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Andre Sailer's avatar
Andre Sailer committed
# v00-23

* 2017-05-12 Marko Petric ([PR#152](
  - Update CI to GCC 7.1 and LLVM 4.0 and include Geant4 10.3

* 2017-05-22 Frank Gaede ([PR#154](
  - protect against NANs in Guineapig pairs files in Geant4EventReaderGuineaPig
  - make INFO printout more consistent  with DD4hep style

* 2017-06-07 Frank Gaede ([PR#157](
  -  bug fix in test_cellid_position_converter
       - with this no tests for position from cellID lookup should fail
  - re-implement ```CellIDPositionConverter::cellID(pos)```

* 2017-06-08 Marko Petric ([PR#156](
  - Mark all fallthroughs in case statements with attributes to suppress warning

* 2017-06-01 Frank Gaede ([PR#155](
  - add new class DDRec::CellIDPositionConverter
        - replaces DDRec::IDDecoder
        - implement positionNominal(CellID id) and cellID(position)
       - prepare for using alignment map by separating transforms to DetElement and daughter volume
       - do not use deprecated methods/members in VolumeManager
  - add test_cellid_position_converter.cpp
  - add VolumeManagerContext::toElement
       - transform from sensitive volume to next DetElement

Andre Sailer's avatar
Andre Sailer committed
# v00-22

* 2017-04-28 Markus Frank ([PR#148](
  Improvements to the compact xml processing
  Elements may now be specified within compact in 2 ways:
  1) old way: create an effective element:
  `    <element Z="4" formula="Be" name="Be" >`
  `      <atom type="A" unit="g/mol" value="9.01218" />`
  `    </element>`
  2) create element by defining an isotope mixture:
  `    <isotope name="C12" Z="6" N="12"/>`
  `      <atom unit="g/mole" value="xxxx"/>`
  `    </isotope>`
  `   <element name="C">`
  `     <fraction n="0.9893" ref="C12"/>`
  `     <fraction n="0.0107" ref="C13"/>`
  `   </element>`
  Improved debugging of compact xml conversions
  The following tags allow to enable increased prinout depending on additional tags in the compact file:
  `    <debug>`
  `      <type name="isotopes"     value="1"/>`
  `      <type name="elements"     value="1"/>`
  `      <type name="materials"    value="0"/>`
  `      <type name="visattr"      value="0"/>`
  `      <type name="regions"      value="0"/>`
  `      <type name="readout"      value="0"/>`
  `      <type name="limits"       value="0"/>`
  `      <type name="segmentation" value="0"/>`
  `    </debug>`
  Disable the ROOT TGeo element table from the compact xml. 
  Note: ALL elements must then be specified in the XML material database.
  `    <geometry>`
  `      <clear name="elements"/>`
  `    </geometry>`
  By default compact accepts exactly one input file (others may be included therein).
  In order to process iteratively multiple input files, the opening and the closing of the
  geometry steering tags may be added to the compact description. This example 
  gives the default behaviour:
  `    <geometry open="true" close="true"/>`
  Please note: per compact file exactly ONE geometry tag is allowed.
  Debugging the DDG4 geometry conversion mechanism
  New boolean properties of the Geant4DetectorGeometryConstruction object,
  which result in debugging printouts (defaults are OFF):

* 2017-04-28 Ben Couturier ([PR#146](
  * Trivial fix for the DDDB converter to create paramphysvol3D volumes, which are otherwise ignored.

* 2017-04-20 Andre Sailer ([PR#145](
  - LCIOOutput: Add setting of ProducedBySecondary bit for SimTrackerHits if the hit is produced by a particle that is not stored in the MCParticle collection, needs lcio 2.8

* 2017-05-05 Andre Sailer ([PR#150](
  - Always create DD4hepConfigVersion.cmake in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and cmake folder
  - Create DD4hepConfig.cmake also in cmake folder
  - renamed Cmake Macro GENERATE_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION_FILES to DD4HEP_GENERATE_PACKAGE_CONFIGURATION_FILES so it does not clash with the macro of the same name in ilcutil/cmakemodules

* 2017-05-07 Andre Sailer ([PR#151](
  - Use cmake to create Version.h file to contain DD4hep version information and macros
  - Change the way DD4hep package version is defined and set standard cmake variables for this purpose

Frank Gaede's avatar
Frank Gaede committed
# v00-21

* 2017-04-03 Marko Petric ([PR#142](
  - Update to the CI system:
    - Install directly cvmfs on base system, which removes the need for the parrot connector 
    - Replace CernVM docker with plain docker
    - This reduces the build run time from 50 min to 25 min

* 2017-03-27 Shaojun Lu ([PR#134](
  - Set verbose true for G4EmSaturation to printout Birks coefficient.

* 2017-03-29 Frank Gaede ([PR#139](
  - add a utility to dump the B-field for a given Volume
          - usage: dumpBfield compact.xml x y z dx dy dz [in cm]  
          - will dump the B-field in volume [-x:x,-y:y,-z,z] with steps [dx,dy,dz]

* 2017-03-29 Joschka Lingemann ([PR#138](
  - Direct implementation that calculates eta from cartesian coordinates
  - Fix: Add registration of Phi-Eta segmentation

* 2017-03-29 Joschka Lingemann ([PR#137](
  - Adding GridRPhiEta a segmentation of equidistant size in R, Phi and Pseudorapidity
  - Adding GridPhiEta a segmentation of equidistant size in Phi and Pseudorapidity

* 2017-03-28 Markus Frank ([PR#135](
  - Accidentally the Segmentations of Joschka were added in the wrong place of the hierarchy.
     I removed them. He will later add them to the proper location.
  - Some C++ warnings concerning the C++11 standard were also fixed.

* 2017-03-24 Yorgos Voutsinas ([PR#132](
  - modifying the LayeredCalorimeterData struct in order to cope with conical shaped calorimeters

* 2017-03-31 Markus Frank ([PR#143](
  - Add new test for multi segment multi collections segmentations using a calorimeter endcap.
     See also:, which is still unresolved,
     but seems not to be directly related to the Monte-Carlo truth handling.
  - Side effect: add Geant4EventActions to dump hits and particles
  - Fix a linker problem for unicode tags.

* 2017-03-31 Frank Gaede ([PR#140](
  - clarify documentation for CartesianField and implementations
  - make clear that  void fieldComponents() has to add
     the new field to the given field vector
Frank Gaede's avatar
Frank Gaede committed

Marko Petric 2017-03-23 
  - Convert Release notes to markdown
  - Add some text about WIP and issue tracking
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000

Markus Frank 2017-03-17
 - Add a new input type by parsing JSON files. The basic json interpreter
    is present and offers essentially the same interface as the XML persers.
    The integration to the compact dialect however is not yet done.
    It should become however a valid alternative to parsing XML files
    with a small maintenance overhead, since the enhancement implementation
    present in XMLDimesion.h, XMLDetector.h and XMLChildValue.h is shared
    and instantiated for both.

Markus Frank 2017-03-10
 - New round to kill coverity deficiencies.
 - Add exception try-catch clauses around various main programs in UtilityApps
    See UtilityApps/src/main.h for details.

Markus Frank 2017-03-09
 - Fix issue with long volume ids exceeding 32 bits.
    Test added in examples/ClientTests
 - Fix volume manager id identical placed volumes are used in different places of the hierarchy.
    Test added in examples/ClientTests
 - Remove various svn left-overs (ID$ strings etc.)

Frank Gaede 2017-02-10
- allow event readers to create more than one vertex per event
     this should be possible as most generator formats allow to specify
     more than one event vertex 
  - changed signature of Geant4EventReader::readParticles(int,Vertex*, Particles&)
        to Geant4EventReader::readParticles(int,Vertices&, Particles& )
  - implement in LCIOEventReader, Geant4EventReaderHepEvt and Geant4EventReaderHepMC
  - for now still one vertex only is created using the first final state particle
        for HepEvt and LCIO

# v00-20

Frank Gaede 2017-01-13 
- fix computation of radiation and interaction lengths
- require the density to be specified in the materials xml file
Frank Gaede 2017-01-04 
- adopt numbers in to elements.xml
- use elements.xml generated with plugin in DDTest
-  add ROOT version to dumped element table

Frank Gaede 2016-12-22 
- fix test_surfaces by adapting to elements.xml
- fix test_units by including elements.xml
Markus Frank 2016-12-21 
- Add plugin to dump the default ROOT element table
Markus Frank 2016-12-20 
- Remove obsolete build flags
Markus Frank 2016-12-19 
- Add Multi-threading conditions example
Andre Sailer 2016-12-16 
- Add drivers for Beampipe, Mask and Solenoid from lcgeo, changed name to DD4hep_*
Rosa Simonielo, Frank Gaede 2016-12-15 
- add new struct DDRec::NeighbourSurfacesStruct defined for neighbouring surfaces
Frank Gaede 2016-12-14 
- fix library pathes in env scripts for macos
- use DD4HEP_LIBRARY_PATH and full lib path on mac
- apply rpath compiler settings to GaudiPluginService
- make compatible w/ Geant4 10.3
Marko Petric 2016-12-13 
- Fix compiler flag handling
Daniel Jeans 2016-12-08 
- add utility graphicalMaterialScan
Markus Frank 2016-12-07 
- Fix compiler error on MacOSX gcc 4.9
Marko Petric 2016-12-07 
- Remove few tests from Travis
- Remove the dynamic lookup on runtime for libs on mac
Markus Frank 2016-12-05 
- First version of conditions and alignments
Andre Sailer 2016-12-06 
- DDTest: fix location to install DDtest header files
- Remove minimum required cmake version from DD4hepBuild, this interferes with other packages depending on DD4hep
Marko Petric 2016-12-02 
- Fix missing CLHEP in
- Clean up FindPYTHON.cmake file
- Change gaudi auto_ptr to unique_ptr since the auto is deprecated
- Fix initAClick
Marko Petric 2016-11-29 
- Fix rpath issues on mac with python
- Add custom DynamicPath on mac when loading python libs
- Add function to set the DD4HEP_LIBRARY_PATH
Marko Petric 2016-11-28 
- Update all minimum CMake versions
- Fix gitlab builds
- Rename MakeRootMap to MakeGaudiMap for consistency
- Remove ROOT5 things and make approprite fixed to the usage of ROOTConfig.cmake
 Remove FindROOT.cmake and use from now on ROOTConfig.cmake
Markus Frank 2016-11-30 
- New version of conditions handling
Andre Sailer 2016-11-25 
- Fix ProductionCut conversion in Geant4Converter.cpp: cut is a range
Markus Frank 2016-11-24 
- Fix linker errors on MAC
- Remove compiler warnings on MACOSX
- First fixes to version of alignment constant processing also remove where visited the $ statements in the files.
They are useless, since git does not support them. Fixed some tests, which no longer properly worked in
the conditions area.
- First usable version of alignment constant processing
Markus Frank 2016-11-16 
- Try to improve efficiency using C++11 default operations
Markus Frank 2016-11-10 
- Simplify opaque data mappings for conditions
# v00-19
2016-11-17 D.Jeans
- rewritten MegatileLayerGrid class 
  - not backward compatible 

- improved Travis CI configuration 
- remove some tests from CI

# v00-18

2016-11-09 F.Gaede
- updated DDRec::LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer:
  - remove deprecated thickness 
  - add phi0  
- add copy assignement to DDRec::MaterialData

2016-11-08 M.Frank
- Improve conditions handling. Started to implement using simple telescope
  detector from C.Burr.
- Add variable DD4HEP_LIBRARY_PATH to be used on MacOSX El Capitane
  to overcome DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH protection issues.
- Fix to copy with negative(rebased) IDDDescriptor fields
  (affects IDDDescriptor and VolumeManager).
  2 New tests:
  - ClientTests/Bitfield_SidesTest.xml to test readout string:
  - ClientTests/Bitfield_SidesTest2.xml to test readout string:
2016-10-18 M.Frank
-  Due to pressure of the FCC folks, I tried to implement a more DD4hep like implementation of the
  the segmentation objects. For testing only CartesianGridXY. If this mechanism works,
  it could be a starting recipe for the rest of the segmentations. The draw-back of this approach is,
  that assignments are not reversible:
  DD4hep::CartesianGridXY xy = readout.segmentation();  // Works
  DD4hep::Segmentation seg = xy;                    // Should not work

-  Reason: the managed objects are some point in time I will have to find a
  clean solution for this, but the required changes for such a solution shall be manageable.

# v00-17

2016-09-29 V.Volkl
- Small fixes and extensions of DDEve. Show "Views" menu even if specifying xml on the command line.
  Add possibility to specify event data in EveDisplay method, rather than having to select it in the gui dialogue.
  Selects FCC EventHandler if specified in the config xml (as an "eventHandler"-attribute to the "display" node),
  but keeps default behavior if not.

2016-08-24 M.Frank
- Adding first somehow useful implementation to use conditions and the consequent loading thereof.
	Used by the DDDB implementation/example. DDDB is an alternative way to populate the DD4hep
	detector description using LHCb's detector description database.
	The reason is, that only a running experiment has a reasonable base to conditions data
	to excercise the DD4hep conditions.
	If interested, please have a look in the DDDB examples.

- Still TODO:
  - A formal way to bootstrap the conditions loading still has to be found.
  - Conditions loading from XML files and a small comprehensive example.

# v00-16
2016-07-26 Shaojun Lu  
- Added new MegatileLayerGridXY segmentation for Scintillator strip Ecal, which is implemented by K.Kotera, 
 and used by SEcal04Hybrid geometry driver.

 - many ( minor fixes ) by F. Gaede, M. Petric, A Sailer, ...

2016-06-24 M.Frank
- Implement multiple segmentations.
  Though one readout objects (associated to one DetElement) may only have on segmentation,
  The MultiSegmentation type allows to have several sub-segmentations, which can be chosen
  Please see examples/ClientTests/*/MultiSegmentations

- At the same time allow the readout object to defined multiple collections through
  the IDDescriptor.
  Please see examples/ClientTests/*/MultiCollections

- The combined example can be found in
  Please see examples/ClientTests/*/NestedSegmentations

2016-05-03 M.Frank
- Green light is ON. You may use revision 2237 and above.

2016-05-03 M.Frank
- **Mega commit. Do not use until green signal arrives with seperate release notice.**
- Package DDDB: Prove of concept, that we can populate the geometry also from other
  sources than xml files obeying the lccdd notation.
- DDCore/XML: Implement the possibility to use external entity resolution for Xerces.
  There is not equivalent in TinyXML (AFAIK).
- Remove some of the Spirit parsers, since the libraries are getting way too big.
  This implicitly assumes, that object properties of 'exotic' types such as
  deque<long double> etc. are not really used. If you need properties stay to the obvious:
  string, int float, double and vectors, maps and sets thereof!
- DDG4 needed to public the DDG4Python include directory (Now in DDG4/Python).
  Reason: try to create ROOT 6 dictionaries, which can be relocated for release purposes.
- ROOT 6 dictionary generation: Create dictionaries with the additional flag:
  "-inlineInputHeader" which physically includes the header files used to generate the 
  dictionaries --> relocatability.

2016-03-21 M.Frank
- Add additional vertex argument to EventReader::readParticles, which supposedly should

2016-03-03 M.Frank
- Improve/complete job options type palette. 
- Allow modify the Geant4IsotropGenerator to shoot particle distributions according
  to several distributions:
  flat in : uniform, cos(theta), eta/pseudorapidity, ffbar (1+cos^2 theta)
  Option: generator.Distribution = 'cos(theta)'
  Default is uniform.

# v00-15     
2016-02-15 A.Sailer
-  LCIOStdHepReader.cpp
   - fixed memory leak, compiled and valgrinded

2016-02-10 F.Gaede
- added utility  DD4hep::XML::setDetectorTypeFlag()
  to set the TypeFlag from xml element <type_flag type="0x42"/>
- select detectors with 
  DD4hep::Geometry::DetectorSelector(lcdd).detectors(  ( DD4hep::DetType::TRACKER | DD4hep::DetType::ENDCAP )) ;
- used in UtilityApps/
- added detector_types.xml with int constants defined in DetType.h, include with :
  `<include ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/detector_types.xml"/>`
  - add elements to xml, e.g.
    <type_flags type="DetType_TRACKER +  DetType_ENDCAP  + DetType_PIXEL + DetType_STRIP "/>

2016-02-10 M.Frank
- DDCond:
    First implementation of conditions access. Required some movements of files
    from DDG4 (Properties) and some changes in the core conditions implementation.
    The basic infrastructure is now present. Don't know yet however how buggy it is...

2016-02-05 F.Gaede
-  added DetElement::typeFlag() and DetElement::setTypeFlag(unsigned int types)
- added utility class DetType for setting detector type properties in type flag

2016-02-03 N.Nikiforou
- DDDetectors
  - Added plugin DD4hep_GenericSurfaceInstallerPlugin, copied from lcgeo
    to allow installation of surfaces to any sliced detector
  - Added DDDetectors to the sources directory so Doxygen picks up the
    plugin documentation

2016-02-02 F.Gaede
- set momentum at endpoint (if lcio version > 2.6 ) for MCParticles in Geant4Output2LCIO.cpp 
- fixed printlevel in Geant4Action::print()
- removed random lines drawn in teveDisplay
- dont't print DetectorData by default in dumpdetector

2016-02-02 A.Sailer
- DDG4
  - Implemented SimulatorFlags (DDFORHEP-17)
    * In ParticleHandler: vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent, Stopped, leftDetector
    * Steerable distance for vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent
    * TCUserParticleHanlder Simulator flags: DecayedInTracker, DecayedInCalorimeter

2016-01-21 A.Sailer/M.Frank
- DDG4
  - Improved user defined physics constructors
    * Allows user defined global rangecut
    * Allows extending particle table (e.g. B-Hadrons unknown to geant4)

2016-01-18 F.Gaede
- fixed default c'tors in DDRec/DetectorData.h  to zero initialize sub-structures (LayerLayout etc)

2016-01-13 F.Gaede
- allow the default sensitive action to be a tuple with parameter dictionary in e.g.:
  SIM.action.tracker = ("Geant4TrackerWeightedAction", {"HitPositionCombination" : 1 , "CollectSingleDeposits" :  False } )
- fixed endpoint in MC-truth particles
2016-01-11 F.Gaede
- fix hit momentum in Geant4TrackerAction (Geant4SDActions.cpp)

2016-01-11 A.Sailer
- DDG4
  - Add LargestAcceptableStep to field setup

2016-01-07 A.Sailer
- DDG4
  - Fix the logic for skipping of events at the start of input files: LCIO, HepMC, stdhep and HepEvt
  - Event number in lcio outputfile takes skipped events into account now

2016-01-06 F.Gaede
- bug fix in DDSurfaces::ISurface for surface properties (orthogonal/parallel to z)
  (affected ILD VXD)

2016-01-05 F.Gaede
- added print functions for DDRec::DetectorData objects
- used in dumpdetector:
  dumpdetector compact.xml -d 

2015-12-09 N.Nikiforou
- UtilityApps/teveDisplay
  - Modified teveDisplay to have three separate collections of surface vectors (u,v,n) 
    instead of one collection. Now the vectors are colored differently.
  - Changed signature of getSurfaceVectors() to allow selection of o,u,v,n vectors to 
    add to the collection, added option for name and color of collection.
  - Renamed surface list collections to "HelperSurfaces" and "SensitiveSurfaces".
  - Changed signature of getSurfaces() to allow setting of name and color of collection.

2015-12-01 M.Frank
- DDG4
  - Remove some of the compilation warnings
  - Remove energy cut in sensitive detectors
    If you though need, use a Geant4Filter to mask the action processing
  - Add a few tests for materialscan and simulation setups using XML or CINT.
  - Add a few tests for materialscan and simulation

2015-11-24 M.Frank
- DDG4
  - Implementation of multi-threading mode.
    To use and understand, please consult the DDG4 manual from the doc area.
  - "Old" Single threaded mode and functionality is preserved.
  - Numerous new classes supporting thread and master specific setup
  - Support for python configuration (see manual for details)
  - Support for global Geant4Actions executing in thread reentrant shared mode.
    (see manual for details)
  - DDG4 examples: DDG4/examples/ deleted and replaced with:
    1) DDG4/examples/  (single threaded, old example)
    2) DDG4/examples/ (multi threaded version of
  - Support user formats for the default printout statements for nicer printouts.
  - Removal of compiler warnings

2015-11-23 F.Gaede
- added glbal method DD4hep::versionString() 

2015-11-13 S.Lu
-  Added a new AHcal Barrel segementation: TiledLayerGridXY, to be used e.g.  
   for the ILD AHcal Barrel Sensitive layer segmentation design.

2015-10-30 F.Gaede
- fixed LCIOFileReader to use sequential reading mode
  as using direct access always required runNum==0 and sequential evt nums ...

2015-10-15 F.Gaede
- DDSurfaces::ISurface/Surface
  - added implemation of conical surfaces 
    - ICone, VolConeImpl, VolCone, ConeSurface

2015-10-13 M.Frank
- DDG4
  - Remove explicit constructors for modular physics lists.
    Use the native Geant4 provided G4PhysListFactory instead.
    The physics list is instantiated as before with the "Extends" property.
  - Implement angular ranges in the Geant4IsotropeGenerator for phi [0,2pi] and theta[0,pi]
  - New sensitive detector Geant4TrackerWeightedAction
    Attempt to properly process combined deposits in tracking detectors.
  - Debug component Geant4SurfaceTest similar to the standalone program
    test_surfaces, but to be appended as a DDG4 event action for event by event
    tests of hits.

2015-10-09 M.Frank
- DDG4
  - Extend the functionality of the DDG4 plugins
    Geant4InteractionVertexBoost and Geant4InteractionVertexSmear.
    If the Mask property is set to -1, all interactions present
    at call time are smeared/boosted according to the parameters.
    Note, that the position of the plugins within the generation 
    sequence is important.
  - Add a new generator Geant4GeneratorWrapper to allow the use
    of native G4 generator classes such as the G4ParticleGun or
    the G4GeneralParticleSource. Still to be tested.
  - Extend the Geant4Random functionality: May now be instantiated
    like any other Geant4Action. Users may set the seed or the 
    luxury level.
    All calls to HepRandom (CLHEP) or gRandom (ROOT) will re-use 
    this instance. See DDG4/examples/ for illustration.
  - Updated DDG4 manual.

2015-09-30 F.Gaede
- updated createGearForILD.cpp to use new parameters in LayeredCalorimeterData
  ( innerThickness, innerRadLength, etc)

2015-09-15 F.Gaede
- refactoring of Surface classes:
    - made VolSurface a reference counting handle to 
      a polymorphic pointer of type VolSurfaceBase
      - this should facilitate the creation
        of dedicated surface classes for special cases
        such as inside the beampipe or the face of the calorimeter

2015-08-27 F.Gaede
  to LCDD.h

- increased version number to v00-15

2015-08-20 M.Frank
- DDCore: Modularize/abstract plugin manager 
- VolumeManager: Fix bug propagating sensitive detectors
  Showed up in the examples of nested detectors

2015-08-12 N.Nikiforou
- DDCore/XML: Added new helper functions to Layering engine:
   - double absorberThicknessInLayer(XML::Element e) : 
     returns total absorber thickness in given layer
   - void sensitivePositionsInLayer(XML::Element e, std::vector<double>& sens_pos) :
     provides positions of sensitive slices within a layer with respect to the 
     center of the layer

2015-07-25 M.Frank
- DDSegmentation: Remove several 'shadow' warnings.

- New build system for the DD4hep core, which greatly simplyfies the cmake files
  for the various sub-packages. 
  Tested with Andre's build script doc/
  (GEAR usage not tested though)

# v00-14     
- fixed writing of generator status for lcio::MCParticle
  in Geant4Output2LCIO.cpp

- Add missing scope to /DD4hep/Factories.h, to not force everyone to use using namespace

F.Gaede: 2015-07-15
- changed type in SurfaceList and SurfaceMap from Surface to ISurface
- added methods length_along_u/v() to ISurface
- moved setting of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS (if DD4HEP_USE_CXX11) from DD4hep.cmake to CMakeLists.txt

2015-07-11 M.Frank
-  added starter docs DD4hepStartersGuide.pdf

*** **Important** ***
  **Before updating, backup your existing and working checkout. Though I was running 
  the basic tests, there may be unchecked corners of the software.**

- Backwards compatibility mode for the usage of ROOT 5 and ROOT 6 alternatively.
- For ROOT 6 the Gaudi PluginService is used and added to the distribution.
- DD4hep is distributed with a licence. See $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE for details.
- In the doc area the $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS file everybode should add her/his 
  name, if contributed significantly.
- Unfortunately this meant to add/change the headers of all files and give a 
  pointer to the licence file. If I accidentally changed the author name, please
  chagne it back.
- The plugin factory declaration statements were changed to accomodate both
  ROOT 5 and ROOT 6 and to keep the number of 'ifdef' statements at a minimum.
- TODO: Properly change the cmake scripts to accomodate for ROOT 6 and the 
  automatic switch when building DD4hep. 
- For reference reasons: this commits is revision 1812 + 1813 (DDDetectors)

# v00-13  
2015-07-03 F.Gaede
- updated doxygen for detector DDRec::DetectorData structs and usage in convertToGear

2015/07/02 Nikiforos Nikiforou
- Added isRadiator() helper function in DDCore/XML/XMLDetector.h/cpp 
  Mirroring functionality of isSensitive() and used in geometry drivers
  e.g. to calculate total absorber thickness
- Extended LayeredCalorimeterStruct in DDRec/DetectorData.h to include 
  additional parameters required by Pandora:
  - inner_phi0 (e.g. alignment for inner symmetry)
  - outer_phi0 (e.g  aligment for outer symmetry)
  - NOTE: phi0 still remains but is deprecated
  - gap0 (e.g stave gap along r-phi)  
  - gap1 (e.g middle stave gap along z)
  - gap2 (reserved for future use)

 2015-06-29 A.Sailer
 - always store lcio collections, even if they are empty in Geant4Output2LCIO (DDG4/ddsim)

2015-06-29 F.Gaede
- changed env scripts to prepend to library pathes (DD4hep and dependant packages)
   - using a newer lcgeo version than the one provided in ilcsoft can simply
        be done w/ source ./bin/ 
# v00-12  
2015/06/17 Markus Frank
- Add possibility to block access to constants by name from LCDD.
  Functionality enabled by a constant named "LCDD_InhibitConstants" with value "1", "True", "Yes".
  Test: geoDisplay -compact file:../DD4hep.trunk/examples/ClientTests/compact/InhibitConstants.xml 

- Add LCDDHelper handle object to easily access the sensitive detector object of a detector
  using either the subdetector name or the detector element (or one of its children).
  See: DD4hep/LCDDHelper.h
  Test: ``` 
  geoPluginRun -input file:../DD4hep.trunk/examples/CLICSiD/compact/compact.xml \
                     -plugin CLICSiD_LCDDHelperTest  \
         optional:  -<detector-name (default:SiVertexEndcap)>  [Note the '-'!!!] 

- Check when adding new sub-detector detector elements if a given one already exists.
  if yes: exception.
  Test: `geoDisplay -compact file:../DD4hep.trunk/examples/ClientTests/compact/DuplicateSysID.xml`

A. Sailer
- DDSegmentation: Added function cellDimension which returns the dimension of any given cell

- Added a switch for BirksLaw to Geant4StepHandler. 
  For backward compatable, by default, do not apply BirksLaw, and apply BirksLaw with call 'doApplyBirksLaw()'.
  added optional Geant4ScintillatorCalorimeterAction
- Added one 'Geant4ScintillatorCalorimeterAction' into DDG4 plugins Geant4SDActions for  scintillator to take 
  Geant4 BirksLaw effect as sensitive detector active layer.

- added SurfaceManager class that holds maps of surfaces for 
  "world","tracker","calorimeter","passive" and all individual subdetectors
    - to be used in reconstruction code where a lookup from cellID
      to corresponding surface is needed
    - needs plugin "InstallSurfaceManager" to be in the compact file
    - access via:  
      SurfaceManager surfMan = *lcdd.extension< SurfaceManager >() ;
      const SurfaceMap& surfMap = * "world" ) ;
- renamed old SurfaceManager to SurfaceHelper

- added method: Geometry::Volume createPlacedEnvelope()
  - to be used in all LC detector drivers to create a placed envelope volume
    rest of the detector is then instantiate in this volume

- added BooleanShape plugin for creating generic boolean
  shapes (subtraction, union or intersection )
   - to be used for envelope definition in xml

   - added new build_type: BUILD_ENVELOPE 
      - can be used to visulize envelopes only (geoDisplay, teveDisplay,...)

2015/05/22 Nikiforos Nikiforou
- Fixed bug in DDG4/lcio/LCIOConversions.cpp, which stored only the PDG of the primary particle 
  in multiple particle contributions in SimCalorimeterHits instead of both the primary and secondary PDGs.

2015/05/13 Markus Frank
- Fix bug in DDG4, which forced DDG4 to exit if a property from the Geant4 prompt could
  not be set. No an error message is printed and the prompt is returned to the user.
  (Bug submitted by A. Sailer)

2015/05/11 Andre Sailer
- CMake updates:
  - Split libraries into components: use find_package(DD4hep COMPONENTS <component> [...] )
    to find the components you need.
  - At the moment there are these components are sensible to link against: DDRec, DDG4, DDEve, DDSegmentation
  - To link against the librarie use either DD4hep_COMPONENT_LIBRARIES or DD4hep_<COMPONENT>_LIBRARY,
    where <COMPONENT> needs to be replaced by the UPPER case name of the component

2015/05/09 Markus Frank
- Allow to access detectors by type from lcdd.
  - The sensitive type of a detector is set in the 'detector constructor'.
  - Not sensitive detector structures have the name 'passive'
  - Compounds (ie. nested detectors) are of type 'compound'
- Dump detector types using plugin:

         geoPluginRun -plugin DD4hepDetectorTypes -input <compact-file>

2015/03/12 Markus Frank
- Add support for ellipsoids in gdml/lcdd and geant4 conversion.
- Allow to include files with environment variables from compact notation.

2015/03/09 Markus Frank
- Finalize move to geant4 version 10, started by A.Sailer
- Add non-isotrop particle generator in DDG4 (request P.Kostka)
- Isolate ROOT plugin manager as start to move to ROOT 6

# v00-11     
- DDDetectors
  - new Package containing generic DD4hep detector palette (MF)
  - added 'dimension' argument to DD4hep_SiTrackerBarrelSurfacePlugin (FG)
    to handle pixel and strip detectors 

- DDRec (Frank Gaede)
  - added simple data structs in DDRec/DetectorData.h
    providing interface needed for GEAR:
  - added plugin for creating GEAR file for ILD
  - Extended IDDecoder to give access to layer, system and barrel/endcap information. (CG)
    IDDecoder is now independent of Readout object, instead it finds the correct
    readout based on the cellID / position
  - fixed surface implementations: removed inline virtual functions
  - added methods:

- DDG4 (Markus Frank)
  - Fix Geant4 Primary input conversion
  - Fix LCCollectionVec for LCIO output
  - fixed units for MCParticle output (FG)
  - fixed generator status: set to 0 if (FG)
    particle created in simulation
  - Add cylindrical tracking volume to particle handler
  - More modular user particle handling with example Geant4TCUserParticleHandler
  - fixed charge (don't devide by three) (FG)
  - fixed logic for writing out MCParticles: (FG)
    - don't write particles created in calo
      unless scattered back into tracker)
    - don't write particles created in tracker
      if below MinimalKineticEnergy ( Geant4ParticleHandler)
  - Added HepMC ascii reader
  - added simply main program 'dd_sim' to run  (FG)
    a DDG4 based simulation with xml configuration files
  - change TrackerCombine SD to use energy weighted positions
  - added utility to dump generated files: scripts/dumpDDG4.C
  - fixed dictionaries for map iteration on MacOS in python (FG)
    -> added operators ==/!= for map<>::iterator
  - added component to allow the setup of the magnetic field tracking in Geant4 from python

- DDCore (Markus Frank)
  - fixed LCDD el-mag. field converter 
  - add generic surface installers 
  - allow for string constants in lcdd define section
  - added arguments for surface plugins

- DDSegmentation (FG) :
  - fixed compiler warning w/ left shift count >= width of type 
  - fixed wrong type string "CartesianGridXY"
  - added CartesianGridYZ
  - Implementation of a Polar R-phi segmentation  (MP)
 - examples 
  - add new test MiniTel(escope) to ClientTests (MF)
  - moved old obsolete examples to attic
  - add new example: LHeD_tracker (MF) 
  - add new example: SimpleDetector (FG)
    (ILD like VXD and SIT )
- CMake:
  - made DD4HEP_USE_BOOST an option flag (FG)
  - added DD4hepG4 library dependence to DDEve (MF)
  - disable dot -> have simpler (and faster) inheritance graphs w/ Doxygen
  - fixed missing search field in Doxygen doc (FG)
  - include boost automatically if build with Geant4

- Documentation
  - improved Doxygen documentation (MF)
  - added manual for DDRec (FG)
  - new version of the DD4hep manual (MF)
  - fixed code formating with emacs style:

- removed subpackages ( moved to ):

- enabled testing in nightly builds with cmake, ctest and cdash (FG)

- plus many small bug fixes  (use svn log for details )

2014/09/26 Markus Frank
- Quite some effort to improve the doxygen documentation.
  The current revision is can be found at:

2014/02/06 Markus Frank
- DDDetectors: Add example surface plugin with arguments.
    - example code: DDDetectors/src/SurfaceExamplePlugin.cpp
    - compact:
       <plugin name="DD4hep_SurfaceExamplePlugin">
          <argument value="SiTrackerBarrel"/>
          <argument value="aa=1*mm"/>
          <argument value="bb=2*cm"/>
          <argument value="cc=3*m"/>

    - output:
    SurfaceExamplePlugin: argument[0] = SiTrackerBarrel value = -1
    SurfaceExamplePlugin: argument[1] = aa=1*mm value = 0.1
    SurfaceExamplePlugin: argument[2] = bb=2*cm value = 2
    SurfaceExamplePlugin: argument[3] = cc=3*m value = 300

2014/08/15 Markus Frank
- DDG4: Impreoved LCIO handling for DDG4
- DDG4: Input handling:
  - LCIO input file reading with multiple *independent* inputs
    to support overlay, multiple interactions, etc.
  - Primary verex smearing independent for each input
  - Primary vertex boosts independent for each input
- DDG4: Output handling
  - MC Particle handling
  - Improved MC truth handling for produced Hits.
    Still needs revisiting.

# v00-10      
 Frank Gaede
- fixed version numbers and release notes for release v00-08 and v00-09
  ( both have the wrong version number for the libraries 0.7 !)
- added ./doc/prepare_a_release.howto
- added new method to BitField64: setValue(unsigned lowWord, unsigned highWord )
 - added some simple unit tests for BitField64

2014/08/15 Markus Frank
- DDG4 Add possibility for user hook to the particle handler +
  Data member to store additionbal particle data for the
  output stage.
- Allow to display MC particles in DDEve
  Add small help file describing how to start DDEve.
- Update CLICSiD Example.

# v00-09      
2014/08/07 Markus Frank
- DDG4: First version to support MC truth in DDG4 including 
  particle filtering to optimize the size of the MC record.
- DDG4 fix SimpleCalorimter sensitive action and properly support
  hit aggregations.
- DDEve smaller modifications to support DDG4IO if DD4hep was 
  built with the Geant4 option ON.

# v00-08
- Some minor fixes:
  - made compatible with older geant4 versions (9.5)
  - add Bitflag to store CellID1 in SimCalorimeterHit collections
  - fix position conversion from Geant4 to ROOT
  - add cellID determination to SensitiveAction
  - ...

Andre Sailer, 2014-07-17
- Unify cmake option variables, small cmake corrections
- Change options `_WITH_` to `_USE_`
- Print Warning that variables with `_WITH_` are deprecated
- Change Defintions to `_USE_` as well
- Add REQUIRED to find_package geant4 and xercesc if they are turned on
- Updated documentation
- Updated ILDExDet example

Christian.Grefe, 2014-07-15
- Made DDSegmentation optionally a stand-alone package
  create DDSgementationConfig.cmake when build as part of DD4hep

Markus Frank, 2014-07-02
- add LCIO conversions from DDSim - sensitive detectors 
  can now simply instantiate LCIO Sim hits
2014/06/30 Markus Frank
- DDG4: Support user (context-) extensions for Geant4.
  User contexts are availible for events and runs. The contexts
  are accessible from the Geant4Context meber of each Geant4Action,
  the base class for all processing entities.
   - Adding a context:
      context()->event().addExtension(pointer_to_object, typeid(TYPE), 0);
      In the first case the object is NOT DELETED at the end of the event.
      In the second case the object is deleted.
    - Accessing the context:
          TYPE* ctx = context()->event().extension<TYPE>(false);
      The boolean argument indicates if an exception should be thrown
      if the extension is not present ie. here no exception.
- DDCore: adjust a few print statements.

2014/06/27 Markus Frank
- Separate XML loading from LCDD implementation.
- New package: DDEve: a bit more sophisticated TEve specialization
- To start use examples/CLICSiD/compact/DDEve.xml
- DDEve can interface currently to ROOT files created by DDG4.
- An example data file is provided as well in:
- examples/CLICSiD/compact/CLICSiD_events.root
- Documentation is lacking a bit....
- start the display with: `$> root.exe ${DD4hepINSTALL}/examples/DDEve/DDEve.C`

2014/06/19 Frank Gaede
- replaced TGeoUnits.h by  DD4hepUnits.h
- renamed namespace tgeo to dd4hep -> users need to replace tgeo::mm by dd4hep::mm

2014/06/12 Frank Gaede
- changed default unit for angles to be radians   (tgeo::rad = 1.)
- enforce usage of units from TGeoUnits.h in xml expression evaluators
- convert to degrees for angles in TGeoShapes constructors
- NB: there is one inconsistency left here:  angles returned
  from TGeoShapes are already in degrees, this is the one
  case where a quantity returned from DD4hep/TGeo does not have the default
  units - thus one should not write
 ` double phi = coneSeg.Phi1() / tgeo::rad ;`
  but rather
  `double phi = coneSeg.Phi1() * tgeo::deg ;`

2014/06/03 Markus Frank
- Provision for ROOT persistency for DD4hep detector descriptions:
  Create Cint dictionary for DD4hepCore by default when building the library.