CRD detector models - Overview
The following CRD detector models are available in CEPCSW
Model | Description | MainTracker | Ecal | Hcal | Muon | Status |
CRD_o1_v01 | coil inside simulation model | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | Scint | developing |
CRD_o1_v02 | strip SET | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | Scint | developing |
CRD_o1_v03 | MOST2 vertex | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | Scint | developing |
CRD_o1_v04 | smaller center beam pipe | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | Scint | developing |
CRD_o1_v05 | Use Ref-Det ECAL and HCAL | SIT+TPC+SET | crystal | Glass | Scint | developing |
------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------ | ------- | ---------------- |
CRD detector models - Overview
The following CRD detector models are available in CEPCSW
Model | Description | MainTracker | Ecal | Hcal | Status |
CRD_o1_v01 | coil inside simulation model | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | developing |
CRD_o1_v02 | strip SET | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | developing |
CRD_o1_v03 | MOST2 vertex | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | developing |
CRD_o1_v04 | smaller center beam pipe | SIT+DC+SET | crystal | RPC | developing |
CRD_o1_v05 | Use Ref-Det ECAL and HCAL | SIT+TPC+SET | crystal | Glass | developing |
------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------- | --------- | ------ | ---------------- |
TDR_o1_v01 | stitching and planar VXD, TPC | ITK+TPC+OTK | crystal | Glass | developing |
TDR_o1_v02 | short barrel vertex, TPC | SIT+TPC+SET | crystal | Glass | developing |
TDR_o2_v01 | long barrel vertex, DC | SIT+DC +SET | crystal | Glass | developing |
TDR_o2_v02 | short barrel vertex, DC | SIT+DC +SET | crystal | Glass | developing |
CRD_o1_v01 (to update)
- coil inside CRD model
- BeamPipe - with center pipe + crotch link to doubly-pipe - Detector/DetCRD/src/Other/CRDBeamPipe_v01_geo.cpp
- Vertex - with silicon ladders (VXD + SIT12) - Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/VXD04_geo.cpp - Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/SIT_Simple_Planar_geo.cpp
- MainTracker - with Dirft Chamber + pixel silicon layer between inner and outer chambers (SIT1234 + DC + SET) - DC_outer_radius = 1800*mm for maximum sensitive gas - Detector/DetDriftChamber/src/driftchamber/DriftChamber.cpp - Detector/DetCEPCv4/src/tracker/SIT_Simple_Pixel_geo.cpp
- EndcapTracker - with silicon pestals (FTDPixel) - Detector/DetCRD/src/Tracker/SiTrackerSkewRing_v01_geo.cpp
- Ecal - with crystal - Detector/DetCRD/src/Calorimeter/CRDEcal.cpp - Endcap (TODO)
- Hcal - with RPC readout - creates two sets of hit collections
- Coil - Al layers using DD4hep_Solenoid_o1_v01
- Yoke
- Barrel: Detector/DetCRD/src/Calorimeter/RotatedPolyhedraBarrelCalorimeter_v01_geo.cpp
- Endcaps: DD4hep_PolyhedraEndcapCalorimeter2
- compact files: - ./CRD_o1_v01/CRD_o1_v01.xml
CRD_o1_v02 (to update)
- based on CRD_o1_v01
- strip SET: double layers
- compact files: - ./CRD_o1_v02/CRD_o1_v02.xml
CRD_o1_v03 (to update)
- based on CRD_o1_v01
- MOST2 vertex
- compact files: - ./CRD_o1_v03/CRD_o1_v03.xml
CRD_o1_v04 (to update)
- based on CRD_o1_v01
- smaller center beam pipe & new MDI: inner radius = 10mm, flat at y direction
- compact files: - ./CRD_o1_v04/CRD_o1_v04.xml
CRD_o1_v05 (towarding TDR Ref-Detector)
- based on CRD_o1_v01
- Main tracker: Replace DC with CEPC_v4 TPC for preliminary performance study.
- ECAL barrel: 32-polygon crystal bar ECAL.
- HCAL barrel: 16-polygon glass HCAL, based on SHcalSc04_barrel geometry.
- compact files: - [./CRD_o1_v05/CRD_o1_v05.xml]