Maxim Gonchar authored
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README.md 2.50 KiB
DAGFlow is python implementation of dataflow programming with lazy graph evaluation.
Main goals:
- Lazy evaluated directed acyclic graph
- Concise connection syntax
- Plotting with graphviz
- Flexibility. The goal of DAGFlow is not to be efficient, but rather flexible.
Here is an animation, showing the process of the graph evaluation
Minimal example
An example of small, graph calculating the formula (n1 + n2 + n3) * n4 may be found in the example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from dagflow.node_deco import NodeClass
from dagflow.graph import Graph
from dagflow.graphviz import savegraph
from dagflow.input_extra import MissingInputAddOne
import numpy as N
# Node functions
def Array(node, inputs, output):
"""Creates a note with single data output with predefined array"""
outputs[0].data = N.arange(5, dtype='d')
def Adder(node, inputs, output):
"""Adds all the inputs together"""
out = None
for input in inputs:
if out is None:
out=outputs[0].data = input.data.copy()
def Multiplier(node, inputs, output):
"""Multiplies all the inputs together"""
out = None
for input in inputs:
if out is None:
out = outputs[0].data = input.data.copy()
# The actual code
with Graph() as graph:
(in1, in2, in3, in4) = [Array(name) for name in ['n1', 'n2', 'n3', 'n4']]
s = Adder('add')
m = Multiplier('mul')
(in1, in2, in3) >> s
(in4, s) >> m
print('Result is:', m.outputs["result"].data)
savegraph(graph, 'output/dagflow_example.png')
The code produces the following graph:
For n=[1, 2, 3, 4]
the output is:
Result is: [ 0. 3. 12. 27. 48.]