Add Tpc pixel diginization
ew Diginization was applied by loop primary ionization clusters, and amplification is also implemented. Several optitons are added in SmearTPCDigiTool.h, the number of electrons in same hit can be obtained by hit.getEDep(), and the time of the hits can be obtained by hit.getTime()
- Gaudi::Property _magnetic{this, "magnetic", 2};// Magnet field 2 Tesla
- Gaudi::Property _ampDiffusion{this, "ampDiffusion", 0.0003}; // Amplification factor
- Gaudi::Property _MaxIonEles{this, "MaxIonEles",-1}; // Max allowed Inoized eles, negetive values mean no limits
- Gaudi::Property<std::vector > _polyParas{this, "polyParas", {3802., 0.487, 2092}};//amplification polynominal paramters