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Commit 81ed6d34 authored by FU Chengdong's avatar FU Chengdong
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add TrackSubset

parent 38918c45
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#include "TrackSubsetAlg.h"
#include "GearSvc/IGearSvc.h"
#include "TrackSystemSvc/ITrackSystemSvc.h"
#include "DataHelper/Navigation.h"
#include <UTIL/ILDConf.h>
#include <gear/BField.h>
#include "KiTrack/SubsetSimple.h"
#include "KiTrack/SubsetHopfieldNN.h"
#include "Tools/Fitter.h"
#include "Tools/KiTrackMarlinTools.h"
#include "TrackSystemSvc/MarlinTrkUtils.h"
using namespace KiTrack;
TrackSubsetAlg::TrackSubsetAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
: GaudiAlgorithm(name, svcLoc){
// modify processor description
//_description = "TrackSubsetAlg takes tracks from multiple sources and outputs them (or modified versions, or a subset of them) as one track collection." ;
//std::vector< std::string > trackInputColNamesDefault;
//trackInputColNamesDefault.push_back( "ForwardTracks" );
//trackInputColNamesDefault.push_back( "SiTracks" );
declareProperty("TrackSubsetCollection", _outColHdl, "Handle of the SiTrack output collection");
StatusCode TrackSubsetAlg::initialize() {
debug() << " init called " << endmsg;
_nRun = 0 ;
_nEvt = 0 ;
for(unsigned i=0; i<_trackInputColNames.size(); i++){
_inTrackColHdls.push_back(new DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> (_trackInputColNames[i], Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this));
for(unsigned i=0; i<_trackerHitInputColNames.size(); i++){
_inTrackerHitColHdls.push_back(new DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> (_trackerHitInputColNames[i], Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this));
/* Initialise the MarlinTrkSystem, needed by the tracks for fitting */
auto _gear = service<IGearSvc>("GearSvc");
if ( !_gear ) {
error() << "Failed to find GearSvc ..." << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
gear::GearMgr* gearMgr = _gear->getGearMgr();
_bField = gearMgr->getBField().at( gear::Vector3D( 0.,0.,0.) ).z() ;
// set upt the geometry
auto _trackSystemSvc = service<ITrackSystemSvc>("TrackSystemSvc");
if ( !_trackSystemSvc ) {
error() << "Failed to find TrackSystemSvc ..." << endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
_trkSystem = _trackSystemSvc->getTrackSystem();
if( _trkSystem == 0 ){
error() << "Cannot initialize MarlinTrkSystem of Type: KalTest" <<endmsg;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// set the options
_trkSystem->setOption( MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem::CFG::useQMS, _MSOn ) ; //multiple scattering
_trkSystem->setOption( MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem::CFG::usedEdx, _ElossOn) ; //energy loss
_trkSystem->setOption( MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem::CFG::useSmoothing, _SmoothOn) ; //smoothing
// initialise the tracking system
//_trkSystem->init() ;
return GaudiAlgorithm::initialize();
StatusCode TrackSubsetAlg::finalize(){
for(unsigned i=0; i<_inTrackColHdls.size(); i++){
delete _inTrackColHdls[i];
for(unsigned i=0; i<_inTrackerHitColHdls.size(); i++){
delete _inTrackerHitColHdls[i];
return GaudiAlgorithm::finalize();
StatusCode TrackSubsetAlg::execute(){
std::vector<edm4hep::Track> tracks;
/* Read in the collections */
debug() << "Try to load " << _trackInputColNames.size() << " input track collections" << endmsg;
unsigned nTrackLoaded = 0;
for( unsigned i=0; i < _inTrackColHdls.size(); i++ ){
const edm4hep::TrackCollection* trackCol = nullptr;
try {
trackCol = _inTrackColHdls[i]->get();
catch ( GaudiException &e ) {
debug() << "Collection " << _inTrackColHdls[i]->fullKey() << " is unavailable in event " << _nEvt << endmsg;
int nTracks = trackCol->size();
debug() << "Load track input collection " << _trackInputColNames[i] << " with " << nTracks << " tracks" << endmsg;
for(auto track : *trackCol){
tracks.push_back( track );
else error() << "track input collection " << _trackInputColNames[i] << " could not be found, but not throw exception!!!" << endmsg;
debug() << "Loaded all in all " << nTrackLoaded << " tracks, which will now get further processed" << endmsg;
if(tracks.size()==0) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
for(unsigned i=0; i < _inTrackerHitColHdls.size(); i++){
try {
auto trackCol = _inTrackerHitColHdls[i]->get();
catch ( GaudiException &e ) {
debug() << "Collection " << _inTrackerHitColHdls[i]->fullKey() << " is unavailable in event " << _nEvt << endmsg;
/* Make sure that all tracks are compatible: find the best subset */
debug() << "Find the best subset of tracks using the Hopfield Neural Network" << endmsg;
TrackQI trackQI( _trkSystem );
debug() << "The tracks and their qualities (and their hits ): " << endmsg;
std::vector<edm4hep::Track*> tracks_p;
for( unsigned i=0; i < tracks.size(); i++ ){
edm4hep::Track* track = &tracks[i];
double qi = trackQI( track );
debug() << "Track " << track->id() << " address " << track << "\t" << qi << "( ";
std::vector<edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit> hits;
std::copy(track->trackerHits_begin(), track->trackerHits_end(), std::back_inserter(hits));
std::sort( hits.begin(), hits.end(), KiTrackMarlin::compare_TrackerHit_z );
for( unsigned j=0; j<hits.size(); j++ ){
debug() << hits[j].id() << " ";
double x = hits[j].getPosition()[0];
double y = hits[j].getPosition()[1];
double z = hits[j].getPosition()[2];
debug() << "[" << x << "," << y << "," << z << "]";
debug() << ")" << endmsg;
TrackCompatibility comp;
SubsetHopfieldNN<edm4hep::Track*> subset;
//SubsetSimple<edm4hep::Track* > subset;
subset.add( tracks_p );
subset.setOmega( _omega );
subset.calculateBestSet( comp, trackQI );
std::vector<edm4hep::Track*> accepted = subset.getAccepted();
std::vector<edm4hep::Track*> rejected = subset.getRejected();
debug() << "\tThe accepted tracks:" << endmsg;
for( unsigned i=0; i < accepted.size(); i++ ){
debug() << accepted[i]->id() << " address " << accepted[i] << endmsg;
debug() << "\tThe rejected tracks:" << endmsg;
for( unsigned i=0; i < rejected.size(); i++ ){
debug() << rejected[i]->id() << " address " << rejected[i] << endmsg;
/* Save the tracks to a collection (make new TrackImpls from them) */
debug() << "Fitting and saving of the tracks" << endmsg;
auto trkCol = _outColHdl.createAndPut();
for( unsigned i=0; i < accepted.size(); i++ ){
edm4hep::Track trackImpl;
edm4hep::Track* track = accepted[i];
std::vector<edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit> trackerHitsObj;
std::vector<edm4hep::TrackerHit*> trackerHits;
std::copy(track->trackerHits_begin(), track->trackerHits_end(), std::back_inserter(trackerHitsObj));
for(unsigned i=0; i<trackerHitsObj.size(); i++){
//debug() << trackerHitsObj[i].id() << endmsg;
// setup initial dummy covariance matrix
std::array<float,15> covMatrix;
for (unsigned icov = 0; icov<covMatrix.size(); ++icov) {
covMatrix[icov] = 0;
covMatrix[0] = ( _initialTrackError_d0 ); //sigma_d0^2
covMatrix[2] = ( _initialTrackError_phi0 ); //sigma_phi0^2
covMatrix[5] = ( _initialTrackError_omega ); //sigma_omega^2
covMatrix[9] = ( _initialTrackError_z0 ); //sigma_z0^2
covMatrix[14] = ( _initialTrackError_tanL ); //sigma_tanl^2
std::vector< std::pair<float, edm4hep::TrackerHit*> > r2_values;
for (std::vector<edm4hep::TrackerHit*>::iterator it=trackerHits.begin(); it!=trackerHits.end(); ++it) {
edm4hep::TrackerHit* h = *it;
float r2 = h->getPosition()[0]*h->getPosition()[0]+h->getPosition()[1]*h->getPosition()[1];
r2_values.push_back(std::make_pair(r2, *it));
for (std::vector< std::pair<float, edm4hep::TrackerHit*> >::iterator it=r2_values.begin(); it!=r2_values.end(); ++it) {
bool fit_backwards = MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack::backward;
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack* marlinTrk = _trkSystem->createTrack();
int error = 0;
try {
error = MarlinTrk::createFinalisedLCIOTrack(marlinTrk, trackerHits, &trackImpl, fit_backwards, covMatrix, _bField, _maxChi2PerHit);
} catch (...) {
// delete Track;
// delete marlinTrk;
throw ;
// Add hit numbers
std::vector<std::pair<edm4hep::TrackerHit* , double> > hits_in_fit ;
std::vector<std::pair<edm4hep::TrackerHit* , double> > outliers ;
std::vector<edm4hep::TrackerHit*> all_hits;
for ( unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < hits_in_fit.size(); ++ihit) {
UTIL::BitField64 cellID_encoder( lcio::ILDCellID0::encoder_string ) ;
MarlinTrk::addHitNumbersToTrack(&trackImpl, all_hits, true, cellID_encoder);
for ( unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < outliers.size(); ++ihit) {
MarlinTrk::addHitNumbersToTrack(&trackImpl, all_hits, false, cellID_encoder);
delete marlinTrk;
if( error != MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrack::success ) {
//delete trackImpl;
debug() << "TrackSubsetAlg:: Track fit failed with error code " << error << " track dropped. Number of hits = "<< trackerHits.size() << endmsg;
continue ;
if( trackImpl.getNdf() < 0) {
//delete trackImpl;
debug() << "TrackSubsetAlg:: Track fit returns " << trackImpl.getNdf() << " degress of freedom track dropped. Number of hits = "<< trackerHits.size() << endmsg;
continue ;
// try{
// Fitter fitter( trackImpl , _trkSystem );
// TrackStateImpl* trkStateIP = new TrackStateImpl( fitter.getTrackState( lcio::TrackState::AtIP ) ) ;
// trackImpl->setChi2( fitter.getChi2( lcio::TrackState::AtIP ) );
// trackImpl->setNdf( fitter.getNdf( lcio::TrackState::AtIP ) );
// trkStateIP->setLocation( TrackState::AtIP );
// trackImpl->addTrackState( trkStateIP );
// trackVec->addElement(trackImpl);
// }
// catch( FitterException e ){
// delete trackImpl;
// streamlog_out( ERROR ) << "TrackImpl nr " << i << " rejected, because fit failed: " << e.what() << "\n";
// continue;
// }
debug() << "Saving " << trkCol->size() << " tracks" << endmsg;
_nEvt ++ ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
#ifndef TrackSubsetAlg_h
#define TrackSubsetAlg_h 1
#include "FWCore/DataHandle.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackCollection.h"
//#include "edm4hep/Track.h"
#include "TrackSystemSvc/IMarlinTrkSystem.h"
#include "Math/ProbFunc.h"
/** Processor that takes tracks from multiple sources and outputs them (or modified versions, or a subset of them)
* as one track collection.
* <h4>Input - Prerequisites</h4>
* Track collections
* <h4>Output</h4>
* A single track collection
* @param TrackInputCollections A vector of the input track collections <br>
* (default value ForwardTracks SiTracks )
* @param TrackOutputCollection Name of the output track collection <br>
* (default value SubsetTracks )
* @param MultipleScatteringOn Whether to take multiple scattering into account when fitting the tracks<br>
* (default value true )
* @param EnergyLossOn Whether to take energyloss into account when fitting the tracks<br>
* (default value true )
* @param SmoothOn Whether to smooth all measurement sites in fit<br>
* (default value false )
* @param Omega The parameter omega for the HNN. Controls the influence of the quality indicator. Between 0 and 1:
* 1 means high influence of quality indicator, 0 means no influence.
* @author Robin Glattauer, HEPHY
class TrackSubsetAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm {
TrackSubsetAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
virtual StatusCode initialize() ;
virtual StatusCode execute() ;
virtual StatusCode finalize() ;
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* _trkSystem;
/* Input collection */
std::vector<DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection>* > _inTrackColHdls;
std::vector<DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection>* > _inTrackerHitColHdls;
/* Output collection */
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> _outColHdl{"SubsetTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this};
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string> > _trackInputColNames{this, "TrackInputCollections", {"ForwardTracks", "SiTracks"}};
Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string> > _trackerHitInputColNames{this, "RawTrackerHitCollections",
{"VXDTrackerHits", "SITTrackerHits", "FTDPixelTrackerHits", "FTDStripTrackerHits"}};
Gaudi::Property<bool> _MSOn{this, "MultipleScatteringOn", true};
Gaudi::Property<bool> _ElossOn{this, "EnergyLossOn", true};
Gaudi::Property<bool> _SmoothOn{this, "SmoothOn", false};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_d0{this, "InitialTrackErrorD0",1e6};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_phi0{this, "InitialTrackErrorPhi0",1e2};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_omega{this, "InitialTrackErrorOmega",1e-4};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_z0{this, "InitialTrackErrorZ0",1e6};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_tanL{this, "InitialTrackErrorTanL",1e2};
Gaudi::Property<double> _maxChi2PerHit{this, "MaxChi2PerHit", 1e2};
Gaudi::Property<double> _omega{this, "Omega", 0.75};
float _bField;
int _nRun ;
int _nEvt ;
/** A functor to return whether two tracks are compatible: The criterion is if the share a TrackerHit or more */
class TrackCompatibility{
inline bool operator()( edm4hep::Track* trackA, edm4hep::Track* trackB ){
unsigned nHitsA = trackA->trackerHits_size();
unsigned nHitsB = trackB->trackerHits_size();
for( unsigned i=0; i < nHitsA; i++){
for( unsigned j=0; j < nHitsB; j++){
if ( trackA->getTrackerHits(i) == trackB->getTrackerHits(j) ) return false; // a hit is shared -> incompatible
return true;
/** A functor to return the quality of a track, which is currently the chi2 probability. */
class TrackQI{
/** @param trkSystem a pointer to an IMarlinTrkSystem, needed for fitting of tracks */
TrackQI( MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* trkSystem ): _trkSystem(trkSystem){}
inline double operator()( edm4hep::Track* track ){
return ROOT::Math::chisquared_cdf_c( track->getChi2() , track->getNdf() );
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* _trkSystem;
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