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  • Maxim Gonchar's avatar
    Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from ac12566f7..d42b4ddc · 750ef198
    Maxim Gonchar authored
    d42b4ddc chore: rename GNIndex.values to GNIndex._indices
    a4893e0f chore: rename GNIndexInstance.instances to GNIndexInstance.indices
    d7459163 chore: GNIndex(Instance), protect kwargs of copywith
    0d1424ea fix: load_parameters index estimation
    aa62aa24c data: clean labels
    734e5a3b model: add baselines
    226ee425 feat: load_parameters, enable common formatted labels
    8c53d515d data: finalize baselines
    01573f80 model: add index for isotope
    015912a23 data: baselines, versions, readme
    12a63e32 test: add output
    fe148ffd Merge commit '8b1d453f'
    8b1d453f Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 95d62916b..ac12566f7
    e562885a feat: add index
    9eece309 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 7213f2085..95d62916b
    d7239cfa Merge commit '9eece309'
    1818053b Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 1f1c32a9f..7213f2085
    99268651 Merge commit '1818053b'
    e5a1b024 chore: add gindex symlink
    49bf0aae Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 2d7b0a8ad..1f1c32a9f
    eefbb3aa Merge commit '49bf0aae'
    84a041ec Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 5ad52de74..2d7b0a8ad
    57f0dcb0 Merge commit '84a041ec'
    5de63fee Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from daaef5c0..5ad52de7
    53e4d165 Merge commit '5de63fee'
    b3f85160 test: do not create output files
    fc038f73 Merge commit '6f45eddc'
    6f45eddc Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 2bd9deec..daaef5c0
    a2ed3742 feat: reorganize GaussianParameters (inherits Parameters) to GaussianConstraint (member of Parameters)
    8b8aa2aff data: labels
    a9d5514c chore: cleaning
    55dd4470 feat: dayabay_v0, test nuisance
    a59698d0 feat: add marks for Sum and SumSq
    d667e727 chore: cleaning
    22dc8426 feat: add Node._inherit_labels
    aec88088 chore: clean load_parameters from total nuisance
    f7a9ebab9 data: fix energy resolution uncertainty (to percent)
    11dba025 feat: add Graph to dayabay_v0
    083de9dc chore: variable cleaning
    033f3050 feat: Node, add labels iterator
    9a59e93e feat: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2, inherit labels
    669a52fd chore: dayabay_v0
    f1b012cb feat: load_parameters, add nuisance groups
    7aa38feb feat: Node, add `to_dict` for variable-like outputs
    7706adc5 chore: variable, remove `normvalue` from `to_dict`
    6da14e5e chore: remove obsolet links
    7201cf27 feat: parameters - add a set of normalized parameters
    b4214219 chore: update parameters location
    d0a989e2 feat: load_parameters, add individual parameters
    482d068d feat: parameters, add single Parameter and GaussianParameter
    d452b411 feat: Output.seti to set particular field of the output
    352fcb13 feat: variables, export to dictionary
    412b3246 feat: parameters printer (WIP)
    b8f445aa chore: dictwrapper→multikeydict
    a5a4baf5 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 481cafd1..2bd9deec
    b31cf791 Merge commit 'a5a4baf5'
    376149bf test: fix tests
    21ccc542 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 24081d59..481cafd1
    5c4f8ba6 Merge commit '21ccc542'
    addeab8f Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 491844d3..24081d59
    97d3a398 Merge commit 'addeab8f'
    91cc64ec Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from ee99f9f4..491844d3
    7147e8ad Merge commit '91cc64ec'
    a0d6ee58 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from ba6d5690..ee99f9f4
    1086df0f Merge commit 'a0d6ee58'
    51b85750 model: nprotons
    5676f99d6 data: nprotons
    da14a0e1 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from e1e993a7..ba6d5690
    d1e36850 Merge commit 'da14a0e1'
    050305a9 model: storage
    cccff281d data: eres, thermal power
    cf3ba427 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 964f59a0..e1e993a7
    b52629c7 Merge commit 'cf3ba427'
    ee5ed551 chore: naming
    f94b9338d data: names
    5180dd6f Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 60baeb4f..964f59a0
    f563d32b Merge commit '5180dd6f'
    08aeef8b model: energy per fission
    5c5a8f8b4 data: cleaning
    c880b474b data: mean energy per fission
    14b7bae9 mode: Daya Bay v1 (recent changes)
    489eb22a9 data: latex labels
    6ef8eae0 Merge branch 'main' of
    bf89cba0 Merge commit '698b9e93'
    f3533b38 feat: dayabay, paramter paths
    698b9e93 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 625ac07e..60baeb4f
    e134cffb feat: dayabay, paramter paths
    30fec8ac Merge commit '1d3d9e38'
    1d3d9e38 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 0b115a36..625ac07e
    6bd149a1 Merge commit 'ee7b5a8c'
    ee7b5a8c Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from c4b1b128..0b115a36
    30c9f99b Merge commit 'ab5c2031'
    ab5c2031 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from e8a89804..c4b1b128
    4f842baa chore: pprint
    c6199779 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 63525278..e8a89804
    bcd60921 Merge commit 'c6199779'
    93b9709c Merge branch 'main' of
    e758008b Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' changes from 5bd12830..63525278
    23c81abc Merge commit 'e758008b'
    978bcae8 fix artifacts path in the CI; adding empty conftest to fix simple run of test
    2bcece354 data: update parameters
    1b27ec23 test: conftest
    ec250717 Squashed 'subtrees/dagflow/' content from commit 5bd12830
    18c8088b Merge commit 'ec250717' as 'subtrees/dagflow'
    REVERT: ac12566f7 Merge commit 'fb39e612192594a6c6518c09a72dc781f12ab2a2' into feature/pars-gindex
    REVERT: fb39e6121 Squashed 'subtrees/gindex/' changes from 68bd0d9..45b8f39
    REVERT: 95d62916b Merge commit 'a42a2714457b64172293df1d0c674fa1b99ae0b3' into feature/pars-gindex
    REVERT: a42a27144 Squashed 'subtrees/gindex/' changes from f2cf624..68bd0d9
    REVERT: 7213f2085 Merge commit '61172e91daf352b7f7b0198efc841fc1aa94da35' into feature/pars-gindex
    REVERT: 61172e91d Squashed 'subtrees/gindex/' changes from bfee821..f2cf624
    REVERT: 1f1c32a9f chore: add gindex symlink
    REVERT: 236f54260 Squashed 'subtrees/gindex/' content from commit bfee821
    REVERT: 2d7b0a8ad Merge commit '236f54260d46f50f48b261b13579b300c42b15d7' as 'subtrees/gindex'
    REVERT: 5ad52de74 fix: fix numpy 1.23.1 as there is a conflict between numba and numpy 1.24
    REVERT: daaef5c0e chore: fix unit tests, rename variables to parameters
    REVERT: a432eff8b feat: reorganize GaussianParameters (inherits Parameters) to GaussianConstraint (member of Parameters)
    REVERT: ab2248a56 feat: add marks for Sum and SumSq
    REVERT: 8ccd52d95 chore: cleaning
    REVERT: 968754df1 feat: add Node._inherit_labels
    REVERT: 6a620a2da chore: clean load_parameters from total nuisance
    REVERT: b59644df9 chore: variable cleaning
    REVERT: fb28e9d56 feat: Node, add labels iterator
    REVERT: 4fe69f282 feat: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2, inherit labels
    REVERT: 2f438b6d2 feat: load_parameters, add nuisance groups
    REVERT: 05fd14b9b feat: Node, add `to_dict` for variable-like outputs
    REVERT: d89e86fd1 chore: variable, remove `normvalue` from `to_dict`
    REVERT: 9fd013e51 feat: parameters - add a set of normalized parameters
    REVERT: 623554677 feat: load_parameters, add individual parameters
    REVERT: 7df95ec64 feat: parameters, add single Parameter and GaussianParameter
    REVERT: 5366b87b3 feat: Output.seti to set particular field of the output
    REVERT: c0fa1348e feat: variables, export to dictionary
    REVERT: c7d647ef9 Merge commit 'a5a4baf5'
    REVERT: 2bd9deec8 chore: update dictwrapper (MultikeyDict)
    REVERT: 41834c1b3 Merge commit '157b766fa218e08ae48afdfa9bb9e5446e97cdf6' into feature/parameters-organization
    REVERT: 157b766fa Squashed 'subtrees/dictwrapper/' changes from fbb3811..31a2c74
    REVERT: a931649c1 Merge commit '21ccc542'
    REVERT: 481cafd1a feat: LoadFileWithExt logging
    REVERT: 30dcceb5a Merge commit 'addeab8f'
    REVERT: 24081d596 feat: LoadFileWithExt logging
    REVERT: c4ec8d88e Merge commit '91cc64ec'
    REVERT: 491844d3e feat: LoadFileWithExt logging
    REVERT: c5551dcb7 Merge commit 'a0d6ee58'
    REVERT: ee99f9f4a feat: LoadFileWithExt logging
    REVERT: 49d95257a chore: clean logger
    REVERT: a4c8a24bb Merge commit 'da14a0e1'
    REVERT: ba6d5690b chore: load_parameter, improve validation
    REVERT: 0870742d2 Merge commit 'cf3ba427'
    REVERT: 84dbde76d Squashed 'subtrees/dictwrapper/' changes from a3ea5a2..fbb3811
    REVERT: e1e993a76 Merge commit '84dbde76ddc81fa5145a01bd07fb81b9904f076a' into feature/parameters-organization
    REVERT: d15ea2b0c Merge commit '5180dd6f'
    REVERT: 964f59a07 chore: variable → parameter
    REVERT: 8d32759fc feat: load_variables, support lists
    REVERT: 1bdb5f93f Merge commit '698b9e93'
    REVERT: 60baeb4f1 feat: load_variables, accept also contextlib.Path
    REVERT: 8020c549e Merge commit '1d3d9e38'
    REVERT: 625ac07e5 feat: LoadFileWithExt, optionally update the dictionary
    REVERT: 8db818385 feat: load_variables, configure sub path
    REVERT: c957a88f0 Merge commit 'ee7b5a8c'
    REVERT: 0b115a369 feat: LoadFileWithExt, optionally update the dictionary
    REVERT: 8b7c82865 Merge commit 'ab5c2031'
    REVERT: c4b1b1285 feat: LoadFileWithExt, optionally update the dictionary
    REVERT: b829d99ba Merge commit 'c6199779'
    REVERT: 290035839 chore: Parameters, properly treat kwargs
    REVERT: e8a898040 feat: load_variables, configure sub path
    REVERT: a2af35113 feat: bundle load_variable `state` option
    REVERT: a39073df6 feat: Parameter/GaussianParameter, `__slots__`, `free`/`constrained`/`fixed`/`variable`/`correlated` properties
    REVERT: d7974b2af feat: load_variables, enable loading the files
    REVERT: 7646352f9 feat: more schema modules
    REVERT: e874df2c1 feat: graphviz add mid-nodes to handle single output to multiple inputs connection
    REVERT: 80f2c3d0c update
    REVERT: 432ce4de2 Merge commit 'e758008b'
    REVERT: 63525278a feat: bundle load_variable `state` option
    REVERT: b6dc9a47f feat: Parameter/GaussianParameter, `__slots__`, `free`/`constrained`/`fixed`/`variable`/`correlated` properties
    REVERT: 289b18f28 feat: load_variables, enable loading the files
    REVERT: 4b237e30a feat: more schema modules
    REVERT: 249aa720a feat: graphviz add mid-nodes to handle single output to multiple inputs connection
    REVERT: d356a1177 Merge commit 'ec250717' as 'subtrees/dagflow'
    REVERT: 06e5de799 omit subtrees from coverage report
    REVERT: 5bd12830e feat: load_variables, enable loading the files
    REVERT: 7ace3d4ff feat: more schema modules
    REVERT: 5932df691 feat: graphviz add mid-nodes to handle single output to multiple inputs connection
    REVERT: f3d467271 Merge branch 'fix/issue-32' into 'master'
    REVERT: 33e593695 remove Node.logger creation
    REVERT: fa882cee9 [issue: #32] fix extra logger creation
    REVERT: ab319f3da Merge branch 'feature/parameters-organization' into 'master'
    REVERT: d59e5e0f7 Squashed 'subtrees/dictwrapper/' changes from 0a60e21..a3ea5a2
    REVERT: ceab5329c Merge commit 'd59e5e0f715744779a1f870ed4fe5cabe57b45b4' into feature/parameters-organization
    REVERT: d62b87065 chore: fix issues from !22
    REVERT: f79da2c70 chore: fix errors (unit tests)
    REVERT: 5178d6bc2 feat: load_variables bundle
    REVERT: 77bcffceb chore: → dagflow.iter
    REVERT: 9888c5b94 feat: tools.schema.NestedSchema to work with nested configurations
    REVERT: b7fc24568 Merge branch 'master' into feature/parameters-organization
    REVERT: df4285d43 fix: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2, setup agreement on how to update when sigma/central are modified
    REVERT: ca8596ba8 chore: graphviz do not add empty status bar
    REVERT: 5e123aa23 draft: variables, initialize nodes
    REVERT: 340f730f1 feat: graphviz, print ninputs
    REVERT: 5967d6003 chore: remove `undefined`
    REVERT: 9a88d0fa8 feat: Node._label: str → dict
    REVERT: ac2e758e3 draft: variables, finalize labels validation
    REVERT: 86aef7a4d Merge branch 'feature/data-descriptor' into 'master'
    REVERT: 5efa314ef keep only Tuple[EdgesLike]
    REVERT: d2bcba7a3 redesign DataDescriptor
    REVERT: ffa2161c9 draft: variables cfg reading
    REVERT: 90ac89928 draft: complete schema for variables
    REVERT: a0869b0ee [issue: #31] Adding DataDiscriptor field into Input and Output and update other sources and tests
    REVERT: 0a2c2d837 [issue: #31] design DataDescriptor and Axis classes, adding new types
    REVERT: d01d7f301 draft: start drafting the loader for variables
    REVERT: 956a8b5a5 requirements: add schema
    REVERT: 176be49d9 Merge branch 'feature/new-nodes' into 'master'
    REVERT: b2beb86d7 test: check_inputs_square_or_diag (SumMatOrDiag)
    REVERT: 555b74535 fix: check_inputs_square_or_diag
    REVERT: bc99c12da Merge branch 'feature/new-nodes' into 'master'
    REVERT: ea251af49 chore: cleaning for !19
    REVERT: bb5afe83f subtree: link
    REVERT: b74169ffc Squashed 'subtrees/dictwrapper/' changes from 16e0834..0a60e21
    REVERT: 0d43f410e Merge commit 'b74169ffc0a88d1723fa7b7ace28a193b39eddab' into feature/parameters-organization
    REVERT: ee612f7ef Merge branch 'feature/new-nodes' into feature/parameters-organization
    REVERT: c4c45bc01 feat: SumMatOrDiag node
    REVERT: b06c59042 chore: switch to cacheing njit
    REVERT: e2b54777a feat: graphviz, better data handling during exceptions
    REVERT: c56a3271a feat: check_inputs_square_or_diag
    REVERT: bd3a1dd76 chore: cleaning
    REVERT: 697fd9d66 chore: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2, avoid outdated values
    REVERT: 97087e9f0 feat: ElSumSq - elementwise sum of squares
    REVERT: aee3d5d8a feat: check_inputs_same_dtype
    REVERT: 4fde39fb5 feat: SumSq node
    REVERT: 8b2071023 test: Sum
    REVERT: 871016fac chore: cleaning
    REVERT: 0948884ce chore: Sum/Product, check equivalence
    REVERT: b15055fbe feat: input.get_data_unsafe
    REVERT: 2684661bf feat: typfunctions, handle for AllPositionals
    REVERT: 996146bf0 Merge branch 'feature/parameters-norm' into 'master'
    REVERT: b1f5cb85c chore: revert non-mutable arguments
    REVERT: 5ee7ceb1f chore: cleaning
    REVERT: 083c20026 Add dictwrapper as a subtree
    REVERT: f6a491e52 Squashed 'subtrees/dictwrapper/' content from commit 16e0834
    REVERT: 675e04a81 Merge commit 'f6a491e5262e3f957fb1a2b01dcbada5d98843c3' as 'subtrees/dictwrapper'
    REVERT: f448816b8 fix: test for variable
    REVERT: ef67b7d8b feat: variable, add 'cor' mode (sigma, correlation as inputs)
    REVERT: 29bb594ab fix: Node, fix positional/keyword
    REVERT: 9a0562700 feat: finalize GaussianParameter
    REVERT: a2c477196 feat: node CovmatrixFromCormatrix
    REVERT: 7257e2b68 test: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2, check immediate computation
    REVERT: 2bccd70ed feat: graphviz data justification
    REVERT: ea570878e deprecate: SharedInputsNode
    REVERT: 6ab0ad347 test: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2
    REVERT: 37382a16d fix: minor
    REVERT: 4eaa8de37 fix: unit test
    REVERT: 2573160ef Merge branch 'master' into feature/parameters-norm
    REVERT: 6bdb6d66d chore: check_has_input→check_has_inputs
    REVERT: 1e2160fb2 chore: check_has_input→check_has_inputs
    REVERT: ce05077f7 chore: fix SharedInputNode
    REVERT: f2a29aae2 Merge branch 'master' into feature/parameters-norm
    REVERT: 6044ee5c3 feat: NormalizeCorrelatedVars2 to provide correlated:left_right_arrow:normalized conversion (two way)
    REVERT: 6fbc10f6a chore: clean taint propagation
    REVERT: 95e245593 feat: graphviz, status information
    REVERT: 7de1277ec Merge branch 'feature/integrator-backup' into 'master'
    REVERT: 005725f68 fix of mode arg
    REVERT: 4f8c2ce9c adding 3x3 test
    REVERT: 51fb39ed8 split `orders` onto `ordersX` and `ordersY`, introduce `mode` of integration, improving checks, some redesign of Integrator
    REVERT: 38d9b62c1 chore: graphviz view
    REVERT: fc1299d12 test: more tests on graph closure
    REVERT: 57af167ba test: variables
    REVERT: 5c97fca1a feat: variable, finalize 2way correlated:left_right_arrow:uncorrelated variables calculation (draft)
    REVERT: 19de98de4 feat: graphviz add show_data_summary flag
    REVERT: 030e45c70 feat: Node.close() add `together` argument to process co-dependent nodes
    REVERT: 8afa00f7c update requirements.txt
    REVERT: a3c3a94ae adding integrator tests and comments; improving integrator; renaming and redesigning check_has_inputs -> check_has_input to keep common code style
    REVERT: d641270ae Merge branch 'master' into feature/parameters-norm
    REVERT: 20e712955 fix: make node iterate all the inputs on recursive operations, improve logging
    REVERT: 1c91957f7 fix missing_input_handler calling with zero outputs, adding check_has_input type-function, remove binning reduction, fix tests
    REVERT: 5e3352882 feat: graphviz, add option to show data
    REVERT: 966032138 test: Array's graph
    REVERT: dc77fccc3 fix: Output reallocation, protect from None
    REVERT: 3ecf89b20 fixing integrator algorithms: right output dimensions, works with integration into one bin; fixing and imporoving type function; fix and improve test
    REVERT: 7f911c1ff simplify buffer allocation
    REVERT: a26417a75 upgrade checks in Integrator, update type function
    REVERT: fcbae0e01 adding type hints and docstrings
    REVERT: b6a12769c implement 2d integration within Numba
    REVERT: 8c68d00b9 adding 2d integration, update test
    REVERT: de46a4dcf some fixes in Integrator and start work on 2d version
    REVERT: 6f58a61fb [issue: #29] implement the `Integrator` node using `numpy.trapz` and add the test; change data getter in `Output`: remove `touch` from unsafe getter and move it to the ordinary getter; change output data getter in `Input`: if the `Node` is being evaluated, trigger deep evaluation, else get the data directly; adding new type function; small fixes
    REVERT: 55034e134 Merge branch 'master' into feature/parameters-norm
    REVERT: cdf7597ef Merge branch 'feature/shared-input-taint' into 'master'
    REVERT: 5da3b1190 chore: imports
    REVERT: e3c1104c7 chore: fix unit tests
    REVERT: 5d58386d4 test: GaussianParameters
    REVERT: 785b02829 feat: show exceptions in graphviz plots
    REVERT: e1b09ce4e feat: mark for Cholesky
    REVERT: 5f58b9c01 feat: custom marks for Array
    REVERT: 1a98ade40 feature: add Parameters/GaussianParameters classes (draft)
    REVERT: 76e2cf6ef chore: clean tests
    REVERT: 5d6393420 chore: marks
    REVERT: aff1b29ef feature: node/graphviz add short mark for the node type
    REVERT: c0664e57f feat: close Array, if it owns the buffer
    REVERT: 4a98d680d chore: compatibility with Python <3.10 (strict zip)
    REVERT: 69adecee6 chore: style
    REVERT: 6260cd918 test: NormalizeCorrelatedVars
    REVERT: c3eea094c feat: complete NormalizeCorrelatedVars, forward and backward
    REVERT: 1ae2638ec feat: typefunctions, add `check_inputs_multiplicable_mat`
    REVERT: f214d9cd3 test: test Cholesky with different dtypes
    REVERT: 181fa22a3 feat: Cholesky, support 1d inputs (diagonal)
    REVERT: 160253bb9 feat: graphviz, information on outputs and inputs
    REVERT: e36ba5ec4 feat: typefunction to check squareness (or diagonals)
    REVERT: 3ef78fb7f chore: remove obsolete `EdgeContainer.__dir__`
    REVERT: d5e53cc9b test: Cholesky
    REVERT: 539cc9587 feat: `check_input_square` type function
    REVERT: 5ebff3323 fix: MissingInput formatting
    REVERT: 3406915c6 feat: add Cholesky decomposition
    REVERT: 90caae05d draft: Cholesky/NormalizeCorrelatedVars nodes
    REVERT: e4d732493 feat: clever inputs/outputs enumeration (hide '_00')
    REVERT: 19d07dfef Merge branch 'master' into feature/shared-input-taint
    REVERT: a6b1525b9 Merge branch 'feature/scalable-typefunctions' into 'master'
    REVERT: d13afb17c chore: use f-strings in `Edges`
    REVERT: 3465b6703 Merge branch 'feature/scalable-typefunctions' into feature/shared-input-taint
    REVERT: 420dbf2f6 chore: update the usage of typefunctions
    REVERT: 11e956e95 feat: make typefunctions scalable
    REVERT: f4c787725 feat: add `Edge.iter` and `Edge.iter_data`
    REVERT: db81ba2cc feat: add `Edges.iter_data()`
    REVERT: 018e98c2a chore: Merge `SettableOutput`→`Output`, `VariableArray`→`Array`
    REVERT: 3a423dda5 feat: SharedInput, taint parents
    REVERT: 291d5631e chore: rename `Node.post_allocate()` to `Node._post_allocate()`
    REVERT: 9720977b0 chore: clean VariableOutput
    REVERT: cdbf2e432 feat: Array, add 'store_weak' - reallocatable storage in Array
    REVERT: 4d20332c0 feat: SharedInputNode, keep the list of callers
    REVERT: 153ceeb64 feat: add caller argument four `Node.touch()`, add `Node._on_touch()` hook
    REVERT: 27218f9b8 test: SharedInputNode
    REVERT: 3454f708e test: SharedInputNode
    REVERT: fda7e0f9b Merge branch 'feature/type-functions-update' into 'master'
    REVERT: 4c3612691 fix input dimension and type checks
    REVERT: 5efab1d0b adding new type-function with dtype and shape checking for all the inputs
    REVERT: 559997523 adding checks of input dimension and dtype
    REVERT: f0b5d05a4 rename one check and fix annotations
    REVERT: a2dfda6ee update
    REVERT: 209d578da [issue: #28] move type functions into a separate file and update the lib
    REVERT: ef76a8d8e update TODO
    REVERT: 41e056b72 Merge branch 'updates' into 'master'
    REVERT: 912e27817 fix: MR !12
    REVERT: cd334caf4 fix: MR !12
    REVERT: f7bce2b52 chore: Output, keep data continuity during reallocation
    REVERT: ea82aa5fa chore: cleaning
    REVERT: 72392fc64 chore: test all View combinations
    REVERT: 50b6cad70 chore: clean Views
    REVERT: 5d5aa444a chore: graphviz, survive disconnected graphs
    REVERT: 5e33fc183 chore: rename `owns_data` to `owns_buffer`
    REVERT: e9c7d4d77 chore: update View to catch reallocations
    REVERT: a037ff5e6 feat: Output._forbid_reallocation: bool to handle allocating inputs
    REVERT: 8196ab946 feat: View, catch connections to allocating inputs
    REVERT: b8508f5f9 test: extend unit tests for View/SharedInputsNode
    REVERT: 570ed6bbb feature: Node.get_data() to return 0th data if no arguments are passed
    REVERT: c42492e0b chore: graphviz, dpi, enumeration
    REVERT: 4b032f90d chore: Graph, rerize exceptions (context)
    REVERT: 9be9d4dfc chore: Edges, len/index methods
    REVERT: 17124e4aa chore: add coverage.json to .gitignore
    REVERT: 5e665a57b fix: fix unit tests on older Python
    REVERT: 0ef5bf10c chore: clean View
    REVERT: b611f9968 feature: add View transformation
    REVERT: fbad37590 chore: cleaning
    REVERT: ac0ec8edc Merge branch 'updates' into parameters
    REVERT: e7e49a7c5 chore: clean SharedInputNode
    REVERT: a42fe76aa feature: ViewConcat node, foces inputs to be allocated in the same continuous buffer
    REVERT: add0216b2 feature: graphviz, show numbers of positional inputs/outputs (if >1)
    REVERT: 7b1e8f98e chore: clean up allocation for Inputs/Outputs
    REVERT: 522503663 chore: unit test for Array
    REVERT: 80df55aaf feature: Array now supports modes, 'fill' and 'store'
    REVERT: dfaa7270d fix CI
    REVERT: 603a4a69a exclude all standard packages from coverage and leave only the project path
    REVERT: cb7cb655f chore: unit test for ViewConcat
    REVERT: 74820c6fe fix coverage report name
    REVERT: a26c7aec9 adding coverage to CI
    REVERT: 422ed5503 Merge branch 'updates' into parameters
    REVERT: dd375f356 Merge branch 'master' into updates
    REVERT: b546adebb chore: remove coverage report for command line
    REVERT: 663549f19 chore: remove coverage report for command line
    REVERT: 6701b8834 chore: unit test for Array
    REVERT: 01509574c feature: Array now supports modes, 'fill' and 'store'
    REVERT: 140586f79 Merge branch 'master' into parameters
    REVERT: 38101ccbc chore: clean Input allocation
    REVERT: 8aaae2e65 Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' into 'master'
    REVERT: 4d9221b5f avoid default mutable arg and update codestyle
    REVERT: cd3ee46ba avoid default mutable arg and update codestyle
    REVERT: 2e045f456 Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' into parameters
    REVERT: 0d9298b66 chore: minor
    REVERT: 83dcb0ecd chore: update ViewConcat
    REVERT: 58d325c11 Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' into parameters
    REVERT: 50db794c0 feature: Node.pre_allocate() hook
    REVERT: 77dae1a6d chore: update Arra/VariableArray
    REVERT: 8229cfefd chore: organize Output's data allocation
    REVERT: 4eb9bab6d chore: update unit tests to match recent state
    REVERT: 88d8305e3 chore: clean Node
    REVERT: d2df4b62c feature: MissingInputHandler - output_kws
    REVERT: e24daa954 chore: organzie EdgesContainer
    REVERT: 01ae36ea2 fix opening: now open not parents but child nodes; fix the test
    REVERT: 7f93ec300 Adding check on inputs length into the WeightedSum, some info in TODO
    REVERT: 6a3e32e79 rename evaluating -> being_evaluated
    REVERT: 3575a3a08 Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' into parameters
    REVERT: cedcbdaaf fix funciton in WeightedSum
    REVERT: 95c331901 rename evaluated to evaluating
    REVERT: e074a6492 Redesign WeightedSum; fix adding inputs and outputs to node; update TODO
    REVERT: eb20a4c47 remove print and avoid direct data usage
    REVERT: b83644d82 Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' into parameters
    REVERT: 14f54b280 Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' of into chore/function-switch
    REVERT: 8ec645973 fix: Node.get_data
    REVERT: 9b578a52d chore: cleaning
    REVERT: c176740be fix: EdgesContainer, iterate positionals
    REVERT: 165c90c84 feat: add `ViewConcat` draft
    REVERT: 3c79fb7ac chore: cleaning
    REVERT: fbce31f98 chore: remove `ArrayOnInput`
    REVERT: 0093d8cd9 remove recursive key from input.allocate, remove debug info from lib, remove some comment
    REVERT: 7f57eb283 update codestyle, fix get_data_unsafe, rename recursivly -> recursive
    REVERT: 172f64bd2 another try to fix coverage report
    REVERT: 72579a13d adding coverage format to fix CI
    REVERT: e0bbbf03d try to find coverage report
    REVERT: 2fcf1d994 Merge branch 'feature/coverage' into 'master'
    REVERT: da4f92694 fix CI
    REVERT: 1487640ba adding badges
    REVERT: 7aa7b98db chore: `View.post_allocate`
    REVERT: f38089c9c Merge branch 'chore/function-switch' into parameters
    REVERT: 15595a24c fix: update types and allocate data on recursive close
    REVERT: bc38adcd0 chore: missing import (`output`)
    REVERT: a6bf3a979 Merge branch 'master' into chore/function-switch
    REVERT: 7f91ec860 fix: `EdgeContainer.__len__` to return the number of positional elements
    REVERT: a27d3c313 adding coverage reports and update requirements
    REVERT: dee866a72 remove checks in input, adding unsafe data getter into output, adding skeleton of post_allocate, etc
    REVERT: 45aa55a99 adding function switching, update WeightedSum, adding the test
    REVERT: d2b5f5c87 rempove extra import
    REVERT: 5425e224a adding recursive closing option and remove duplicate methods, adding closing and opening exceptions classes and insert into closing procedure, adding test on closing of two graphs and test on non-recursive closing, clean some extra imports, update codestyle
    REVERT: eedae3427 Merge branch 'parameters' into feature/View
    REVERT: 5da39c8ab Merge branch 'master' into parameters
    REVERT: 15c92b4a3 Merge branch 'parameters' into feature/View
    REVERT: e60b4c4d7 Merge branch 'master' into parameters
    REVERT: 6f1d1243c test: `VariableArray` unit test
    REVERT: 02ab280bf feat: `SettableOutput` an output instance with an ability to set data
    REVERT: 31cf13e4c feat: `EdgeContainer._replace` method to replace one edge with another
    REVERT: 9e8de2d36 chore: cleaning
    REVERT: 3e3294146 chore: finalize EdgesContainer._replace
    REVERT: 162a2c0c0 Merge branch 'master' into parameters
    REVERT: 0806f2be5 Merge branch 'master' into parameters
    REVERT: 9a3eee2fd Merge branch 'update-to-data-preservation' into 'master'
    REVERT: 476098d02 a lot of refactoring, cancel previous shift operators changes, improving...
    REVERT: 703f25820 chore: use List[] instead of list[] for type hinting so dagflow works on the older python
    REVERT: c9abadaf2 test: update test View
    REVERT: 7fa857e06 chore: input remove Input.child_output closure
    REVERT: ce4fca4a5 chore: View, use np.view
    REVERT: 4e3c52c33 Merge branch 'update-to-data-preservation' into feature/View
    REVERT: e81e0cbef chore: bulk rename setted → set
    REVERT: d0a2d7452 chore: remove ReferenceType
    REVERT: 51b5b00b2 chore: remove ReferenceType
    REVERT: 23b66ec01 chore: clean Input/Output constructors, remove kwargs
    REVERT: a7c8e0054 chore: separate TypeVars into distinct file
    REVERT: 31f37eb98 feature: add Output.parent_input
    REVERT: d8c4d557e chore: bulk rename Output.inputs to Output._child_inputs
    REVERT: 5236c5e39 chore: bulk rename Input.output -> Input.parent_output
    REVERT: 8d9fd7879 chore: bulk rename parent to child
    REVERT: e24f4cea3 draft: add ArrayOnInput class
    REVERT: a9b458ab5 chore: type hinting (output/input)
    REVERT: c681d1d75 chore: clean unit test for View
    REVERT: 66d5eccec test: add unit test for Array
    REVERT: 31b9a6ff3 Merge branch 'feature/View' into parameters
    REVERT: af88cc8a4 feature: add View transformation
    REVERT: 6045cdd9c draft: Parameter/GaussianParameter objects
    REVERT: 1fc075ef4 Merge branch 'update-to-data-preservation' into parameters
    REVERT: 4af004bfa chore: unpack into lib/ module
    REVERT: 0cd9ee99d chore:>lib/
    REVERT: f20019f7e chore: unpack into lib/ module
    REVERT: 6beb1395e chore: rename test/graph to test/core
    REVERT: 920d9c06b test: test SettableOutput, parent invalidation
    REVERT: 2bb3fbe35 chore: Output type hinting
    REVERT: 742129809 chore: clean Node.invalidate_*
    REVERT: bedb96100 feature: Input.parent_node
    REVERT: 67e0cf8c7 Merge branch 'update-to-data-preservation' into parameters
    REVERT: 44046d9c1 fix: enable ipython tab-completion for Outputs/Inputs
    REVERT: 574329eb4 test: VariableArray
    REVERT: f21debc31 feature: SettableOutput, invalidate parents
    REVERT: c7f9455ee chore: clean Node.invalidate methods
    REVERT: ee93a7551 Merge branch 'update-to-data-preservation' into parameters
    REVERT: 69f6f16e8 fix: missing import Optional
    REVERT: e423d14c3 feature: Output.take_over(other) to replace an output instance
    REVERT: 88f5414e3 test: unit test for SettableOutput
    REVERT: 860acf4e9 test: add test for `VariableArray`
    REVERT: 319e9d145 chore: clean `Array` and `VariableArray`
    REVERT: 61c1a97eb feature: create `SettableOutput`
    REVERT: a24b92512 chore: separate TypeVars into distinct file
    REVERT: 1652724b2 tests: rename `` as it is not seen by pytest by default. Comment test7/test8.
    REVERT: 61afb91db chore: hint members (Legs)
    REVERT: a86554a3e chore: replace Union with optional
    REVERT: e07b67c1a Merge branch 'update-to-data-preservation' of into update-to-data-preservation
    REVERT: c83bc929c fix artifacts
    REVERT: 7cd5a7a1b restrict CI for all branches except master, development and MR
    REVERT: e23c2f52e feature: add Parameter and GaussianParameter objects
    REVERT: 81f342189 feature: add VariableArray transformation
    REVERT: 0944f94c5 feature: optimize Array
    REVERT: 1866ffbb3 chore: move FunctionNode and StaticNode into separate file
    REVERT: 9bf7e220c chore: avoid cyclic import due to type checking - add TypeVars to
    REVERT: c762910aa chore: remove obsolete if `__name__=='__main__'` from unit tests
    REVERT: 470761171 chore: add requirements.txt
    REVERT: b44dab6d6 chore: remove obsolete `__future__.print_function`
    REVERT: 389b0ce5f chore: remove ``
    REVERT: c5e1ce94f adding images from master
    REVERT: a2a9f8480 adding output path to CI-script
    REVERT: d76796843 fix error with import
    REVERT: fe848e491 adding CI script
    REVERT: 796d19ba2 Merge branch 'feature/graph-closure' into 'update-to-data-preservation'
    REVERT: f89492a3a Merge branch 'feature/graph-closure-other-algorithm' into 'feature/graph-closure'
    REVERT: 690d238f2 fixing all errors, bugs, tests, logging, memory allocation and other updates
    REVERT: baef26a6b fixing closure procedure; fixing test; adding some logging; other fixes
    REVERT: c04af02a5 redesign new closure algorithm
    REVERT: 5750e0486 some updates small updates
    REVERT: 40978ece1 rename iinput to parent_output
    REVERT: bba84a5b7 update type and shape functions; update TODO; adding Concatenation node
    REVERT: a75a6d9ce update logging, adding evaluated result to logging output, codesrtle updates
    REVERT: 3292f0477 fixing the type and shape functions; adding binding from dict; update TODO; remove some unused code, adding comments and logging output
    REVERT: 860defc20 fixing type and shape functions, fixing libs and tests, update TODO
    REVERT: 450197848 moving of prints to the logging is finished, fix logging duplicates, some other fixes
    REVERT: 876dd99dd adding logger (work in progress), adding change of the test path to the `test`, some other updates
    REVERT: d36acdbae fixing preallocation, update types and shapes, fixing examples and hooks
    REVERT: 8e3cdb68d Adding memory allocation, type and shape, other changes
    REVERT: 05d074a11 new update
    REVERT: eb21461fa remove comments
    REVERT: a5c61684d Fixing closure procedure, some other updates
    REVERT: 4a4bd4aec Implementing the closure functional, fixing classes, methods and tests
    REVERT: 08e163882 Adding exceptions; implimenting signature checking at an input connection (non-critical) and a function evaluation (critical), writing test on these hooks; update WeightedSum
    REVERT: 056cde65a implmenting WeightedSum, redesigning undefined classes, update TODO, new examples.
    REVERT: 4b0b61945 Adding NOTE to the NodeClass decorator, create working simple transformations, update example, delete pdf and png, update TODO, some codestyle updates
    REVERT: 4312e63ec a lot of refactoring, cancel previous shift operators changes, improving codestyle, renaming corresponding_output -> iinput, adding, etc
    REVERT: 87699487b refactoring the imports, some codestyle fixes and updates
    REVERT: 9af16514d Update
    REVERT: 8c71b19bc Add example animation
    REVERT: 982e76840 Add valid/invalid status
    REVERT: f46a6bb45 minor
    REVERT: 1059f2819 Pass taint(force) flag
    REVERT: 811fad864 Make touching inputs before evaluation of a static node optional
    REVERT: 7a666a96e Catch exceptions
    REVERT: 297fe9104 minor
    REVERT: e1be5251d Add NodeGroup and move part of the functionality of Graph there Setup NodeGroup iterator (inputs) and >>/<< operators
    REVERT: 6ad9c9b01 minor
    REVERT: cdb648f2f minor
    REVERT: 121efef89 Add RepeatedOutput
    REVERT: e70265934 Fix MemberNode wrapper
    REVERT: 0cf952ee3 minor
    REVERT: 489b575b3 minor
    REVERT: 2a87435fa Split MemberNode in separate file and add master class
    REVERT: 01fc12020 Add FunctionNode
    REVERT: b991237d5 Fix MemberNode
    REVERT: 7e87618ee minor
    REVERT: 38bdfdc9a Add MemberNode and StaticNode node definitions
    REVERT: 208a810ba minor
    REVERT: 1d5134037 minor
    REVERT: b9fa93f71 Clean staticmethod/classmethod distinction
    REVERT: e9e1ba95d testing
    REVERT: f3a744dfb Add test/example with classes
    REVERT: 4ba0c396e Update
    REVERT: fc99803bf Update
    REVERT: 7dc002b24 minor
    REVERT: 32cd851e0 Merge branch 'master' of
    REVERT: ef70cc8da Example
    REVERT: 29860e79f Add
    REVERT: 5600fee96 Add some doc lines
    REVERT: 446767c98 Use properties
    REVERT: 24512eb59 Python2 compatibility
    REVERT: f6b5d74fa minor
    REVERT: 9b6842604 Fix deep iterators
    REVERT: 22c894aab Refactor deep iteration, still does not work
    REVERT: 103be5127 Make >>/<< operators work on unconnected inputs only
    REVERT: 9b335b90f Add missing inputs handlers
    REVERT: 054b3eff8 Add handlers for missing inputs
    REVERT: e68b035e9 Update NodeFunction to accept lists of names for inputs/outputs
    REVERT: b9d445ae8 Finalize first version of the function wrapper. Add layered printing
    REVERT: 288445d9f Clean default function definition
    REVERT: 2fb6cda45 Make correct module based import
    REVERT: fb9355611 Done refactoring
    REVERT: 8614b182f Refactor and split
    REVERT: 8e19b0a98 minor
    REVERT: 2e3de437a minor
    REVERT: 0bd573a91 Finalize binding
    REVERT: d5315b908 Update demostration: add labels
    REVERT: a9d966ade minor
    REVERT: e31a109df draft
    REVERT: f3986dbeb minor
    REVERT: 8f8863fa8 update
    REVERT: 4e6123432 minor
    REVERT: b3c6997ec update
    REVERT: 5bde738d9 update
    REVERT: 6ca516b71 update
    REVERT: 3f9a20cc6 update
    REVERT: fa90842a6 Add Node/Input/Output/Graph
    REVERT: fcd76b72b Initial
    git-subtree-dir: subtrees/dagflow
    git-subtree-split: d42b4ddc