Getting started
source /cvmfs/cepcsw.ihep.ac.cn/prototype/releases/externals/103.0.2/setup-103.0.2.sh
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=YOUR_PATH_TO_RDAnalysis/InstallArea
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
To better understand the workflow, we provide a example in CEPC here. It's a Electron-positron collision at 240GeV with final state two jet two muon. Firstly,
cd example
make sure the PATH of libRDAnalysis.so in python file run the example. Secondly,run
python jetcluster.py
to get a rootfile(afterjet.root) after JetClustering, which have two jet two muon data. Finally, run afterjet.root in
python Kinfit.py
to do kinematic fit to two jet and two muon, output file is after4cfit.root. To check the effectiveness of the 2 analysis tools, higgs mass reconstructed by two jet is output as higgs.png
If you want to add function to dynamic function library ,you should add header file to “include” and add source code to “src”.Beside ,you should pay attention to the data type .