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  • zhangcg/CEPCSW
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61 results
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with 828 additions and 607 deletions
......@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ namespace Cyber {
void setShowerUCol(std::vector<const Calo1DCluster*> _sh) { barShowerUCol=_sh; }
void setShowerVCol(std::vector<const Calo1DCluster*> _sh) { barShowerVCol=_sh; }
void addUnit(const Calo1DCluster* _1dcluster);
void addTowerID(int _m, int _p, int _s) { std::vector<int> id(3); id[0] = _m; id[1] = _p; id[2] = _s; towerID.push_back(id); }
void addTowerID(int _sys, int _m, int _s, int _p) { std::vector<int> id(4); id[0] = _sys; id[1] = _m; id[2] = _s; id[3] = _p; towerID.push_back(id); }
void addTowerID(std::vector<int> id) { towerID.push_back(id); }
void setTowerID(std::vector<int> id) { towerID.clear(); towerID.push_back(id); }
void setPos( TVector3 _vec ) { pos = _vec; }
void setPos( double _x, double _y, double _z ) { pos.SetXYZ(_x, _y, _z); }
std::vector< std::vector<int> > towerID; //[module, stave]
std::vector< std::vector<int> > towerID; //[system, module, stave, part]
TVector3 pos = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
std::vector<const CaloHit*> hits;
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ namespace Cyber {
int getType() const { return type; }
double getEnergyScale() const { return Escale; }
void setAxis(TVector3 _axis ) { axis = _axis; }
void setCaloHits( std::vector<const Cyber::CaloHit*> _hits ) { hits = _hits; }
void setCaloHitsFrom2DCluster();
void setTowers(std::vector<const Calo3DCluster*> _t) { m_towers = _t; }
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace Cyber {
void setHoughPars(double _a, double _r) { Hough_alpha=_a; Hough_rho=_r; }
void setIntercept(double _in) { Hough_intercept=_in; }
void mergeHalfCluster( const CaloHalfCluster* clus );
void addTowerID(int _m, int _p, int _s) { std::vector<int> id(3); id[0] = _m; id[1] = _p; id[2] = _s; towerID.push_back(id); }
void addTowerID(int _sys, int _m, int _s, int _p) { std::vector<int> id(4); id[0] = _sys; id[1] = _m; id[2] = _s; id[3] = _p; towerID.push_back(id); }
void addTowerID(std::vector<int> id) { towerID.push_back(id); }
void setTowerID(std::vector<int> id) { towerID.clear(); towerID.push_back(id); }
void addAssociatedTrack(const Cyber::Track* _track){ m_TrackCol.push_back(_track); }
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Cyber {
int type; // yyy: new definition: track: 10000, Hough: 100, cone: 1, merge: sum them
std::vector< std::vector<int> > towerID; //[module, part, stave]
std::vector< std::vector<int> > towerID; //[system, module, stave, part]
int slayer;
mutable TVector3 axis = TVector3(99999., 99999., 99999.);
mutable double trk_dr;
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace Cyber{
CaloHit() {};
~CaloHit() { Clear(); };
void Clear() { cellID=0; position.SetXYZ(0.,0.,0.); energy=-1; module=-1; layer=-1; ParentShower=nullptr; }
void Clear() { cellID=0; position.SetXYZ(0.,0.,0.); energy=-1; system = -1; module=-1; layer=-1; ParentShower=nullptr; }
std::shared_ptr<CaloHit> Clone() const;
void setOriginHit( edm4hep::CalorimeterHit& _hit ) { m_hit = _hit; }
......@@ -22,15 +22,17 @@ namespace Cyber{
double getEnergy() const { return energy; }
int getLayer() const {return layer;}
int getModule() const {return module;}
int getSystem() const {return system;}
std::vector< std::pair<edm4hep::MCParticle, float> > getLinkedMCP() const { return MCParticleWeight; }
edm4hep::MCParticle getLeadingMCP() const;
float getLeadingMCPweight() const;
edm4hep::CalorimeterHit getOriginHit() const { return m_hit; }
void setcellID(unsigned long long _id) { cellID=_id; }
void setcellID(int _m, int _l) { module=_m; layer=_l; }
void setcellID(int _s, int _m, int _l) { system=_s; module=_m; layer=_l; }
void setEnergy(double _en) { energy=_en; }
void setPosition( TVector3 _vec ) { position=_vec; }
void setSystem(int _s) { system = _s; }
void setModule(int _m ) { module = _m; }
void setLayer(int _l) { layer = _l; }
void setParentShower( Cyber::Calo2DCluster* _p ) { ParentShower=_p; }
......@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace Cyber{
void setLinkedMCP( std::vector<std::pair<edm4hep::MCParticle, float>> _pairVec ) { MCParticleWeight.clear(); MCParticleWeight = _pairVec; }
int system;
int module;
int layer;
unsigned long long cellID;
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ namespace Cyber{
class CaloUnit{
CaloUnit(unsigned long long _cellID, int _system, int _module, int _slayer, int _dlayer, int _stave, int _bar, TVector3 _pos, double _Q1, double _Q2, double _T1, double _T2)
: cellID(_cellID), system(_system), module(_module), stave(_stave), dlayer(_dlayer), slayer(_slayer), bar(_bar), position(_pos), Q1(_Q1), Q2(_Q2), T1(_T1), T2(_T2) {};
CaloUnit(unsigned long long _cellID, int _system, int _module, int _slayer, int _dlayer, int _stave, int _part, int _bar, TVector3 _pos, double _Q1, double _Q2, double _T1, double _T2)
: cellID(_cellID), system(_system), module(_module), stave(_stave), part(_part), dlayer(_dlayer), slayer(_slayer), bar(_bar), position(_pos), Q1(_Q1), Q2(_Q2), T1(_T1), T2(_T2) {};
CaloUnit() {};
~CaloUnit() { Clear(); };
void Clear() { position.SetXYZ(0.,0.,0.); Q1=-1; Q2=-1; T1=-99; T2=-99; }
......@@ -19,14 +19,20 @@ namespace Cyber{
inline bool operator < (const CaloUnit &x) const {
if(x.cellID==cellID) return false;
if(slayer==0) return ( (stave<x.stave) || (stave==x.stave && bar< );
if( module==Nmodule && x.module==0 ) return true;
else if( module==0 && x.module==Nmodule ) return false;
if(slayer==0) return ( (stave<x.stave) || (stave==x.stave && bar< );
return ( (module<x.module) || (module==x.module && bar< );
if( module==Nmodule && x.module==0 ) return true;
else if( module==0 && x.module==Nmodule ) return false;
return ( (module<x.module) || (module==x.module && bar< );
if(slayer==0) return (position.x() < x.getPosition().x());
else return (position.y() < x.getPosition().y());
inline bool operator == (const CaloUnit &x) const{
......@@ -36,6 +42,7 @@ namespace Cyber{
int getSystem() const { return system; }
int getModule() const { return module; }
int getStave() const { return stave; }
int getPart() const { return part; }
int getDlayer() const { return dlayer; }
int getSlayer() const { return slayer; }
int getBar() const { return bar; }
......@@ -44,6 +51,7 @@ namespace Cyber{
double getT1() const { return T1; }
double getT2() const { return T2; }
double getBarLength() const {return barLength; }
int getNBarInLayer() const { return nBarInLayer; }
TVector3 getPosition() const { return position; }
double getEnergy() const { return (Q1+Q2); }
......@@ -67,8 +75,11 @@ namespace Cyber{
void setQ(double _q1, double _q2) { Q1=_q1; Q2=_q2; }
void setT(double _t1, double _t2) { T1=_t1; T2=_t2; }
void setBarLength(double _barLength) { barLength=_barLength; }
void setNBarInLayer(int _nBarInLayer) { nBarInLayer=_nBarInLayer; }
std::shared_ptr<CaloUnit> Clone() const;
static int System_Barrel;
static int System_Endcap;
static int Nmodule;
static int Nstave;
static int Nlayer;
......@@ -77,6 +88,8 @@ namespace Cyber{
static int NbarZ;
static float barsize;
static float ecal_innerR;
static float ecal_endcap_deadarea;
static float ecal_endcap_barsize;
unsigned long long cellID;
......@@ -96,6 +109,7 @@ namespace Cyber{
double barLength;
std::vector< std::pair<edm4hep::MCParticle, float> > MCParticleWeight;
int nBarInLayer;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Cyber {
class HoughObject{
HoughObject() {};
HoughObject( const Cyber::Calo1DCluster* _localmax, double _cellSize, double _ecal_inner_radius, double _phi=0.);
HoughObject( const Cyber::Calo1DCluster* _localmax, double _cellSize, double _ecal_inner_radius);
~HoughObject() { };
......@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@ namespace Cyber {
//int getModule() const { return (m_local_max->getTowerID())[0][0]; }
int getSlayer() const { return m_local_max->getSlayer(); }
int getSystem() const { return m_local_max->getBars()[0]->getSystem(); }
double getE() const { return m_local_max->getEnergy(); }
double getCellSize() const { return m_cell_size; }
const Cyber::Calo1DCluster* getLocalMax() const { return m_local_max; }
void setCellSize(double _cs) { m_cell_size=_cs; }
void setCenterPoint(double& _ecal_inner_radius, double _phi=0.);
void setCenterPoint(double& _ecal_inner_radius);
void setHoughLine(TF1& line1, TF1& line2);
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ namespace Cyber{
std::vector<DataHandle<edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection>*>& r_CaloHitCols,
std::map<std::string, dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder*>& map_decoder,
std::map<std::string, DataHandle<edm4hep::MCRecoCaloParticleAssociationCollection>*>& map_CaloParticleAssoCol,
const dd4hep::VolumeManager& m_volumeManager );
const dd4hep::VolumeManager& m_volumeManager,
std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int, int, int>, int>& barNumberMapEndcapMap );
//StatusCode CreateMCParticleCaloHitsAsso( std::vector<DataHandle<edm4hep::CalorimeterHitCollection>*>& r_CaloHitCols,
// DataHandle<edm4hep::MCRecoCaloParticleAssociationCollection>* r_MCParticleRecoCaloCol );
......@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ cepcswdatatop ="/cvmfs/"
########## Podio Input ###################
from Configurables import PodioInput
inp = PodioInput("InputReader")
inp.collections = [ "CyberPFO", "MCParticle" ]
inp.collections = [ "CyberPFO", "CyberPFOPID", "MCParticle" ]
from Configurables import GenMatch
genmatch = GenMatch("GenMatch")
genmatch.InputPFOs = "CyberPFOPID"
genmatch.nJets = 2
genmatch.R = 0.6
genmatch.OutputFile = "Jets_TDR_o1_v01.root"
......@@ -86,16 +86,18 @@ EcalDigi.EcalSiPMPDE = 0.25 # NDL-EQR06, PDE 0.25
EcalDigi.EcalSiPMDCR = 0 # NDL-EQR06, dark count rate 2500000 [Hz]
EcalDigi.EcalTimeInterval = 0. # Time interval 0.000002 [s]. DCR*TimeInterval = dark count noise
EcalDigi.EcalSiPMCT = 0. # SiPM crosstalk Probability 12%
EcalDigi.EcalSiPMGainMean = 50 # 50 [ADC/p.e.]
EcalDigi.EcalSiPMGainMean = 5 # 5 [ADC/p.e.]
EcalDigi.EcalSiPMGainSigma = 0.08 # 0.08
#EcalDigi.EcalSiPMNoiseSigma = 0 # 0
EcalDigi.ADC = 8192 # 13-bit, 8192
EcalDigi.ADCSwitch = 8000 # 8000
EcalDigi.Pedestal = 50 # Pedestal 50 ADC
EcalDigi.GainRatio_12 = 50 # Gain ratio 50
EcalDigi.GainRatio_23 = 60 # Gain ratio 60
#EcalDigi.EcalNoiseADCSigma = 4 # 4
EcalDigi.GainRatio_12 = 30 # Gain ratio 30
EcalDigi.GainRatio_23 = 10 # Gain ratio 10
EcalDigi.EcalASICNoiseSigma = 4
EcalDigi.EcalFEENoiseSigma = 5
EcalDigi.ADCNonLinearity = 0 # ADC non-linearity 0
# temperature control
EcalDigi.UseCryTemp = 0
EcalDigi.UseCryTempCor = 0
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ inp = PodioInput("InputReader")
inp.collections = [
# "ECALEndcaps",
# "ECALEndcapsParticleAssoCol",
# "HCALEndcaps",
# "HCALEndcapsParticleAssoCol",
......@@ -75,18 +75,12 @@ CyberPFAlg.HcalNeutralCalib = 4.0
CyberPFAlg.MCParticleCollection = "MCParticle"
CyberPFAlg.TrackCollections = ["CompleteTracks"]
CyberPFAlg.MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection = "CompleteTracksParticleAssociation"
#CyberPFAlg.ECalCaloHitCollections = ["ECALBarrel","ECALEndcaps"]
#CyberPFAlg.ECalReadOutNames = ["EcalBarrelCollection","EcalEndcapsCollection"]
#CyberPFAlg.ECalMCPAssociationName = ["ECALBarrelParticleAssoCol", "ECALEndcapsParticleAssoCol"]
#CyberPFAlg.HCalCaloHitCollections = ["HCALBarrel", "HCALEndcaps"]
#CyberPFAlg.HCalReadOutNames = ["HcalBarrelCollection", "HcalEndcapsCollection"]
#CyberPFAlg.HCalMCPAssociationName = ["HCALBarrelParticleAssoCol", "HCALEndcapsParticleAssoCol"]
CyberPFAlg.ECalCaloHitCollections = ["ECALBarrel"]
CyberPFAlg.ECalReadOutNames = ["EcalBarrelCollection"]
CyberPFAlg.ECalMCPAssociationName = ["ECALBarrelParticleAssoCol"]
CyberPFAlg.HCalCaloHitCollections = ["HCALBarrel"]
CyberPFAlg.HCalReadOutNames = ["HcalBarrelCollection"]
CyberPFAlg.HCalMCPAssociationName = ["HCALBarrelParticleAssoCol"]
CyberPFAlg.ECalCaloHitCollections = ["ECALBarrel","ECALEndcaps"]
CyberPFAlg.ECalReadOutNames = ["EcalBarrelCollection","EcalEndcapsCollection"]
CyberPFAlg.ECalMCPAssociationName = ["ECALBarrelParticleAssoCol", "ECALEndcapsParticleAssoCol"]
CyberPFAlg.HCalCaloHitCollections = ["HCALBarrel", "HCALEndcaps"]
CyberPFAlg.HCalReadOutNames = ["HcalBarrelCollection", "HcalEndcapsCollection"]
CyberPFAlg.HCalMCPAssociationName = ["HCALBarrelParticleAssoCol", "HCALEndcapsParticleAssoCol"]
##--- Output collections ---
CyberPFAlg.OutputPFO = "outputPFO";
......@@ -113,8 +107,8 @@ CyberPFAlg.AlgParNames = [ ["InputECALBars","OutputECAL1DClusters","OutputECALHa
["OutputAxisName"], #6
["ReadinAxisName", "OutputClusName", "OutputTowerName"], #9
["ReadinHFClusterName", "ReadinTowerName","OutputClusterName"], #11
["InputHCALHits", "OutputHCALClusters"], #12
["DoECALClustering","DoHCALClustering","InputHCALHits","OutputHCALClusters"], #15
["OutputHCALClusters"], #12
["DoECALClustering","DoHCALClustering","OutputHCALClusters"], #15
["ReadinECALClusterName", "ReadinHCALClusterName", "OutputCombPFO"], #16
["ECALChargedCalib", "HCALChargedCalib", "ECALNeutralCalib", "HCALNeutralCalib"] ]#17
CyberPFAlg.AlgParTypes = [ ["string","string","string"],#1
......@@ -125,8 +119,8 @@ CyberPFAlg.AlgParTypes = [ ["string","string","string"],#1
["string"], #6
["string","string","string"], #9
["string","string","string"], #11
["string", "string"], #12
["bool","bool","string","string"], #15
["string"], #12
["bool","bool","string"], #15
["string","string","string"], #16
["double","double", "double","double"] ]#17
CyberPFAlg.AlgParValues = [ ["BarCol","Cluster1DCol","HalfClusterCol"],#1
......@@ -137,8 +131,8 @@ CyberPFAlg.AlgParValues = [ ["BarCol","Cluster1DCol","HalfClusterCol"],#1
["MergedAxis"], #6
["MergedAxis","ESHalfCluster","ESTower"], #9
["ESHalfCluster","ESTower","EcalCluster"], #11
["HCALBarrel", "SimpleHCALCluster"], #12
["0","1","HCALBarrel","HCALCluster"], #15
["SimpleHCALCluster"], #12
["0","1","HCALCluster"], #15
["EcalCluster", "SimpleHCALCluster", "outputPFO"], #16
["1.26","4.", "1.", "4."] ]#17
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from Configurables import k4DataSvc
dsvc = k4DataSvc("EventDataSvc", input="CaloDigi_TDR_o1_v01.root")
from Configurables import RndmGenSvc, HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__RanluxEngine_
seed = [1024]
seed = [12340]
# rndmengine = HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__RanluxEngine_() # The default engine in Gaudi
rndmengine = HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__HepJamesRandom_("RndmGenSvc.Engine") # The default engine in Geant4
rndmengine.SetSingleton = True
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ tracksystemsvc = TrackSystemSvc("TrackSystemSvc")
from Configurables import SimplePIDSvc
pidsvc = SimplePIDSvc("SimplePIDSvc")
cepcswdatatop = "/cvmfs/"
pidsvc.ParFile = os.path.join(cepcswdatatop, "CEPCSWData/offline-data/Service/SimplePIDSvc/data/dNdx_TPC.root")
pidsvc.ParFile = os.path.join(cepcswdatatop, "CEPCSWData/offline-data/Service/SimplePIDSvc/data/tdr25.1.0/dNdx_TPC.root")
from Configurables import PodioInput
podioinput = PodioInput("PodioReader", collections=[
......@@ -51,13 +51,19 @@ podioinput = PodioInput("PodioReader", collections=[
# "SETCollection",
# digitization
# Digitization
## Config ##
vxdhitname = "VXDTrackerHits"
sithitname = "SITTrackerHits"
gashitname = "TPCTrackerHits"
......@@ -65,17 +71,14 @@ sethitname = "OTKBarrelTrackerHits"
setspname = "OTKBarrelSpacePoints"
ftdhitname = "FTDTrackerHits"
ftdspname = "FTDSpacePoints"
from Configurables import SmearDigiTool
from Configurables import SmearDigiTool,SiTrackerDigiAlg
## VXD ##
vxdtool = SmearDigiTool("VXD")
vxdtool.ResolutionU = [0.005]
vxdtool.ResolutionV = [0.005]
vxdtool.UsePlanarTag = True
vxdtool.ParameterizeResolution = False
vxdtool.ParametersU = [5.60959e-03, 5.74913e-03, 7.03433e-03, 1.99516, -663.952, 3.752e-03, 0, -0.0704734, 0.0454867e-03, 1.07359]
vxdtool.ParametersV = [5.60959e-03, 5.74913e-03, 7.03433e-03, 1.99516, -663.952, 3.752e-03, 0, -0.0704734, 0.0454867e-03, 1.07359]
#vxdtool.OutputLevel = DEBUG
from Configurables import SiTrackerDigiAlg
digiVXD = SiTrackerDigiAlg("VXDDigi")
digiVXD.SimTrackHitCollection = "VXDCollection"
digiVXD.TrackerHitCollection = vxdhitname
......@@ -83,46 +86,46 @@ digiVXD.TrackerHitAssociationCollection = "VXDTrackerHitAssociation"
digiVXD.DigiTool = "SmearDigiTool/VXD"
#digiVXD.OutputLevel = DEBUG
from Configurables import PlanarDigiAlg
digiSIT = PlanarDigiAlg("SITDigi")
digiSIT.IsStrip = False
## SIT ##
sittool = SmearDigiTool("SIT")
sittool.ResolutionU = [0.0098]
sittool.ResolutionV = [0.0433]
#sittool.OutputLevel = DEBUG
digiSIT = SiTrackerDigiAlg("SITDigi")
digiSIT.SimTrackHitCollection = "SITCollection"
digiSIT.TrackerHitCollection = sithitname
digiSIT.TrackerHitAssociationCollection = "SITTrackerHitAssociation"
digiSIT.ResolutionU = [0.0098]
digiSIT.ResolutionV = [0.0433]
digiSIT.UsePlanarTag = True
digiSIT.ParameterizeResolution = False
digiSIT.ParametersU = [2.29655e-03, 0.965899e-03, 0.584699e-03, 17.0856, 84.566, 12.4695e-03, -0.0643059, 0.168662, 1.87998e-03, 0.514452]
digiSIT.ParametersV = [1.44629e-02, 2.20108e-03, 1.03044e-02, 4.39195e+00, 3.29641e+00, 1.55167e+18, -5.41954e+01, 5.72986e+00, -6.80699e-03, 5.04095e-01]
digiSIT.DigiTool = "SmearDigiTool/SIT"
#digiSIT.OutputLevel = DEBUG
digiSET = PlanarDigiAlg("SETDigi")
digiSET.IsStrip = False
digiSET.SimTrackHitCollection = "OTKBarrelCollection"
digiSET.TrackerHitCollection = sethitname
digiSET.TrackerHitAssociationCollection = "OTKBarrelTrackerHitAssociation"
digiSET.ResolutionU = [0.010]
digiSET.ResolutionV = [1.000]
digiSET.UsePlanarTag = True
digiSET.ParameterizeResolution = False
digiSET.ParametersU = [2.29655e-03, 0.965899e-03, 0.584699e-03, 17.0856, 84.566, 12.4695e-03, -0.0643059, 0.168662, 1.87998e-03, 0.514452]
digiSET.ParametersV = [1.44629e-02, 2.20108e-03, 1.03044e-02, 4.39195e+00, 3.29641e+00, 1.55167e+18, -5.41954e+01, 5.72986e+00, -6.80699e-03, 5.04095e-01]
#digiSET.OutputLevel = DEBUG
digiFTD = PlanarDigiAlg("FTDDigi")
digiFTD.IsStrip = False
## OTKBarrel ##
otkbtool = SmearDigiTool("OTKBarrel")
otkbtool.ResolutionU = [0.010]
otkbtool.ResolutionV = [1.000]
#otkbtool.OutputLevel = DEBUG
digiOTKB = SiTrackerDigiAlg("OTKBarrelDigi")
digiOTKB.SimTrackHitCollection = "OTKBarrelCollection"
digiOTKB.TrackerHitCollection = sethitname
digiOTKB.TrackerHitAssociationCollection = "OTKBarrelTrackerHitAssociation"
digiOTKB.DigiTool = "SmearDigiTool/OTKBarrel"
#digiOTKB.OutputLevel = DEBUG
## FTD ##
ftdtool = SmearDigiTool("FTD")
ftdtool.ResolutionU = [0.0072]
ftdtool.ResolutionV = [0.086]
#ftdtool.OutputLevel = DEBUG
digiFTD = SiTrackerDigiAlg("FTDDigi")
digiFTD.SimTrackHitCollection = "FTDCollection"
digiFTD.TrackerHitCollection = ftdhitname
digiFTD.TrackerHitAssociationCollection = "FTDTrackerHitAssociation"
digiFTD.ResolutionU = [0.0072]
digiFTD.ResolutionV = [0.086]
digiFTD.UsePlanarTag = True
digiFTD.ParameterizeResolution = False
digiFTD.ParametersU = [2.29655e-03, 0.965899e-03, 0.584699e-03, 17.0856, 84.566, 12.4695e-03, -0.0643059, 0.168662, 1.87998e-03, 0.514452]
digiFTD.ParametersV = [1.44629e-02, 2.20108e-03, 1.03044e-02, 4.39195e+00, 3.29641e+00, 1.55167e+18, -5.41954e+01, 5.72986e+00, -6.80699e-03, 5.04095e-01]
digiFTD.DigiTool = "SmearDigiTool/FTD"
#digiFTD.OutputLevel = DEBUG
## TPC ##
from Configurables import TPCDigiAlg
digiTPC = TPCDigiAlg("TPCDigi")
digiTPC.TPCCollection = "TPCCollection"
......@@ -137,6 +140,7 @@ digiTPC.TPCTrackerHitsCol = gashitname
#digiTPC.N_eff = 30
#digiTPC.OutputLevel = DEBUG
## Muon Detector ##
from Configurables import MuonDigiAlg
digiMuon = MuonDigiAlg("MuonDigiAlg")
......@@ -146,8 +150,11 @@ digiMuon.MuonBarrelTrackerHits = "MuonBarrelTrackerHits"
digiMuon.MuonEndcapTrackerHits = "MuonEndcapTrackerHits"
digiMuon.WriteNtuple = 0
digiMuon.OutFileName = "Digi_MUON.root"
# tracking
# Tracking
from Configurables import KalTestTool
# Close multiple scattering and smooth, used by clupatra
kt010 = KalTestTool("KalTest010")
......@@ -266,41 +273,19 @@ tmt.MuonTagEfficiency = 0.95 # muon true tag efficiency, default is 1.0 (100%)
tmt.MuonDetTanTheta = 1.2 # muon det barrel/endcap separation tan(theta)
#tmt.OutputLevel = DEBUG
#from Configurables import ReadDigiAlg
#readtrk = ReadDigiAlg("ReadDigiAlg")
#readtrk.SiTracks = "SubsetTracks"
#readtrk.TPCTracks = "ClupatraTracks"
#readtrk.FullTracks = "CompleteTracks"
#readtrk.TPCTracksAssociation = "ClupatraTracksParticleAssociation"
#readtrk.FullTracksAssociation = "CompleteTracksParticleAssociation"
#readtrk.OutFileName = "TrackAnaTuple_mu.root"
# output
from Configurables import PodioOutput
out = PodioOutput("outputalg")
out.filename = "Tracking_TDR_o1_v01.root"
out.outputCommands = ["drop *",
"keep ECALBarrel",
"keep ECALBarrelParticleAssoCol",
"keep HCALBarrel",
"keep HCALBarrelParticleAssoCol",
"keep ECALEndcaps",
"keep HCALEndcaps",
"keep ECALEndcapsParticleAssoCol",
"keep HCALEndcapsParticleAssoCol",
"keep MCParticle",
"keep CompleteTracks",
"keep CompleteTracksParticleAssociation",
"keep RecTofCollection",
"keep DndxTracks" ]
out.outputCommands = ["keep *"]
# ApplicationMgr
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
mgr = ApplicationMgr(
TopAlg = [podioinput, digiVXD, digiSIT, digiSET, digiFTD, digiTPC, digiMuon, tracking, forward, subset, clupatra, full, tpr, tpc_dndx, tof, tmt, out],
TopAlg = [podioinput, digiVXD, digiSIT, digiOTKB, digiFTD, digiTPC, digiMuon, tracking, forward, subset, clupatra, full, tpr, tpc_dndx, tof, tmt, out],
EvtSel = 'NONE',
EvtMax = 10,
ExtSvc = [rndmengine, rndmgensvc, dsvc, evtseeder, geosvc, gearsvc, tracksystemsvc, pidsvc],
#HistogramPersistency = 'ROOT',
OutputLevel = INFO
HistogramPersistency = 'ROOT',
OutputLevel = ERROR
......@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ cout<<endl;
tmp_goodAxis.push_back( m_newAxisUCol[ic] );
else {
tmp_badAxis.push_back( m_newAxisUCol[ic] );
......@@ -573,11 +572,74 @@ StatusCode AxisMergingAlg::BranchMerging( std::vector<Cyber::CaloHalfCluster*>&
double hough_rho = p_axis->getHoughRho();
double hough_alpha = p_axis->getHoughAlpha();
// V plane
double x0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().x();
double y0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().y();
double distance = TMath::Abs( x0*TMath::Cos(hough_alpha) + y0*TMath::Sin(hough_alpha) - hough_rho );
if( m_axis->getTowerID()[0][0] == Cyber::CaloUnit::System_Barrel ){
// V plane
double x0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().x();
double y0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().y();
double distance = TMath::Abs( x0*TMath::Cos(hough_alpha) + y0*TMath::Sin(hough_alpha) - hough_rho );
//cout << " yyy:V rho = " << hough_rho << ", alpha = " << hough_alpha << ", x0 = " << x0 << ", y0 = " << y0 << endl;
//cout << " distanceV = " << distance << endl;
if (distance<settings.map_floatPars["th_branch_distance"]){
m_axisCol[iax]->mergeHalfCluster( m_axisCol[jax] );
int axis_type = m_axisCol[iax]->getType() + m_axisCol[jax]->getType();
if(iax>jax+1) iax--;
// cout << " yyy: axis " << jax << " is merged into axis " << iax << endl;
// U plane
int m_module = m_axis->getEnergyCenterTower()[1];
//cout << " yyy:branceU: m_module = " << m_module << endl;
int p_module = p_axis->getTowerID()[0][1];
//cout << " yyy:branceU: p_module = " << p_module << endl;
// Do not merge the two axis in two different modules
//if (m_module != p_module) continue;
TVector3 t_pos = m_axis->getEnergyCenter();
// cout << " yyy:branceU: t_pos = " << t_pos.x() << ", " << t_pos.y() << ", " << t_pos.z() << endl;
t_pos.RotateZ( TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule*(int(Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule*3./4.)-m_module) );
// cout << " yyy:branceU: t_pos after rotate to module 6 = " << t_pos.x() << ", " << t_pos.y() << ", " << t_pos.z() << endl;
double x0 = t_pos.x();
double y0 = t_pos.z();
double distance = TMath::Abs( x0*TMath::Cos(hough_alpha) + y0*TMath::Sin(hough_alpha) - hough_rho );
//cout << " yyy:U rho = " << hough_rho << ", alpha = " << hough_alpha << ", x0 = " << x0 << ", z0 = " << y0 << endl;
//cout << " distanceU = " << distance << endl;
if (distance<settings.map_floatPars["th_branch_distance"]){
m_axisCol[iax]->mergeHalfCluster( m_axisCol[jax] );
int axis_type = m_axisCol[iax]->getType() + m_axisCol[jax]->getType();
//cout << " yyy: axis " << jax << " is merged into axis " << iax << endl;
if(iax>jax+1) iax--;
else if(m_axis->getTowerID()[0][0] == Cyber::CaloUnit::System_Endcap) {
// V plane
double x0, y0, distance;
x0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().z();
y0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().y();
distance = TMath::Abs( x0*TMath::Cos(hough_alpha) + y0*TMath::Sin(hough_alpha) - hough_rho );
x0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().z();
y0 = m_axis->getEnergyCenter().x();
distance = TMath::Abs( x0*TMath::Cos(hough_alpha) + y0*TMath::Sin(hough_alpha) - hough_rho );
//cout << " yyy:V rho = " << hough_rho << ", alpha = " << hough_alpha << ", x0 = " << x0 << ", y0 = " << y0 << endl;
//cout << " distanceV = " << distance << endl;
......@@ -592,40 +654,10 @@ StatusCode AxisMergingAlg::BranchMerging( std::vector<Cyber::CaloHalfCluster*>&
// cout << " yyy: axis " << jax << " is merged into axis " << iax << endl;
// U plane
int m_module = m_axis->getEnergyCenterTower()[0];
//cout << " yyy:branceU: m_module = " << m_module << endl;
int p_module = p_axis->getTowerID()[0][0];
//cout << " yyy:branceU: p_module = " << p_module << endl;
// Do not merge the two axis in two different modules
//if (m_module != p_module) continue;
TVector3 t_pos = m_axis->getEnergyCenter();
// cout << " yyy:branceU: t_pos = " << t_pos.x() << ", " << t_pos.y() << ", " << t_pos.z() << endl;
t_pos.RotateZ( TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule*(int(Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule*3./4.)-m_module) );
// cout << " yyy:branceU: t_pos after rotate to module 6 = " << t_pos.x() << ", " << t_pos.y() << ", " << t_pos.z() << endl;
double x0 = t_pos.x();
double y0 = t_pos.z();
double distance = TMath::Abs( x0*TMath::Cos(hough_alpha) + y0*TMath::Sin(hough_alpha) - hough_rho );
//cout << " yyy:U rho = " << hough_rho << ", alpha = " << hough_alpha << ", x0 = " << x0 << ", z0 = " << y0 << endl;
//cout << " distanceU = " << distance << endl;
if (distance<settings.map_floatPars["th_branch_distance"]){
m_axisCol[iax]->mergeHalfCluster( m_axisCol[jax] );
int axis_type = m_axisCol[iax]->getType() + m_axisCol[jax]->getType();
//cout << " yyy: axis " << jax << " is merged into axis " << iax << endl;
if(iax>jax+1) iax--;
std::cout<<"ERROR in AxisMergingAlg: Unknown system ID: "<<m_axis->getTowerID()[0][0]<<std::endl;
......@@ -805,10 +837,7 @@ StatusCode AxisMergingAlg::ConeMerging( std::vector<Cyber::CaloHalfCluster*>& m_
//cout<<" Merge! "<<endl;
m_axisCol[iax]->mergeHalfCluster( m_axisCol[jax] );
if(m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==1 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==1 || m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==5 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==5) m_axisCol[iax]->setType(5);
else if(m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==3 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==3 || m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==6 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==6) m_axisCol[iax]->setType(6);
else if(m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==4 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==4) m_axisCol[iax]->setType(4);
else m_axisCol[iax]->setType(7);
m_axisCol[iax]->setType( m_axisCol[iax]->getType() + m_axisCol[jax]->getType() );
//delete m_axisCol[jax]; m_axisCol[jax]=nullptr;
......@@ -852,11 +881,8 @@ StatusCode AxisMergingAlg::ConeMerging( std::vector<Cyber::CaloHalfCluster*>& m_
relDis <= settings.map_floatPars["relP_Dis"] && relDis>=0 ){
m_axisCol[iax]->mergeHalfCluster( m_axisCol[jax] );
if(m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==1 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==1 || m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==5 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==5) m_axisCol[iax]->setType(5);
else if(m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==3 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==3 || m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==6 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==6) m_axisCol[iax]->setType(6);
else if(m_axisCol[iax]->getType()==4 || m_axisCol[jax]->getType()==4) m_axisCol[iax]->setType(4);
else m_axisCol[iax]->setType(7);
m_axisCol[iax]->setType( m_axisCol[iax]->getType()+m_axisCol[jax]->getType() );
//delete m_axisCol[jax]; m_axisCol[jax]=nullptr;
......@@ -190,20 +190,38 @@ TVector2 ConeClustering2DAlg::GetProjectedAxis( const Cyber::CaloHalfCluster* m_
TVector2 ConeClustering2DAlg::GetProjectedRelR( const Cyber::Calo1DCluster* m_shower1, const Cyber::Calo1DCluster* m_shower2 ){
TVector2 paxis1, paxis2;
if(m_shower1->getSlayer()==1){ //For V-bars
paxis1.Set(m_shower1->getPos().x(), m_shower1->getPos().y());
paxis2.Set(m_shower2->getPos().x(), m_shower2->getPos().y());
if(m_shower1->getSlayer()==1){ //For V-bars
paxis1.Set(m_shower1->getPos().x(), m_shower1->getPos().y());
paxis2.Set(m_shower2->getPos().x(), m_shower2->getPos().y());
float rotAngle = -m_shower1->getTowerID()[0][1]*TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule;
TVector3 raw_pos1 = m_shower1->getPos();
TVector3 raw_pos2 = m_shower2->getPos();
raw_pos1.RotateZ(rotAngle); raw_pos2.RotateZ(rotAngle);
paxis1.Set(raw_pos1.y(), raw_pos1.z());
paxis2.Set(raw_pos2.y(), raw_pos2.z());
//paxis1.Set( sqrt(m_shower1->getPos().x()*m_shower1->getPos().x()+m_shower1->getPos().y()*m_shower1->getPos().y()), m_shower1->getPos().z());
//paxis2.Set( sqrt(m_shower2->getPos().x()*m_shower2->getPos().x()+m_shower2->getPos().y()*m_shower2->getPos().y()), m_shower2->getPos().z());
else if(m_shower1->getTowerID()[0][0]==Cyber::CaloUnit::System_Endcap){
paxis1.Set(m_shower1->getPos().z(), m_shower1->getPos().y());
paxis2.Set(m_shower2->getPos().z(), m_shower2->getPos().y());
paxis1.Set(m_shower1->getPos().z(), m_shower1->getPos().x());
paxis2.Set(m_shower2->getPos().z(), m_shower2->getPos().x());
float rotAngle = -m_shower1->getTowerID()[0][0]*TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule;
TVector3 raw_pos1 = m_shower1->getPos();
TVector3 raw_pos2 = m_shower2->getPos();
raw_pos1.RotateZ(rotAngle); raw_pos2.RotateZ(rotAngle);
paxis1.Set(raw_pos1.y(), raw_pos1.z());
paxis2.Set(raw_pos2.y(), raw_pos2.z());
//paxis1.Set( sqrt(m_shower1->getPos().x()*m_shower1->getPos().x()+m_shower1->getPos().y()*m_shower1->getPos().y()), m_shower1->getPos().z());
//paxis2.Set( sqrt(m_shower2->getPos().x()*m_shower2->getPos().x()+m_shower2->getPos().y()*m_shower2->getPos().y()), m_shower2->getPos().z());
std::cout<<"Error in ConeClustering2DAlg: Unknown system ID: "<<m_shower1->getTowerID()[0][0]<<std::endl;
return paxis2 - paxis1;
......@@ -673,18 +673,24 @@ vector<vector<double>> EnergyTimeMatchingAlg::GetClusterChi2Map( std::vector<std
double wi_E = settings.map_floatPars["chi2Wi_E"]/(settings.map_floatPars["chi2Wi_E"] + settings.map_floatPars["chi2Wi_T"]);
double wi_T = settings.map_floatPars["chi2Wi_T"]/(settings.map_floatPars["chi2Wi_E"] + settings.map_floatPars["chi2Wi_T"]);
//Rotate angle and tower center position for ECAL Barrel
TVector3 m_vec(0,0,0);
double rotAngle = -999;
TVector3 Ctower(0,0,0);
int system = -1;
for(int ish=0; ish<barShowerUCol.size(); ish++){
if(barShowerUCol[ish].size()==0) continue;
rotAngle = -(barShowerUCol[ish][0]->getBars())[0]->getModule()*TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule;
Ctower.SetX( (barShowerUCol[ish][0]->getBars())[0]->getPosition().x() );
Ctower.SetY( (barShowerUCol[ish][0]->getBars())[0]->getPosition().y() );
system = (barShowerUCol[ish][0]->getBars())[0]->getSystem();
for(int ish=0; ish<barShowerVCol.size(); ish++){
if(barShowerVCol[ish].size()==0) continue;
Ctower.SetZ( (barShowerVCol[ish][0]->getBars())[0]->getPosition().z() );
system = (barShowerVCol[ish][0]->getBars())[0]->getSystem();
......@@ -718,13 +724,27 @@ vector<vector<double>> EnergyTimeMatchingAlg::GetClusterChi2Map( std::vector<std
double Ex = showerX->getEnergy();
double Ey = showerY->getEnergy();
double chi2_E = pow(fabs(Ex-Ey)/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaE"], 2);
double PosTx = C*(showerY->getT1()-showerY->getT2())/(2*settings.map_floatPars["nMat"]) + showerY->getPos().z();
double chi2_tx = pow( fabs(PosTx-showerX->getPos().z())/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaPos"], 2 );
double PosTy = C*(showerX->getT1()-showerX->getT2())/(2*settings.map_floatPars["nMat"]);
m_vec = showerY->getPos();
double chi2_ty = pow( fabs(PosTy - (m_vec-Ctower).x() )/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaPos"], 2);
double PosTx, chi2_tx, PosTy, chi2_ty;
if(system == Cyber::CaloUnit::System_Barrel){
PosTx = C*(showerY->getT1()-showerY->getT2())/(2*settings.map_floatPars["nMat"]) + showerY->getPos().z();
chi2_tx = pow( fabs(PosTx-showerX->getPos().z())/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaPos"], 2 );
PosTy = C*(showerX->getT1()-showerX->getT2())/(2*settings.map_floatPars["nMat"]);
m_vec = showerY->getPos();
chi2_ty = pow( fabs(PosTy - (m_vec-Ctower).x() )/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaPos"], 2);
else if(system == Cyber::CaloUnit::System_Endcap){
PosTx = C*(showerY->getT1()-showerY->getT2())/(2*settings.map_floatPars["nMat"]) + showerY->getPos().x();
chi2_tx = pow( fabs(PosTx-showerX->getPos().x())/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaPos"], 2 );
PosTy = C*(showerX->getT1()-showerX->getT2())/(2*settings.map_floatPars["nMat"]) + showerX->getPos().y();
chi2_ty = pow( fabs(PosTy - showerY->getPos().y() )/settings.map_floatPars["sigmaPos"], 2);
std::cout<<"ERROR in EnergyTimeMatchingAlg: Unknown system ID: "<<system<<endl;
if(chi2_E<min_chi2E) min_chi2E=chi2_E;
if(chi2_tx<min_chi2tx) min_chi2tx=chi2_tx;
......@@ -1071,31 +1091,57 @@ StatusCode EnergyTimeMatchingAlg::GetMatchedShowersL0( const Cyber::Calo1DCluste
//if(barShowerU->getTowerID().size()==0) { barShowerU->setIDInfo(); }
int _layer = barShowerU->getDlayer();
int _module = barShowerU->getTowerID()[0][0];
float rotAngle = -_module*TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule;
for(int ibar=0;ibar<NbarsX;ibar++){
double En_x = barShowerU->getBars()[ibar]->getEnergy();
TVector3 m_vecx = barShowerU->getBars()[ibar]->getPosition();
for(int jbar=0;jbar<NbarsY;jbar++){
double En_y = barShowerV->getBars()[jbar]->getEnergy();
TVector3 m_vecy = barShowerV->getBars()[jbar]->getPosition();
TVector3 p_hit(m_vecy.x(), (m_vecx.y()+m_vecy.y())/2., m_vecx.z() );
double m_Ehit = En_x*En_y/barShowerV->getEnergy() + En_x*En_y/barShowerU->getEnergy();
//Create new CaloHit
std::shared_ptr<Cyber::CaloHit> hit = std::make_shared<Cyber::CaloHit>();
hit->setcellID(_module, _layer);
m_bkCol.map_CaloHit["bkHit"].push_back( hit );
int _module = barShowerU->getTowerID()[0][1];
int _system = barShowerU->getTowerID()[0][0];
if(_system == Cyber::CaloUnit::System_Barrel){
float rotAngle = -_module*TMath::TwoPi()/Cyber::CaloUnit::Nmodule;
for(int ibar=0;ibar<NbarsX;ibar++){
double En_x = barShowerU->getBars()[ibar]->getEnergy();
TVector3 m_vecx = barShowerU->getBars()[ibar]->getPosition();
for(int jbar=0;jbar<NbarsY;jbar++){
double En_y = barShowerV->getBars()[jbar]->getEnergy();
TVector3 m_vecy = barShowerV->getBars()[jbar]->getPosition();
TVector3 p_hit(m_vecy.x(), (m_vecx.y()+m_vecy.y())/2., m_vecx.z() );
double m_Ehit = En_x*En_y/barShowerV->getEnergy() + En_x*En_y/barShowerU->getEnergy();
//Create new CaloHit
std::shared_ptr<Cyber::CaloHit> hit = std::make_shared<Cyber::CaloHit>();
hit->setcellID(_system, _module, _layer);
m_bkCol.map_CaloHit["bkHit"].push_back( hit );
for(int ibar=0;ibar<NbarsX;ibar++){
double En_x = barShowerU->getBars()[ibar]->getEnergy();
TVector3 m_vecx = barShowerU->getBars()[ibar]->getPosition();
for(int jbar=0;jbar<NbarsY;jbar++){
double En_y = barShowerV->getBars()[jbar]->getEnergy();
TVector3 m_vecy = barShowerV->getBars()[jbar]->getPosition();
TVector3 p_hit(m_vecx.x(), m_vecy.y(), (m_vecx.z()+m_vecy.z())/2. );
double m_Ehit = En_x*En_y/barShowerV->getEnergy() + En_x*En_y/barShowerU->getEnergy();
//Create new CaloHit
std::shared_ptr<Cyber::CaloHit> hit = std::make_shared<Cyber::CaloHit>();
hit->setcellID(_system, _module, _layer);
m_bkCol.map_CaloHit["bkHit"].push_back( hit );
outsh->addUnit( barShowerU );
outsh->addUnit( barShowerV );
......@@ -34,17 +34,22 @@ StatusCode GlobalClusteringAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol ){
//cout<<" When begin clustering: "<<ctime(&time_cb)<<endl;
//Threshold and scale factor (Todo) for bars.
//double totE = 0.;
//double totE_rest = 0.;
for(int ibar=0; ibar<m_bars.size(); ibar++)
//totE +=>getEnergy();
//totE_rest +=>getEnergy();
//cout<<"Input bar after threshold: "<<m_processbars.size()<<", totE "<<totE<<", rest E "<<totE_rest<<endl;
Clustering(m_processbars, m_1dclusters);
......@@ -54,7 +59,6 @@ StatusCode GlobalClusteringAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol ){
m_datacol.map_1DCluster["bk1DCluster"].insert(m_datacol.map_1DCluster["bk1DCluster"].end(), m_1dclusters.begin(), m_1dclusters.end());
m_datacol.map_HalfCluster["bkHalfCluster"].insert(m_datacol.map_HalfCluster["bkHalfCluster"].end(), m_halfclusters.begin(), m_halfclusters.end());
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Cyber::CaloHalfCluster>> m_HalfClusterV; m_HalfClusterV.clear();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Cyber::CaloHalfCluster>> m_HalfClusterU; m_HalfClusterU.clear();
for(int i=0; i<m_halfclusters.size() && m_halfclusters[i]; i++){
......@@ -65,11 +69,11 @@ StatusCode GlobalClusteringAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol ){
//printf(" GlobalClustering: RestBarCol size %d, 1DCluster size %d, HalfCluster size (%d, %d) \n", m_restbars.size(), m_1dclusters.size(), m_HalfClusterU.size(), m_HalfClusterV.size());
//for(int ic=0; ic<m_HalfClusterU.size(); ic++) cout<<m_HalfClusterU[ic]->getEnergy()<<'\t';
//for(int ic=0; ic<m_HalfClusterV.size(); ic++) cout<<m_HalfClusterV[ic]->getEnergy()<<'\t';
//printf(" GlobalClustering: RestBarCol size %d, 1DCluster size %d, HalfCluster size (%d, %d) \n", m_restbars.size(), m_1dclusters.size(), m_HalfClusterU.size(), m_HalfClusterV.size());
//for(int ic=0; ic<m_HalfClusterU.size(); ic++) cout<<m_HalfClusterU[ic]->getEnergy()<<'\t';
//for(int ic=0; ic<m_HalfClusterV.size(); ic++) cout<<m_HalfClusterV[ic]->getEnergy()<<'\t';
//Write results into DataCol.
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using namespace Cyber;
StatusCode HcalClusteringAlg::ReadSettings(Cyber::Settings& m_settings){
settings = m_settings;
if(settings.map_stringPars.find("InputHCALHits")==settings.map_stringPars.end()) settings.map_stringPars["InputHCALHits"] = "HCALBarrel";
if(settings.map_stringVecPars.find("InputHCALHits")==settings.map_stringVecPars.end()) settings.map_stringVecPars["InputHCALHits"] = {"HCALBarrel", "HCALEndcaps"};
if(settings.map_stringPars.find("OutputHCALClusters")==settings.map_stringPars.end()) settings.map_stringPars["OutputHCALClusters"] = "HCALCluster";
//Set initial values
......@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ StatusCode HcalClusteringAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol ){
std::vector<Cyber::CaloHit*> m_hcalHits;
for(int ih=0; ih<m_datacol.map_CaloHit[settings.map_stringPars["InputHCALHits"]].size(); ih++)
m_hcalHits.push_back( m_datacol.map_CaloHit[settings.map_stringPars["InputHCALHits"]][ih].get() );
for(int icl=0; icl<settings.map_stringVecPars["InputHCALHits"].size(); icl++){
for(int ih=0; ih<m_datacol.map_CaloHit[settings.map_stringVecPars["InputHCALHits"][icl]].size(); ih++)
m_hcalHits.push_back( m_datacol.map_CaloHit[settings.map_stringVecPars["InputHCALHits"][icl]][ih].get() );
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Cyber::Calo3DCluster>> m_clusterCol;
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ StatusCode LocalMaxFindingAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol){
p_HalfClusU->at(iu).get()->setLocalMax(settings.map_stringPars["OutputLocalMaxName"], tmp_localMax);
//printf(" HalfClusterU #%d: energy %.3f, localMax size %d \n", iu, p_HalfClusU->at(iu).get()->getEnergy(), tmp_localMax.size());
......@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ StatusCode LocalMaxFindingAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol){
p_HalfClusV->at(iv).get()->setLocalMax(settings.map_stringPars["OutputLocalMaxName"], tmp_localMax);
//printf(" HalfClusterV #%d: energy %.3f, localMax size %d \n", iv, p_HalfClusV->at(iv).get()->getEnergy(), tmp_localMax.size());
......@@ -127,22 +129,36 @@ StatusCode LocalMaxFindingAlg::GetLocalMaxBar( std::vector<const Cyber::CaloUnit
std::vector<const Cyber::CaloUnit*> LocalMaxFindingAlg::getNeighbors( const Cyber::CaloUnit* seed, std::vector<const Cyber::CaloUnit*>& barCol){
std::vector<const Cyber::CaloUnit*> m_neighbor; m_neighbor.clear();
for(int i=0;i<barCol.size();i++){
bool fl_neighbor = false;
if( seed->getModule()==barCol[i]->getModule() &&
seed->getStave()==barCol[i]->getStave() &&
seed->getDlayer()==barCol[i]->getDlayer() &&
seed->getSlayer()==barCol[i]->getSlayer() &&
abs( seed->getBar()-barCol[i]->getBar() )==1 ) fl_neighbor=true;
else if( seed->getStave()==barCol[i]->getStave() &&
( ( seed->getModule()-barCol[i]->getModule()==1 && seed->isAtLowerEdgePhi() && barCol[i]->isAtUpperEdgePhi() ) ||
( barCol[i]->getModule()-seed->getModule()==1 && seed->isAtUpperEdgePhi() && barCol[i]->isAtLowerEdgePhi() ) ) ) fl_neighbor=true;
else if( seed->getModule()==barCol[i]->getModule() &&
( ( seed->getStave()-barCol[i]->getStave()==1 && seed->isAtLowerEdgeZ() && barCol[i]->isAtUpperEdgeZ() ) ||
( barCol[i]->getStave()-seed->getStave()==1 && seed->isAtUpperEdgeZ() && barCol[i]->isAtLowerEdgeZ() ) ) ) fl_neighbor=true;
if(fl_neighbor) m_neighbor.push_back(barCol[i]);
//bool fl_neighbor = false;
//if( seed->getSystem()==barCol[i]->getSystem() &&
// seed->getModule()==barCol[i]->getModule() &&
// seed->getStave()==barCol[i]->getStave() &&
// seed->getDlayer()==barCol[i]->getDlayer() &&
// seed->getSlayer()==barCol[i]->getSlayer() &&
// abs( seed->getBar()-barCol[i]->getBar() )==1 ) fl_neighbor=true;
//else if( seed->getSystem()==barCol[i]->getSystem() && seed->getStave()==barCol[i]->getStave() &&
// ( ( seed->getModule()-barCol[i]->getModule()==1 && seed->isAtLowerEdgePhi() && barCol[i]->isAtUpperEdgePhi() ) ||
// ( barCol[i]->getModule()-seed->getModule()==1 && seed->isAtUpperEdgePhi() && barCol[i]->isAtLowerEdgePhi() ) ) ) fl_neighbor=true;
//else if( seed->getSystem()==barCol[i]->getSystem() && seed->getModule()==barCol[i]->getModule() &&
// ( ( seed->getStave()-barCol[i]->getStave()==1 && seed->isAtLowerEdgeZ() && barCol[i]->isAtUpperEdgeZ() ) ||
// ( barCol[i]->getStave()-seed->getStave()==1 && seed->isAtUpperEdgeZ() && barCol[i]->isAtLowerEdgeZ() ) ) ) fl_neighbor=true;
bool fl_neighbor = seed->isNeighbor( barCol[i] );
if(seed->getSystem()==CaloUnit::System_Barrel && seed->getSlayer()==0 && seed->getModule()!=barCol[i]->getModule()) continue;
if(seed->getSystem()==CaloUnit::System_Barrel && seed->getSlayer()==1 && seed->getStave()!=barCol[i]->getStave()) continue;
if(seed->getSystem()==CaloUnit::System_Endcap && seed->getSlayer()==0 && seed->getPart()!=barCol[i]->getPart() ) continue;
if(seed->getSystem()==CaloUnit::System_Endcap && seed->getSlayer()==1 && seed->getStave()!=barCol[i]->getStave() ) continue;
std::cout<<"WARNING: "<<m_neighbor.size()<<" hits in neighborCol!!"<<std::endl;
printf("Seed cellID: ( %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d), position (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) \n", seed->getSystem(), seed->getModule(), seed->getStave(), seed->getPart(), seed->getDlayer(), seed->getSlayer(), seed->getBar(), seed->getPosition().x(), seed->getPosition().y(), seed->getPosition().z());
for(int i=0; i<m_neighbor.size(); i++)
printf("Bar #%d cellID: ( %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d), position (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) \n", i, m_neighbor[i]->getSystem(), m_neighbor[i]->getModule(), m_neighbor[i]->getStave(), m_neighbor[i]->getPart(), m_neighbor[i]->getDlayer(), m_neighbor[i]->getSlayer(), m_neighbor[i]->getBar(), m_neighbor[i]->getPosition().x(), m_neighbor[i]->getPosition().y(), m_neighbor[i]->getPosition().z());
if(m_neighbor.size()>2) std::cout<<"WARNING: more than 2 hits in neighborCol!!"<<std::endl;
return m_neighbor;
......@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ StatusCode PFOReclusteringAlg::RunAlgorithm( CyberDataCol& m_datacol ){
// }
// cout<<"-----Charged cluster Ecal total energy: "<<totE_Ecal<<", Hcal total energy: "<<totE_Hcal<<endl;
//If P_trk > E_cluster, merge nearby neutral PFO into the charged.
ReCluster_MergeToChg(m_chargedPFOs, m_neutralPFOs);
......@@ -523,7 +522,7 @@ StatusCode PFOReclusteringAlg::ReCluster_SplitFromChg( std::vector< std::shared_
std::shared_ptr<Cyber::Calo2DCluster> m_2dclus = std::make_shared<Cyber::Calo2DCluster>();
m_2dclus->addTowerID(0., 0., 0.);
m_2dclus->addTowerID(0., 0., 0., 0.);
// -- Create Half cluster U/V