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// $Id: Geant4Converter.cpp 603 2013-06-13 21:15:14Z markus.frank $
//  AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
//  Author     : M.Frank

// Framework include files
#include "DD4hep/LCDD.h"
#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4HitCollection.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4DataConversion.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4SensDetAction.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4Context.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4Primary.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4Data.h"

// LCIO includes
#include "IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h"
#include "IMPL/LCEventImpl.h"
#include "IMPL/ClusterImpl.h"
#include "IMPL/SimTrackerHitImpl.h"
#include "IMPL/SimCalorimeterHitImpl.h"
#include "IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h"
#include "UTIL/Operators.h"
#include "UTIL/ILDConf.h"
using namespace std;

// SimCalorimeterHit:
// ------------------
// LCIO::CHBIT_STEP       If detailed mode set                    | YES if detailed
// LCIO::CHBIT_LONG:      Position is stored                      | YES
// LCIO::CHBIT_ID1:       CellID1 is stored                       | YES
// SimTrackerHit:
// --------------
// LCIO::THBIT_ID1:       CellID1 is stored (TrackerHit)          | YES
// LCIO::THBIT_MOMENTUM:  Momentum is stored                      | YES if detailed

 *   DD4hep namespace declaration
namespace DD4hep {

   *   Simulation namespace declaration
  namespace Simulation   {

    typedef Geometry::VolumeManager VolMgr;
    typedef Geometry::IDDescriptor  IDDescriptor;
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    /// Data conversion interface calling lower level explicit convetrers
     *  @author M.Frank
     *  @version 1.0
    template <> lcio::LCCollectionVec*
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			 pair<const Geant4Context*,G4VHitsCollection*>,
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			 Geant4HitCollection>::operator()(const arg_t& args)  const {
      G4VHitsCollection* c = args.second;
      Geant4HitCollection* coll = dynamic_cast<Geant4HitCollection*>(c);
      if ( coll )  {
	typedef pair<arg_t::first_type,Geant4HitCollection*> _A;
	typedef Geant4Conversion<output_t,_A> _C;
	const _C& cnv= _C::converter(coll->type().type);
	return cnv(_A(args.first,coll));
      throw unrelated_type_error(typeid(Geant4HitCollection),typeid(*c),
				 "Cannot save the collection entries of:"+c->GetName());

    /// Data conversion interface creating lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl from Geant4Tracker::Hit structures
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     *  This converter is to be used, when the sensitive detectors create fill collections
     *  of type Geant4HitCollection with objects of type **Geant4Tracker::Hit**.
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     *  The original objects are untouched and are automatically when the hosting
     *  Geant4HitCollection object is released.
     *  @author M.Frank
     *  @version 1.0
    template <> lcio::LCCollectionVec* 
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			 pair<const Geant4Context*,Geant4HitCollection*>,
			 Geant4Tracker::Hit>::operator()(const arg_t& args)  const   {

      Geant4HitCollection*   coll    = args.second;
      Geant4Sensitive*       sd      = coll->sensitive();
      size_t                 nhits   = coll->GetSize();
      string                 dsc     = encoding(sd->sensitiveDetector());
      Geant4ParticleMap*     pm      = args.first->event().extension<Geant4ParticleMap>();
      lcio::LCEventImpl*     lc_evt  = args.first->event().extension<lcio::LCEventImpl>();
      EVENT::LCCollection*   lc_part = lc_evt->getCollection(lcio::LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
      lcio::LCCollectionVec* lc_coll = new lcio::LCCollectionVec(lcio::LCIO::SIMTRACKERHIT);
      UTIL::CellIDEncoder<SimTrackerHit> decoder(dsc,lc_coll);  
      int hit_creation_mode = sd->hitCreationMode();

      if ( hit_creation_mode == Geant4Sensitive::DETAILED_MODE )

      for(size_t i=0; i<nhits; ++i)   {
	const Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = coll->hit(i);
	const Geant4Tracker::Hit::Contribution& t = hit->truth;
	int trackID = pm->particleID(t.trackID);
	EVENT::MCParticle* lc_mcp = (EVENT::MCParticle*)lc_part->getElementAt(trackID);
	double pos[3] = {hit->position.x(), hit->position.y(), hit->position.z()};
	lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl* lc_hit = new lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl;  
	lc_hit->setCellID0((hit->cellID >>    0       ) & 0xFFFFFFFF); 
	lc_hit->setCellID1((hit->cellID >> sizeof(int)) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
      return lc_coll;
    /// Data conversion interface creating lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl from Geant4Calorimeter::Hit structures
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     *  This converter is to be used, when the sensitive detectors create fill collections
     *  of type Geant4HitCollection with objects of type **Geant4Calorimeter::Hit**.
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     *  The original objects are untouched and are automatically when the hosting
     *  Geant4HitCollection object is released.
     *  @author M.Frank
     *  @version 1.0
    template <> lcio::LCCollectionVec* 
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			 pair<const Geant4Context*,Geant4HitCollection*>,
			 Geant4Calorimeter::Hit>::operator()(const arg_t& args)  const  {
      typedef Geant4HitData::Contributions Contributions;
      Geant4HitCollection*   coll     = args.second;
      Geant4Sensitive*       sd       = coll->sensitive();
      size_t                 nhits    = coll->GetSize();
      string                 dsc      = encoding(sd->sensitiveDetector());
      Geant4ParticleMap*     pm       = args.first->event().extension<Geant4ParticleMap>();
      lcio::LCEventImpl*     lc_evt   = args.first->event().extension<lcio::LCEventImpl>();
      EVENT::LCCollection*   lc_parts = lc_evt->getCollection(lcio::LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
      lcio::LCCollectionVec* lc_coll  = new lcio::LCCollectionVec(lcio::LCIO::SIMCALORIMETERHIT);
      UTIL::CellIDEncoder<SimCalorimeterHit> decoder(dsc,lc_coll);
      int hit_creation_mode = sd->hitCreationMode();

      if ( hit_creation_mode == Geant4Sensitive::DETAILED_MODE )

      if ( sd->hasProperty("HitCreationMode") )  {
	hit_creation_mode = sd->property("HitCreationMode").value<int>();
      for(size_t i=0; i<nhits; ++i)   {
	const Geant4Calorimeter::Hit* hit = coll->hit(i);
	float pos[3] = {hit->position.x(), hit->position.y(), hit->position.z()};
	lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl*  lc_hit = new lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl;
	lc_hit->setCellID0((hit->cellID >>    0       ) & 0xFFFFFFFF); 
	lc_hit->setCellID1((hit->cellID >> sizeof(int)) & 0xFFFFFFFF); // ???? 
	///No! Done when adding particle contrbutions: lc_hit->setEnergy( hit->energyDeposit );
	/// Now add the individual track contributions to the LCIO hit structure
	for(Contributions::const_iterator j=hit->truth.begin(); j!=hit->truth.end(); ++j)   {
	  const Geant4HitData::Contribution& c = *j;
	  int trackID = pm->particleID(c.trackID);
	  float pos[] = {c.x, c.y, c.z};
	  EVENT::MCParticle* lc_mcp = (EVENT::MCParticle*)lc_parts->getElementAt(trackID);
	  if ( hit_creation_mode == Geant4Sensitive::DETAILED_MODE )
	    lc_hit->addMCParticleContribution(lc_mcp, c.deposit, c.time, lc_mcp->getPDG(), pos);
	    lc_hit->addMCParticleContribution(lc_mcp, c.deposit, c.time);
      return lc_coll;
    template <typename T> 
    lcio::LCCollectionVec* moveEntries(Geant4HitCollection* coll,
				       lcio::LCCollectionVec* lc_coll)
      size_t nhits = coll->GetSize();
      for(size_t i=0; i<nhits; ++i)   {
	Geant4HitWrapper& wrap = coll->hit(i);
        T* lc_hit = wrap;
	wrap.release();  // Now we have ownership!
      coll->clear(); // Since the collection now only contains NULL pointers, better clear it!
      return lc_coll;

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    /// Data conversion interface moving lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl objects from a Geant4HitCollection to a LCCollectionVec
     *  This converter is to be used, when the sensitive detectors create fill collections
     *  of type Geant4HitCollection with objects of type **lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl**.
     *  The ownership of the original Geant4HitCollection is released and moved to
     *  the newly created lcio::LCCollectionVec container.
     *  Finally the original hits collection is cleared.
     *  Note: This conversion is INTRUSIVE and CLEARS the original collection!
     *  @author M.Frank
     *  @version 1.0
    template <> lcio::LCCollectionVec* 
			 pair<const Geant4Context*,Geant4HitCollection*>,
			 lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl>::operator()(const arg_t& args)  const
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      Geant4Sensitive* sd  = args.second->sensitive();
      string           dsc = encoding(sd->sensitiveDetector());
      output_t*        lc  = new lcio::LCCollectionVec(lcio::LCIO::SIMTRACKERHIT);
      int hit_creation_mode = sd->hitCreationMode();

      if ( hit_creation_mode == Geant4Sensitive::DETAILED_MODE )
      UTIL::CellIDEncoder<SimTrackerHit> decoder(dsc,lc);
      return moveEntries<lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl>(args.second,lc);
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    /// Data conversion interface moving lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl objects from a Geant4HitCollection to a LCCollectionVec
     *  This converter is to be used, when the sensitive detectors create fill collections
     *  of type Geant4HitCollection with objects of type **lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl**.
     *  The ownership of the original Geant4HitCollection is released and moved to
     *  the newly created lcio::LCCollectionVec container.
     *  Finally the original hits collection is cleared.
     *  Note: This conversion is INTRUSIVE and CLEARS the original collection!
     *  @author M.Frank
     *  @version 1.0
    template <> lcio::LCCollectionVec* 
			 pair<const Geant4Context*,Geant4HitCollection*>,
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			 lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl>::operator()(const arg_t& args)  const 
      Geant4Sensitive* sd  = args.second->sensitive();
      string           dsc = encoding(args.second->sensitive()->sensitiveDetector());
      output_t*        lc  = new lcio::LCCollectionVec(lcio::LCIO::SIMCALORIMETERHIT);
      int hit_creation_mode = sd->hitCreationMode();

      if ( hit_creation_mode == Geant4Sensitive::DETAILED_MODE )
      return moveEntries<tag_t>(args.second,lc);

    /// Data conversion interface moving lcio::ClusterImpl objects from a Geant4HitCollection to a LCCollectionVec
    /** Same comments apply as for the data mover for lcio::SimCalorimeterHitImpl and lcio::SimTrackerHitImpl
     *  @author M.Frank
     *  @version 1.0
    template <> lcio::LCCollectionVec* 
			 pair<const Geant4Context*,Geant4HitCollection*>,
			 lcio::ClusterImpl>::operator()(const arg_t& args)  const 
      output_t* lc = new lcio::LCCollectionVec(lcio::LCIO::CLUSTER);
      return moveEntries<tag_t>(args.second,lc);
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    typedef pair<const Geant4Context*,G4VHitsCollection*> RAW_CONVERSION_ARGS;
    typedef pair<const Geant4Context*,Geant4HitCollection*> CONVERSION_ARGS;
    template class Geant4Conversion<lcio::LCCollectionVec,RAW_CONVERSION_ARGS>;
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    template class Geant4Conversion<lcio::LCCollectionVec,CONVERSION_ARGS>;
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    // Hit converters for simple Geant4Data objects
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    // Hit converters for standard LCIO objects
  }    // End namespace Simulation
}      // End namespace DD4hep