* 2017-10-09 Frank Gaede ([PR#242](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/242))
- improve `BitFieldCoder` class
- remove heap allocation of BitFieldElements
- add move constructors for efficient filling of vector
* 2017-09-29 Frank Gaede ([PR#238](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/238))
- add new threadsafe class `BitFieldCoder` as replacement for `BitField64`
- use as `const` everywhere
- re-implement `BitField64` using `BitFieldCoder`
- is thread safe if used locally
- can be instantiated from `const BitFieldCoder*`
* 2017-09-18 Markus Frank ([PR#234](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/234))
- Created a new example showing the CMS tracking detector
- Get CMS going with their evaluation. Added a package DDCMS with the conversion plugins for the silicon trackers and the corresponding conversion mechanism for their `xml` structure.
* 2017-09-18 Frank Gaede ([PR#232](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/232))
- fix reading of stdhep/lcio generator files with generator statuses not in [0,3]
-`G4PARTICLE_GEN_BEAM` is generally agreed to be used for beam particles (HepMC, LCIO)
- all other status codes vary from generator to generator and we use OTHER
- for stdhep or lcio input the true generator status is preserved in the lcio output, regardless of its value
- create a vertex for every parent-less particle in LCIOEventReader
- this allows for example to read GuineaPig files ( non-prompt pair particles) or special user created files with non-prompt particles
- Resolves #101
* 2017-09-20 Markus Frank ([PR#235](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/235))
- A more complete version of the CMS tracker
- Enhanced the CMS tracker example to be more complete.
- Stopped at some point to convert all CMS algorithms. Hence, the tracker is not complete, but the remaining work looks to be purely mechanical.
* 2017-10-02 Frank Gaede ([PR#239](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/239))
- add cell sizes to printout of `LayeredCalorimeterData::layer`
- used in `dumpdetector -d`
* 2017-09-14 Frank Gaede ([PR#231](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/231))
- adapt LCIOEventReader for Pythia8 and Whizard2
- add all parent-less particles to outgoing vertex
- fixes #226 and closes #229
- also used for stdhep files
* 2017-09-07 Daniel Jeans ([PR#227](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/227))
- Fix calculation of cell position in `MegatileLayerGridXY`
- previously, returned position was the lower corner of the cell
- after this bug fix, it's the cell centre
* 2017-10-05 Frank Gaede ([PR#241](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/241))
- remove deprecated and unused classes from DDRec
* 2017-10-05 Frank Gaede ([PR#240](https://github.com/AIDASoft/DD4hep/pull/240))