel_si_interspace );
+  //                    // Assembly built as two (or one) rows of pixels
+  //				pixelsAssemblyRows.back()->AddPlacedVolume( FTDPixelLogical, 
+  //                                                           rowTrans, (RotationMatrix*)0 );
+  //				rowTrans.setX( -rowTrans.getX() ) ;
+  //				pixelsAssemblyRows.back()->AddPlacedVolume( FTDPixelLogical, 
+  //                                                           rowTrans, (RotationMatrix*)0 );
+  //                }
+  //            }
+  //            // All the others assemblies have two rows
+  //		numberRows = 2;
+  //        }
+  //        //Placing the assemblies inside the air petal, begining from the bottom	
+  //        //	double dz = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness/2.0 + _dbParDisk.kapton_petal_thickness + _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness/2.0; 
+  //	double dz = _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness /2.0; 
+  //    
+  //	double dx = 0.0;
+  //	double dy = -petal_cp_support_dy/2.0;
+  //	Position inMotherTrans(dx, dy, dz); 
+  //	if( howManyTotalRows % 2 != 0 )
+  //        {	
+  //            numberRows = 1;
+  //        }
+  //	for( std::vector<AssemblyVolume*>::iterator assemblyRow = pixelsAssemblyRows.begin();
+  //        assemblyRow != pixelsAssemblyRows.end(); ++assemblyRow )
+  //        {
+  //#ifdef DEBUG_VALUES
+  //		static int i = 0;
+  //        cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n" <<
+  //        " Placement pixels sensors: \n" 
+  //        << "   Row " << i << ": dx=" << dx << ", dy=" << dy << ", dz=" << dz 
+  //        << " -- # pixel: " << (*assemblyRow)->GetInstanceCount() << "\n";
+  //        cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n" << endl;
+  //		i++;
+  //#endif
+  //        (*assemblyRow)->MakeImprint( FTDPetalSupportAirLogical, inMotherTrans, (RotationMatrix*)0 );
+  //            // Ready to put the next one
+  //		dy += 2.0*pixel_si_width;
+  //		inMotherTrans.setY( dy );
+  //		if( numberRows == 1 )
+  //            {
+  //			dy -= pixel_si_width;
+  //			inMotherTrans.setY( dy );
+  //			numberRows = 2;
+  //            }
+  //        }
+  //        // Gear
+  //	int howManyPixelsUp = (int)(_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/pixel_si_length);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVERINNER].push_back(_inner_radius_petalSensor);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVELENGTHMIN].push_back(2.0*petal_half_dxMin);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVELENGTHMAX].push_back(_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVEWIDTH].push_back(petal_dy);
+  _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVETHICKNESS].push_back(_dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness);
+  return volV ;
+//=END============================ PETAL BUILD FUNCTIONS ==================================END=/
+//============================= PETAL DIMENSION FUNCTIONS =====================================/
+// Functions to extract relative dimensions of the petals. The mechanical design for the petals
+// is made taking as reference one disk (disk 1 for pixels, disk 4 for strips), so the petal
+// is parametrized using variables given for the database (or calculates from them). All the
+// dimensions of the petal are extracted having the inner radius and outer radius of the disk,
+// the top length of the petal and the angle defined by the petal using trigonometry.
+//   (*)outer radius
+//                    dxMax/2                     dxMax
+//	           ============               =============
+//	          |          //               \           /
+//      dy        |  (*)<--/ /                 \  PETAL  /
+//	          |      /  /                   \       /
+//	          -====/===/--> dxMin/2          =======   dxMin
+//	          |  /    /   
+//  inner radius  |/     /
+//                -·····/
+//	          |    /             dy = _outer_radius*cos( arcsin(dxMax/(2*_outer_radius)) ) - _inner_radius
+//	          |   /              ( a = dxMax/(2*tag(theta)) - _inner_radius - dy )
+//	 a        |  /               dxMin = 2*tan(theta)*( _inner_radius + a )
+//	          |-/ theta
+//	          |/
+// So, changing the inner radius it'll change the dy and dxMin as well, providing the diferents widths
+// of the petal, needed to build the sensors, holes, etc...
+// Get the dy of the petal which corresponds to a given radius
+// Input Parameters:   inner radius
+// Output Parameters:  dy
+  double Getdy(const double & innerRadius ){
+    return _outer_radius*cos( asin(_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/(2.0*_outer_radius)) ) - innerRadius;
+  }
+// Get the dxMin of the petal which corresponds to a given radius
+// Input Parameters:   inner radius
+// Output Parameters:  dxMin
+ double Getdx( const double & innerRadius ) {
+   double a = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax/(2.0*tan(_dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support)) - innerRadius - 
+     Getdy( innerRadius );
+   return 2.0*(innerRadius + a)*tan(_dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support);
+ }
+// Get the dimensions of the up and down holes or the silicon up or down sensors:
+// Input parameters:      
+//                   petal_cp_support_dy: height of the air petal container
+//                   whereItgoes:         "UP" or "DOWN", where is placed
+//                   isSilicon:           True of False, define if is the sensor or the holes
+// Output:         
+//                  std::vector<double>* =  [ xMin_half, xMax_half, dy_half, thickness_half ]
+std::vector<double> GetPetalDimensions( const double& petal_cp_support_dy, const std::string & whereItgoes, const bool isSilicon )
+  const double theta = _dbParCommon.petal_half_angle_support;
+  double central_separation_y = 10.0*mm/2.0; //HARDCODED _dbParDisk.petal_cp_holes_separation/2.0;
+  double x_dim = 6.0*mm/cos(theta);          //HARDCODED _dbParDisk.petal_cp_holes_width_support/cos(theta);
+  double y_dimension = 10.0*mm;        // HARDCODED _dbParDisk.petal_cp_holes_separation;
+  double half_thickness = _dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_thickness/2.0;
+  //Silicon detector or Hole?
+  if(isSilicon)
+    {
+      central_separation_y = 0.0;
+      const double padUp_Si_dxMax = 118.46*mm; 
+      x_dim = (_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax-padUp_Si_dxMax)/2.0; // HARDCODED
+      //x_dim = (_dbParDisk.petal_cp_support_dxMax-_dbParDisk.padUp_Si_dxMax)/2.0;
+      y_dimension = y_dimension/2.0;
+      half_thickness = _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness/2.0;
+    }
+  double pseudo_radius_up;
+  double pseudo_radius_down;
+  // Up or down?
+  if( whereItgoes == "UP" )
+    {
+      pseudo_radius_up   = _inner_radius+petal_cp_support_dy - y_dimension;
+      pseudo_radius_down = _inner_radius+petal_cp_support_dy*_dbParCommon.petal_y_ratio + central_separation_y ;
+    }
+  else if( whereItgoes == "DOWN" )
+    {
+      pseudo_radius_up = _inner_radius + petal_cp_support_dy*_dbParCommon.petal_y_ratio - central_separation_y;
+      pseudo_radius_down = _inner_radius + y_dimension;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      cout << "FTD_Simple_Staggered: Internal Error: The function SemiPetalSolid is not well called, the " <<
+        "4th argument must be \"UP\" or \"DOWN\".\n Check the code!!" << endl;
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+  const double xMin_half = (Getdx( pseudo_radius_down ) - x_dim)/2.0;
+  const double xMax_half = (Getdx( pseudo_radius_up )- x_dim)/2.0;
+  const double dy = pseudo_radius_up - pseudo_radius_down;
+  cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n" <<
+    "    IsSilicon?: " << isSilicon <<  
+    " " << whereItgoes <<
+    " xMin=" << 2.*xMin_half << 
+    " xMax=" << 2.0*xMax_half << 
+    " dy= " << dy << std::endl;
+  cout << "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n" << endl;
+  std::vector<double>  dimensions ;
+  dimensions.push_back( xMin_half );
+  dimensions.push_back( xMax_half );
+  dimensions.push_back( dy/2.0 );
+  dimensions.push_back( half_thickness );
+  return dimensions;
+// Construction of the up and down holes or the silicon up or down sensors
+// Input parameters:      
+//                   petal_cp_support_dy: height of the air petal container
+//                   whereItgoes:         "UP" or "DOWN", where is placed
+//                   isSilicon:           True of False, define if is the sensor or the holes
+Trap SemiPetalSolid( const double& petal_cp_support_dy, const std::string& whereItgoes, const bool isSilicon ){
+  // Get dimensions
+  const std::vector<double>&  dimensions = GetPetalDimensions( petal_cp_support_dy, whereItgoes, isSilicon );
+  double xMin_half      = dimensions[0];
+  double xMax_half      = dimensions[1];
+  double dy_half        = dimensions[2];
+  double half_thickness = dimensions[3];
+  return Trap( half_thickness,//thickness
+	       0.0,
+	       0.0,
+	       dy_half,  // height
+	       xMin_half, 
+	       xMax_half,
+	       0.0,
+	       dy_half,  // height
+	       xMin_half, 
+	       xMax_half,
+	       0.0 ) ;
+  //  return FTDSemiPetalSolid ;
+ }
+ //=END========================= PETAL DIMENSION FUNCTIONS =================================END=/
+//fixme: registering sensitive ...
+// //*********************************************************************************************
+// // Register two ftd sensitive detectors, one for the pixel disks and one for the strip disks
+// void RegisterSDs( Database * db )
+// {
+//   // Getting parameters disk-specific
+//   db->exec("select * from disks;");
+//   db->getTuple();
+//   double minDiskThickness (MAXFLOAT);
+//   do
+//     	{
+//     _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness = db->fetchDouble("disk_si_thickness")  ;
+//     if(minDiskThickness>_dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness)
+//         {
+// 			minDiskThickness = _dbParDisk.disks_Si_thickness;
+//         }
+//      	} while(db->getTuple()!=NULL);
+//   this->_theFTDSD_pixel =  new TRKSD_FTD01( "FTD_PIXEL", minDiskThickness * 340 * keV/mm * 0.2,true);
+//   RegisterSensitiveDetector(_theFTDSD_pixel);
+//   this->_theFTDSD_strip =  new TRKSD_FTD01( "FTD_STRIP", minDiskThickness * 340 * keV/mm * 0.2,true);
+//   RegisterSensitiveDetector(_theFTDSD_strip);
+// }
+// void registerPV(const PhysicalVolumesPair & pvPair )
+// {
+// 	if( pvPair.first != 0 )
+//       {
+// 		_registerPV.push_back( pvPair.first );
+//       }
+// 	if( pvPair.second != 0 )
+//       {
+// 		_registerPV.push_back( pvPair.second );
+//       }
+// }
+// //================================ GEAR STUFF FUNCTIONS ====================================/
+//fixme: seems to be never called in Mokka class (maybe outside ? )
+void GearSetup()
+  //--- Added carbon fiber.  
+  //    TODO: It is needed some other changes??  
+  //    October, 2010, J.Duarte
+  double Si_RadLen, Si_dEdx;
+  double Kapton_RadLen, Kapton_dEdx;
+  double CarbonFiber_RadLen, CarbonFiber_dEdx;
+  double Cu_RadLen, Cu_dEdx;
+  Si_RadLen = _SiMat->GetRadlen();
+  Kapton_RadLen = _KaptonMat->GetRadlen();
+  Cu_RadLen = _CuMat->GetRadlen();
+  CarbonFiber_RadLen = _CarbonFiberMat->GetRadlen();
+  //... Looping over bins in the DEDX table to obtain the mip DEDX 
+  //... From energy 0.0001MeV to 1000MeV in steps of 10 (See GetdEdx function)
+  Si_dEdx=GetdEdx( _SiMat );
+  Kapton_dEdx=GetdEdx(_KaptonMat);
+  CarbonFiber_dEdx = GetdEdx(_CarbonFiberMat);
+  Cu_dEdx=GetdEdx( _CuMat );
+  // Parameters for FTD
+  gear::GearMgr* gearMgr = MokkaGear::getMgr() ;
+  gear::FTDParametersImpl* ftdParam = new gear::FTDParametersImpl();
+  // Write gearParameters to GearMgr
+  for(unsigned int layer = 0; layer < _ftdparameters[gearpar::NPETALS].size(); layer++)
+    {
+      // Extract all the param
+      int	nPetals       =   (int)_ftdparameters[gearpar::NPETALS].at(layer);
+      int	nSensors      =   (int) _ftdparameters[gearpar::NSENSORS].at(layer);
+      bool	isDoubleSided =   (bool)_ftdparameters[gearpar::ISDOUBLESIDED].at(layer);
+      int	sensorType    =   (int)_ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSORTYPE].at(layer);
+      double	phalfangle    =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::HALFANGLEPETAL].at(layer);
+      double	phi0	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::PHI0].at(layer);
+      // Correct the sign: axis of the trapezoids built inside a ref. with Z --> -Z
+      double	signoffset    = - _ftdparameters[gearpar::PETAL0SIGNOFFSET].at(layer);
+      double	alpha	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::ALPHA].at(layer);
+      double	zposition     =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::ZPOSITION].at(layer);
+      double	zoffset	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::ZOFFSET].at(layer);
+      double	suprtRin      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTRINNER].at(layer);
+      double	suprtThic     =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTTHICKNESS].at(layer);
+      double	suprtLMin     =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTLENGTHMIN].at(layer);
+      double	suprtLMax     =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTLENGTHMAX].at(layer);
+      double	suprtW	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTWIDTH].at(layer);
+      //double suprtRL	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SUPPORTRADLENGTH].at(layer); FIXME
+      double	suprtRL	      =    Si_RadLen;
+      double	sensitRin     =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVERINNER].at(layer);
+      double	sensitThic    =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVETHICKNESS].at(layer);
+      double	sensitLMin    =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVELENGTHMIN].at(layer);
+      double	sensitLMax    =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVELENGTHMAX].at(layer);
+      double	sensitW	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVEWIDTH].at(layer);
+      //double sensitRL	      =   _ftdparameters[gearpar::SENSITIVERADLENGTH].at(layer); //FIXME
+      double	sensitRL      = Si_RadLen;
+      ftdParam->addLayer( nPetals, nSensors, isDoubleSided, sensorType, phalfangle, phi0, alpha,zposition, zoffset, signoffset,
+			  suprtRin, suprtThic, 
+			  suprtLMin, suprtLMax,
+			  suprtW, suprtRL,
+			  sensitRin, sensitThic,
+			  sensitLMin, sensitLMax,
+			  sensitW, sensitRL ) ;
+    }
+  // Add the extended_reconstruction_parameters
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_width", _dbParExReco.strip_width );
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_length",_dbParExReco.strip_length);
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch", _dbParExReco.strip_pitch );
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_angle", _dbParExReco.strip_angle );
+  gearMgr->setFTDParameters(ftdParam);
diff --git a/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/SIT_Simple_Planar_geo.cpp b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/SIT_Simple_Planar_geo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6a93e80c637876fdfc867725787d9c034973c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/SIT_Simple_Planar_geo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+//  lcgeo - LC detector models in DD4hep 
+//  F.Gaede, DESY
+//  $Id$
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include "XMLHandlerDB.h"
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace std;
+using dd4hep::Box;
+using dd4hep::DetElement;
+using dd4hep::Position;
+using dd4hep::RotationY;
+using dd4hep::RotationZYX;
+using dd4hep::Transform3D;
+using dd4hep::Volume;
+using dd4hep::_toString;
+using dd4hep::rec::volSurfaceList;
+using dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData;
+/** helper struct */
+struct SIT_Layer {
+  int     n_ladders;
+  int     n_sensors_per_ladder;
+  double  sensor_length;
+  double  half_z;
+  double  sensitive_inner_radius ;
+  double  support_inner_radius ;
+  double  ladder_width ;
+  double  ladder_dphi ;
+//std::vector<SIT_Layer> _SIT_Layers;
+// /** helper struct */
+// struct extended_reconstruction_parameters {
+//   double sensor_length_mm;
+//   double strip_width_mm;
+//   double strip_length_mm;
+//   double strip_pitch_mm;
+//   double strip_angle_deg;
+// };
+//extended_reconstruction_parameters _e_r_p;
+/** Construction of the SIT detector, ported from Mokka driver SIT_Simple_Planar.cc
+ *
+ *  Mokka History:
+ *  Feb 7th 2011, Steve Aplin - original version
+ *
+ *  @author: F.Gaede, DESY, Jan 2014
+ */
+static dd4hep::Ref_t create_element(dd4hep::Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, dd4hep::SensitiveDetector sens)  {
+  //------------------------------------------
+  //  See comments starting with '//**' for
+  //     hints on porting issues
+  //------------------------------------------
+  xml_det_t    x_det = e;
+  string       name  = x_det.nameStr();
+  dd4hep::DetElement   sit(  name, x_det.id()  ) ;
+  // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+  dd4hep::Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  e , sit ) ;
+  dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( e, sit ) ;
+  if( theDetector.buildType() == dd4hep::BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return sit ;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  dd4hep::PlacedVolume pv;
+  sens.setType("tracker");
+  dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData*  zPlanarData = new dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData ;
+  //######################################################################################################################################################################
+  //  code ported from SIT_Simple_Planar::construct() :
+  //##################################
+  //  extended_reconstruction_parameters _e_r_p;
+  // *********************
+  //  Read and Store the Extended Reconstruction Parameters which are passed directly through to gear. Note others may be added below
+  // db->exec("select * from extended_reconstruction_parameters;");
+  // db->getTuple();
+  XMLHandlerDB db = XMLHandlerDB(  x_det.child( _Unicode( reconstruction ) ) ) ;
+  zPlanarData->widthStrip  = db->fetchDouble("strip_width")  ;
+  zPlanarData->lengthStrip = db->fetchDouble("strip_length") ;
+  zPlanarData->pitchStrip  = db->fetchDouble("strip_pitch")  ;
+  zPlanarData->angleStrip  = db->fetchDouble("strip_angle") ;
+  double strip_angle = zPlanarData->angleStrip ;
+  // *********************
+  //... db common_parameters
+  // // db->exec("select * from global;");
+  // // db->getTuple();
+  db = XMLHandlerDB(  x_det.child( _Unicode( global ) ) ) ;
+  // Sensitive Thickness  
+  double sensitive_thickness = db->fetchDouble("sensitive_thickness") ;
+  // Support Thickness
+  double support_thickness = db->fetchDouble("support_thickness") ;
+  // Sensor Length
+  double sensor_length = db->fetchDouble("sensor_length") ;
+  dd4hep::Material air = theDetector.air()  ;
+  dd4hep::Material sensitiveMat = theDetector.material(db->fetchString("sensitive_mat"));  
+  dd4hep::Material supportMat   = theDetector.material(db->fetchString("support_mat"));  
+  // // // setup the encoder 
+  // // UTIL::BitField64 encoder( LCTrackerCellID::encoding_string() ) ; 
+  // // encoder.reset() ;  // reset to 0
+  // // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::subdet()] = ILDDetID::NOTUSED ;
+  // // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::side()] = 0 ;
+  // // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::layer()]  = 0 ;
+  // // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::module()] = 0 ;
+  // // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::sensor()] = 0 ;
+  // // int cellID0 = encoder.lowWord() ;
+  //... The SIT Sensitive detector
+  //unused:  double sensitive_threshold_KeV = db->fetchDouble("sensitive_threshold_KeV")  ;
+  //FIXME: the SD  ...
+  // // _theSITSD = 
+  // // new TRKSD02("SIT",
+  // //             _sensitive_thickness * mm 
+  // //             * sensitive_threshold_KeV ,
+  // //             10.0 * MeV);
+  // // RegisterSensitiveDetector(_theSITSD);
+  for(xml_coll_t c( x_det ,_U(layer)); c; ++c)  {
+    xml_comp_t  x_layer( c );
+    db = XMLHandlerDB( x_layer )  ;
+    int layer_id = db->fetchInt("layer_id");
+    double half_z(0);
+    double sensitive_radius(0);
+    double sensitive_inner_radius(0);
+    double support_radius(0);
+    int    n_sensors_per_ladder(0) ;
+    int    n_ladders(0) ;
+    double ladder_width(0) ;
+    double ladder_clearance(0) ;
+    int    faces_IP(0) ;
+    int    is_SIT1(0) ;
+    int    is_SIT2(0) ;
+    sensitive_radius     = db->fetchDouble("sensitive_radius") ;
+    n_sensors_per_ladder = db->fetchInt("n_sensors_per_ladder") ;
+    half_z               = (n_sensors_per_ladder *sensor_length) / 2.0 ;
+    n_ladders            = db->fetchInt("n_ladders") ;
+    faces_IP             = db->fetchInt("faces_IP") ;
+    is_SIT1              = db->fetchInt("is_SIT1") ;
+    is_SIT2              = db->fetchInt("is_SIT2") ;
+    ladder_clearance     = db->fetchDouble("ladder_clearance") ;
+    // create assembly and DetElement for the layer
+    std::string layerName = dd4hep::_toString( layer_id , "layer_%d"  );
+    dd4hep::Assembly layer_assembly( layerName ) ;
+    pv = envelope.placeVolume( layer_assembly ) ;
+    dd4hep::DetElement layerDE( sit , layerName  , x_det.id() );
+    layerDE.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+    const double ladder_dphi = ( dd4hep::twopi / n_ladders ) ;
+    sensitive_inner_radius = sensitive_radius - 0.5 *sensitive_thickness;
+    ladder_width = 2*(tan(ladder_dphi*0.5)*sensitive_inner_radius - ladder_clearance) ;
+    // double inner_most_radius = 0.0;
+    if( faces_IP == 1 ){ // support is on the outside 
+      support_radius = sensitive_radius + (0.5 *sensitive_thickness) ;
+      ladder_width = 2*(tan(ladder_dphi*0.5)*sensitive_inner_radius - ladder_clearance) ;
+      // inner_most_radius = sensitive_inner_radius;
+    }
+    else{ // support is on the inside
+      support_radius = sensitive_radius - (0.5 *sensitive_thickness) -support_thickness;
+      ladder_width = 2*(tan(ladder_dphi*0.5)*support_radius - ladder_clearance) ;
+      // inner_most_radius = support_radius;
+    }
+    //FIXME: GEAR....
+    // std::ostringstream ossradius;
+    // std::ostringstream osshalfz;
+    // ossradius << inner_most_radius / mm;
+    // osshalfz << half_z / mm;
+    // if(is_SIT1 == 1){
+    //   (*Control::globalModelParameters)["SIT1_Radius"] = ossradius.str();
+    //   (*Control::globalModelParameters)["SIT1_Half_Length_Z"] = osshalfz.str();
+    // }
+    // if(is_SIT2 == 1){
+    //   (*Control::globalModelParameters)["SIT2_Radius"] = ossradius.str();
+    //   (*Control::globalModelParameters)["SIT2_Half_Length_Z"] = osshalfz.str();
+    // }
+    dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout thisLayer ;
+    thisLayer.sensorsPerLadder = n_sensors_per_ladder ;
+    thisLayer.lengthSensor     = sensor_length ;
+    thisLayer.distanceSupport  = support_radius;
+    thisLayer.offsetSupport    = 0. ;
+    thisLayer.thicknessSupport = support_thickness ;
+    thisLayer.zHalfSupport     = half_z ;
+    thisLayer.widthSupport     = ladder_width ;
+    thisLayer.distanceSensitive  = sensitive_radius - 0.5 *sensitive_thickness;
+    thisLayer.offsetSensitive    = 0. ;
+    thisLayer.thicknessSensitive = sensitive_thickness ;
+    thisLayer.zHalfSensitive     = half_z ;
+    thisLayer.widthSensitive     = ladder_width ;
+    thisLayer.ladderNumber =  n_ladders;
+    thisLayer.phi0         =  0. ;
+    zPlanarData->layers.push_back( thisLayer ) ;
+    SIT_Layer layer_geom ;
+    layer_geom.n_ladders = n_ladders;
+    layer_geom.sensor_length =sensor_length;
+    layer_geom.n_sensors_per_ladder = n_sensors_per_ladder;
+    layer_geom.half_z = half_z ;
+    layer_geom.sensitive_inner_radius = sensitive_radius - 0.5 *sensitive_thickness;
+    layer_geom.support_inner_radius = support_radius;
+    layer_geom.ladder_width = ladder_width ;
+    layer_geom.ladder_dphi = ladder_dphi;
+    std::vector<SIT_Layer>SIT_Layers;
+    SIT_Layers.push_back(layer_geom) ;
+    std::cout << "SIT_Simple_Planar: Layer:" << layer_id
+    	      << "\t half length = " << layer_geom.half_z
+    	      << "\t sensor length = " << layer_geom.sensor_length
+    	      << "\t n sensors per ladder = " << layer_geom.n_sensors_per_ladder
+    	      << "\t min r sensitive = " << layer_geom.sensitive_inner_radius
+    	      << "\t min r support = " << layer_geom.support_inner_radius
+    	      << "\t n ladders = " << layer_geom.n_ladders
+    	      << "\t ladder width = " << layer_geom.ladder_width
+    	      << "\t ladder clearance = " << ladder_clearance
+    	      << "\t ladder dphi = " << ladder_dphi
+    	      << "\t sensitive mat = " <<sensitiveMat->GetName()
+    	      << "\t support mat = " <<supportMat->GetName()
+    	      << "\t faces_IP = " << faces_IP
+    	      << "\t is_SIT1 = " << is_SIT1
+    	      << "\t is_SIT2 = " << is_SIT2
+    	      << std::endl;
+    // std::stringstream name_base;
+    // name_base << "SIT";
+    // std::stringstream name_enum;
+    // name_enum << layer_id;
+    // create an enclosing ladder volume that will be placed in the world volume for every ladder
+    dd4hep::Box sitLadderSolid( (sensitive_thickness +support_thickness ) / 2.0 ,
+                                layer_geom.ladder_width / 2.0,
+                                layer_geom.half_z);
+    dd4hep::Volume sitLadderLogical( dd4hep::_toString( layer_id,"SIT_LadderLogical_%02d"), sitLadderSolid, air ) ; 
+    // now create an envelope volume to represent the sensitive area, which will be divided up into individual sensors         
+    dd4hep::Box sitSenEnvelopeSolid( (sensitive_thickness ) / 2.0 ,
+                                     layer_geom.ladder_width  / 2.0,
+                                     layer_geom.half_z);
+    //fixme: material ???    Volume sitSenEnvelopeLogical( _toString( layer_id,"SIT_SenEnvelopeLogical_%02d"), sitSenEnvelopeSolid, sensitiveMat )  ;
+    dd4hep::Volume sitSenEnvelopeLogical( dd4hep::_toString( layer_id,"SIT_SenEnvelopeLogical_%02d"),
+                                          sitSenEnvelopeSolid, air )  ;
+    // create the sensor volumes and place them in the senstive envelope volume 
+    dd4hep::Box sitSenSolid( (sensitive_thickness ) / 2.0 ,
+                             layer_geom.ladder_width  / 2.0,
+                             (layer_geom.sensor_length / 2.0 ) - 1.e-06 * dd4hep::mm ); // added tolerance to avoid false overlap detection
+    dd4hep::Volume sitSenLogical( dd4hep::_toString( layer_id,"SIT_SenLogical_%02d"), sitSenSolid,sensitiveMat ) ; 
+    sitSenLogical.setSensitiveDetector(sens);
+    //====== create the meassurement surface ===================
+    dd4hep::rec::Vector3D u,v,n ;
+    if( faces_IP == 0 ){
+      n.fill( -1. ,   0. , 0. ) ;
+      // implement stereo angle 
+      u.fill( 0. ,  -cos( strip_angle ) , -sin( strip_angle  ) ) ;
+      v.fill( 0. ,  -sin( strip_angle ) ,  cos( strip_angle  ) ) ;
+    } else {
+      n.fill( 1. , 0. , 0. ) ;
+      // implement stereo angle 
+      u.fill( 0. ,  cos( strip_angle  ) ,  sin( strip_angle  ) ) ;
+      v.fill( 0. , -sin( strip_angle  ) ,  cos( strip_angle  ) ) ;
+    }
+    double inner_thick =  sensitive_thickness / 2.0 ;
+    double outer_thick =  sensitive_thickness / 2.0 ;
+    if( faces_IP ){
+      outer_thick += support_thickness ;
+    } else { 
+      inner_thick += support_thickness ;
+    }
+    dd4hep::rec::VolPlane surf( sitSenLogical ,
+                                dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType(dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType::Sensitive,
+                                                         dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType::Measurement1D),
+                                inner_thick, outer_thick , u,v,n ) ; //,o ) ;
+    // vector of sensor placements - needed for DetElements in ladder loop below
+    std::vector<dd4hep::PlacedVolume> pvV(  layer_geom.n_sensors_per_ladder ) ;
+    //============================================================
+    for (int isensor=0; isensor < layer_geom.n_sensors_per_ladder ; ++isensor) {
+      // encoder.reset() ;  // reset to 0
+      // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::subdet()] = ILDDetID::NOTUSED ;
+      // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::sensor()] =  isensor+1;
+      // cellID0 = encoder.lowWord() ;
+      double xpos = 0.0;
+      double ypos = 0.0;
+      double zpos = -layer_geom.half_z + (0.5*layer_geom.sensor_length) + (isensor*layer_geom.sensor_length) ;
+      pv = sitSenEnvelopeLogical.placeVolume( sitSenLogical,
+                                              Transform3D( RotationY(0.) ,
+                                                           Position( xpos, ypos, zpos)  ) );
+      pv.addPhysVolID("sensor",  isensor ) ; 
+      //fixme: what is the correct numbering convention ?
+      // pv.addPhysVolID("sensor",  isensor + 1 ) ; 
+      pvV[isensor] = pv ;
+    }					      
+    sit.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "SeeThrough",  sitLadderLogical ) ;
+    sit.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "SeeThrough",  sitSenEnvelopeLogical ) ;
+    sit.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "BlueVis",       sitSenLogical ) ;
+    // encoder.reset() ;  // reset to 0
+    // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::subdet()] = ILDDetID::NOTUSED ;
+    // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::layer()]  = layer_id ;
+    // cellID0 = encoder.lowWord() ;
+    pv = sitLadderLogical.placeVolume( sitSenEnvelopeLogical , Transform3D( RotationY( 0.), 
+									   Position( (-(sensitive_thickness +support_thickness ) / 2.0 + ( sensitive_thickness / 2.0) ), 0.,0.) ) );
+    // pv = sitSenEnvelopeLogical.placeVolume( sitLadderLogical, Transform3D( RotationY( 0.), 
+    // 									   Position( (-(sensitive_thickness +support_thickness ) / 2.0 + ( sensitive_thickness / 2.0) ), 0.,0.) ) );
+    //fixme: needed ??    pv.addPhysVolID("layer", layer_id ) ; 
+    // create support volume which will be placed in the enclosing ladder volume together with the senstive envelope volume
+    Box sitSupSolid( (support_thickness ) / 2.0 ,
+		     layer_geom.ladder_width / 2.0,
+		     layer_geom.half_z);
+    Volume sitSupLogical(   _toString( layer_id,"SIT_SupLogical_%02d"),  sitSupSolid, supportMat ) ;
+    sit.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "RedVis",  sitSupLogical ) ;
+    pv = sitLadderLogical.placeVolume( sitSupLogical, Transform3D( RotationY( 0.), 
+								   Position( (-(sensitive_thickness +support_thickness ) / 2.0 +sensitive_thickness + ( support_thickness / 2.0)   ), 0.,0.) ) );
+    for( int i = 0 ; i < n_ladders ; ++i ){
+      std::stringstream ladder_enum; ladder_enum << "sit_ladder_" << layer_id << "_" << i;
+      DetElement   ladderDE( layerDE ,  ladder_enum.str() , x_det.id() );
+      for (int isensor=0; isensor < layer_geom.n_sensors_per_ladder ; ++isensor) {
+	std::stringstream sensor_ss ;  sensor_ss << ladder_enum.str() << "_" << isensor ;
+	DetElement sensorDE( ladderDE, sensor_ss.str() ,  x_det.id() );
+	sensorDE.setPlacement( pvV[isensor] ) ;
+	volSurfaceList( sensorDE )->push_back(  surf ) ;
+      }					      
+      // RotationMatrix *rot = new RotationMatrix();
+      // rot->rotateZ( i * -ladder_dphi );
+      // // rotate by 180 degrees around z if facing away from the IP
+      // if( faces_IP == 0 ) rot->rotateZ( 180 * deg );
+      // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::subdet()] = ILDDetID::SIT ;
+      // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::layer()]  = layer_id ;
+      // encoder[LCTrackerCellID::module()] = i + 1 ;
+      // cellID0 = encoder.lowWord() ;  
+      float dr = ( (sensitive_thickness +support_thickness ) / 2.0 ) - (sensitive_thickness / 2.0 ) ;
+      //      double phi_rot =  i * -ladder_dphi ;
+      double phi_rot =  i * ladder_dphi ;
+      if( faces_IP == 0 ) { 
+	dr = -dr;
+	phi_rot += M_PI ;
+      }
+      pv = layer_assembly.placeVolume( sitLadderLogical, Transform3D( RotationZYX(  phi_rot, 0. , 0. ), 
+								      Position( (sensitive_radius+dr) * cos(i * ladder_dphi), 
+										(sensitive_radius+dr) * sin(i * ladder_dphi), 
+										0. ) ) ) ;
+      pv.addPhysVolID("layer", layer_id ).addPhysVolID("module", i ) ; 
+      //fixme: what is the correct numbering convention ?
+      //pv.addPhysVolID("layer", layer_id ).addPhysVolID("module", i+1 ) ; 
+      ladderDE.setPlacement( pv ) ;
+    }
+  }
+  cout << "SIT_Simple_Planar done.\n" << endl;
+  //######################################################################################################################################################################
+  sit.addExtension< ZPlanarData >( zPlanarData ) ;
+  //--------------------------------------
+  sit.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_det.visStr(), envelope );
+  return sit;