- Nov 17, 2022
Andre Sailer authored
- Nov 16, 2022
Jonas Hahnfeld authored
It appears GCC had a bug, fixed in GCC 9.2, that incorrectly checks for a complete type in std::unique_ptr initialized with braces even if the constructors and the destructor are defined out-of-line, when the type is complete.
- Nov 11, 2022
Wouter Deconinck authored
This enables ddsim to accept `--inputFiles example.hepmc3.tree.root` files as produced by the [HepMC3 rootIO writers](https://gitlab.cern.ch/hepmc/HepMC3/-/tree/master/rootIO/include/HepMC3). There are two rootIO writers: `WriterRoot` writes HepMC3 objects to a ROOT file, while `WriterRootTree` writes a ROOT TTree with events. There are two corresponding rootIO readers. When HepMC3's `deduce_reader` is passed a `.root` file, it only [attempts to use](https://gitlab.cern.ch/hepmc/HepMC3/-/blob/master/include/HepMC3/ReaderFactory.h#L107) the `WriterRootTree`. Since `.root` is a bit too generic as an extension (it does not indicate the data model) and since ddsim already uses multiple extensions in output formates, e.g. `.edm4hep.root`, I considered that the intent is best conveyed with `.hepmc3.tree.root` (making it clear that the HepMC3 data model is used, stored in TTrees, inside the ROOT file format). With this change it is now also possible to run ddsim against remote HepMC3 events on an xrootd server, e.g. ``` ddsim --compactFile $DD4hepINSTALL/DDDetectors/compact/SiD.xml -N 10 --inputFiles root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/users/wdconinc/pythia8NCDIS_5x41_minQ2\=1_beamEffects_xAngle\=-0.025_hiDiv_vtxfix_1.hepmc3.tree.root --outputFile output.edm4hep.root ```
- Nov 10, 2022
Wouter Deconinck authored
Wouter Deconinck authored
Wouter Deconinck authored
- Nov 04, 2022
Dhevan Gangadharan authored
- Nov 03, 2022
Andre Sailer authored
Andre Sailer authored
Andre Sailer authored
- Oct 30, 2022
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
- Oct 29, 2022
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
MarkusFrankATcernch authored
MarkusFrankATcernch authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored
Markus Frank authored