From c07b76ccc38f9813a489cb383de811ae780ddc1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chengdong Fu <>
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2020 09:39:23 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] move convert from GeomSvc to GearSvc

 Service/GearSvc/CMakeLists.txt                |   7 +-
 Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.cpp               | 757 +++++++++++++++++-
 Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.h                 |  10 +
 Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/   |  15 +-
 Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/MarlinKalTest.h    |   2 +-
 Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/TrackSystemSvc.cpp |   3 +-
 6 files changed, 775 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Service/GearSvc/CMakeLists.txt b/Service/GearSvc/CMakeLists.txt
index 52beee1e..ef21d420 100644
--- a/Service/GearSvc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Service/GearSvc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 gaudi_subdir(GearSvc v0r0)
 find_package(GEAR REQUIRED)
+find_package(DD4hep COMPONENTS DDCore DDRec REQUIRED)
+    Detector/DetInterface
@@ -10,5 +15,5 @@ gaudi_install_headers(GearSvc)
 gaudi_add_module(GearSvc ${GearSvc_srcs}
     INCLUDE_DIRS GaudiKernel gear
diff --git a/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.cpp b/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.cpp
index 7aafb84e..274479f5 100644
--- a/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.cpp
+++ b/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,36 @@
 #include "GearSvc.h"
+#include "DetInterface/IGeomSvc.h"
 #include "gearxml/GearXML.h"
 #include "gearimpl/GearMgrImpl.h"
+#include "gearimpl/ConstantBField.h"
+#include "gearimpl/ZPlanarParametersImpl.h"
+#include "gearimpl/ZPlanarLayerLayoutImpl.h"
+#include "gearimpl/FTDParametersImpl.h"
+#include "gearimpl/TPCParametersImpl.h"
+#include "gearimpl/FixedPadSizeDiskLayout.h"
+#include "gearimpl/CalorimeterParametersImpl.h"
+#include "gearimpl/SimpleMaterialImpl.h"
+#include "gearxml/tinyxml.h"
+#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DetElement.h"
+#include "DDRec/DetectorData.h"
+#include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
+#include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
+struct helpLayer {
+  double distance =0;
+  double offset =0;
+  double thickness =0;
+  double length =0;
+  double width =0;
+  double radLength =0;
+  double z =0;
+  double foam_spacer_radLength =0;
+static const double deg_to_rad = dd4hep::degree/CLHEP::rad;
+static const double rad_to_deg = dd4hep::rad/CLHEP::degree;
@@ -21,16 +51,87 @@ gear::GearMgr* GearSvc::getGearMgr()
 StatusCode GearSvc::initialize()
-    if ( m_gearFile.size() > 0 ) {
-        info() << "instantiated GEAR from file " << m_gearFile << endmsg;
-        m_gearMgr = gear::GearXML(m_gearFile).createGearMgr();
+  StatusCode sc;
+  if ( m_gearFile.size() > 0 ) {
+    info() << "instantiated GEAR from file " << m_gearFile << endmsg;
+    m_gearMgr = gear::GearXML(m_gearFile).createGearMgr();
+  }
+  else {
+    warning() << "no GEAR XML file given ..." << endmsg;
+    m_gearMgr = new gear::GearMgrImpl;
+    auto geomSvc = service<IGeomSvc>("GeomSvc");
+    if ( !geomSvc ) {
+      info() << "Failed to find GeomSvc ..." << endmsg;
+      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    else {
-        warning() << "no GEAR XML file given ..." << endmsg;
-        m_gearMgr = new gear::GearMgrImpl;
+    info() << "Fill GEAR data from GeomSvc" << endmsg;
+    m_gearMgr->setDetectorName("CRD_o1_v01");
+    const dd4hep::Direction& field = geomSvc->lcdd()->field().magneticField(dd4hep::Position(0,0,0));
+    gear::ConstantBField* b = new gear::ConstantBField(gear::Vector3D(field.x()/dd4hep::tesla, field.y()/dd4hep::tesla, field.z()/dd4hep::tesla));
+    m_gearMgr->setBField(b);
+    dd4hep::DetElement world = geomSvc->getDD4HepGeo();
+    const std::map<std::string, dd4hep::DetElement>& subs = world.children();
+    for(std::map<std::string, dd4hep::DetElement>::const_iterator it=subs.begin();it!=subs.end();it++){
+      dd4hep::DetElement sub = it->second;
+      info() << it->first << " " << sub.path() << " " << sub.placementPath() << endmsg;
+      if(it->first=="Tube"||it->first=="BeamPipe"){
+	sc = convertBeamPipe(sub);
+      }
+      else if(it->first=="VXD"){
+	sc = convertVXD(sub);
+      }
+      else if(it->first=="FTD"){
+        sc = convertFTD(sub);
+      }
+      else if(it->first=="SIT"){
+	sc = convertSIT(sub);
+      }
+      else if(it->first=="TPC"){
+	sc = convertTPC(sub);
+      }
+      else if(it->first=="SET"){
+	sc = convertSET(sub);
+      }
+      else{
+	info() << it->first << " will convert in future! now fake parameters" << endmsg;
+      }
+      if(sc==StatusCode::FAILURE) return sc;
+    }
+    gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* barrelParam = new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(1847.415655, 2350., 8, 0.);
+    gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* endcapParam = new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(400., 2088.8, 2450., 2, 0.);
+    for(int i=0;i<29;i++){
+      if(i<19){
+	barrelParam->layerLayout().positionLayer(0, 5.25, 1.016666667e+01, 1.016666667e+01, 2.1);
+	endcapParam->layerLayout().positionLayer(0, 5.25, 1.016666667e+01, 1.016666667e+01, 2.1);
+      }
+      else if(i<20){
+	barrelParam->layerLayout().positionLayer(0, 6.3, 1.016666667e+01, 1.016666667e+01, 2.1);
+	endcapParam->layerLayout().positionLayer(0, 6.3, 1.016666667e+01, 1.016666667e+01, 2.1);
+      }
+      else{
+	barrelParam->layerLayout().positionLayer(0, 4.2, 1.016666667e+01, 1.016666667e+01, 4.2);
+	endcapParam->layerLayout().positionLayer(0, 4.2, 1.016666667e+01, 1.016666667e+01, 4.2);
+      }
+    m_gearMgr->setEcalBarrelParameters(barrelParam);
+    m_gearMgr->setEcalEndcapParameters(endcapParam);
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+    gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* barrelYokeParam = new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(4173.929932, 4072., 12, 0.0);
+    gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* endcapYokeParam = new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(320., 7414.929932, 4072., 2, 0.0);
+    gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl* plugYokeParam   = new gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl(320., 2849.254326, 3781.43, 2, 0.0);
+    plugYokeParam->setDoubleVal("YokePlugThickness", 290.57) ;
+    m_gearMgr->setYokeBarrelParameters(barrelYokeParam) ;
+    m_gearMgr->setYokeEndcapParameters(endcapYokeParam) ;
+    m_gearMgr->setYokePlugParameters(plugYokeParam) ;
+    gear::TiXmlDocument* doc = new gear::TiXmlDocument ;
+    gear::GearXML::createXMLFile(m_gearMgr, "test.xml");
+  }
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
 StatusCode GearSvc::finalize()
@@ -42,3 +143,645 @@ StatusCode GearSvc::finalize()
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode GearSvc::convertBeamPipe(dd4hep::DetElement& pipe){
+  StatusCode sc;
+  dd4hep::rec::ConicalSupportData* beamPipeData = nullptr;
+  try{
+    beamPipeData = pipe.extension<dd4hep::rec::ConicalSupportData>();
+  }
+  catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+    warning() << e.what() << " " << beamPipeData << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  std::vector<double> gearValRInner;
+  std::vector<double> gearValROuter;
+  std::vector<double> gearValZ;
+  const std::vector<dd4hep::rec::ConicalSupportData::Section>& sections = beamPipeData->sections;
+  for(int i=0;i<sections.size();i++){
+    gearValZ.push_back(sections[i].zPos*CLHEP::cm );
+    gearValRInner.push_back(sections[i].rInner*CLHEP::cm );
+    gearValROuter.push_back(sections[i].rOuter*CLHEP::cm );
+  }
+  gear::GearParametersImpl* gearParameters = new gear::GearParametersImpl;
+  gearParameters -> setDoubleVals( "Z" , gearValZ ) ;
+  gearParameters -> setDoubleVals( "RInner" , gearValRInner ) ;
+  gearParameters -> setDoubleVals( "ROuter" , gearValROuter ) ;
+  m_gearMgr->setGearParameters("BeamPipe", gearParameters ) ;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode GearSvc::convertVXD(dd4hep::DetElement& vxd){
+  StatusCode sc;
+  //fucd: another method to obtain parameters, but not fully for KalDet
+  dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData* vxdData = nullptr;
+  bool extensionDataValid = true;
+  try{
+    vxdData = vxd.extension<dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData>();
+  }
+  catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+    extensionDataValid = false;
+    info() << e.what() << " " << vxdData << endmsg;
+  }
+  std::vector<helpLayer> helpSensitives;
+  std::vector<helpLayer> helpLadders;
+  std::vector<int>       helpNumberLadders;
+  std::vector<double>    helpPhi0;
+  int                    helpCount=0;
+  int                    type=0;
+  double shellInnerRadius, shellOuterRadius, shellHalfLength, gap, shellRadLength;
+  int    nLadders=0;
+  double phi0=0;
+  helpLayer thisLadder;
+  double beryllium_ladder_block_length=0,end_electronics_half_z=0,side_band_electronics_width=0;
+  double rAlu, drAlu, rSty, drSty, dzSty, rInner, aluEndcapZ, aluHalfZ, alu_RadLen, Cryostat_dEdx;
+  double VXDSupportDensity, VXDSupportZeff, VXDSupportAeff, VXDSupportRadLen, VXDSupportIntLen=0;
+  double styDensity, styZeff, styAeff, styRadLen, styIntLen; 
+  dd4hep::Volume vxd_vol = vxd.volume();
+  for(int i=0;i<vxd_vol->GetNdaughters();i++){
+    TGeoNode* daughter = vxd_vol->GetNode(i);
+    std::string nodeName = daughter->GetName();
+    if(nodeName=="VXD_support_assembly_0"){
+      TGeoNode* shell = FindNode(daughter, "SupportShell");
+      if(shell){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_shell = shell->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        //fucd: IsA() method does not always work for TGeoTube, sometimes, strange?
+        //if(shape_shell->IsA()==TGeoTube::Class()){
+        if(shape_shell->TestShapeBit(TGeoTube::kGeoTube)){
+          const TGeoTube* tube = (const TGeoTube*) shape_shell;
+          shellInnerRadius = tube->GetRmin()*CLHEP::cm;
+          shellOuterRadius = tube->GetRmax()*CLHEP::cm;
+          shellHalfLength  = tube->GetDz()*CLHEP::cm;
+        }
+        else{
+          error() << shell->GetName() << " is not a TGeoTube!  Shape bits = " << shape_shell->TestShapeBits(0xFFFFFFFF) << endmsg;
+        }
+        TGeoMaterial* mat = shell->GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
+        shellRadLength = mat->GetRadLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+      }
+      TGeoNode* block = FindNode(daughter, "BerylliumAnnulusBlock");
+      if(block){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_block = block->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_block->IsA()==TGeoBBox::Class()){
+          const TGeoBBox* box = (const TGeoBBox*) shape_block;
+          beryllium_ladder_block_length = box->GetDY()*CLHEP::cm;
+        }
+	else{
+          error() << block->GetName() << " is not a TGeoTube!  Shape bits = " << shape_block->TestShapeBits(0xFFFFFFFF) << endmsg;
+        }
+      }
+      TGeoNode* skin = FindNode(daughter, "CryostatAluSkinBarrel");
+      if(skin){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_skin = skin->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_skin->TestShapeBit(TGeoTube::kGeoTube)){
+          const TGeoTube* tube = (const TGeoTube*) shape_skin;
+          rAlu  = tube->GetRmin()*CLHEP::cm;
+          drAlu = tube->GetRmax()*CLHEP::cm - rAlu;
+          aluHalfZ = tube->GetDz()*CLHEP::cm;
+        }
+        else{
+          error() << skin->GetName() << " is not a TGeoTube! Shape bits = " <<  shape_skin->TestShapeBits(0xFFFFFFFF) << endmsg;
+        }
+      }
+      TGeoNode* foam = FindNode(daughter, "CryostatFoamBarrel");
+      if(foam){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_foam = foam->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_foam->TestShapeBit(TGeoTube::kGeoTube)){
+          const TGeoTube* tube = (const TGeoTube*) shape_foam;
+          rSty = tube->GetRmin()*CLHEP::cm;
+          drSty = tube->GetRmax()*CLHEP::cm - rSty;
+          dzSty = tube->GetDz()*CLHEP::cm;
+        }
+        else{
+          error() << foam->GetName() << " is not a TGeoTube! Shape bits = " << shape_foam->TestShapeBits(0xFFFFFFFF) << endmsg;
+        }
+	TGeoMaterial* mat = foam->GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
+	double Zeff = 0, ZAeff = 0;
+	for(int iEle = 0; iEle<mat->GetNelements(); iEle++){
+	  double A, Z, w;
+	  mat->GetElementProp(A,Z,w,iEle);
+	  Zeff  += Z*w;
+	  ZAeff += Z/A*w;
+	  //std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << Z << " " << A << " " << w << std::endl;
+	}
+	styZeff    = Zeff;
+	styAeff    = Zeff/ZAeff;
+	styRadLen  = mat->GetRadLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+	styIntLen  = mat->GetIntLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+	styDensity = mat->GetDensity();
+      }
+      TGeoNode* skinEnd = FindNode(daughter, "CryostatAluSkinEndPlateInner");
+      if(skinEnd){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_skinEnd = skinEnd->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_skinEnd->TestShapeBit(TGeoTube::kGeoTube)){
+          const TGeoTube* tube = (const TGeoTube*) shape_skinEnd;
+          rInner = tube->GetRmin()*CLHEP::cm;
+          double rmax = tube->GetRmax()*CLHEP::cm;
+          drAlu = tube->GetDz()*CLHEP::cm*2;
+        }
+        else{
+          error() << skinEnd->GetName() << " is not a TGeoTube! Shape bits = " << shape_skinEnd->TestShapeBits(0xFFFFFFFF) << endmsg;
+        }
+      }
+      TGeoNode* shellEnd = FindNode(daughter, "EndPlateShell_outer");
+      if(shellEnd){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_shellEnd = shellEnd->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_shellEnd->TestShapeBit(TGeoTube::kGeoTube)){
+          const TGeoTube* tube = (const TGeoTube*) shape_shellEnd;
+          double rmin = tube->GetRmin()*CLHEP::cm;
+          double rmax = tube->GetRmax()*CLHEP::cm;
+          double zhalf = tube->GetDz()*CLHEP::cm;
+        }
+        else{
+          error() << shellEnd->GetName() << " is not a TGeoTube! Shape bits = " << shape_shellEnd->TestShapeBits(0xFFFFFFFF) << endmsg;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else if(nodeName=="layer_assembly_0_1"){
+      if(TGeoNode* side_band = FindNode(daughter, "ElectronicsBand")){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_band = side_band->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_band->IsA()==TGeoBBox::Class()){
+          const TGeoBBox* box = (const TGeoBBox*) shape_band;
+          side_band_electronics_width = box->GetDX()*CLHEP::cm*2;
+          //info() << "fucd: "<< box->GetDX() << " " << box->GetDY() << " " << box->GetDZ() <<endmsg;
+        }
+        else{
+	  error() << "ElectronicsBand is not a TGeoBBox!!!"<< endmsg;
+        }
+      }
+      if(TGeoNode* end = FindNode(daughter, "ElectronicsEnd")){
+        const TGeoShape* shape_end = end->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        if(shape_end->IsA()==TGeoBBox::Class()){
+          const TGeoBBox* box = (const TGeoBBox*) shape_end;
+          end_electronics_half_z = box->GetDY()*CLHEP::cm;
+          //info() << "fucd: " << box->GetDX() << " " << box->GetDY() << " " << box->GetDZ() << endmsg;
+        }
+        else{
+          error() << "ElectronicsEnd is not a TGeoBBox!!!"<< endmsg;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  const std::map<std::string, dd4hep::DetElement>& components = vxd.children();
+  for(std::map<std::string, dd4hep::DetElement>::const_iterator it=components.begin();it!=components.end();it++){
+    dd4hep::DetElement component = it->second;
+    dd4hep::Volume vol = component.volume();
+    dd4hep::PlacedVolume phys = component.placement();
+    TGeoMaterial* mat = vol->GetMaterial();
+    const TGeoShape* shape = vol->GetShape();
+    const dd4hep::PlacedVolumeExtension::VolIDs& ids = phys.volIDs();
+    if(vol.isSensitive()&&shape->IsA()==TGeoBBox::Class()){
+      int iLayer  = ids.find("layer")->second;
+      int iModule = ids.find("module")->second;
+      int iSide   = ids.find("side")->second;
+      if(iModule==0&&iLayer==helpCount+1){
+	helpCount++;
+        helpSensitives.push_back(thisLadder);
+        helpLadders.push_back(thisLadder);
+        helpNumberLadders.push_back(nLadders);
+        helpPhi0.push_back(phi0);
+        nLadders = 0;
+        thisLadder.length = 0;
+      }
+      if(iLayer == helpCount){
+        if(iModule == 0){
+	  const TGeoBBox* box = (const TGeoBBox*) shape;
+          double width     = box->GetDX()*CLHEP::cm;
+          double length    = box->GetDY()*CLHEP::cm;
+          double thickness = box->GetDZ()*CLHEP::cm;
+          TGeoMatrix* matrix = phys->GetMatrix();
+          const double* pos = matrix->GetTranslation();
+          const double* rot_data = matrix->GetRotationMatrix();
+          TGeoRotation rot;
+          rot.SetMatrix(rot_data);
+          double theta,phi,psi;
+          rot.GetAngles(phi,theta,psi);
+          phi *= deg_to_rad;
+          theta *= deg_to_rad;
+          psi *= deg_to_rad;
+          phi0 = -dd4hep::halfpi+phi;
+          double distance = fabs(cos(phi0)*sin(theta)*pos[0]+sin(phi0)*sin(theta)*pos[1]+cos(theta)*pos[2]);
+          double offset = sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]-distance*distance)*pos[0]/fabs(pos[0])*CLHEP::cm;
+          distance *= CLHEP::cm;
+          distance -= thickness;
+          double radL = mat->GetRadLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+          //info() << " ->   " << helpCount << ": " << distance << " " << cos(atan2(pos[1],pos[0])-phi)*sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]) << endmsg;
+          thisLadder.distance  = distance;
+          thisLadder.offset    = offset;
+          thisLadder.thickness = thickness;
+          thisLadder.length   += length;
+          thisLadder.width     = width;
+          thisLadder.radLength = radL;
+          thisLadder.z         = pos[2]*CLHEP::cm;
+        }
+        if(iModule==nLadders) nLadders++;
+      }
+    }
+    else if(it->first=="VXD_support"){
+      helpCount++;
+      helpSensitives.push_back(thisLadder);
+      helpLadders.push_back(thisLadder);
+      helpNumberLadders.push_back(nLadders);
+      helpPhi0.push_back(phi0);
+      nLadders = 0;
+      if(vol->GetNdaughters()==0) error() << "!!!!!!!!!" << endmsg;
+      int nFlexCable = 0, nFoamSpacer=0, nMetalTraces=0;
+      int currentLayer = -1;
+      double tFlexCable, tFoamSpacer, tMetalTraces;
+      double radLFlexCable, radLFoamSpacer, radLMetalTraces;
+      double intLFlexCable, intLFoamSpacer, intLMetalTraces;
+      double dFlexCable, dFoamSpacer, dMetalTraces;
+      double metalZeff, metalZAeff, foamZeff, foamZAeff, flexZeff, flexZAeff;
+      for(int i=0;i<vol->GetNdaughters();i++){
+	TGeoNode* daughter = vol->GetNode(i);
+        TGeoMaterial* matDaughter = daughter->GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
+        const TGeoShape* shape_sup = daughter->GetVolume()->GetShape();
+        TGeoMatrix* matrix = daughter->GetMatrix();
+        const double* pos = matrix->GetTranslation();
+        const double* rot_data = matrix->GetRotationMatrix();
+        TGeoRotation rot;
+        rot.SetMatrix(rot_data);
+        double theta,phi,psi;
+        rot.GetAngles(phi,theta,psi);
+        phi *= deg_to_rad;
+        theta *= deg_to_rad;
+        psi *= deg_to_rad;
+        phi0 = -CLHEP::halfpi+phi;
+	std::string phy_name = daughter->GetName();
+        if(phy_name.find("FoamSpacer")==-1&&phy_name.find("FlexCable")==-1&&phy_name.find("MetalTraces")==-1){
+          //info() << phy_name <<endmsg;
+          continue;
+        }
+        int iLayer = atoi(phy_name.substr(phy_name.find("_")+1,2).c_str());
+        if(iLayer!=currentLayer){
+          //info() << tFoamSpacer << "," << tFlexCable << "," << tMetalTraces << endmsg;
+          helpLadders[currentLayer].thickness = tFoamSpacer+tFlexCable+tMetalTraces;
+          helpLadders[currentLayer].radLength = helpLadders[currentLayer].thickness / (tFoamSpacer/radLFoamSpacer+tFlexCable/radLFlexCable+tMetalTraces/radLMetalTraces);
+          nFlexCable = 0;
+          nFoamSpacer=0;
+          nMetalTraces=0;
+          currentLayer=iLayer;
+        }
+	if(shape_sup->IsA()==TGeoBBox::Class()&&(nFoamSpacer==0||nFlexCable==0||nMetalTraces==0)){
+          const TGeoBBox* box = (const TGeoBBox*) shape_sup;
+	  double distance = fabs(cos(phi0)*sin(theta)*pos[0]+sin(phi0)*sin(theta)*pos[1]+cos(theta)*pos[2]);
+          double offset = sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]-distance*distance)*pos[0]/fabs(pos[0])*CLHEP::cm;
+          distance -= box->GetDZ();
+          distance *= CLHEP::cm;
+          if(helpLadders[iLayer].distance == helpSensitives[iLayer].distance) helpLadders[iLayer].distance = distance;
+          else helpLadders[iLayer].distance = TMath::Min(helpLadders[iLayer].distance, distance);
+          if(phy_name.find("FoamSpacer")!=-1&&nFoamSpacer==0){
+            helpLadders[iLayer].offset    = offset;
+            tFoamSpacer = box->GetDZ()*CLHEP::cm;
+            radLFoamSpacer = matDaughter->GetRadLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+            intLFoamSpacer = matDaughter->GetIntLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+            dFoamSpacer = matDaughter->GetDensity();
+	    double totalA = 0, Zeff = 0, ZAeff = 0;
+            for(int iEle = 0; iEle<matDaughter->GetNelements(); iEle++){
+              totalA += matDaughter->GetElement(iEle)->A();
+            }
+            for(int iEle = 0; iEle<matDaughter->GetNelements(); iEle++){
+              double A, Z, w;
+              // by fucd: w!=A/totalA, strange! to fix
+              matDaughter->GetElementProp(A,Z,w,iEle);
+              Zeff  += Z*w;
+              ZAeff += Z/A*w;
+              //info() << std::setprecision(16) << Z << " " << A << " " << A/totalA << " " << w << endmsg;
+            }
+            foamZeff = Zeff;
+            foamZAeff = ZAeff;
+            nFoamSpacer++;
+          }
+	  if(phy_name.find("FlexCable")!=-1&&nFlexCable==0){
+            helpLadders[iLayer].width     = box->GetDX()*CLHEP::cm;
+            helpLadders[iLayer].length    = box->GetDY()*CLHEP::cm-beryllium_ladder_block_length*2-end_electronics_half_z*2;
+            tFlexCable = box->GetDZ()*CLHEP::cm;
+            radLFlexCable = matDaughter->GetRadLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+            intLFlexCable = matDaughter->GetIntLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+            dFlexCable = matDaughter->GetDensity();
+            double Zeff = 0, ZAeff = 0;
+            for(int iEle = 0; iEle<matDaughter->GetNelements(); iEle++){
+              double A, Z, w;
+              matDaughter->GetElementProp(A,Z,w,iEle);
+              Zeff  += Z*w;
+              ZAeff += Z/A*w;
+              //std::cout << std::setprecision(16) << Z << " " << A << " " << w << std::endl;
+            }
+            flexZeff  = Zeff;
+            flexZAeff = ZAeff;
+            nFlexCable++;
+          }
+          if(phy_name.find("MetalTraces")!=-1&&nMetalTraces==0){
+            tMetalTraces = box->GetDZ()*CLHEP::cm;
+            radLMetalTraces = matDaughter->GetRadLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+            intLMetalTraces = matDaughter->GetIntLen()*CLHEP::cm;
+            dMetalTraces = matDaughter->GetDensity();
+            double totalA = 0, Zeff = 0, ZAeff = 0;
+            for(int iEle = 0; iEle<matDaughter->GetNelements(); iEle++){
+              totalA += matDaughter->GetElement(iEle)->A();
+            }
+            for(int iEle = 0; iEle<matDaughter->GetNelements(); iEle++){
+              double A, Z, w;
+              matDaughter->GetElementProp(A,Z,w,iEle);
+              Zeff  += Z*w;
+              ZAeff += Z/A*w;
+              //info() << Z << " " << A << " " << w << endmsg;
+            }
+            metalZeff  = Zeff;
+            metalZAeff = ZAeff;
+            nMetalTraces++;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      {
+        //info() << tFoamSpacer << "," << tFlexCable << "," << tMetalTraces << endmsg;
+        double tSupport = tMetalTraces + tFoamSpacer + tFlexCable;
+        helpLadders[currentLayer].thickness = tSupport;
+        helpLadders[currentLayer].radLength = helpLadders[currentLayer].thickness / (tFoamSpacer/radLFoamSpacer+tFlexCable/radLFlexCable+tMetalTraces/radLMetalTraces);
+        nFlexCable = 0;
+        nFoamSpacer=0;
+        nMetalTraces=0;
+        //calculations of thickness fractions of each layer of the support
+        double metalTF = tMetalTraces / tSupport;
+        double foamTF = tFoamSpacer / tSupport;
+        double flexTF = tFlexCable / tSupport;
+        //info() << foamTF << "," << flexTF << "," << metalTF << endmsg;
+        //info() << dFoamSpacer/(CLHEP::kg/CLHEP::cm3) << "," << dFlexCable/(CLHEP::kg/CLHEP::cm3) << "," << dMetalTraces/(CLHEP::kg/CLHEP::cm3) << endmsg;
+        //info() << foamZeff << " " << flexZeff << " " << metalZeff << endmsg;
+        //info() << foamZAeff << " " << flexZAeff << " " << metalZAeff << endmsg;
+        double elemVol = 1*CLHEP::cm3;
+        double VXDSupportMass = (foamTF*dFoamSpacer + flexTF*dFlexCable + metalTF*dMetalTraces)*elemVol;
+        VXDSupportDensity = VXDSupportMass/elemVol;
+	double foamFM = 100. * ((foamTF*(elemVol)*dFoamSpacer) / VXDSupportMass) ;
+        double kaptonFM = 100. * ((flexTF*(elemVol)*dFlexCable) / VXDSupportMass) ;
+        double metalFM = 100. * ((metalTF*(elemVol)*dMetalTraces) / VXDSupportMass) ;
+        VXDSupportRadLen = helpLadders[currentLayer].radLength;
+        VXDSupportZeff = (metalFM/100.)*metalZeff + (kaptonFM/100.)*flexZeff + (foamFM/100.)*foamZeff;
+        double VXDSupportZAeff = (metalFM/100.)*metalZAeff + (kaptonFM/100.)*flexZAeff + (foamFM/100.)*foamZAeff;
+        VXDSupportAeff = VXDSupportZeff / VXDSupportZAeff;
+        double VXDSupportIntLength = 1. / ((metalTF/intLMetalTraces) + (flexTF/intLFlexCable) + (foamTF/intLFoamSpacer));
+        VXDSupportDensity = VXDSupportDensity*(CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3)/(CLHEP::kg/CLHEP::m3);
+        //info() << "fucd: " << VXDSupportZeff << " " << VXDSupportAeff << " " << VXDSupportRadLen << " " << VXDSupportIntLength << " " << VXDSupportDensity << endmsg;
+        //info() << intLMetalTraces << " " << intLFlexCable << " " << intLFoamSpacer <<endmsg;
+      }
+    }
+    //info() << it->first << endmsg;
+  }
+  if(end_electronics_half_z>0 && side_band_electronics_width==0) type = gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl::CCD  ;
+  if(side_band_electronics_width>0 && end_electronics_half_z==0 ) type = gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl::CMOS ;
+  if(side_band_electronics_width>0 && end_electronics_half_z>0) type = gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl::HYBRID ;
+  gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* vxdParameters = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl(type, shellInnerRadius, shellOuterRadius, shellHalfLength, gap, shellRadLength);
+  // by fucd: debug info, if validated enough, merge them in future
+  info() << "=====================from convertor==============================" << endmsg;
+  info() << type << " " << shellInnerRadius << " " << shellOuterRadius << " " << shellHalfLength << " " << gap << " " << shellRadLength << endmsg;
+  for(int i=0;i<helpCount;i++){
+    vxdParameters->addLayer(helpNumberLadders[i] , helpPhi0[i] ,
+                            helpLadders[i].distance , helpLadders[i].offset, helpLadders[i].thickness*2 ,
+                            helpLadders[i].length , helpLadders[i].width*2 , helpLadders[i].radLength ,
+                            helpSensitives[i].distance, helpSensitives[i].offset , helpSensitives[i].thickness*2 ,
+                            helpSensitives[i].length , helpSensitives[i].width*2 , helpSensitives[i].radLength ) ;
+    info() << "fucd " << i << ": " << helpNumberLadders[i] << ", " << helpPhi0[i] << ", "
+           << helpLadders[i].distance << ", " << helpLadders[i].offset << ", " << helpLadders[i].thickness*2 << ", " << helpLadders[i].length << ", "
+           << helpLadders[i].width*2 << ", " << helpLadders[i].radLength << ", " << helpSensitives[i].distance << ", " << helpSensitives[i].offset << ", "
+           << helpSensitives[i].thickness*2 << ", " << helpSensitives[i].length << ", " << helpSensitives[i].width*2 << ", " << helpSensitives[i].radLength << endmsg;
+  }
+  m_gearMgr->setVXDParameters(vxdParameters) ;
+  gear::GearParametersImpl* gearParameters = new gear::GearParametersImpl;
+  //CryostatAlRadius, CryostatAlThickness, CryostatAlInnerR, CryostatAlZEndCap, CryostatAlHalfZ
+  gearParameters->setDoubleVal("CryostatAlRadius",    rAlu);
+  gearParameters->setDoubleVal("CryostatAlThickness", drAlu);
+  gearParameters->setDoubleVal("CryostatAlInnerR",    rInner);
+  gearParameters->setDoubleVal("CryostatAlZEndCap",   aluEndcapZ = dzSty+drSty+drAlu/2);
+  gearParameters->setDoubleVal("CryostatAlHalfZ",     dzSty+drSty);
+  m_gearMgr->setGearParameters("VXDInfra", gearParameters);
+  //effective A different with what in Mokka, fix them as Mokka's
+  gear::SimpleMaterialImpl* VXDFoamShellMaterial_old = new gear::SimpleMaterialImpl("VXDFoamShellMaterial_old", 1.043890843e+01, 5.612886646e+00, 2.500000000e+01, 1.751650267e+04, 0);
+  m_gearMgr->registerSimpleMaterial(VXDFoamShellMaterial_old);
+  gear::SimpleMaterialImpl* VXDFoamShellMaterial = new gear::SimpleMaterialImpl("VXDFoamShellMaterial", styAeff, styZeff, styDensity*(CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3)/(CLHEP::kg/CLHEP::m3),
+										styRadLen, styIntLen);
+  m_gearMgr->registerSimpleMaterial(VXDFoamShellMaterial);
+  gear::SimpleMaterialImpl* VXDSupportMaterial_old = new gear::SimpleMaterialImpl("VXDSupportMaterial_old", 2.075865162e+01, 1.039383117e+01, 2.765900000e+02, 1.014262421e+03, 3.341388059e+03);
+  m_gearMgr->registerSimpleMaterial(VXDSupportMaterial_old);
+  gear::SimpleMaterialImpl* VXDSupportMaterial = new gear::SimpleMaterialImpl("VXDSupportMaterial", VXDSupportAeff, VXDSupportZeff, VXDSupportDensity, VXDSupportRadLen, VXDSupportIntLen);
+  m_gearMgr->registerSimpleMaterial(VXDSupportMaterial);
+  info() << "=====================from ZPlanarData==============================" << endmsg;
+  if(vxdData){
+    info() << vxdData->rInnerShell << " " << vxdData->rOuterShell << " " << vxdData->zHalfShell << " " << vxdData->gapShell << endmsg;
+    const std::vector<dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout>& layers = vxdData->layers;
+    for(int i=0;i<layers.size();i++){
+      const dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& thisLayer = layers[i];
+      info() << i << ": " << thisLayer.ladderNumber << "," << thisLayer.phi0 << "," << thisLayer.distanceSupport << "," << thisLayer.offsetSupport << ","
+             << thisLayer.thicknessSupport << "," << thisLayer.zHalfSupport << "," << thisLayer.widthSupport << "," << "NULL,"
+             << thisLayer.distanceSensitive << "," << thisLayer.offsetSensitive << "," << thisLayer.thicknessSensitive << "," << thisLayer.zHalfSensitive << ","
+             << thisLayer.widthSensitive << ",NULL" << endmsg;
+    }
+  }
+  info() << rAlu << " " << drAlu << " " << rInner << " " << aluEndcapZ << " " << aluHalfZ << endmsg;
+  //info() << m_materials["VXDSupportMaterial"] << endmsg;
+  return sc;
+StatusCode GearSvc::convertFTD(dd4hep::DetElement& ftd){
+  dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData* ftdData = nullptr;
+  try{
+    ftdData = ftd.extension<dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData>();
+  }
+  catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+    warning() << e.what() << " " << ftdData << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  std::vector<dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::LayerLayout>& ftdlayers = ftdData->layers;
+  int nLayers = ftdlayers.size();
+  gear::FTDParametersImpl* ftdParam = new gear::FTDParametersImpl();
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_width_mm", ftdData->widthStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_length_mm", ftdData->lengthStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch_mm", ftdData->pitchStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  ftdParam->setDoubleVal("strip_angle_deg", ftdData->angleStrip*rad_to_deg);
+  for(int layer = 0; layer < nLayers; layer++){
+    dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::LayerLayout& ftdlayer = ftdlayers[layer];
+    int nPetals = ftdlayer.petalNumber;
+    double dphi = CLHEP::twopi/nPetals;
+    double phi0 = ftdlayer.phi0;
+    double alpha = ftdlayer.alphaPetal;
+    double zposition = ftdlayer.zPosition*CLHEP::cm;
+    double zoffset = ftdlayer.zOffsetSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    int signoffset = ftdlayer.zOffsetSupport>0?1:-1;
+    zoffset *= signoffset;
+    double supRinner    = ftdlayer.distanceSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supThickness = ftdlayer.thicknessSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supLengthMin = ftdlayer.widthInnerSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supLengthMax = ftdlayer.widthOuterSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supWidth     = ftdlayer.lengthSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senRinner    = ftdlayer.distanceSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senThickness = ftdlayer.thicknessSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senLengthMin = ftdlayer.widthInnerSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senLengthMax = ftdlayer.widthOuterSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senWidth     = ftdlayer.lengthSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    bool isDoubleSided  = ftdlayer.typeFlags[dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::SensorType::DoubleSided];
+    bool isPixelReadout = (bool)ftdlayer.typeFlags[dd4hep::rec::ZDiskPetalsData::SensorType::Pixel];
+    int sensorType = (isPixelReadout)?gear::FTDParameters::PIXEL:gear::FTDParameters::STRIP;
+    int nSensors = ftdlayer.sensorsPerPetal;
+    double phalfangle = ftdlayer.petalHalfAngle;
+    ftdParam->addLayer(nPetals, nSensors, isDoubleSided, sensorType, phalfangle, phi0, alpha, zposition, zoffset, signoffset,
+                       supRinner, supThickness, supLengthMin, supLengthMax, supWidth, 0,
+                       senRinner, senThickness, senLengthMin, senLengthMax, senWidth, 0);
+  }
+  m_gearMgr->setFTDParameters(ftdParam);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode GearSvc::convertSIT(dd4hep::DetElement& sit){
+  dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData* sitData = nullptr;
+  try{
+    sitData = sit.extension<dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData>();
+  }
+  catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+    warning() << e.what() << " " << sitData << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  std::vector<dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout>& sitlayers = sitData->layers;
+  int nLayers = sitlayers.size();
+  double strip_angle_deg = sitData->angleStrip*rad_to_deg;
+  gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* sitParams = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl(1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  sitParams->setDoubleVal("strip_width_mm",  sitData->widthStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  sitParams->setDoubleVal("strip_length_mm", sitData->lengthStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  sitParams->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch_mm",  sitData->pitchStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  sitParams->setDoubleVal("strip_angle_deg", strip_angle_deg);
+  std::vector<int> n_sensors_per_ladder;
+  for( int layer=0; layer < nLayers; layer++){
+    dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& layout = sitlayers[layer];
+    int nLadders = layout.ladderNumber;
+    double phi0 = layout.phi0;
+    double supRMin = layout.distanceSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supOffset = layout.offsetSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supThickness = layout.thicknessSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supHalfLength = layout.zHalfSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supWidth = layout.widthSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senRMin = layout.distanceSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senOffset = layout.offsetSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senThickness = layout.thicknessSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senHalfLength = layout.zHalfSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senWidth = layout.widthSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    int nSensorsPerLadder = layout.sensorsPerLadder;
+    double stripAngle = strip_angle_deg*CLHEP::degree;
+    n_sensors_per_ladder.push_back(nSensorsPerLadder);
+    sitParams->addLayer(nLadders, phi0, supRMin, supOffset, supThickness, supHalfLength, supWidth, 0, senRMin, senOffset, senThickness, senHalfLength, senWidth, 0);
+  }
+  sitParams->setIntVals("n_sensors_per_ladder",n_sensors_per_ladder);
+  m_gearMgr->setSITParameters( sitParams ) ;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode GearSvc::convertTPC(dd4hep::DetElement& tpc){
+  dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData* tpcData = nullptr;
+  try{
+    tpcData = tpc.extension<dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData>();
+  }
+  catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+    warning() << e.what() << " " << tpcData << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  gear::TPCParametersImpl *tpcParameters = new gear::TPCParametersImpl();
+  gear::PadRowLayout2D *padLayout = new gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout(tpcData->rMinReadout*CLHEP::cm, tpcData->rMaxReadout*CLHEP::cm,
+                                                                     tpcData->padHeight*CLHEP::cm, tpcData->padWidth*CLHEP::cm, tpcData->maxRow, 0.0);
+  tpcParameters->setPadLayout(padLayout);
+  tpcParameters->setMaxDriftLength(tpcData->driftLength*CLHEP::cm);
+  tpcParameters->setDriftVelocity(    0.0); // SJA: not set in Mokka so set to 0.0                                                                                                          
+  tpcParameters->setReadoutFrequency( 0.0);
+  tpcParameters->setDoubleVal( "tpcOuterRadius" , tpcData->rMax*CLHEP::cm ) ;
+  tpcParameters->setDoubleVal( "tpcInnerRadius",  tpcData->rMin*CLHEP::cm ) ;
+  tpcParameters->setDoubleVal( "tpcInnerWallThickness",  tpcData->innerWallThickness*CLHEP::cm ) ;
+  tpcParameters->setDoubleVal( "tpcOuterWallThickness",  tpcData->outerWallThickness*CLHEP::cm ) ;
+  m_gearMgr->setTPCParameters(tpcParameters);
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+StatusCode GearSvc::convertSET(dd4hep::DetElement& set){
+  dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData* setData = nullptr;
+  try{
+    setData = set.extension<dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData>();
+  }
+  catch(std::runtime_error& e){
+    warning() << e.what() << " " << setData << endmsg;
+    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
+  }
+  std::vector<dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout>& setlayers = setData->layers;
+  int nLayers = setlayers.size();
+  double strip_angle_deg = setData->angleStrip*rad_to_deg;
+  gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl* setParams = new gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl(1, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0);
+  setParams->setDoubleVal("strip_width_mm",  setData->widthStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  setParams->setDoubleVal("strip_length_mm", setData->lengthStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  setParams->setDoubleVal("strip_pitch_mm",  setData->pitchStrip*CLHEP::cm);
+  setParams->setDoubleVal("strip_angle_deg", strip_angle_deg);
+  std::vector<int> n_sensors_per_ladder;
+  for( int layer=0; layer < nLayers; layer++){
+    dd4hep::rec::ZPlanarData::LayerLayout& layout = setlayers[layer];
+    int nLadders = layout.ladderNumber;
+    double phi0 = layout.phi0;
+    double supRMin = layout.distanceSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supOffset = layout.offsetSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supThickness = layout.thicknessSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supHalfLength = layout.zHalfSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double supWidth = layout.widthSupport*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senRMin = layout.distanceSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senOffset = layout.offsetSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senThickness = layout.thicknessSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senHalfLength = layout.zHalfSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    double senWidth = layout.widthSensitive*CLHEP::cm;
+    int nSensorsPerLadder = layout.sensorsPerLadder;
+    double stripAngle = strip_angle_deg*CLHEP::degree;
+    n_sensors_per_ladder.push_back(nSensorsPerLadder);
+    setParams->addLayer(nLadders, phi0, supRMin, supOffset, supThickness, supHalfLength, supWidth, 0, senRMin, senOffset, senThickness, senHalfLength, senWidth, 0);
+  }
+  setParams->setIntVals("n_sensors_per_ladder",n_sensors_per_ladder);
+  m_gearMgr->setSETParameters( setParams ) ;
+  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
+TGeoNode* GearSvc::FindNode(TGeoNode* mother, char* name){
+  TGeoNode* next = 0;
+  if(mother->GetNdaughters()!=0){
+    for(int i=0;i<mother->GetNdaughters();i++){
+      TGeoNode* daughter = mother->GetDaughter(i);
+      std::string s = daughter->GetName();
+      //info() << "current: " << s << " search for" << name << endmsg;                                                                                                                      
+      if(s.find(name)!=-1){
+        next = daughter;
+        break;
+      }
+      else{
+        next = FindNode(daughter, name);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return next;
diff --git a/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.h b/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.h
index 00a80458..fcd5bcc8 100644
--- a/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.h
+++ b/Service/GearSvc/src/GearSvc.h
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 #include "GearSvc/IGearSvc.h"
 #include <GaudiKernel/Service.h>
+#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
+class dd4hep::DetElement;
+class TGeoNode;
 class GearSvc : public extends<Service, IGearSvc>
@@ -16,6 +19,13 @@ class GearSvc : public extends<Service, IGearSvc>
         StatusCode finalize() override;
+	StatusCode convertBeamPipe(dd4hep::DetElement& pipe);
+	StatusCode convertVXD(dd4hep::DetElement& vxd);
+	StatusCode convertSIT(dd4hep::DetElement& sit);
+	StatusCode convertTPC(dd4hep::DetElement& tpc);
+	StatusCode convertSET(dd4hep::DetElement& set);
+	StatusCode convertFTD(dd4hep::DetElement& ftd);
+	TGeoNode* FindNode(TGeoNode* mother, char* name);
         Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_gearFile{this, "GearXMLFile", ""};
diff --git a/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/ b/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/
index 90dcd47c..eb35f742 100644
--- a/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/
+++ b/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
   void MarlinKalTest::init() {
-    //streamlog_out( DEBUG4 ) << "  MarlinKalTest - call  this init " << std::endl ;
+    std::cout << "debug: MarlinKalTest - call  this init " << std::endl ;
+    //ILDSITKalDetector* sitdet = new ILDSITKalDetector( *_gearMgr, _geoSvc )  ;
     MeasurementSurfaceStore& surfstore = _gearMgr->getMeasurementSurfaceStore();
@@ -84,11 +84,9 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
     else {
-      //streamlog_out( DEBUG4 ) << "  MarlinKalTest - MeasurementSurfaceStore is already full. Using store as filled by MeasurementSurfaceStoreFiller " << surfstore.getFillerName() << std::endl ;
+      std::cout << "debug: MarlinKalTest - MeasurementSurfaceStore is already full. Using store as filled by MeasurementSurfaceStoreFiller " << surfstore.getFillerName() << std::endl ;
     if (_gearMgr -> getDetectorName() == "LPTPC") {
         kaldet::LCTPCKalDetector* tpcdet = new kaldet::LCTPCKalDetector( *_gearMgr )  ;
@@ -125,7 +123,6 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
 	std::cout << "Warning: " << "  MarlinKalTest - VXD missing in gear file: VXD Material Not Built " << std::endl ;
       bool SIT_found = false ;
         ILDSITKalDetector* sitdet = new ILDSITKalDetector( *_gearMgr, _geoSvc )  ;
@@ -160,7 +157,6 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
 	std::cout << "Warning: " << "  MarlinKalTest - SET missing in gear file: SET Not Built " << std::endl ;
       bool FTD_found = false ;
         ILDFTDKalDetector* ftddet = new ILDFTDKalDetector( *_gearMgr, _geoSvc )  ;
@@ -184,7 +180,7 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
 	  std::cout << "Warning: " << "  MarlinKalTest - Simple Disc Based FTD missing in gear file: Simple Disc Based FTD Not Built " << std::endl ;
         ILDTPCKalDetector* tpcdet = new ILDTPCKalDetector( *_gearMgr, _geoSvc )  ;
         // store the measurement layer id's for the active layers
@@ -194,6 +190,7 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
       catch( gear::UnknownParameterException& e){   
 	std::cout << "Warning: " << "  MarlinKalTest - TPC missing in gear file: TPC Not Built " << std::endl ;
     _det->Close() ;          // close the cradle
diff --git a/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/MarlinKalTest.h b/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/MarlinKalTest.h
index df37d747..8c07d22d 100644
--- a/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/MarlinKalTest.h
+++ b/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/MarlinKalTest.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace MarlinTrk{
     /** Default c'tor, initializes the geometry from GEAR. */
-    MarlinKalTest( const gear::GearMgr& gearMgr, IGeomSvc* geoSvc) ;
+    MarlinKalTest( const gear::GearMgr& gearMgr, IGeomSvc* geoSvc = 0) ;
     /** d'tor */
     ~MarlinKalTest() ;
diff --git a/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/TrackSystemSvc.cpp b/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/TrackSystemSvc.cpp
index 238c12b8..31d5a5b7 100644
--- a/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/TrackSystemSvc.cpp
+++ b/Service/TrackSystemSvc/src/TrackSystemSvc.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* TrackSystemSvc::getTrackSystem(void* address){
       return 0;
     debug() << "GearMgr=" << mgr << " GeomSvc=" << _geoSvc << endmsg;
-    MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* sys = new MarlinTrk::MarlinKalTest( *mgr, _geoSvc );
+    //MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* sys = new MarlinTrk::MarlinKalTest( *mgr, _geoSvc );
+    MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* sys = new MarlinTrk::MarlinKalTest(*mgr);
     m_trackSystems[address] = sys;
     debug() << "Track system created successfully for " << address << endmsg;
     return sys;