David Abram Cargill authored
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xerces/c/trunk@191946 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
credits.txt 2.04 KiB
The following people (in alphabetical order) have contributed to the
development and ports of the XML4C source code, which was submitted to
the Apache Software Foundation.
Nadav Aharoni
Curt Arnold
Edward Avis
Anupam Bagchi
Torbjrn Bckstrm
Abe Backus
Frank Balluffi
Matthew Baker
Devin Barnhart
James Berry
David Bertoni
John Bellardo
Arundhati Bhowmick
Joanne Bogart
Michael Boos
Edward Bortner
Sean Bright
Phil Brown
Robert Buck
Scott Cantor
David Cargill
Chris Cates
Sumit Chawla
Nick Chiang
Chih Hsiang Chou
Radovan Chytracek
Hiram Clawson
John Clayton
Todd Collins
Nathan Codding
Michael Crawford
Murray Cumming
Zeid Derhally
James Devries
Ailian Ding
Steve Dulin
David Earlam
Helmut Eiken
Mark Everline
Andrew Fang
Simon Fell
Paul Ferguson
Greg Franks
Pierpaolo Fumagalli
Syam Gadde
Guido Gagliardi
Gary Gale
Michael Glavassevich
Natalie Gorden
Max Gotlib
Petr Gotthard
Neil Graham
Matthew Hall
Jay Hansen
Susan Hardenbrook
Jeff Harrell
Andrew Hefford
Adam Heinz
Andy Heninger
John Hibbert
William L. Hopper
Michael Huedepohl
Anders Hybertz
Rahul Jain
Tom Jordahl
Christopher Just
Martin Kalen
Joe Kesselman
Artur Klauser
Bob Kline
Richard Ko
Paul Kramer
Volker Krause
Berin Lautenbach
Arnaud LeHors
Andy Levine
Jeff Lewis
James Littlejohn
Ray Logel
Pedro Lopes
Matt Lovett
Sean MacRoibeaird
Alberto Massari
Don Mastrovito
David McCreedy
Shin'ya MORINO
Urs Muff
Jordan Naftolin
Tinny Ng
David Nickerson
Khaled Noaman
Michael Ottati
Anthony O'Dowd
Mike Pawlowski
Kevin Philips
Mike Pogue
Joe Polastre
John Ponzo
Vitaly Prapirny
Shengkai Qu
Gareth Reakes
Jim Reitz
Caroline Rioux
Dean Roddey
John Roper
Dan Rosen
Steven Rosenthal
Erik Rydgren
Markus Scherer
Bill Schindler
Erik Schroeder
Christian Schuhegger
John Smirl
Andrei Smirnov
John Snelson
Gereon Steffens
Jason Stewart
Rick J. Stevens
Roman Sulzhyk
Linda M. Swan
Vasily Tchekalkin
Pieter Van-Dyck
Curtis Walker
John Warrier
Tom Watson
Mark Weaver
Roger Webster
Robert Weir
Axel Weiss
Carolyn Weiss
Kari Whitcomb
Christian Will
Dietrich Wolf
Kirk Wylie
Peter A. Volchek
Grace Yan
Hiramatsu Yoshifumi
PeiYong Zhang
Henry Zongaro