From a67476798dd3476d74c3a0961fb435c8ef4d6770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chengdong Fu <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 20:10:07 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] add CepC beam pipe construct

 Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt                |   1 +
 .../DetCRD/src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp  | 550 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../DetCRD/src/Other/OtherDetectorHelpers.h   |  43 ++
 3 files changed, 594 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp
 create mode 100644 Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/OtherDetectorHelpers.h

diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt b/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt
index 8597988d..3bdd6f88 100644
--- a/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/compact DESTINATION Detector/DetCRD)
+    src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9edde760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+// CepC BeamPipe models in DD4hep 
+#include "OtherDetectorHelpers.h"
+#include "TGeoScaledShape.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetType.h"
+#include "DD4hep/detail/Handle.inl"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "DDRec/Surface.h"
+#include "XML/Utilities.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+using dd4hep::Assembly;
+using dd4hep::BUILD_ENVELOPE;
+using dd4hep::DetElement;
+using dd4hep::Detector;
+using dd4hep::PlacedVolume;
+using dd4hep::Ref_t;
+using dd4hep::SensitiveDetector;
+using dd4hep::Volume;
+using dd4hep::rec::ConicalSupportData;
+using dd4hep::rec::SurfaceType;
+using dd4hep::rec::Vector3D;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolCylinder;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolCylinderImpl;
+using dd4hep::rec::VolSurface;
+using dd4hep::rec::volSurfaceList;
+static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& theDetector,
+			     xml_h element,
+			     SensitiveDetector /*sens*/) {
+  std::cout << "This is the Beampipe:"  << std::endl;
+  //Access to the XML File
+  xml_det_t x_beampipe = element;
+  const std::string name = x_beampipe.nameStr();
+  DetElement tube(  name,  ) ;
+  // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world ---------------------
+  Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector,  element , tube ) ;
+  dd4hep::xml::setDetectorTypeFlag( element, tube ) ;
+  if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return tube ;
+  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ConicalSupportData* beampipeData = new ConicalSupportData ;
+  const double phi0 = 0 ;
+  const double dPhi = 360.0*dd4hep::degree;
+  //Parameters we have to know about
+  dd4hep::xml::Component xmlParameter = x_beampipe.child(_Unicode(parameter));
+  const double crossingAngle  = xmlParameter.attr< double >(_Unicode(crossingangle));
+  std::cout << "Crossing angle = " << crossingAngle << std::endl;
+  for(xml_coll_t si( x_beampipe ,Unicode("section")); si; ++si) {
+    xml_comp_t x_section(si);
+    CEPC::ECrossType type = CEPC::getCrossType(x_section.attr< std::string >(_Unicode(type)));
+    const double zstart       = x_section.attr< double > (_Unicode(zStart));
+    const double zend         = x_section.attr< double > (_Unicode(zEnd));
+    const double rInnerStart  = x_section.attr< double > (_Unicode(rStart));
+    double rInnerEnd=0, size=0, shift=0;
+    try{
+      rInnerEnd = x_section.attr< double > (_Unicode(rEnd));
+    }
+    catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+      rInnerEnd = rInnerStart;
+    }
+    if(type==CEPC::kWaist || type==CEPC::kFatWaist || type==CEPC::kCrotch || type==CEPC::kCrotchAsymUp || type==CEPC::kCrotchAsymDn){
+      try{
+	size = x_section.attr< double > (_Unicode(size));
+      }
+      catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+	std::cout << "The maximum distance of runway is not set, will be calculated automatically by crossing angle" <<std::endl;
+      }
+      try{
+        shift = x_section.attr< double > (_Unicode(shift));
+      }
+      catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+	shift = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    const std::string volName      = "BeamPipe_" + x_section.nameStr();
+    std::cout << "section: "
+	      << std::setw(8) << zstart      /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::setw(8) << zend	     /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::setw(8) << rInnerStart /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::setw(8) << rInnerEnd   /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::setw(8) << size        /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::setw(8) << type
+	      << std::setw(35) << volName
+	      << std::endl;    
+    const double angle   = crossingAngle;
+    const double zHalf   = fabs(zend - zstart) * 0.5;
+    const double zCenter = fabs(zend + zstart) * 0.5;
+    dd4hep::Material beamMaterial    = theDetector.material("beam");
+    double clipSize = 100*dd4hep::mm;
+    if(type==CEPC::kFlareLegUp || type==CEPC::kFlareLegDn){
+      double total = rInnerStart, totalEnd = rInnerEnd;
+      for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li; ++li)  {
+	xml_comp_t  x_layer(li);
+	const double thickness = x_layer.thickness(); 
+	total += thickness;
+	double thicknessEnd = 0;
+	try{
+	  thicknessEnd = x_layer.attr< double > (_Unicode(thicknessEnd));
+	}
+	catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+	  thicknessEnd = thickness;
+	}
+	totalEnd += thicknessEnd;
+      }
+      clipSize = std::max(total, totalEnd)*tan(0.5*angle);
+    }
+    int ilayer = 0;
+    double radius = rInnerStart;
+    double radiusEnd = rInnerEnd;
+    double pipeRadius = 0;
+    double pipeThickness = 0;
+    double pipeThicknessRel = 0;
+    double pipeRadiusEnd = 0;
+    double pipeThicknessEnd = 0;
+    double pipeThicknessRelEnd = 0;
+    for(xml_coll_t li(x_section,_U(layer)); li; ++li, ++ilayer)  {
+      xml_comp_t  x_layer(li);
+      double thickness = x_layer.thickness();
+      dd4hep::Material material  = theDetector.material( x_layer.materialStr() );
+      double thicknessEnd = 0;
+      try{
+	thicknessEnd = x_layer.attr< double > (_Unicode(thicknessEnd));
+      }
+      catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+	thicknessEnd = thickness;
+      }
+      std::cout << "  layer: " << std::setw(8) << thickness/dd4hep::mm << std::setw(8) << thicknessEnd/dd4hep::mm << std::setw(15) << << std::endl;
+      char suffix[20];
+      sprintf(suffix,"_%d",ilayer);
+      std::string layerName = volName + suffix;
+      if(type==CEPC::kCenter || type==CEPC::kCenterSide){
+	dd4hep::ConeSegment subLayer(zHalf, radius, radius+thickness, radiusEnd, radiusEnd+thicknessEnd, phi0, dPhi);
+	dd4hep::Volume subLayerLog(volName, subLayer, material);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D transformer(dd4hep::RotationY(0), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D transmirror(dd4hep::RotationY(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter), 180*dd4hep::degree));
+	envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog,  transformer);
+	envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog,  transmirror);
+	if(material.radLength()<10000*dd4hep::mm) subLayerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+	else                                      subLayerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+        if(material.radLength()<10000*dd4hep::mm){
+          double tEff    = thickness/material.radLength()*theDetector.material("G4_Be").radLength();
+	  double tEffEnd = thicknessEnd/material.radLength()*theDetector.material("G4_Be").radLength();
+          if(pipeRadius==0)    pipeRadius    = radius;
+	  if(pipeRadiusEnd==0) pipeRadiusEnd = radiusEnd;
+	  pipeThickness       += tEff;
+	  pipeThicknessEnd    += tEffEnd;
+	  pipeThicknessRel    += thickness;
+	  pipeThicknessRelEnd += thicknessEnd;
+	}
+      }
+      else if(type==CEPC::kLegs){
+        double clipAngle = 0.5*angle;
+        double lowNorml[3]  = { sin(clipAngle), 0, -cos(clipAngle)};
+        double highNorml[3] = {-sin(clipAngle), 0,  cos(clipAngle)};
+	dd4hep::CutTube subLayer(radius, radius+thickness, zHalf/cos(clipAngle), phi0, dPhi, lowNorml[0], lowNorml[1], lowNorml[2], highNorml[0], highNorml[1], highNorml[2]);
+	dd4hep::Volume subLayerLog(volName, subLayer, material);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D plusUpTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(clipAngle), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0,0,zCenter/cos(clipAngle)), clipAngle));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D plusDownTransformer(dd4hep::RotationZYX(180*dd4hep::degree, -clipAngle, 0), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0,0,zCenter/cos(clipAngle)), -clipAngle));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D minusUpTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(clipAngle), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0,0,-zCenter/cos(clipAngle)), clipAngle));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D minusDownTransformer(dd4hep::RotationZYX(180*dd4hep::degree, -clipAngle, 0), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0,0,-zCenter/cos(clipAngle)), -clipAngle));
+        envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog, plusUpTransformer);
+        envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog, plusDownTransformer);
+	envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog, minusUpTransformer);
+	envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog, minusDownTransformer);
+	if(material.radLength()<10000*dd4hep::mm) subLayerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+        else                                      subLayerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+      }
+      else if(type==CEPC::kFlareLegUp || type==CEPC::kFlareLegDn){
+        double clipAngle = (type==CEPC::kFlareLegUp)?0.5*angle:-0.5*angle;
+        double rOuter = radius+thickness;
+        double rOuterEnd = radiusEnd+thicknessEnd;
+	dd4hep::Tube clipSolid(0, zHalf*tan(0.5*angle)+clipSize/sin(0.5*angle), zHalf, phi0, dPhi);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D clipTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(-clipAngle), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D placementTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(clipAngle), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter/cos(clipAngle)), clipAngle));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D placementTransmirror(dd4hep::RotationZYX(0, clipAngle, 180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::RotateY(dd4hep::Position(0, 0, -zCenter/cos(clipAngle)), -clipAngle));
+	dd4hep::ConeSegment wholeSolid(zHalf + clipSize, radius, rOuter, radiusEnd, rOuterEnd, phi0, dPhi);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid layerSolid(wholeSolid, clipSolid, clipTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume subLayerLog(volName, layerSolid, material);
+        envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog, placementTransformer);
+        envelope.placeVolume(subLayerLog, placementTransmirror);
+	if(material.radLength()<10000*dd4hep::mm) subLayerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+        else                                      subLayerLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+      }
+      else if(type==CEPC::kCrotch){
+        double beamAngle = 0.5*angle;
+        if(size==0) size = (zstart*tan(beamAngle)+radius)*2;
+	double x1 = 0.5*size - radius;
+        double x2 = zend*tan(beamAngle);
+        double y1 = radius + thickness;
+        double y2 = y1;
+        double axisAngle = atan((x2-x1)/zHalf/2);
+        if(fabs(beamAngle-axisAngle)>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! axis angle not equal to beam angle. beam=" << beamAngle << " VS axis=" << axisAngle << ", user defined design and workable" << std::endl;
+        }
+        double zSide = 2*zHalf/cos(axisAngle)+y1*tan(axisAngle)+y2*tan(axisAngle);
+        double xshift = 0.5*(x1+x2);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body1(x1, x2, y1, y2, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 cut1(x1+y1/cos(axisAngle), x2+y2/cos(axisAngle), y1, y2, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::EllipticalTube side1(y1*cos(axisAngle), y1, 0.5*zSide);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer1(dd4hep::RotationY(axisAngle), dd4hep::Position(xshift, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer2(dd4hep::RotationY(-axisAngle), dd4hep::Position(-xshift, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D sameTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(0), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp1Solid(body1, side1, unionTransformer1);
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp2Solid(tmp1Solid, side1, unionTransformer2);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid shell(tmp2Solid, cut1, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume shellLog(volName+"Shell", shell, material);
+	envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter));
+	envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Transform3D(dd4hep::RotationY(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, -zCenter)));
+	double yHole = y1-thickness;
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body2(x1, x2, yHole, yHole, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 cut2(0, x2, yHole, yHole, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::SubtractionSolid tmp3Solid(body2, cut2, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::EllipticalTube side2(yHole*cos(axisAngle), yHole, zSide);
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp4Solid(tmp3Solid, side2, unionTransformer1);
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp5Solid(tmp4Solid, side2, unionTransformer2);
+        double x1shift = radius-shift;
+        double crotchAngle = atan(0.5*(x2-x1shift)/zHalf);
+	dd4hep::EllipticalTube side3(yHole*cos(crotchAngle), yHole, zSide);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer3(dd4hep::RotationY(crotchAngle), dd4hep::Position(0.5*(x2+x1shift), 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer4(dd4hep::RotationY(-crotchAngle), dd4hep::Position(-0.5*(x2+x1shift), 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp6Solid(tmp5Solid, side3, unionTransformer3);
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp7Solid(tmp6Solid, side3, unionTransformer4);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid vacuumPipe(tmp7Solid, cut1, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume pipeLog(volName+"Vacuum", vacuumPipe, beamMaterial);
+        shellLog.placeVolume(pipeLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	shellLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+        pipeLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+      }
+      else if(type==CEPC::kCrotchAsymUp || type==CEPC::kCrotchAsymDn){
+	double beamAngle = 0.5*angle;
+        double xC2 = (shift==0)?zend*tan(beamAngle):shift;
+        if(radiusEnd==0) radiusEnd = radius;
+	if(thicknessEnd==0) thicknessEnd = thickness;
+        if(size==0) size = 2*radius;
+        double rOuter = radius+thickness;
+        double rOuterEnd = radiusEnd+thicknessEnd;
+        double xMaxEnd = xC2+rOuterEnd;
+        double yMax = 0.5*size+thickness;
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body(0, xC2, yMax, rOuterEnd, zHalf);
+        double expandAngle = atan(xC2/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge1ToZAngle = atan((xMaxEnd-rOuter)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToZAngle = atan((xC2-rOuterEnd+rOuter)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToXAngle = 90*dd4hep::degree - edge2ToZAngle;
+        double bottomAngle = 0.5*(180*dd4hep::degree-(edge2ToZAngle-edge1ToZAngle));
+        double rotateAngle = 0.5*(edge1ToZAngle+edge2ToZAngle);
+        double edge1ToCAngle = asin(sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZAngle)/(xC2/sin(expandAngle))*(rOuter-rOuterEnd));
+        double CToEConeAxisAngle = edge1ToCAngle-0.5*(edge2ToZAngle-edge1ToZAngle);
+        if(fabs(rotateAngle-(expandAngle-CToEConeAxisAngle))>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! rotate angle was not calculated rightly. Please check input parameters whether satisfy the Waist case." << std::endl;
+        }
+	double a1 = rOuter/sin(bottomAngle)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge1ToZAngle);
+        double a2 = rOuterEnd/sin(180*dd4hep::degree-bottomAngle)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge2ToZAngle);
+        double zC1 = rOuter/sin(edge1ToCAngle)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZAngle)*cos(CToEConeAxisAngle);
+        double zC2 = rOuterEnd/rOuter*zC1;
+        double zBottom = a1*tan(bottomAngle);
+        double aC1 = a1/zBottom*zC1;
+        double aC2 = a1/zBottom*zC2;
+        double xC1InECone = zC1*tan(CToEConeAxisAngle);
+        double xC2InECone = zC2*tan(CToEConeAxisAngle);
+        double bC1 = sqrt(rOuter*rOuter/(1-xC1InECone*xC1InECone/aC1/aC1));
+        double bC2 = sqrt(rOuterEnd*rOuterEnd/(1-xC2InECone*xC2InECone/aC2/aC2));
+        double b1 = bC1/zC1*zBottom;
+        if(fabs(bC1/zC1-bC2/zC2)>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! bC1/zC1 not equal to bC2/zC2. Please tell Chengdong(" << std::endl;
+        }
+        double pzTopCut = 0.5*(a1-a2)*tan(bottomAngle);
+        double thetaCut1 = atan((0.5*(xC2+rOuterEnd)-0.5*rOuter)/(2*zHalf));
+        double xcenterCut1 = 0.5*(0.5*(xC2+rOuterEnd)+0.5*rOuter);
+	dd4hep::Trap cut1(zHalf, thetaCut1, 0, yMax, 0.5*rOuter, 0.5*rOuter, 0, rOuterEnd, 0.5*(xC2+rOuterEnd), 0.5*(xC2+rOuterEnd), 0);
+	TGeoCone* pCone1 = new TGeoCone(pzTopCut, 0, a1, 0, a2); 
+	//double factor = 
+        TGeoScale* pScale1 = new TGeoScale(1, b1/a1, 1);
+        TGeoScaledShape* pScaledShape1 = new TGeoScaledShape(pCone1, pScale1);
+	dd4hep::Solid_type<TGeoScaledShape> side1(pScaledShape1);
+        double xshift = 0.5*(xMaxEnd-a2*cos(rotateAngle)-rOuter+a1*cos(bottomAngle-edge2ToXAngle));
+        double zshift = 0.5*(a2-a1)*sin(rotateAngle);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer1(dd4hep::RotationY(rotateAngle), dd4hep::Position(xshift, 0, zshift));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D cutTransformer1(dd4hep::RotationY(0), dd4hep::Position(xcenterCut1, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp1Solid(body, side1, unionTransformer1);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid shell(tmp1Solid, cut1, cutTransformer1);
+	dd4hep::Volume shellLog(volName, shell, material);
+	if(type==CEPC::kCrotchAsymUp){
+          envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter));
+          envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Transform3D(dd4hep::RotationX(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, -zCenter)));
+	}
+        else{
+          envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Transform3D(dd4hep::RotationZ(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter)));
+	  envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Transform3D(dd4hep::RotationY(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::Position(0, 0,-zCenter)));
+        }
+        double edge1ToZ = atan((xMaxEnd-thicknessEnd-radius)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToZ = atan((xC2-radiusEnd+radius)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToX = 90*dd4hep::degree - edge2ToZ;
+        double bottom = 0.5*(180*dd4hep::degree-(edge2ToZ-edge1ToZ));
+        double rotate = 0.5*(edge1ToZ+edge2ToZ);
+        double edge1ToC = asin(sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZ)/(xC2/sin(expandAngle))*(radius-radiusEnd));
+        double CToEConeAxis = edge1ToC-0.5*(edge2ToZ-edge1ToZ);
+        if(fabs(rotate-(expandAngle-CToEConeAxis))>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! rotate angle was not calculated rightly. Please check input parameters whether satisfy the Waist case." << std::endl;
+        }
+	double a1Hole = radius/sin(bottom)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge1ToZ);
+        double a2Hole = radiusEnd/sin(180*dd4hep::degree-bottom)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge2ToZ);
+        double zC1Hole = radius/sin(edge1ToC)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZ)*cos(CToEConeAxis);
+        double zC2Hole = radiusEnd/radius*zC1Hole;
+        double zBottomHole = a1Hole*tan(bottom);
+        double aC1Hole = a1Hole/zBottomHole*zC1Hole;
+        double aC2Hole = a1Hole/zBottomHole*zC2Hole;
+        double xC1InEConeHole = zC1Hole*tan(CToEConeAxis);
+        double xC2InEConeHole = zC2Hole*tan(CToEConeAxis);
+        double bC1Hole = sqrt(radius*radius/(1-xC1InEConeHole*xC1InEConeHole/aC1Hole/aC1Hole));
+        double bC2Hole = sqrt(radiusEnd*radiusEnd/(1-xC2InEConeHole*xC2InEConeHole/aC2Hole/aC2Hole));
+        double b1Hole = bC1Hole/zC1Hole*zBottomHole;
+        if(fabs(bC1Hole/zC1Hole-bC2Hole/zC2Hole)>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! bC1/zC1 not equal to bC2/zC2 for Hole. Please tell Chengdong(" << std::endl;
+        }
+	double pzTopCutHole = 0.5*(a1Hole-a2Hole)*tan(bottom);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body2(0, xC2, yMax-thickness, radiusEnd, zHalf);
+        double thetaCut2 = atan((xC2-0.5*radius)/(2*zHalf));
+        double xcenterCut2 = 0.5*radius+0.5*(xC2-0.5*radius);
+	dd4hep::Trap cut2(zHalf, thetaCut2, 0, yMax-thickness, 0.5*radius, 0.5*radius, 0, radiusEnd, radiusEnd, radiusEnd, 0);
+	TGeoCone* pCone2 = new TGeoCone(pzTopCutHole, 0, a1Hole, 0, a2Hole);
+        TGeoScale* pScale2 = new TGeoScale(1, b1Hole/a1Hole, 1);
+        TGeoScaledShape* pScaledShape2 = new TGeoScaledShape(pCone2, pScale2);
+	dd4hep::Solid_type<TGeoScaledShape> side2(pScaledShape2);
+        double xshiftHole = 0.5*(xMaxEnd-thicknessEnd-a2Hole*cos(rotate)-radius+a1Hole*cos(bottom-edge2ToX));
+        double zshiftHole = 0.5*(a2Hole-a1Hole)*sin(rotate);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D cutTransformer2(dd4hep::RotationY(rotate), dd4hep::Position(xshiftHole-xcenterCut2, 0, zshiftHole));
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid vacuumPipe(cut2, side2, cutTransformer2);
+	dd4hep::Volume pipeLog(volName, vacuumPipe, beamMaterial);
+        shellLog.placeVolume(pipeLog, dd4hep::Position(xcenterCut2, 0, 0));
+	shellLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+	pipeLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+      }
+      else if(type==CEPC::kWaist){
+        double beamAngle = 0.5*angle;
+        if(radiusEnd==0) radiusEnd = radius;
+        if(size==0) size = (zend*tan(beamAngle)+radiusEnd)*2;
+        if(thicknessEnd==0) thicknessEnd = thickness;
+        double xC2 = 0.5*size - radiusEnd;
+        double rOuter = radius+thickness;
+        double rOuterEnd = radiusEnd+thicknessEnd;
+        double rMaxEnd = 0.5*size+thicknessEnd;
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body1(0, xC2, rOuter, rOuterEnd, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 cut(rOuter, rMaxEnd, rOuter, rOuterEnd, zHalf);
+        double expandAngle = atan(xC2/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge1ToZAngle = atan((rMaxEnd-rOuter)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToZAngle = atan((xC2-rOuterEnd+rOuter)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToXAngle = 90*dd4hep::degree - edge2ToZAngle;
+        double bottomAngle = 0.5*(180*dd4hep::degree-(edge2ToZAngle-edge1ToZAngle));
+        double rotateAngle = 0.5*(edge1ToZAngle+edge2ToZAngle);
+        double edge1ToCAngle = asin(sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZAngle)/(xC2/sin(expandAngle))*(rOuter-rOuterEnd));
+        double CToEConeAxisAngle = edge1ToCAngle-0.5*(edge2ToZAngle-edge1ToZAngle);
+        if(fabs(rotateAngle-(expandAngle-CToEConeAxisAngle))>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! rotate angle was not calculated rightly. Please check input parameters whether satisfy the Waist case." << std::endl;
+        }
+	double a1 = rOuter/sin(bottomAngle)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge1ToZAngle);
+        double a2 = rOuterEnd/sin(180*dd4hep::degree-bottomAngle)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge2ToZAngle);
+        double zC1 = rOuter/sin(edge1ToCAngle)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZAngle)*cos(CToEConeAxisAngle);
+        double zC2 = rOuterEnd/rOuter*zC1;
+        double zBottom = a1*tan(bottomAngle);
+        double aC1 = a1/zBottom*zC1;
+        double aC2 = a1/zBottom*zC2;
+        double xC1InECone = zC1*tan(CToEConeAxisAngle);
+        double xC2InECone = zC2*tan(CToEConeAxisAngle);
+        double bC1 = sqrt(rOuter*rOuter/(1-xC1InECone*xC1InECone/aC1/aC1));
+        double bC2 = sqrt(rOuterEnd*rOuterEnd/(1-xC2InECone*xC2InECone/aC2/aC2));
+        double b1 = bC1/zC1*zBottom;
+        if(fabs(bC1/zC1-bC2/zC2)>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! bC1/zC1 not equal to bC2/zC2." << std::endl;
+        }
+        double pzTopCut = 0.5*(a1-a2)*tan(bottomAngle);
+	TGeoCone* pCone1 = new TGeoCone(pzTopCut, 0, a1, 0, a2);
+	TGeoScale* pScale1 = new TGeoScale(1, b1/a1, 1);
+	TGeoScaledShape* pScaledShape1 = new TGeoScaledShape(pCone1,pScale1);
+	dd4hep::Solid_type<TGeoScaledShape> side1(pScaledShape1);
+	double xshift = 0.5*(rMaxEnd-a2*cos(rotateAngle)-rOuter+a1*cos(bottomAngle-edge2ToXAngle));
+        double zshift = 0.5*(a2-a1)*sin(rotateAngle);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer1(dd4hep::RotationY(rotateAngle), dd4hep::Position(xshift, 0, zshift));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer2(dd4hep::RotationY(-rotateAngle), dd4hep::Position(-xshift, 0, zshift));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D sameTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(0), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp1Solid(body1, side1, unionTransformer1);
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp2Solid(tmp1Solid, side1, unionTransformer2);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid shell(tmp2Solid, cut, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume shellLog(volName+"Shell", shell, material);
+        envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter));
+	envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Transform3D(dd4hep::RotationY(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, -zCenter)));
+        double edge1ToZ = atan((0.5*size-radius)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToZ = atan((xC2-radiusEnd+radius)/(2*zHalf));
+        double edge2ToX = 90*dd4hep::degree - edge2ToZ;
+        double bottom = 0.5*(180*dd4hep::degree-(edge2ToZ-edge1ToZ));
+        double rotate = 0.5*(edge1ToZ+edge2ToZ);
+        double edge1ToC = asin(sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZ)/(xC2/sin(expandAngle))*(radius-radiusEnd));
+        double CToEConeAxis = edge1ToC-0.5*(edge2ToZ-edge1ToZ);
+        if(fabs(rotate-(expandAngle-CToEConeAxis))>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! rotate angle was not calculated rightly. Please check input parameters whether satisfy the Waist case." << std::endl;
+        }
+	double a1Hole = radius/sin(bottom)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge1ToZ);
+        double a2Hole = radiusEnd/sin(180*dd4hep::degree-bottom)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree-edge2ToZ);
+        double zC1Hole = radius/sin(edge1ToC)*sin(90*dd4hep::degree+edge1ToZ)*cos(CToEConeAxis);
+        double zC2Hole = radiusEnd/radius*zC1Hole;
+        double zBottomHole = a1Hole*tan(bottom);
+        double aC1Hole = a1Hole/zBottomHole*zC1Hole;
+        double aC2Hole = a1Hole/zBottomHole*zC2Hole;
+        double xC1InEConeHole = zC1Hole*tan(CToEConeAxis);
+        double xC2InEConeHole = zC2Hole*tan(CToEConeAxis);
+        double bC1Hole = sqrt(radius*radius/(1-xC1InEConeHole*xC1InEConeHole/aC1Hole/aC1Hole));
+        double bC2Hole = sqrt(radiusEnd*radiusEnd/(1-xC2InEConeHole*xC2InEConeHole/aC2Hole/aC2Hole));
+        double b1Hole = bC1Hole/zC1Hole*zBottomHole;
+        if(fabs(bC1Hole/zC1Hole-bC2Hole/zC2Hole)>1e-12){
+	  std::cout << "Warning! bC1/zC1 not equal to bC2/zC2 for Hole." << std::endl;
+        }
+        double pzTopCutHole = 0.5*(a1Hole-a2Hole)*tan(bottom);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body2(0, xC2, radius, radiusEnd, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::Trd2 cut2(radius, 0.5*size, radius, radiusEnd, zHalf);
+	TGeoCone* pCone2 = new TGeoCone(pzTopCutHole, 0, a1Hole, 0, a2Hole);
+        TGeoScale* pScale2 = new TGeoScale(1, b1Hole/a1Hole, 1);
+        TGeoScaledShape* pScaledShape2 = new TGeoScaledShape(pCone2,pScale2);
+	dd4hep::Solid_type<TGeoScaledShape> side2(pScaledShape2);
+        double xshiftHole = 0.5*(0.5*size-a2Hole*cos(rotate)-radius+a1Hole*cos(bottom-edge2ToX));
+        double zshiftHole = 0.5*(a2Hole-a1Hole)*sin(rotate);
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer3(dd4hep::RotationY(rotate), dd4hep::Position(xshiftHole, 0, zshiftHole));
+	dd4hep::Transform3D unionTransformer4(dd4hep::RotationY(-rotate), dd4hep::Position(-xshiftHole, 0, zshiftHole));
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp3Solid(body2, side2, unionTransformer3);
+	dd4hep::UnionSolid tmp4Solid(tmp3Solid, side2, unionTransformer4);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid vacuumPipe(tmp4Solid, cut, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume pipeLog(volName+"Vacuum", vacuumPipe, beamMaterial);
+        shellLog.placeVolume(pipeLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	shellLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+	pipeLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+      }
+      else if(type == CEPC::kFatWaist){
+        double beamAngle = 0.5*angle;
+        if(radiusEnd==0) radiusEnd = radius;
+        if(size==0) size = (zend*tan(beamAngle)+radiusEnd)*2;
+        if(thicknessEnd==0) thicknessEnd = thickness;
+        double rOuter = radius+thickness;
+        double rOuterEnd = radiusEnd+thicknessEnd;
+        double yMaxEnd = 0.5*size+thicknessEnd;
+	dd4hep::Transform3D sameTransformer(dd4hep::RotationY(0), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body1(rOuter, rOuterEnd, rOuter, yMaxEnd, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::ConeSegment cone1(zHalf, 0, rOuter, 0, rOuterEnd, phi0, dPhi);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid shell(cone1, body1, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume shellLog(volName, shell, material);
+        envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, zCenter));
+	envelope.placeVolume(shellLog, dd4hep::Transform3D(dd4hep::RotationY(180*dd4hep::degree), dd4hep::Position(0, 0, -zCenter)));
+	dd4hep::Trd2 body2(radius, radiusEnd, radius, 0.5*size, zHalf);
+	dd4hep::ConeSegment cone2(zHalf, 0, radius, 0, radius, phi0, dPhi);
+	dd4hep::IntersectionSolid vacuumPipe(cone2, body2, sameTransformer);
+	dd4hep::Volume pipeLog(volName, vacuumPipe, beamMaterial);
+        shellLog.placeVolume(pipeLog, dd4hep::Position(0, 0, 0));
+	shellLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "TubeVis");
+	pipeLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, "VacVis");
+      }
+      radius += thickness;
+      radiusEnd += thicknessEnd;
+    }
+    if( type == CEPC::kCenter ) { // store only the central sections !
+      ConicalSupportData::Section section ;
+      section.rInner = pipeRadius + 0.5*(pipeThicknessRel-pipeThickness) ;
+      section.rOuter = section.rInner + pipeThickness;
+      section.zPos   = zstart ;
+      ConicalSupportData::Section sectionEnd ;
+      sectionEnd.rInner = pipeRadiusEnd + 0.5*(pipeThicknessRelEnd-pipeThicknessEnd) ;
+      sectionEnd.rOuter = sectionEnd.rInner + pipeThicknessEnd;
+      sectionEnd.zPos   = zend ;
+      if(beampipeData->sections.size()!=0){
+	ConicalSupportData::Section last = beampipeData->sections.back(); 
+	if(last.rInner != section.rInner || last.rOuter != section.rOuter){
+	  section.zPos = zstart + 1e-9*dd4hep::mm ;
+	  beampipeData->sections.push_back( section );
+	}
+      }
+      else beampipeData->sections.push_back( section );
+      beampipeData->sections.push_back( sectionEnd ) ;
+    }
+  }//for all xmlSections
+  // add a surface just inside the beampipe for tracking:
+  double rInner = beampipeData->sections[0].rInner;
+  double rOuter = beampipeData->sections[0].rOuter;
+  Vector3D oCyl( 0.5*(rInner+rOuter)  , 0. , 0.  ) ;
+  VolCylinder pipeSurf( envelope , SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ) ,
+			0.5*(rOuter-rInner) , 0.5*(rOuter-rInner), oCyl ) ;
+  volSurfaceList( tube )->push_back( pipeSurf ) ;
+  tube.addExtension< ConicalSupportData >( beampipeData ) ;
+  //--------------------------------------
+  tube.setVisAttributes( theDetector, x_beampipe.visStr(), envelope );
+  //debug
+  std::cout << "============ConicalSupportData============" << std::endl;
+  for(unsigned int i=0;i<beampipeData->sections.size();i++){
+    std::cout << std::setw(8) << beampipeData->sections[i].zPos    /dd4hep::mm
+              << std::setw(8) << beampipeData->sections[i].rInner  /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::setw(8) << beampipeData->sections[i].rOuter  /dd4hep::mm
+	      << std::endl;
+  }
+  return tube;
+DECLARE_DETELEMENT(DD4hep_CRDBeamPipe_v01, create_detector)
diff --git a/Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/OtherDetectorHelpers.h b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/OtherDetectorHelpers.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e7569af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/OtherDetectorHelpers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#ifndef Other_Helpers_hh
+#define Other_Helpers_hh 1
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <stdexcept>
+namespace CEPC {
+  typedef enum {
+    kCenter                     = 0,
+    kCenterSide                 = 1,
+    kWaist                      = 2,
+    kFatWaist                   = 3,
+    kCrotch                     = 4,
+    kCrotchAsymUp               = 5,
+    kCrotchAsymDn               = 6,
+    kLegs                       = 7,
+    kFlareLegUp                 = 8,
+    kFlareLegDn                 = 9
+  } ECrossType;
+  inline ECrossType getCrossType( std::string const & type) {
+    std::map< std::string, CEPC::ECrossType > CrossTypes;
+    CrossTypes["Center"]                = CEPC::kCenter;
+    CrossTypes["CenterSide"]            = CEPC::kCenterSide;
+    CrossTypes["Waist"]                 = CEPC::kWaist;
+    CrossTypes["FatWaist"]              = CEPC::kFatWaist;
+    CrossTypes["Crotch"]                = CEPC::kCrotch;
+    CrossTypes["CrotchAsymUp"]          = CEPC::kCrotchAsymUp;
+    CrossTypes["CrotchAsymDn"]          = CEPC::kCrotchAsymDn;
+    CrossTypes["Legs"]                  = CEPC::kLegs;
+    CrossTypes["FlareLegUp"]            = CEPC::kFlareLegUp;
+    CrossTypes["FlareLegDn"]           = CEPC::kFlareLegDn;
+    std::map < std::string, CEPC::ECrossType>::const_iterator it = CrossTypes.find(type);
+    if ( it == CrossTypes.end() ) {
+      std::string ms = "Unknown Crossing Type for this geometry " + type;
+      throw std::runtime_error(ms.c_str());
+    }
+    return it->second;
+  }
+#endif // Other_Helpers_hh