// $Id: Geant4VolumeManager.cpp 513 2013-04-05 14:31:53Z gaede $
// AIDA Detector description implementation for LCD
// Author : M.Frank
// Framework include files
#include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
#include "DD4hep/Volumes.h"
#include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4VolumeManager.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4Mapping.h"
// Geant4 include files
#include "G4VTouchable.hh"
#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
// C/C++ include files
#include <sstream>
using namespace DD4hep::Simulation;
using namespace DD4hep::Geometry;
using namespace DD4hep;
using namespace std;
typedef Geant4GeometryInfo::PathMap PathMap;
typedef Geant4GeometryInfo::PlacementMap PlacementMap;
namespace {
struct Populator {
typedef vector<const TGeoNode*> Chain;
typedef DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD LCDD;
typedef DD4hep::Geometry::Readout Readout;
typedef DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement DetElement;
typedef map<VolumeID,Geant4Mapping::PlacementPath> Registries;
/// Reference to the LCDD instance
/// Set of already added entries
/// Reference to Geant4 translation information
Geant4GeometryInfo& m_geo;
/// Default constructor
Populator(LCDD& lcdd, Geant4GeometryInfo& g)
: m_lcdd(lcdd), m_geo(g) {
/// Populate the Volume manager
const DetElement::Children& c = e.children();
for (DetElement::Children::const_iterator i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) {
DetElement de = (*i).second;
PlacedVolume pv = de.placement();
if (pv.isValid()) {
Chain chain;
SensitiveDetector sd;
PlacedVolume::VolIDs ids;
scanPhysicalVolume(pv.ptr(), ids, sd, chain);
printout(WARNING, "Geant4VolumeManager", "++ Detector element %s of type %s has no placement.",, de.type().c_str());
/// Scan a single physical volume and look for sensitive elements below
void scanPhysicalVolume(const TGeoNode* node, PlacedVolume::VolIDs ids, SensitiveDetector& sd, Chain& chain) {
PlacedVolume pv = Ref_t(node);
Volume vol = pv.volume();
PlacedVolume::VolIDs pv_ids = pv.volIDs();
ids.PlacedVolume::VolIDs::Base::insert(ids.end(), pv_ids.begin(), pv_ids.end());
if (vol.isSensitive()) {
sd = vol.sensitiveDetector();
if (sd.readout().isValid()) {
add_entry(sd, node, ids, chain);
else {
printout(WARNING, "Geant4VolumeManager",
"populate: Strange constellation volume %s is sensitive, but has no readout! sd:%p", pv.volume().name(),
for (Int_t idau = 0, ndau = node->GetNdaughters(); idau < ndau; ++idau) {
TGeoNode* daughter = node->GetDaughter(idau);
PlacedVolume placement(daughter);
if ( ) {
scanPhysicalVolume(daughter, ids, sd, chain);
void add_entry(SensitiveDetector sd, const TGeoNode* /* n */, const PlacedVolume::VolIDs& ids, const Chain& nodes) {
Readout ro = sd.readout();
IDDescriptor iddesc = ro.idSpec();
VolumeID code = iddesc.encode(ids);
Registries::const_iterator i = m_entries.find(code);
if (i == m_entries.end()) {
Geant4Mapping::PlacementPath path;
for (Chain::const_reverse_iterator i = nodes.rbegin(); i != nodes.rend(); ++i) {
const TGeoNode* node = *i;
PlacementMap::const_iterator g4pit = m_geo.g4Placements.find(node);
if (g4pit != m_geo.g4Placements.end()) {
if (m_geo.g4Paths.find(path) != m_geo.g4Paths.end()) {
stringstream log;
printout(ERROR, "Geant4VolumeManager", "populate: Severe error: Duplicated Geant4 path!!!!");
for(Geant4Mapping::PlacementPath::const_iterator j=path.begin(); j!=path.end(); ++j) {
log << "/" << (*j)->GetName();
printout(ERROR, "Geant4VolumeManager", " Geant4 path exists in at least 2 instances: %s", log.str().c_str());
m_geo.g4Paths[path] = code;
stringstream log;
printout(ERROR, "Geant4VolumeManager", "populate: Severe error: Duplicated Volume entry: %X", code);
const Geant4Mapping::PlacementPath& path = (*i).second;
for(Geant4Mapping::PlacementPath::const_iterator j=path.begin(); j!=path.end(); ++j) {
log << "/" << (*j)->GetName();
printout(ERROR, "Geant4VolumeManager", " Geant4 path: %s", log.str().c_str());
/// Initializing constructor. The tree will automatically be built if possible
Geant4VolumeManager::Geant4VolumeManager(LCDD& lcdd, Geant4GeometryInfo* info)
: Base(info), m_isValid(false) {
if (info && info->valid && info->g4Paths.empty()) {
Populator p(lcdd, *info);
throw runtime_error(format("Geant4VolumeManager", "Attempt populate from invalid Geant4 geometry info [Invalid-Info]"));
/// Helper: Generate placement path from touchable object
Geant4VolumeManager::PlacementPath Geant4VolumeManager::placementPath(const G4VTouchable* touchable, bool exception) const {
Geant4Mapping::PlacementPath path;
if (touchable) {
for (int i = 0, n = touchable->GetHistoryDepth(); i < n; ++i) {
G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = touchable->GetVolume(i);
else if (exception) {
throw runtime_error(format("Geant4VolumeManager", "Attempt to use invalid Geant4 touchable [Invalid-Touchable]"));
return path;
/// Check the validity of the information before accessing it.
bool Geant4VolumeManager::checkValidity() const {
if (m_isValid) {
return true;
else if (!isValid()) {
throw runtime_error(format("Geant4VolumeManager", "Attempt to use invalid Geant4 volume manager [Invalid-Handle]"));
else if (!ptr()->valid) {
throw runtime_error(format("Geant4VolumeManager", "Attempt to use invalid Geant4 geometry info [Invalid-Info]"));
m_isValid = true;
return m_isValid;
/// Accessor to resolve G4 placements
G4VPhysicalVolume* Geant4VolumeManager::placement(const TGeoNode* node) const {
if (node && checkValidity()) {
const PlacementMap& m = ptr()->g4Placements;
PlacementMap::const_iterator i = m.find(node);
if (i != m.end())
return (*i).second;
return 0;
throw runtime_error(format("Geant4VolumeManager", "Attempt to use invalid Geant4 volume manager [Invalid-Handle]"));
/// Accessor to resolve geometry placements
PlacedVolume Geant4VolumeManager::placement(const G4VPhysicalVolume* node) const {
if (node && checkValidity()) {
const PlacementMap& m = ptr()->g4Placements;
for (PlacementMap::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).second == node)
return PlacedVolume((*i).first);
return PlacedVolume(0);
throw runtime_error(format("Geant4VolumeManager", "Attempt to lookup invalid TGeo placement [Null-Pointer]"));
/// Access CELLID by placement path
VolumeID Geant4VolumeManager::volumeID(const PlacementPath& path) const {
if (!path.empty() && checkValidity()) {
const PathMap& m = ptr()->g4Paths;
PathMap::const_iterator i = m.find(path);
if (i != m.end())
return (*i).second;
if (!path[0])
return InvalidPath;
else if (!path[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSensitiveDetector())
return Insensitive;
return NonExisting;
return NonExisting;
/// Access CELLID by Geant4 touchable object
VolumeID Geant4VolumeManager::volumeID(const G4VTouchable* touchable) const {
return volumeID(placementPath(touchable));
/// Accessfully decoded volume fields by placement path
void Geant4VolumeManager::volumeDescriptor(const PlacementPath& path, VolIDDescriptor& vol_desc) const {
vol_desc.first = NonExisting;
if (!path.empty() && checkValidity()) {
const PathMap& m = ptr()->g4Paths;
PathMap::const_iterator i = m.find(path);
if (i != m.end()) {
VolumeID vid = (*i).second;
G4LogicalVolume* lvol = path[0]->GetLogicalVolume();
if (lvol->GetSensitiveDetector()) {
PlacedVolume pv = placement(path[0]);
Geometry::SensitiveDetector sd = pv.volume().sensitiveDetector();
Geometry::IDDescriptor dsc = sd.readout().idSpec();
vol_desc.first = vid;
dsc.decodeFields(vid, vol_desc.second);
vol_desc.first = Insensitive;
vol_desc.first = InvalidPath;
else if (!path[0]->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSensitiveDetector())
vol_desc.first = Insensitive;
vol_desc.first = NonExisting;
/// Access fully decoded volume fields by Geant4 touchable object
void Geant4VolumeManager::volumeDescriptor(const G4VTouchable* touchable, VolIDDescriptor& vol_desc) const {
volumeDescriptor(placementPath(touchable), vol_desc);