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Merge pull request #47 from wenxingfang/master

update BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool
parents dd2f4773 20c23ee4
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......@@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ if dedxoption == "DummyDedxSimTool":
dedx_simtool = DummyDedxSimTool("DummyDedxSimTool")
elif dedxoption == "BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool":
dedx_simtool = BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool("BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool")
dedx_simtool.material_Z = 2
dedx_simtool.material_A = 4
dedx_simtool.scale = 10
dedx_simtool.resolution = 0.0001
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
# sys.exit(0)
from Gaudi.Configuration import *
# Random Number Svc
from Configurables import RndmGenSvc, HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__RanluxEngine_
# rndmengine = HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__RanluxEngine_() # The default engine in Gaudi
rndmengine = HepRndm__Engine_CLHEP__HepJamesRandom_() # The default engine in Geant4
rndmengine.SetSingleton = True
rndmengine.Seeds = [42]
# rndmgensvc = RndmGenSvc("RndmGenSvc")
# rndmgensvc.Engine =
# Event Data Svc
from Configurables import K4DataSvc
dsvc = K4DataSvc("EventDataSvc")
# Geometry Svc
# geometry_option = "CepC_v4-onlyTracker.xml"
geometry_option = "CepC_v4-onlyVXD.xml"
if not os.getenv("DETCEPCV4ROOT"):
print("Can't find the geometry. Please setup envvar DETCEPCV4ROOT." )
geometry_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("DETCEPCV4ROOT"), "compact", geometry_option)
if not os.path.exists(geometry_path):
print("Can't find the compact geometry file: %s"%geometry_path)
geometry_path = "/junofs/users/wxfang/MyGit/tmp/sdt/CEPCSW/Detector/DetDriftChamber/compact/det.xml"
from Configurables import GeoSvc
geosvc = GeoSvc("GeoSvc")
geosvc.compact = geometry_path
###### Dedx Svc ##########################################################
from Configurables import DedxSvc
dedxsvc = DedxSvc("DedxSvc")
dedxsvc.scale = 1
dedxsvc.resolution = 0.01
dedxsvc.material_Z = 26
dedxsvc.material_A = 53.9396
dedxsvc.material_density = 7.874 #g/cm^3
# Physics Generator
from Configurables import GenAlgo
from Configurables import GtGunTool
from Configurables import StdHepRdr
from Configurables import SLCIORdr
from Configurables import HepMCRdr
from Configurables import GenPrinter
gun = GtGunTool("GtGunTool")
gun.Particles = ["proton"]
gun.EnergyMins = [0.1] # GeV
gun.EnergyMaxs = [100] # GeV
gun.ThetaMins = [90] # rad; 45deg
gun.ThetaMaxs = [90] # rad; 45deg
gun.PhiMins = [0] # rad; 0deg
gun.PhiMaxs = [0] # rad; 360deg
# stdheprdr = StdHepRdr("StdHepRdr")
# stdheprdr.Input = "/cefs/data/stdhep/CEPC250/2fermions/E250.Pbhabha.e0.p0.whizard195/bhabha.e0.p0.00001.stdhep"
# lciordr = SLCIORdr("SLCIORdr")
# lciordr.Input = "/cefs/data/stdhep/lcio250/signal/Higgs/E250.Pbbh.whizard195/E250.Pbbh_X.e0.p0.whizard195/Pbbh_X.e0.p0.00001.slcio"
# hepmcrdr = HepMCRdr("HepMCRdr")
# hepmcrdr.Input = "example_UsingIterators.txt"
genprinter = GenPrinter("GenPrinter")
genalg = GenAlgo("GenAlgo")
genalg.GenTools = ["GtGunTool"]
# genalg.GenTools = ["StdHepRdr"]
# genalg.GenTools = ["StdHepRdr", "GenPrinter"]
# genalg.GenTools = ["SLCIORdr", "GenPrinter"]
# genalg.GenTools = ["HepMCRdr", "GenPrinter"]
# Detector Simulation
from Configurables import DetSimSvc
detsimsvc = DetSimSvc("DetSimSvc")
# from Configurables import ExampleAnaElemTool
# example_anatool = ExampleAnaElemTool("ExampleAnaElemTool")
from Configurables import DetSimAlg
detsimalg = DetSimAlg("DetSimAlg")
# detsimalg.VisMacs = ["vis.mac"]
detsimalg.RunCmds = [
# "/tracking/verbose 1",
detsimalg.AnaElems = [
# "ExampleAnaElemTool"
detsimalg.RootDetElem = "WorldDetElemTool"
from Configurables import AnExampleDetElemTool
example_dettool = AnExampleDetElemTool("AnExampleDetElemTool")
from Configurables import PodioOutput
out = PodioOutput("outputalg")
out.filename = "test_detsim10.root"
out.outputCommands = ["keep *"]
# ApplicationMgr
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
ApplicationMgr( TopAlg = [genalg, detsimalg, out],
EvtSel = 'NONE',
EvtMax = 10,
ExtSvc = [rndmengine, dsvc, geosvc],
#include "BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool.h"
#include "G4Step.hh"
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
......@@ -19,22 +20,20 @@ double BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool::dedx(const G4Step* aStep)
m_I = material_Z*10; // Approximate
G4double M = gTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass();//MeV
M = pow(10,6)*M; //to eV
G4double M = gTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGMass()/(CLHEP::eV);
G4double gammabeta=aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetBeta() * aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetGamma();
if(gammabeta<0.01)return 0;//too low momentum
float beta = gammabeta/sqrt(1.0+pow(gammabeta,2));
float gamma = gammabeta/beta;
float Tmax = 2*m_me*pow(gammabeta,2)/(1+(2*gamma*m_me/M)+pow(m_me/M,2));
float dedx = m_K*pow(z,2)*material_Z*(0.5*log(2*m_me*pow(gammabeta,2)*Tmax/pow(m_I,2))-pow(beta,2))/(material_A*pow(beta,2));
dedx = dedx*m_scale;// the material density can be absorbed in scale
dedx = dedx*(1+((*m_distribution)(m_generator)));
return dedx*material_density; // MeV / cm
dedx = dedx*CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(m_scale, m_resolution);
double Dedx = dedx * (CLHEP::MeV/CLHEP::cm) / (CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3) ;
return Dedx*material_density;
StatusCode BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool::initialize()
m_distribution = new std::normal_distribution<double>(0, m_resolution);
m_me = 0.511*pow(10,6);//0.511 MeV to eV
m_K = 0.307075;//const
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "DetSimInterface/IDedxSimTool.h"
#include <GaudiKernel/AlgTool.h>
#include <random>
class BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool: public extends<AlgTool, IDedxSimTool> {
......@@ -23,9 +22,6 @@ class BetheBlochEquationDedxSimTool: public extends<AlgTool, IDedxSimTool> {
float m_me;// Here me is the electron rest mass
float m_K; // K was set as a constant.
float m_I; // Mean excitation energy
std::default_random_engine m_generator;
std::normal_distribution<double>* m_distribution;
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