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Commit a11cc217 authored by FU Chengdong's avatar FU Chengdong
Browse files

remove rootdict

parent 89b75b2e
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
// Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated
#define R__DICTIONARY_FILENAME dIcefsdIhiggsdIfucddIKey4hepdICEPCSWdIUtilitiesdIKalDetdIrootdictdIgen
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "RConfig.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TDictAttributeMap.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"
#include "TMemberInspector.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
#include "TError.h"
#ifndef G__ROOT
#define G__ROOT
#include "RtypesImp.h"
#include "TIsAProxy.h"
#include "TFileMergeInfo.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "TCollectionProxyInfo.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
// The generated code does not explicitly qualifies STL entities
namespace std {} using namespace std;
// Header files passed as explicit arguments
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/gen/EXEventGen.h"
// Header files passed via #pragma extra_include
namespace ROOT {
static TClass *EXEventGen_Dictionary();
static void EXEventGen_TClassManip(TClass*);
static void delete_EXEventGen(void *p);
static void deleteArray_EXEventGen(void *p);
static void destruct_EXEventGen(void *p);
// Function generating the singleton type initializer
static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::EXEventGen*)
::EXEventGen *ptr = 0;
static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::EXEventGen));
static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
instance("EXEventGen", "", 13,
typeid(::EXEventGen), ::ROOT::Internal::DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
&EXEventGen_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
sizeof(::EXEventGen) );
return &instance;
TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::EXEventGen*)
return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::EXEventGen*)0);
// Static variable to force the class initialization
static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_DICT_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXEventGen*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_DICT_(Init));
// Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes
static TClass *EXEventGen_Dictionary() {
TClass* theClass =::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXEventGen*)0x0)->GetClass();
return theClass;
static void EXEventGen_TClassManip(TClass* ){
} // end of namespace ROOT
namespace ROOT {
// Wrapper around operator delete
static void delete_EXEventGen(void *p) {
delete ((::EXEventGen*)p);
static void deleteArray_EXEventGen(void *p) {
delete [] ((::EXEventGen*)p);
static void destruct_EXEventGen(void *p) {
typedef ::EXEventGen current_t;
} // end of namespace ROOT for class ::EXEventGen
namespace {
void TriggerDictionaryInitialization_gen_Impl() {
static const char* headers[] = {
static const char* includePaths[] = {
static const char* fwdDeclCode = R"DICTFWDDCLS(
#line 1 "gen dictionary forward declarations' payload"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wkeyword-compat"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wignored-attributes"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage"
extern int __Cling_Autoloading_Map;
class EXEventGen;
static const char* payloadCode = R"DICTPAYLOAD(
#line 1 "gen dictionary payload"
// Inline headers
#ifndef __EXEVENTGEN__
#define __EXEVENTGEN__
#include "kaltest/TKalDetCradle.h"
#include "kaltest/THelicalTrack.h"
#include "TMath.h"
class EXEventGen {
EXEventGen(TKalDetCradle const &cradle, TObjArray &kalhits)
: fCradlePtr(&cradle), fHitBufPtr(&kalhits) {}
virtual ~EXEventGen() {}
THelicalTrack GenerateHelix(Double_t pt,
Double_t cosmin,
Double_t cosmax,
Double_t phimin=0.,
Double_t phimax=2*TMath::Pi(),
TVector3 xv0=TVector3(0.,0.,0.));
void Swim(THelicalTrack &heltrk);
static void SetT0(Double_t t0) { fgT0 = t0; }
static Double_t GetT0() { return fgT0; }
TKalDetCradle const *fCradlePtr; // pointer to detector system
TObjArray *fHitBufPtr; // pointer to hit array
static Double_t fgT0; // t0
static const char* classesHeaders[] = {
"EXEventGen", payloadCode, "@",
static bool isInitialized = false;
if (!isInitialized) {
headers, includePaths, payloadCode, fwdDeclCode,
TriggerDictionaryInitialization_gen_Impl, {}, classesHeaders, /*hasCxxModule*/false);
isInitialized = true;
static struct DictInit {
DictInit() {
} __TheDictionaryInitializer;
void TriggerDictionaryInitialization_gen() {
File deleted
// Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated
#define R__DICTIONARY_FILENAME dIcefsdIhiggsdIfucddIKey4hepdICEPCSWdIUtilitiesdIKalDetdIrootdictdIkern
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "RConfig.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TDictAttributeMap.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"
#include "TMemberInspector.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
#include "TError.h"
#ifndef G__ROOT
#define G__ROOT
#include "RtypesImp.h"
#include "TIsAProxy.h"
#include "TFileMergeInfo.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "TCollectionProxyInfo.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
// The generated code does not explicitly qualifies STL entities
namespace std {} using namespace std;
// Header files passed as explicit arguments
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/kern/EXVKalDetector.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/kern/EXVMeasLayer.h"
// Header files passed via #pragma extra_include
namespace ROOT {
static void delete_EXVKalDetector(void *p);
static void deleteArray_EXVKalDetector(void *p);
static void destruct_EXVKalDetector(void *p);
static Long64_t merge_EXVKalDetector(void *obj, TCollection *coll,TFileMergeInfo *info);
// Function generating the singleton type initializer
static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::EXVKalDetector*)
::EXVKalDetector *ptr = 0;
static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::EXVKalDetector >(0);
static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
instance("EXVKalDetector", ::EXVKalDetector::Class_Version(), "", 43,
typeid(::EXVKalDetector), ::ROOT::Internal::DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
&::EXVKalDetector::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
sizeof(::EXVKalDetector) );
return &instance;
TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::EXVKalDetector*)
return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::EXVKalDetector*)0);
// Static variable to force the class initialization
static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_DICT_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVKalDetector*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_DICT_(Init));
} // end of namespace ROOT
namespace ROOT {
static void delete_EXVMeasLayer(void *p);
static void deleteArray_EXVMeasLayer(void *p);
static void destruct_EXVMeasLayer(void *p);
// Function generating the singleton type initializer
static TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstanceLocal(const ::EXVMeasLayer*)
::EXVMeasLayer *ptr = 0;
static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TInstrumentedIsAProxy< ::EXVMeasLayer >(0);
static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo
instance("EXVMeasLayer", ::EXVMeasLayer::Class_Version(), "", 106,
typeid(::EXVMeasLayer), ::ROOT::Internal::DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr),
&::EXVMeasLayer::Dictionary, isa_proxy, 4,
sizeof(::EXVMeasLayer) );
return &instance;
TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::EXVMeasLayer*)
return GenerateInitInstanceLocal((::EXVMeasLayer*)0);
// Static variable to force the class initialization
static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_DICT_(Init) = GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVMeasLayer*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_DICT_(Init));
} // end of namespace ROOT
atomic_TClass_ptr EXVKalDetector::fgIsA(0); // static to hold class pointer
const char *EXVKalDetector::Class_Name()
return "EXVKalDetector";
const char *EXVKalDetector::ImplFileName()
return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVKalDetector*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
int EXVKalDetector::ImplFileLine()
return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVKalDetector*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
TClass *EXVKalDetector::Dictionary()
fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVKalDetector*)0x0)->GetClass();
return fgIsA;
TClass *EXVKalDetector::Class()
if (!fgIsA.load()) { R__LOCKGUARD(gInterpreterMutex); fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVKalDetector*)0x0)->GetClass(); }
return fgIsA;
atomic_TClass_ptr EXVMeasLayer::fgIsA(0); // static to hold class pointer
const char *EXVMeasLayer::Class_Name()
return "EXVMeasLayer";
const char *EXVMeasLayer::ImplFileName()
return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVMeasLayer*)0x0)->GetImplFileName();
int EXVMeasLayer::ImplFileLine()
return ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVMeasLayer*)0x0)->GetImplFileLine();
TClass *EXVMeasLayer::Dictionary()
fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVMeasLayer*)0x0)->GetClass();
return fgIsA;
TClass *EXVMeasLayer::Class()
if (!fgIsA.load()) { R__LOCKGUARD(gInterpreterMutex); fgIsA = ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstanceLocal((const ::EXVMeasLayer*)0x0)->GetClass(); }
return fgIsA;
void EXVKalDetector::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
// Stream an object of class EXVKalDetector.
if (R__b.IsReading()) {
} else {
namespace ROOT {
// Wrapper around operator delete
static void delete_EXVKalDetector(void *p) {
delete ((::EXVKalDetector*)p);
static void deleteArray_EXVKalDetector(void *p) {
delete [] ((::EXVKalDetector*)p);
static void destruct_EXVKalDetector(void *p) {
typedef ::EXVKalDetector current_t;
// Wrapper around the merge function.
static Long64_t merge_EXVKalDetector(void *obj,TCollection *coll,TFileMergeInfo *) {
return ((::EXVKalDetector*)obj)->Merge(coll);
} // end of namespace ROOT for class ::EXVKalDetector
void EXVMeasLayer::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
// Stream an object of class EXVMeasLayer.
if (R__b.IsReading()) {
} else {
namespace ROOT {
// Wrapper around operator delete
static void delete_EXVMeasLayer(void *p) {
delete ((::EXVMeasLayer*)p);
static void deleteArray_EXVMeasLayer(void *p) {
delete [] ((::EXVMeasLayer*)p);
static void destruct_EXVMeasLayer(void *p) {
typedef ::EXVMeasLayer current_t;
} // end of namespace ROOT for class ::EXVMeasLayer
namespace {
void TriggerDictionaryInitialization_kern_Impl() {
static const char* headers[] = {
static const char* includePaths[] = {
static const char* fwdDeclCode = R"DICTFWDDCLS(
#line 1 "kern dictionary forward declarations' payload"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wkeyword-compat"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wignored-attributes"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage"
extern int __Cling_Autoloading_Map;
class __attribute__((annotate(R"ATTRDUMP(Abstract measurement layer class)ATTRDUMP"))) EXVKalDetector;
class __attribute__((annotate(R"ATTRDUMP(Abstract measurement layer class)ATTRDUMP"))) EXVMeasLayer;
static const char* payloadCode = R"DICTPAYLOAD(
#line 1 "kern dictionary payload"
// Inline headers
//* ======================
//* EXVKalDetector Class
//* ======================
//* (Description)
//* Abstract detector class for Kalman filter
//* (Requires)
//* TVKalDetector
//* (Provides)
//* class EXVKalDetector
//* (Update Recored)
//* 2009/11/23 K.Ikematsu Derived from KalTest/examples/kaltest/
//* hybrid/kern/EXVKalDetector.h
//* $Id: EXVKalDetector.h,v 2009-11-24 00:13:59 ikematsu Exp $
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <kaltest/TVKalDetector.h>
#include <kaltest/TAttDrawable.h>
class TNode;
* Base class to make a detector drawable, add a magnetic field,
* a power switch (whatever the use may be).
* Killenb: I removed the TAttDrawable for the moment. The TNode pointer
* stuff and the implementation of Draw belong to the TAttDrawable anyway. So if
* the drawability is needed move it to TAttDrawable and just inherit from it.
* \deprecated EXVKalDetector
//class EXVKalDetector : public TVKalDetector, public TAttDrawable {
class EXVKalDetector : public TVKalDetector {
EXVKalDetector(Double_t bField, Int_t m = 100);
virtual ~EXVKalDetector();
/// Return whether the power is on. Currently hard coded to true.
inline virtual Bool_t IsPowerOn() const { return true; }
/// Turn the power on. Currently ignored.
inline virtual void PowerOn () { fIsPowerOn = kTRUE; }
/// Turn the power off. Currently ignored.
inline virtual void PowerOff () { fIsPowerOn = kFALSE; }
/// Returns a single double value with a 3D point as an input.
/// Completely unphysical interface. Either the magnetic field varies with the position,
/// in which case you need a three-dimensional return value, or B can be desrcibed as single
/// value, which means it is homogeneous and thus indepenent from the position.
/// Currently it does the only reasonable thing: It ignores the argument and returns the
/// constant value given in the constructor.
virtual Double_t GetBfield (const TVector3 &xx = TVector3(0.,0.,0.)) const
{ return fBfield; }
Bool_t fIsPowerOn; // power status
Double_t fBfield; // magnetic field [T]
ClassDef(EXVKalDetector, 1) // Abstract measurement layer class
//* ====================
//* EXVMeasLayer Class
//* ====================
//* (Description)
//* Abstract measurement layer class used by TVTrackHit
//* (Requires)
//* TVMeasLayer
//* (Provides)
//* class EXVMeasLayer
//* (Update Recored)
//* 2009/11/23 K.Ikematsu Derived from KalTest/examples/kaltest/
//* hybrid/kern/EXVMeasLayer.h
//* $Id: EXVMeasLayer.h,v 2009-11-24 00:13:59 ikematsu Exp $
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <kaltest/TKalMatrix.h>
#include <kaltest/TCylinder.h>
#include <kaltest/TVMeasLayer.h>
#include <kaltest/TAttDrawable.h>
#include <kaltest/KalTrackDim.h>
#include <TString.h>
class TVTrackHit;
#include <TNode.h>
class EXVMeasLayer : public TVMeasLayer, public TAttDrawable {
static Bool_t kActive;
static Bool_t kDummy;
// Ctors and Dtor
EXVMeasLayer(TMaterial &min,
TMaterial &mout,
Bool_t type = EXVMeasLayer::kActive,
const Char_t *name = "MeasL");
virtual ~EXVMeasLayer();
virtual void ProcessHit(const TVector3 &xx,
TObjArray &hits) const = 0;
inline TString GetMLName () const { return fName; }
inline TNode *GetNodePtr() const { return fNodePtr; }
inline void SetNodePtr(TNode *nodep) { fNodePtr = nodep; }
TString fName; // layer name
TNode *fNodePtr; // node pointer
ClassDef(EXVMeasLayer, 1) // Abstract measurement layer class
static const char* classesHeaders[] = {
"EXVKalDetector", payloadCode, "@",
"EXVMeasLayer", payloadCode, "@",
static bool isInitialized = false;
if (!isInitialized) {
headers, includePaths, payloadCode, fwdDeclCode,
TriggerDictionaryInitialization_kern_Impl, {}, classesHeaders, /*hasCxxModule*/false);
isInitialized = true;
static struct DictInit {
DictInit() {
} __TheDictionaryInitializer;
void TriggerDictionaryInitialization_kern() {
File deleted
// Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated
#define R__DICTIONARY_FILENAME dIcefsdIhiggsdIfucddIKey4hepdICEPCSWdIUtilitiesdIKalDetdIrootdictdIlctpc_gearTPC
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "RConfig.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TDictAttributeMap.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"
#include "TMemberInspector.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TVirtualMutex.h"
#include "TError.h"
#ifndef G__ROOT
#define G__ROOT
#include "RtypesImp.h"
#include "TIsAProxy.h"
#include "TFileMergeInfo.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "TCollectionProxyInfo.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
// The generated code does not explicitly qualifies STL entities
namespace std {} using namespace std;
// Header files passed as explicit arguments
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/EXTPCHit.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/EXTPCKalDetector.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/EXTPCMeasLayer.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/GearTPCCylinderHit.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/GearTPCHit.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/GearTPCKalDetector.h"
#include "/cefs/higgs/fucd/Key4hep/CEPCSW/Utilities/KalDet/src/lctpc/gearTPC/GearTPCMeasLayer.h"
// Header files passed via #pragma extra_include
namespace {
void TriggerDictionaryInitialization_lctpc_gearTPC_Impl() {
static const char* headers[] = {
static const char* includePaths[] = {
static const char* fwdDeclCode = R"DICTFWDDCLS(
#line 1 "lctpc_gearTPC dictionary forward declarations' payload"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wkeyword-compat"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wignored-attributes"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage"
extern int __Cling_Autoloading_Map;
static const char* payloadCode = R"DICTPAYLOAD(
#line 1 "lctpc_gearTPC dictionary payload"
// Inline headers
#include "GearTPCCylinderHit.h"
#include <kaltest/TVMeasLayer.h>
* A backward compatibility class for GearTPCCylinderHit.
* Do not use this in new code, but use GearTPCCylinderHit directly.
* This class extends the GearTPCCylinderHit by a side, which is never used anywhere.
* \deprecated EXTPCHit
class EXTPCHit : public kaldet::GearTPCCylinderHit
/// The default constructor.
EXTPCHit(Int_t m = kMdim);
/// Constructor initialising the original hit as 3D coordinates.
EXTPCHit(const TVMeasLayer &ms,
Double_t *x,
Double_t *dx,
Int_t side,
Double_t v,
const TVector3 &xx,
Double_t b,
Int_t m = kMdim);
/// Constructor initialising the original hit with a reference pointer.
EXTPCHit(const TVMeasLayer &ms,
Double_t *x,
Double_t *dx,
Int_t side,
Double_t v,
const void *hitp,
Double_t b,
Int_t m = kMdim);
/// The destructor.
virtual ~EXTPCHit();
/// Get the side value which has been set in the constructor.
inline Int_t GetSide () const { return fSide; }
Int_t fSide; /// (-1, +1) = (-z side, +z side)
// ClassDef(EXTPCHit, 1) // EXTPC hit class
#include "GearTPCKalDetector.h"
* A backward compatibility class for GearTPCKalDetector.
* It basically provides a static instance of the detector which can be
* accessed via the GetInstance() method.
* In addition it provides the static GetVDrift() and GetBField(), which are used
* in the old code. The use of this class is highly depreciated.
* \deprecated EXTPCKalDetector
class EXTPCKalDetector: public kaldet::GearTPCKalDetector
/// As this this a singleton class the constructor is private.
EXTPCKalDetector(const gear::GearMgr& gearMgr);
/// The destructor.
virtual ~EXTPCKalDetector();
/// Static access function to the singleton instance.
static EXTPCKalDetector * GetInstance();
/// Returns the hard coded drift velocity of 76.e-3 mm/ns.
static Double_t GetVdrift() { return fgVdrift; }
/// Static function to access the magnetic field.
static Double_t GetBfield();
static Double_t fgVdrift; //< The drift velocity.
static EXTPCKalDetector * fgInstance; //< The singleton pointer.
Double_t fBField; //< The magnetic field
// ClassDef(EXTPCKalDetector, 1) // User defined detector class
#include "GearTPCMeasLayer.h"
#include <kaltest/TCylinder.h>
* A backward compatibility class for GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer.
* It introduces one module and one row, which are associated to the layer.
* This is deprecated, the GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer provides an assiciation of several
* module-row pairs to the layer.
* This class is an intermediate inheritance class so a GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer can be
* instantiated (as should be in the current code) and the old code can cast the
* TObject pointer, which is delivered by the detector cradle, to an EXTPCMeasLayer.
* \attention Do not use any of these function in new code. All new code should still run
* after this class has been removed from the ineritance chain.
* \deprecated EXTPCMeasLayer
class EXTPCMeasLayer : public kaldet::GearTPCMeasLayer, public TCylinder
/// Minimal constructor for this (partially) virtual class.
EXTPCMeasLayer(TMaterial &min,
TMaterial &mout,
Int_t module,
Int_t row,
Double_t r0,
Double_t lhalf,
TVector3 xc,
Bool_t isPerfect,
Bool_t isActive,
Double_t sigmaX0 = 0., //< the constant part of sigmaX
Double_t sigmaX1 = 0., //< the z-dependent part of sigmaX
Double_t sigmaZ0 = 0., //< the constant part of sigmaZ
Double_t sigmaZ1 = 0.); //< the z-dependent part of sigmaZ
/// The destructor.
virtual ~EXTPCMeasLayer();
* Get the module associated with this layer (deprecated).
* \attention Do not programme against this when using the GearTPC interface.
* This is for backward compatibility only!!!
Int_t GetModuleID() const;
* Get the layer ID (i.\ e.\ row in the module) associated with this Kalman layer (deprecated).
* \attention Do not programme against this when using the GearTPC interface.
* This is for backward compatibility only!!!
Int_t GetLayerID () const;
/** Deprecated XvToMv which in addition to the position takes a side.
* Side is ignored and XvToMv without the side is called.
* \attention Do not programme against this when using the GearTPC interface.
* This is for backward compatibility only!!!
TKalMatrix XvToMv(const TVector3 &xv, Int_t side) const;
/** The fully virtual declaration of XvToMv. It is called within the version which also takes
* the side argument, but is implemented in GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer.
virtual TKalMatrix XvToMv(const TVector3 &xv) const = 0;
/** Smear the incoming hit in the layes measurement surface and place the result into the TObjArray
* which is given as argument.
* From a design point of view this function should not be in the detector class but in a
* simulation extension. It is only put in for compatibility reasons.
* \attention Do not programme against this when using the GearTPC interface.
* This is for backward compatibility only!!!
virtual void ProcessHit(const TVector3 &xx, TObjArray &hits) const;
//ClassDef(EXTPCMeasLayer, 1) // User defined measurement layer class
#include <kaltest/KalTrackDim.h>
#include "GearTPCHit.h"
#include <kaltest/TVMeasLayer.h>
namespace kaldet{
/** The cylindrical implementation of the GearTPCHit.
class GearTPCCylinderHit : public GearTPCHit {
/// KILLENB What does this constructor do? Best throw it out, it does not
/// properly initialise the class at all, does it?
GearTPCCylinderHit(Int_t m = kMdim);
/** Constructor to initialise the GearTPCHit using space point coordinates (TVector3) as original hit.
GearTPCCylinderHit(const TVMeasLayer &ms,
Double_t *x,
Double_t *dx,
const TVector3 &xx,
Double_t b,
Double_t v,
Int_t m = kMdim);
/** Constructor using a pointer to the original hit as reference.
GearTPCCylinderHit(const TVMeasLayer &ms,
Double_t *x,
Double_t *dx,
const void *hitp,
Double_t b,
Double_t v,
Int_t m = kMdim);
/** The dectructor.
virtual ~GearTPCCylinderHit();
/** Implementation of the space vector (xv) to measurement vector (mv) calculation
* for a cylindrical hit.
virtual TKalMatrix XvToMv(const TVector3 &xv, Double_t t0) const;
/** Print some debug output to std err.
virtual void DebugPrint(Option_t *opt = "") const;
}//namespace kaldet
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <kaltest/TKalMatrix.h>
#include <kaltest/TCylinder.h>
#include <EXTPCMeasLayer.h>
//#include <KalTrackDim.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <set>
class TVTrackHit;
namespace kaldet
* A cylindrical measurement layer.
class GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer
: public EXTPCMeasLayer
/* this is the original code which should be reactivated once the EXTPCMeasLayer is phased out:
: public GearTPCMeasLayer, public TCylinder
/** The constructor.
* If the layer is perfect it is always a full circle. The constructor forces
* phiMin and phiMax to +-TMath::Pi(). Differing values will be ignored and a warning is
* printed.
* Note: The current implementation forces the layer to be perfect. Segmented layers are
* not supported yet.
* Note: for backward compatibility this is derrived from EXTPCMeasLayer.
* After the change to the GearTPC interface this should be changed to GearTPCMeasLayer and
* TCylinder, as EXTPCMeasLayer is inherrited now.
* The current version ensures compatibility for the transition phase.
GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer(TMaterial &min,
TMaterial &mout,
Int_t module,
Int_t row,
Double_t r0,
Double_t lhalf,
TVector3 xc = TVector3(),
Bool_t isPerfect = true,
Bool_t isActive = true,
Double_t sigmaX0 = 0.,
Double_t sigmaX1 = 0.,
Double_t sigmaZ0 = 0.,
Double_t sigmaZ1 = 0.,
Double_t phiMin = -TMath::Pi(),
Double_t phiMax = TMath::Pi());
* The desctructor.
virtual ~GearTPCCylinderMeasLayer();
// Parent's pure virtuals that must be implemented
/** Implements kaltest::TVMeasLayer's XvToMv. I have no idea why there are two arguments.
* It ignores ht and just calls XvToMv(xv).
virtual TKalMatrix XvToMv (const TVTrackHit &ht,
const TVector3 &xv) const;
/** Implements the coordinate transformation from the space vector xv to the
* measurement vector (Kalman matrix).
virtual TKalMatrix XvToMv (const TVector3 &xv) const;
/** Implements the conversion from a Kalman hit (measurement vector) to
* a 3D space point.
virtual TVector3 HitToXv (const TVTrackHit &ht) const;
* Implements CalcDhDa, whatever that is.
virtual void CalcDhDa (const TVTrackHit &ht,
const TVector3 &xv,
const TKalMatrix &dxphiada,
TKalMatrix &H) const;
/** Implements the sorting policy.
* The layers are first sorted by radius + offset. This offset is only
* useful for segments of a cylinder, like the LP1.
* As offsets in this case can be positive or negative, but only make sense in one
* direction (you need a continuous number), we only allow offsets in x.
* This should not be too much of a problem, you should be able to rotate your coordinates
* so the offset is in x. If not you have to extend the sorting policy. (Please thake
* care not to reduce versatility when doing so. You might want to implement your own class?)
* For equal radii + offset the layers are sorted by moduleID. As we have to squeeze this
* information into only one number, we multiply the radius + offset by 1e9 and add the moduleID.
* A double has a precision of 53 bits, which is 15.9 digits. So the radius can be up to 1e6.9 mm
* without causing the last digit of the the ModuleID to be cut, and for up to 1000 modules the
* layers can be distinguished down to 1 nm without the two numbers mixing, or down to 1 micron
* with up to 1.000.000 modules.
* The additional sorting by module is intended for cylinder segments. Here only one module/row
* per layer is allowed, so we just take the first entry in the set. In case of a perfect layer
* it does not matter because there should only be one layer at this radius, so the sort order
* should not be affected by adding an arbitrary module ID (as long as the module ID is < 1e6, as
* described above).
virtual Double_t GetSortingPolicy() const;
* Creates a GearTPCCylinderHit and hands over the ownership.
virtual GearTPCHit * createHit(Double_t * meas,
Double_t * dmeas,
void * hitPointer,
Double_t bField,
Double_t vDrift,
Int_t m = kMdim) const;
Double_t fPhiMin; //< Minimum phi.
Double_t fPhiMax; //< Maximum phi.
}//namespace kaldet
#include <kaltest/KalTrackDim.h>
#include <kaltest/TVTrackHit.h>
#include <kaltest/TVMeasLayer.h>
namespace kaldet{
/** Base class of a hit for GearTPCKalDetector. It extends the TVTrackHit with the functionality to
* store a space point or a pointer to the original hit for reference. In addition it stores
* the local drift velocity and allows sorting of the hits (according to the distance to the
* origin).
* It does not implement the purely virtual functions of the TVTrackHit, which happens in the
* specialisations for cylindrical and planar measurement layers.
class GearTPCHit : public TVTrackHit {
/// KILLENB What does this constructor do? Best throw it out, it does not
/// properly initialise the class at all, does it?
GearTPCHit(Int_t m = kMdim);
/** Constructor to initialise the GearTPCHit using space point coordinates (TVector3) as original hit.
GearTPCHit(const TVMeasLayer &ms,
Double_t *x,
Double_t *dx,
const TVector3 &xx,
Double_t b,
Double_t v,
Int_t m = kMdim);
/** Constructor using a pointer to the original hit as reference.
GearTPCHit(const TVMeasLayer &ms,
Double_t *x,
Double_t *dx,
const void *hitp,
Double_t b,
Double_t v,
Int_t m = kMdim);
/** The dectructor.
virtual ~GearTPCHit();
* The sorting policy of hits is implemented as the distance to the origin.
* Note: The sorting of hits does not necessarily correspond to the sort order of
* the corresponding Kalman layer!
virtual Double_t GetSortingPolicy() const;
* Compare two hits according to their sorting policy.
* Returns
* \li -1 if this hits sorting policy is smaller
* \li 0 if both soting policies are equal
* \li 1 if this hits hits sortin policy is larger
* Killenb: n.b. Who comes up with this wierd stuff? Ever head of anything like a
* `less than operator` or `comparison operator`?
virtual Int_t Compare(const TObject *obj) const;
* Returns true.
virtual Bool_t IsSortable() const;
/// Get the pointer to the reference hit. 0 if the TVector3 has been used for initialisation.
inline const void *GetHitPtr() const { return fHitPtr; }
/// Get the referece position. (0, 0, 0) if the reference pointer has been used for initialisation.
inline TVector3 GetExactX() const { return *fXXPtr; }
/// Get the local drift velocity set in the constructor.
inline Double_t GetVdrift() const { return fVDrift; }
const TVector3 *fXXPtr; //< pointer to exact hit
const void *fHitPtr; //< pointer to raw Hit object
Double_t fVDrift; //< the local drift veclocity at this point
}//namespace kaldet
#include "kaltest/TVKalDetector.h"
#include "GearTPCMeasLayer.h"
#include <map>
namespace gear{
class GearMgr ;
namespace kaldet{
* The LCTPC implementation for a TPC which is completely instantiated from GEAR.
class GearTPCKalDetector : public TVKalDetector {
* The constructor. All information to initialise the TPC is taken from GEAR.
* As a pragmatic approach to avoid dealing with conditions data and material databases,
* the information about the material budget and the resolution of the layers
* is taken from the GEAR file as user parameters. If the parameters are not found in the
* file the previously hard coded parameters are used as default, which ensures backward
* compatibility.
* The gas properties for the matrial budget can be given as user parameters
* for the TPCParameters:
* \param TPCGas_A The mean atomic mass (default 36.2740552)
* \param TPCGas_Z The mean number of protons (default 16.4)
* \param TPCGas_density The density (default 0.749e-3 in which units?)
* \param TPCGas_radlen The radiation length (default 2.392e4 in which units?)
* The default gas parameters (are supposed to) correspond to Ar/CH4 90/10.
* N.B.: KILLENB: I think there is a bug in the calculation, the mean A should be
* 37.6 instead of 36.3 (see source code).
* In addition the description as a single TMaterial is not good.
* Using TMixture would be better.
* The reslution is calculated as \f$\sigma_x = \sqrt{x_0^2 + x_1^2 \cdot z}\f$.
* This requires z to be proportional to the drift distance, i.\ e. z=0 is at the readout.
* The resolution of the layers can be given as user parameters in each TPCModule
* section of the GEAR xml file.
* \param sigmax0 The constant part of the x resolution (default 38.3e-3 mm)
* \param sigmax1 The drift distance dependent part of the x resolution
* (default 6.74e-3 mm/sqrt(mm) )
* \param sigmaz0 The constant part of the z resolution (default 0.5 mm)
* \param sigmaz1 The drift distance dependent part the z resolution
* (default 10.2e-3 mm/sqrt(mm) )
GearTPCKalDetector(const gear::GearMgr& gearMgr);
/// The destructor.
virtual ~GearTPCKalDetector();
* Get access to the measurement layers using moduleID and row.
* Do not directly access the measurement layers using At()
* because the order depends on the order in the gear file.
* Throws a gear::Exception if the row on the module is not defined.
virtual GearTPCMeasLayer const * GetMeasLayer(int moduleID, int row) const;
/// Map which contains the information which measurement layer is stored
/// at which position in the array.
std::map< std::pair<int, int >, Int_t > moduleRowToMeasurementLayerMap;
}// namespace kaldet
#include <kaltest/TVMeasLayer.h>
#include <set>
namespace kaldet
class GearTPCHit;
* The GearTPCMeasLayer class introduces the z-dependent resolutions sigmaX and sigmaZ
* as well as Gear modules and rows which correspond to this layer.
* If the layer is defined as a perfect layer this means all modules are perfectly alligned
* and more than one module/row can be assigned to this layer. You can add them using AddModuleRow.
* The perfect layer should contain all the moduleRows on it, so it is guaranteed that the
* user can access all neighbouring modules this way.
* If the layer is not defined as perfect (default) there can only be one module on this layer.
* Calling AddModuleRow will throw an exception. This is the default behaviour because Gear does
* not guarantee that the modules are alligned. Displaced modules do not make up a perfect
* cylinder / plane and have to be treated as separate segments. Finding a neighbouring module/row
* is not trivial and has to be left to the user or a future Gear version.
class GearTPCMeasLayer
: public TVMeasLayer
/** The constructor.
* The materials and the type (active or passive) are passed on to the
* TVMeasLayer. sigmaX0 [mm] is the constant part of sigmaX, sigmaX1 [mm/sqrt(mm)]
* the z-dependent part, accordingly for sigmaZ.
* Module and row have to be specified. They will be added as the first
* module/row pair of this measurement layer.
* For a perfect layer modules can be added with AddModuleRow.
* Note: This class cannot be instantiated because the parent's geometry dependent
* purely virtual
* functions like XvToMv are not implemented. This will happen in the cylindrical or planar
* implementations.
* For inactive layers you will usually leave the sigmas at 0, they have no useful meaning in
* this case.
GearTPCMeasLayer(TMaterial &min,
TMaterial &mout,
Int_t module,
Int_t row,
Bool_t isPerfect,
Bool_t isActive,
Double_t sigmaX0 = 0., //< the constant part of sigmaX
Double_t sigmaX1 = 0., //< the z-dependent part of sigmaX
Double_t sigmaZ0 = 0. , //< the constant part of sigmaZ
Double_t sigmaZ1 = 0.); //< the z-dependent part of sigmaZ
/// The destructor
virtual ~GearTPCMeasLayer();
* A perfect measurement layer contains all the modules with rows (row segments)
* that make up the layer.
virtual std::set< std::pair <int, int> > const & GetModuleRows() const;
* Add another row on another module which lies on the same cylinder.
virtual void AddModuleRow(int module, int row);
* Get the measurement vector (mv) for this layer from a space point (xv)
virtual TKalMatrix XvToMv (const TVector3 &xv) const = 0;
* Get the z-depenent resolution in the readout plane
* (usually x or r\f$\phi\f$).
virtual Double_t GetSigmaX(Double_t z) const;
* Get the z-depenent resolution in z (drift direction).
virtual Double_t GetSigmaZ(Double_t z) const;
* Get the flag whether the layer is declared as perfect.
virtual Bool_t IsPerfect() const;
* A virtual function to create the appropriate hit. Depending on the implementation
* (cylindrical or straight measurement layer) you get the appropriate implementation
* of GearTPCHit.
* It creates a new hit on the heap and hands over the ownership.
virtual GearTPCHit * createHit(Double_t * meas,
Double_t * dmeas,
void * hitPointer,
Double_t bField,
Double_t vDrift,
Int_t m = kMdim) const = 0;
Double_t fSigmaX0; // xy resolution
Double_t fSigmaX1; // xy resolution
Double_t fSigmaZ0; // z resolution
Double_t fSigmaZ1; // z resolution
/// A set to hold all the module/row combinations associated to this layer
std::set< std::pair<int, int> > fModuleRows;
Bool_t fIsPerfect;
}// namespace kaldet
static const char* classesHeaders[] = {
static bool isInitialized = false;
if (!isInitialized) {
headers, includePaths, payloadCode, fwdDeclCode,
TriggerDictionaryInitialization_lctpc_gearTPC_Impl, {}, classesHeaders, /*hasCxxModule*/false);
isInitialized = true;
static struct DictInit {
DictInit() {
} __TheDictionaryInitializer;
void TriggerDictionaryInitialization_lctpc_gearTPC() {
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