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Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

push(@INC, "/home/xml4c/bin", "/home/xml4c/bin/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib", "/Development2/cupert/bin/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib", "/Development/cupert/usr/local/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

require "";
require 5.0;
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

$|=1;   # Force a flush after every print

# Extract the source and target directories
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
$XERCESCROOT = $opt_s;
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
$targetdir = $opt_o;

# Check for the environment variables and exit if error
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
if (!length($XERCESCROOT) || !length($targetdir) || (length($opt_h) > 0) ) {
    print ("Usage is: packageBinaries <options>\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("  where options are:\n");
    print ("    -s <source_directory>\n");
    print ("    -o <target_directory>\n");
    print ("    -c <C compiler name> (e.g. gcc, cc or xlc_r)\n");
    print ("    -x <C++ compiler name> (e.g. g++, CC, aCC, c++, xlC_r, cl, ecl or ecc)\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("    -m <message loader> can be 'inmem' \(default\), 'icu' or 'iconv'\n");
    print ("    -n <net accessor> can be 'fileonly' or 'socket' \(default\)\n");
    print ("    -t <transcoder> can be 'icu' or 'native' \(default\)\n");
    print ("    -r <thread option> can be 'pthread' \(default\)or 'dce' (only used on HP-11)\n");
    print ("    -b <bitsToBuild> (accepts '64', '32')\n");
    print ("    -j suppress building of ICU (speeds up builds when debugging)\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("    -h to get help on these commands\n\n");
    print ("Example: Under unix's\n");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
    print ("    perl -s \$HOME/xerces-c-src2_1_0");
    print (" -o \$HOME/xerces-c_2_1_0-linux -c gcc -x g++ -m inmem -n fileonly -t native\n\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("Example: Under Windows\n");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
    print ("    perl -s \\xerces-c-src2_1_0");
    print (" -o\\xerces-c_2_1_0-win32 [-n fileonly] [-t icu]\n\n");
    print ("Note:\n");
    print ("    Under Windows, by default the XercesLib project files is\n");
    print ("    configured to use Win32 resource file based message loader,\n");
    print ("    WinSocket based net accessor and native Win32 based transcoder.\n");
    print ("    The two options mentioned in the example above are the only\n");
    print ("    options relevant under Windows on the command line for this script.\n");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

# Set up the environment variables for ICU
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
# As of Version 3, ICU is not a required component of XERCES-C
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
if (!length($ICUROOT)) {
    print "You have not defined your ICU install directory.\n";
    print "To build with ICU, you must set an environment variable called ICUROOT\n";
    print "Proceeding to build XERCES-C without ICU...\n";
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
# Check if the source directory exists or not
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
if (!(-e $XERCESCROOT)) {
    print ("The directory $XERCESCROOT does not exist. Cannot proceed any further.\n");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

# Check if the target directory exists, exit if it does
if (-e $targetdir) {
    print ("Error: The target directory \'$targetdir\' already exists.\n");
    print ("       You must start with a clean directory to package your product.\n");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
# Find out the platform from 'uname -s'
open(PLATFORM, "uname -s|");
$platform = <PLATFORM>;
close (PLATFORM);
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

#set platform variable if on windows 64bit
my $return_code = system( "ls" );
if ($return_code != 0)
{  $platform = "win64bit";

#Fix the backslashes on the Windows platform
if ($platform ne "win64bit")
    $XERCESCROOT =~ s/\\/\//g;
    $ICUROOT =~ s/\\/\//g;
    $targetdir =~ s/\\/\//g;

print "Packaging binaries for \`" . $platform . "\` in " . $targetdir . " ...\n";   # "
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

#Construct the name of the zip file by extracting the last directory name
$zipfiles = $targetdir;
$zipfiles =~ s/.*(\/|\\)([\w-\.]*)$/$2/g;
$zipfiles = $zipfiles . "/*";
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
$buildmode = "Release";         # Universally, why do you want to package Debug builds anyway?
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
#   Architecture: Itanium
#   OS:           Windows XP
#   Compiler:     Intel's cl and/or ecl
#   cygwin:       Not Available
if ($platform eq "win64bit" )
    if ($opt_x ne "" && $opt_x ne "cl" && $opt_x ne "ecl")
        print("Compiler on Itanium/WindowsXP must be \'cl\' or \'ecl\'\n");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

    if ($opt_x eq "")
    	$opt_x = 'cl';

    $platformname = 'Win64';    # Needed this way by nmake

    if (-e "$") {
        print ("Deleting old target file \'$\' \n");

    # Make the target directory and its main subdirectories
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\bin");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\lib");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\etc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\include");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\include\\xercesc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\Projects");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\Projects\\Win32");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\Projects\\Win32\\VC6");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\data");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\SAXCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\SAX2Count");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\SAXPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\SAX2Print");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\DOMCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\DOMPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\Redirect");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\MemParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\PParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\StdInParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\EnumVal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\SEnumVal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\samples\\CreateDOMDocument");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\doc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\doc\\html");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir\\doc\\html\\apiDocs");

    # If 'FileOnly' NetAccessor has been specified, then the project files have to be
    # changed.
    #REVISIT: we are make from makefile, not from *.dsp
    #         need to look at it later
    if ($opt_n =~ m/fileonly/i) {

    #	ICU Build happens here, if one is required.
    #REVISIT: icu
    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0) {    

        print ("Building ICU from $ICUROOT ...\n");

        #Clean up all the dependency files, causes problems for nmake
        pchdir ("$ICUROOT");
        psystem ("del /s /f *.dep *.ncb *.plg *.opt");

        # Make the icu dlls
        pchdir ("$ICUROOT\\source\\allinone\\all");
        if (!(length($opt_j) > 0)) {   # Optionally suppress ICU build, to speed up overlong builds while debugging.
	    #For XP we ship both release and debug dlls
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
            psystem("nmake -f all_win64_release.mak \"CFG=all - $platformname Release\" CPP=$opt_x.exe >buildlog.txt 2>&1");	    	
	    psystem("type buildlog.txt");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
            psystem("nmake -f all_win64_debug.mak \"CFG=all - $platformname Debug\" CPP=$opt_x.exe >buildlog.txt 2>&1");	    	
	    psystem("type buildlog.txt");

        $transcoder = 0;
        if ($opt_t =~ m/icu/i )
            $transcoder = 1;
        $msgloader = 0;                        
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i)  
            $msgloader = 1;
        change_windows_makefile_for_ICU("$XERCESCROOT\\Projects\\Win32\\VC6\\xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.mak", $transcoder, $msgloader);

    # Clean up all the dependency files, causes problems for nmake
    # Also clean up all MSVC-generated project files that just cache the IDE state
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT");
    psystem ("del /s /f *.dep *.ncb *.plg *.opt");

    # Make all files in the Xerces-C system including libraries, samples and tests
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT\\Projects\\Win32\\VC6\\xerces-all\\all");
    psystem( "nmake -f all.mak \"CFG=all - $platformname Release\" CPP=$opt_x.exe >buildlog.txt 2>&1");
    system("type buildlog.txt");

    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT\\Projects\\Win32\\VC6\\xerces-all\\XercesLib");
    psystem("nmake -f XercesLib.mak \"CFG=XercesLib - $platformname Debug\" CPP=$opt_x.exe > buildlog.txt 2>&1 ");
    system("type buildlog.txt");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

    # Decide where you want the build copied from
    pchdir ($targetdir);
    $BUILDDIR = $XERCESCROOT . "\\Build\\Win64\\VC6\\" . $buildmode;
    print "\nBuild is being copied from \'" . $BUILDDIR . "\'";

    # Populate the include output directory
    print ("\n\nCopying headers files ...\n");
    @headerDirectories =

    foreach $dir (@headerDirectories) {
        $inclDir = "include\\xercesc\\$dir";
        if (! (-e $inclDir)) {
            psystem("mkdir $inclDir");
        $srcDir = "$XERCESCROOT\\src\\xercesc\\$dir";

        # Weed out directories that have no files to copy, to avoid a bunch of
        # warnings from the cp command in the build output.
        opendir(dir, $srcDir);
        @allfiles = readdir(dir);
        foreach $fileKind ("hpp", "c") {
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
            $matches = grep(/\.$fileKind$/, @allfiles);
            if ($matches > 0) {
                psystem("copy /y $srcDir\\*.$fileKind  $inclDir\\ ");

    #  Remove internal implementation headers from the DOM include directory.
    psystem("del /s /f $targetdir\\include\\xercesc\\dom\\impl");
    psystem("del  $targetdir\\include\\xercesc\\dom\\deprecated\\*Impl.hpp");
    psystem("del  $targetdir\\include\\xercesc\\dom\\deprecated\\DS*.hpp");

    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
        psystem("xcopy /s /y $ICUROOT\\include\\* $targetdir\\include");

    # Populate the binary output directory
    print ("\n \nCopying binary outputs ...\n");
    psystem("copy /y $BUILDDIR\\*.dll $targetdir\\bin");
    psystem("copy /y $BUILDDIR\\*.exe $targetdir\\bin");

    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0) {

        # Copy the ICU dlls and libs
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\bin\\icuuc22.dll $targetdir\\bin");
        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\bin\\icuuc22d.dll $targetdir\\bin");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # it seems icudt22*.DLL is generated (upper case dll)
        # but just case, try lower case .dll as well
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\bin\\icudt22*.DLL $targetdir\\bin");
        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\bin\\icudt22*.dll $targetdir\\bin");

        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\lib\\icudata.lib $targetdir\\lib");

        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\lib\\icuuc.lib $targetdir\\lib");
        psystem("copy /y $ICUROOT\\lib\\icuucd.lib $targetdir\\lib");

    psystem("copy /y $BUILDDIR\\xerces-c_*.lib $targetdir\\lib");

    if ($buildmode ne "Debug") {
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        $DEBUGBUILDDIR = "$XERCESCROOT\\Build\\Win64\\VC6\\Debug";
        psystem("copy /y $DEBUGBUILDDIR\\xerces-c_*D.lib $targetdir\\lib");
        psystem("copy /y $DEBUGBUILDDIR\\xerces*D.dll $targetdir\\bin");

    # Populate the etc output directory like config.status and the map file
    print ("\n \nCopying misc output to etc ...\n");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\Build\\Win64\\VC6\\Release\\obj\\*.map $targetdir\\etc");

    # Populate the samples directory
    print ("\n \nCopying sample files ...\n");
    psystem("copy $XERCESCROOT\\version.incl $targetdir");
    psystem("xcopy /s /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\Projects\\Win32\\VC6\\* $targetdir\\samples\\Projects\\Win32\\VC6");

    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\SAXCount\\* $targetdir\\samples\\SAXCount");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\SAXCount\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\SAX2Count\\* $targetdir\\samples\\SAX2Count");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\SAX2Count\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\SAXPrint\\* $targetdir\\samples\\SAXPrint");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\SAXPrint\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\SAX2Print\\* $targetdir\\samples\\SAX2Print");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\SAX2Print\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\DOMCount\\* $targetdir\\samples\\DOMCount");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\DOMCount\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\DOMPrint\\* $targetdir\\samples\\DOMPrint");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\DOMPrint\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\Redirect\\* $targetdir\\samples\\Redirect");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\Redirect\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\MemParse\\* $targetdir\\samples\\MemParse");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\MemParse\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\PParse\\* $targetdir\\samples\\PParse");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\PParse\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\StdInParse\\* $targetdir\\samples\\StdInParse");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\StdInParse\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\EnumVal\\* $targetdir\\samples\\EnumVal");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\EnumVal\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\SEnumVal\\* $targetdir\\samples\\SEnumVal");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\SEnumVal\\");
    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\CreateDOMDocument\\* $targetdir\\samples\\CreateDOMDocument");
    psystem("del /f $targetdir\\samples\\CreateDOMDocument\\");

    psystem("copy /y $XERCESCROOT\\samples\\data\\* $targetdir\\samples\\data");

    # Populate the docs directory
    print ("\n \nCopying documentation ...\n");
    psystem("xcopy /s /y $XERCESCROOT\\doc\\* $targetdir\\doc");
    psystem("copy $XERCESCROOT\\Readme.html $targetdir");
    psystem("copy $XERCESCROOT\\credits.txt $targetdir");
    psystem("copy $XERCESCROOT\\LICENSE.txt $targetdir");

    if (length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
        psystem("copy $XERCESCROOT\\license.html $targetdir");
        psystem("copy $XERCESCROOT\\XLicense.html $targetdir");
    psystem("del /f  $targetdir\\doc\\Doxyfile");
    psystem("del /s /f $targetdir\\doc\\dtd");
    psystem("del /f  $targetdir\\doc\\*.xml");
    psystem("del /f  $targetdir\\doc\\*.ent");
    psystem("del /f  $targetdir\\doc\\*.gif");

    # Now package it all up using ZIP
    pchdir ("$targetdir\\..");
    print ("\n \nZIPping up all files ...\n");
    $zipname = $targetdir . ".zip";
    psystem ("zip -r $zipname $zipfiles");
#     End of Itanium Builds.

#   WINDOWS builds happen here ...
if ($platform =~ m/Windows/  || $platform =~ m/CYGWIN/) {
    if ($opt_b eq "64")
        $platformname = 'Win64';
    if (-e "$") {
        print ("Deleting old target file \'$\' \n");
    # Make the target directory and its main subdirectories
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/bin");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/lib");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/etc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Projects");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Projects/Win32");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Projects/Win32/VC6");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/data");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAXCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAX2Count");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAXPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAX2Print");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/DOMCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/DOMPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Redirect");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/MemParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/PParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/StdInParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/EnumVal");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SEnumVal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/CreateDOMDocument");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc/html");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc/html/apiDocs");
    # If 'FileOnly' NetAccessor has been specified, then the project files have to be
    # changed.
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    if ($opt_n =~ m/fileonly/i) {

    #	ICU Build happens here, if one is required.
    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        print ("Building ICU from $ICUROOT ...\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        #Clean up all the dependency files, causes problems for nmake
        pchdir ("$ICUROOT");
        psystem ("del /s /f *.dep *.ncb *.plg *.opt");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        # Make the icu dlls
        pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source/allinone");
        if (!(length($opt_j) > 0)) {   # Optionally suppress ICU build, to speed up overlong builds while debugging.
	    #For nt we ship both debug and release dlls
	    if ($platformname eq "Win64")
                psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $platformname Release\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");
                psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $platformname Release\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");            	
	    psystem("cat buildlog.txt");
	    if ($platformname eq "Win64")
                psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $platformname Debug\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");
                psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $platformname Debug\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");            	
	    psystem("cat buildlog.txt");
        $transcoder = 0;
        if ($opt_t =~ m/icu/i )
            $transcoder = 1;
        $msgloader = 0;                        
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i)  
            $msgloader = 1;
        change_windows_project_for_ICU("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp", $transcoder , $msgloader);
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

    # Clean up all the dependency files, causes problems for nmake
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    # Also clean up all MSVC-generated project files that just cache the IDE state
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT");
    psystem ("del /s /f *.dep *.ncb *.plg *.opt");
    # Make all files in the Xerces-C system including libraries, samples and tests
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all");
    if ($platformname eq "Win64")
        psystem( "msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"all - $platformname $buildmode\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");
        psystem( "msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"all - $platformname $buildmode\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");
    system("cat buildlog.txt");
    # Build the debug xerces dll.  Both debug and release DLLs
    #   are in the standard binary distribution of Xerces.
    if ($buildmode ne "Debug") {
        if ($platformname eq "Win64")
            psystem("msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"XercesLib - $platformname Debug\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");
            psystem("msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"XercesLib - $platformname Debug\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog.txt");        	
        system("cat buildlog.txt");
    # Decide where you want the build copied from
    $BUILDDIR = $XERCESCROOT . "/Build/Win32/VC6/" . $buildmode;
    print "\nBuild is being copied from \'" . $BUILDDIR . "\'";
    # Populate the include output directory
    print ("\n\nCopying headers files ...\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    @headerDirectories =
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Rahul Jain committed
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    foreach $dir (@headerDirectories) {
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $inclDir = "include/xercesc/$dir";
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        if (! (-e $inclDir)) {
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $srcDir = "$XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc/$dir";
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        # Weed out directories that have no files to copy, to avoid a bunch of
        # warnings from the cp command in the build output.
        opendir(dir, $srcDir);
        @allfiles = readdir(dir);
        foreach $fileKind ("hpp", "c") {
            $matches = grep(/\.$fileKind$/, @allfiles);
            if ($matches > 0) {
                psystem("cp -f $srcDir/*.$fileKind  $inclDir/");
    #  Remove internal implementation headers from the DOM include directory.
    psystem ("rm -rf $targetdir/include/xercesc/dom/impl");
    psystem ("rm  $targetdir/include/xercesc/dom/deprecated/*Impl.hpp");
    psystem ("rm  $targetdir/include/xercesc/dom/deprecated/DS*.hpp");
    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
        psystem("cp -Rfv $ICUROOT/include/* $targetdir/include");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    # Populate the binary output directory
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("\n\nCopying binary outputs ...\n");
    psystem("cp -fv $BUILDDIR/*.dll $targetdir/bin");
    psystem("cp -fv $BUILDDIR/*.exe $targetdir/bin");
    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0) {    	
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # Copy the ICU dlls and libs
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icuuc22.dll $targetdir/bin");
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icuuc22d.dll $targetdir/bin");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # it seems icudt22*.DLL is generated (upper case dll)
        # but just case, try lower case .dll as well
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icudt22*.DLL $targetdir/bin");
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icudt22*.dll $targetdir/bin");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/lib/icudata.lib $targetdir/lib");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/lib/icuuc.lib $targetdir/lib");
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/lib/icuucd.lib $targetdir/lib");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    psystem("cp -fv $BUILDDIR/xerces-c_*.lib $targetdir/lib");
    if ($buildmode ne "Debug") {
        $DEBUGBUILDDIR = "$XERCESCROOT/Build/Win32/VC6/Debug";
        psystem("cp -fv $DEBUGBUILDDIR/xerces-c_*D.lib $targetdir/lib");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -fv $DEBUGBUILDDIR/xerces-c*D.dll $targetdir/bin");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    # Populate the etc output directory like config.status and the map file
    print ("\n\nCopying misc output to etc ...\n");
    psystem("cp -fv $XERCESCROOT/Build/Win32/VC6/Release/obj/*.map $targetdir/etc");

    # Populate the samples directory
    print ("\n\nCopying sample files ...\n");
    psystem("cp $XERCESCROOT/version.incl $targetdir");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/Projects/Win32/VC6/* $targetdir/samples/Projects/Win32/VC6");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/SAXCount/* $targetdir/samples/SAXCount");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/SAXCount/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/SAX2Count/* $targetdir/samples/SAX2Count");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/SAX2Count/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/SAXPrint/* $targetdir/samples/SAXPrint");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/SAXPrint/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/SAX2Print/* $targetdir/samples/SAX2Print");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/SAX2Print/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/DOMCount/* $targetdir/samples/DOMCount");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/DOMCount/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/DOMPrint/* $targetdir/samples/DOMPrint");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/DOMPrint/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/Redirect/* $targetdir/samples/Redirect");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/Redirect/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/MemParse/* $targetdir/samples/MemParse");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/MemParse/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/PParse/* $targetdir/samples/PParse");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/PParse/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/StdInParse/* $targetdir/samples/StdInParse");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/StdInParse/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/EnumVal/* $targetdir/samples/EnumVal");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/EnumVal/Makefile");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/SEnumVal/* $targetdir/samples/SEnumVal");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/SEnumVal/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/CreateDOMDocument/* $targetdir/samples/CreateDOMDocument");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/samples/CreateDOMDocument/Makefile");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/data/* $targetdir/samples/data");
    # Populate the docs directory
    print ("\n\nCopying documentation ...\n");
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/doc/* $targetdir/doc");
    psystem("cp $XERCESCROOT/Readme.html $targetdir");
    psystem("cp $XERCESCROOT/credits.txt $targetdir");
    psystem("cp $XERCESCROOT/LICENSE.txt $targetdir");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    if (length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
        psystem("cp $XERCESCROOT/license.html $targetdir");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp $XERCESCROOT/XLicense.html $targetdir");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/doc/Doxyfile");
    psystem("rm -rf $targetdir/doc/style");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/doc/*.xml");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/doc/*.ent");
    psystem("rm -f $targetdir/doc/*.gif");
    # Now package it all up using ZIP
    print ("\n\nZIPping up all files ...\n");
    $zipname = $targetdir . ".zip";
    psystem ("zip -r $zipname $zipfiles");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
#     End of Windows Builds.
#  UNIX builds happen here ...
if ( ($platform =~ m/AIX/i)    || ($platform =~ m/HP-UX/i) ||
Unknown (abagchi)'s avatar
Unknown (abagchi) committed
     ($platform =~ m/SunOS/i) || ($platform =~ m/Linux/i) || ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) ) {
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

    # Echo the current PATH to see what compiler it picks up
    psystem ("echo PATH=$ENV{'PATH'}");

    # Set defaults for platform-independent options.
    if ($opt_m eq "") {$opt_m = "inmem";   # In memory  message loader.
    if ($opt_n eq "") {$opt_n = "socket";  # Socket based net accessor.
    if ($opt_t eq "") {$opt_t = "native";  # Native transcoding service.
    if ($opt_b eq "") {$opt_b = "32";      # bitstobuild.
    # Set defaults for platform-specific options.
        $platform = "aix";
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "xlc_r"; }
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "xlC_r"; }
        $icuCompileFlags = 'CXX="xlC_r" ' .
                           'CC="xlc_r" ' .
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
                           'CFLAGS="-w -O2 -qmaxmem=-1" ' .
                           'CXXFLAGS="-w -O2 -qmaxmem=-1" ';
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

        psystem ("echo LIBPATH=$ENV{'LIBPATH'}");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        # Find out the operating system version from 'uname -r'
        open(OSVERSION, "uname -r|");
        $osversion = <OSVERSION>;
        close (OSVERSION);
        $platform = 'hp-11' if ($osversion =~ m/11\./);
        $platform = 'hp-10' if ($osversion =~ m/10\./);
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "cc"; }
        if ($opt_x eq "") {
            $opt_x = "CC";
            if ($platform eq "hp-11") {
                $opt_x = "aCC";
        if ($opt_m eq "") {
            $opt_m = "inmem";
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
            $icuCompileFlags = 'CC=cc CXX=CC CXXFLAGS="-w +O2 +Ofltacc" CFLAGS="-w +O2 +Ofltacc"';
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
            $icuCompileFlags = 'CC=cc CXX=aCC CXXFLAGS="-w +O2 +Ofltacc" CFLAGS="-w +O2 +Ofltacc"';
        psystem ("echo SHLIB_PATH=$ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}");
        $platform = "linux";
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "gcc";}
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "g++";}
            #REVISIT: for ecc, disable optimization.
            $icuCompileFlags = 'CC=ecc CXX=ecc CXXFLAGS="-w -O0" CFLAGS="-w -O0"';
        } else {
            $icuCompileFlags = 'CC=gcc CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="-w -O" CFLAGS="-w -O"';
        psystem ("echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/SunOS/i) {
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        $icuCompileFlags = 'CC=cc CXX=CC CXXFLAGS="-w -O3" CFLAGS="-w -xO3"';
        $platform = "solaris";
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "cc";}
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "CC";}
        psystem ("echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) {
        # Check if the patches have been applied or not
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        if (!(-d "$XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc/util/Platforms/PTX")) {
            print ("Error: Could not locate PTX-specific XML4C directory.\n");
            print ("    The PTX-specific patches must be applied to both XML4C and ICU before a build can succeed.\n");
Unknown (abagchi)'s avatar
Unknown (abagchi) committed
        # Generally speaking, ICU must be built, before XML4C can be built, for ptx.
        # If this case causes problems, we can revisit it in the future. Right now,
        # we fail only if ICUROOT is defined but mh-ptx is not present.
        if (length($ICUROOT)) {
            if (!(-e "$ICUROOT/source/config/mh-ptx")) {
                print ("Error: Could not locate PTX-specific ICU files.\n");
                print ("    The PTX-specific patches must be applied to both XML4C and ICU before a build can succeed.\n");
Unknown (abagchi)'s avatar
Unknown (abagchi) committed
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
        $icuCompileFlags = 'CC=cc CXX=c++ CXXFLAGS="-w -0" CFLAGS="-w -0"';
        # XMLINSTALL is a ptx-port-specific variable used for manipulating where the files are installed.
        if (!length($ENV{'XMLINSTALL'})) {
            print ("XMLINSTALL has not been explicitly defined. Setting it to \'$targetdir\'.\n");
            $ENV{'XMLINSTALL'} = $targetdir;
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
    # Check if the target directories already exist or not
    if (-e $targetdir.".tar") {
        print ("Error: The target file \'$targetdir.tar\' already exists.\n");
        print ("       You must delete the file \'$targetdir.tar\' to package your product.\n");
    if (-e $srctargetdir.".tar") {
        print ("Error: The target file \'$srctargetdir.tar\' already exists.\n");
        print ("       You must delete the file \'$srctargetdir.tar\' to package your product.\n");
    # Make the target directory and its main subdirectories
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/bin");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/etc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/lib");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    if (length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
        psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/unicode");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/sax");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/sax2");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/framework");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/internal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/parsers");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Compilers");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/InMemory");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/MsgCatalog");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/Win32");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/AIX");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/HPUX");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/Linux");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/MacOS");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/OS2");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/OS390");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/PTX");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/Solaris");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/Tandem");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Platforms/Win32");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/regx");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Transcoders");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Transcoders/ICU");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Iconv");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/util/Transcoders/Win32");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/dom");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/dom/impl");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/dom/deprecated");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/validators");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/validators/common");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/validators/datatype");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/validators/DTD");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/validators/schema");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc/validators/schema/identity");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/data");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAXCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAX2Count");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAXPrint");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAX2Print");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/DOMCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/DOMPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Redirect");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/MemParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/PParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/StdInParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/EnumVal");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SEnumVal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/CreateDOMDocument");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc/html");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc/html/apiDocs");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    # Build ICU if needed
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && !(length($opt_j) > 0))    
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        print("\n\nBuild ICU with \'$opt_b\' bit ...\n");
        if(length($ICUROOT) == 0) {
           print("Error, ICUROOT not set, can not build ICU\n");

        # First make the ICU files executable
        pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source");
        psystem ("chmod +x configure config.*");
        psystem ("chmod +x install-sh");
        $ENV{'ICU_DATA'} = "$ICUROOT/data";
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        if ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) {
            psystem ("chmod +x runConfigureICU");
            psystem ("runConfigureICU PTX");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        } else {
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # set the 32 bit or 64 bit
            if ($opt_b eq "32") {
                psystem ("$icuCompileFlags configure --prefix=$ICUROOT --disable-64bit-libs");
            else {
                psystem ("$icuCompileFlags configure --prefix=$ICUROOT");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        psystem ("gmake clean"); # Clean up the build, may want to comment this line out!
        psystem ("rm -f $ICUROOT/data/*.o"); # gmake clean is not enough
        psystem ("rm -f $ICUROOT/data/*.c"); # same for .c files
        psystem ("gmake");       # This will take a long time!
        psystem ("gmake install"); # Make this separate since this breaks on Solaris
        # Please check if the following needs any change in Version 1.5
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        # For the antiquated CC compiler under HPUX, we need to invoke
        # gmake one extra time to generate the .cnv files.
        # if ( ($platform =~ m/hp-/i) && ($opt_x eq 'CC') ) {
        #   system ("gmake");
        # }
    # For ptx, ICUROOT must now be set to XMLINSTALL for further work.
    if ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) {
    print("\n\nBuild the xerces-c library ...\n");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc");
    psystem ("chmod +x run* con* install-sh");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    if (length($opt_r) > 0) {
        psystem ("runConfigure -p$platform -c$opt_c -x$opt_x -m$opt_m -n$opt_n -t$opt_t -r$opt_r -b$opt_b");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    } else {
        psystem ("runConfigure -p$platform -c$opt_c -x$opt_x -m$opt_m -n$opt_n -t$opt_t -b$opt_b");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    psystem ("gmake clean");     # May want to comment this line out to speed up
    psystem ("gmake");
    # Move ICU libs into lib dir, so samples will link.  This matches the structure of
    #   the eventual binary packaging, even though we are doing it in the build directory.
    if (length($ICUROOT) > 0) {
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

        # copy icudata dll
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # For ICU 2.2:
        # on AIX, it is called
        # on Solaris/Linux, it is called
        # on HP, it is called libicudata.s1.22.0
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -f $ICUROOT/lib/ .");
        psystem("cp -f $ICUROOT/lib/ .");
        psystem("cp -f $ICUROOT/lib/ .");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # copy icuuc dll
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # on AIX, it is called
        # on Solaris/Linux, it is called
        # on HP, it is called
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("rm -f libicuuc*");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -f $ICUROOT/lib/ .");
        psystem("cp -f $ICUROOT/lib/  .");
        psystem("cp -f $ICUROOT/lib/  .");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
        psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
    print("\n\nBuild the samples ...\n");
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT/samples");
    psystem ("chmod +x run* con* install-sh");