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FU Chengdong authoredb4f1d690
FullLDCTrackingAlg.h 24.83 KiB
#include "FWCore/DataHandle.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/GaudiAlgorithm.h"
#include "GearSvc/IGearSvc.h"
#include "TrackSystemSvc/ITrackSystemSvc.h"
#include "DataHelper/ClusterExtended.h"
#include "DataHelper/TrackExtended.h"
#include "DataHelper/TrackerHitExtended.h"
#include "DataHelper/TrackHitPair.h"
#include "DataHelper/HelixClass.h"
// #include "DataHelper/ClusterShapes.h"
#include "DataHelper/GroupTracks.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "TrackSystemSvc/MarlinTrkUtils.h"
#include "TrackSystemSvc/IMarlinTrack.h"
#include "edm4hep/SimTrackerHitCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackerHitCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackCollection.h"
#include <UTIL/BitField64.h>
#include <UTIL/ILDConf.h>
//using namespace edm4hep ;
//class gear::GearMgr ;
namespace MarlinTrk {
class HelixFit;
class IMarlinTrkSystem ;
/** === FullLDCTracking_MarlinTrk Processor === <br>
* Processor performing track finding procedure in
* the entire LDC detector by linking track segments
* found by the SiliconTracking module in the silicon detectors
* and by the LEPTracking module in TPC.
* <h4>Input collections and prerequisites</h4>
* Processor requires collection of digitized vertex, sit, ftd, set, etd & tpc tracker hits
* and also the collections of tracks found in the silicon detectors
* and in TPC.
* <h4>Output</h4>
* Processor produces an LCIO collection of the Tracks. Each track is characterised by
* five parameters : Omega (signed curvuture), Tan(lambda) where
* lambda is the dip angle, Phi (azimuthal angle @ point of closest approach), D0 (signed impact parameter),
* Z0 (displacement along z axis at the point of closest approach to IP).
* Covariance matrix for these parameters is also provided.
* Only lower left corner of the covariance matrix is stored. The sequence of the covariance matrix elements
* assigned to track is the following: <br>
* (D0,D0) <br>
* (Phi,D0), (Phi,Phi) <br>
* (Omega,D0), (Omega,Phi), (Omega,Omega) <br>
* (Z0,D0), (Z0,Phi), (Z0,Omega), (Z0,Z0) <br>
* (TanL,D0), (TanL,Phi), (TanL,Omega), (TanL,Z0), (TanL,TanL) <br>
* The number of hits in the different subdetectors associated
* with each track can be accessed via method Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers().
* This method returns vector of integers : <br>
* number of VTX hits used in the track fit is the 1st element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[0]) <br>
* number of FTD hits used in the track fit is the 2nd element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[1]) <br>
* number of SIT hits used in the track fit is the 3d element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[2]) <br>
* number of TPC hits used in the track fit is the 4th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[3]) <br>
* number of SET hits used in the track fit is the 5th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[4]) <br>
* number of ETD hits used in the track fit is the 6th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[5]) <br>
* total number of VTX hits in track is the 7th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[6]) <br>
* total number of FTD hits in track is the 8th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[7]) <br>
* total number of SIT hits in track is the 9th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[8]) <br>
* total number of TPC hits in track is the 10th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[9]) <br>
* total number of SET hits in track is the 11th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[10]) <br>
* total number of ETD hits in track is the 12th element in this vector
* (Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers()[11]) <br>
* Output track collection has by default a name "LDCTracks".
* @param VTXHitCollection name of input VTX TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "VTXTrackerHits") <br>
* @param FTDPixelHitCollectionName name of input FTD Pixel TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "FTDPixelTrackerHits") <br>
* @param FTDSpacePointCollectionName name of input FTD Space Point TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "FTDSpacePoints") <br>
* @param SITHitCollection name of input SIT TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "SITTrackerHits") <br>
* @param TPCHitCollection name of input TPC TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "TPCTrackerHits") <br>
* @param SETHitCollection name of input SET TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "SETTrackerHits") <br>
* @param ETDHitCollection name of input ETD TrackerHit collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "ETDTrackerHits") <br>
* @param TPCTracks collection name of TPC tracks <br>
* (default parameter value : "TPCTracks") <br>
* @param TPCTracksMCPRelColl Name of input TPC track to MC particle relation collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "TPCTracksMCP") <br>
* @param SiTracks collection name of Si tracks <br>
* (default parameter value : "SiTracks") <br>
* @param SiTracksMCPRelColl Name of input Si track to MC particle relation collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "SiTracksMCP") <br>
* @param LDCTrackCollection name of the output LDC track collection <br>
* (default parameter value : "LDCTracks") <br>
* @param Chi2FitCut cut on the Chi2/Ndf of the track fit <br>
* (default parameter value : 100.0) <br>
* @param Chi2PrefitCut cut on the prefit Chi2 of the track candidate,
* prefit is done with the simple helix hypothesis <br>
* (default parameter value : 1e+5) <br>
* @param AngleCutForMerging cut on opening angle between
* particle momentum reconstructed with TPC and momentum reconstructed
* with the Silicon detectors. If the opening angle is smaller that this cut
* the track segment in Silicon trackers and in TPC are tested for their
* compatibility <br>
* (default parameter value : 0.10) <br>
* @param OmegaCutForMerging cut on the relative difference in the track Omega
* parameter reconstructed with TPC and with Si detectors. If the relative difference is smaller
* than this cut, the track segments in TPC and Si are tested for their compatibility <br>
* (default parameter value : 0.25) <br>
* @param D0CutForMerging Upper cutoff on the difference in D0 [mm] to allow for merging
* of the Si and TPC segments <br>
* (default parameter value : 500) <br>
* @param Z0CutForMerging Upper cutoff on the difference in Z0 [mm] to allow for merging
* of the Si and TPC segments <br>
* (default parameter value : 1000) <br>
* @param Debug flag to allow for printout of debug information,
* if set to 1 debugging printout is activated
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param ForceSiTPCMerging This flag steers merging of Si and TPC track segments. If ForceMerging=1
* Si and TPC track segments are forced to be merged if the opening angle between Si track
* momentum and TPC track momentum
* is less than AngleCutForForcedMerging (see below) and difference in tracks
* parameters Omega is less than OmegaCutForForcedMerging (see below) <br>
* (default parameter value : 0)
* @param AngleCutForForcedMerging cut on opening angle between Si track momentum and
* TPC track momentum. Used to steer forced merging of Si and TPC track segments. <br>
* (default parameter value : 0.05)
* @param OmegaCutForForcedMerging cut on the difference between Si and TPC tracks parameter
* Omega. Used to steer forced merging of Si and TPC track segments. Relative
* errors are compared. <br>
* (default parameter value : 0.15) <br>
* @param D0CutForForcedMerging Upper cutoff on the difference in D0 to allow for forced
* merging of the Si and TPC segments <br>
* (default parameter value : 50) <br>
* @param Z0CutForForcedMerging Upper cutoff on the difference in Z0 to allow for forced
* merging of the Si and TPC segments <br>
* (default parameter value : 200) <br>
* @param ForceTPCSegmentsMerging If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to
* merge TPC segments from the low pt splitted loopers <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param D0CutToMergeTPCSegments cut on the difference in the track parameter
* d0 [mm] to allow for merging TPC segments <br>
* (default parameter value : 100) <br>
* @param Z0CutToMergeTPCSegments cut on the difference in the track parameter
* z0 [mm] to allow for merging TPC segments <br>
* (default parameter value : 5000) <br>
* @param DeltaPCutToMergeTPCSegments cut on the magnitude [GeV/c] of the vectorial difference
* of the momentum vectors, associated with TPC segments, for the TPC segment's merging procedure <br>
* (default parameter value : 0.1) <br>
* @param PtCutToMergeTPCSegments lower cutoff on Pt of the TPC segments of the looping track for
* the merging procedure.
* If transverse momentum of the segments is less than cutoff the segments are allowed to be merged. <br>
* (default parameter value : 1.2) <br>
* @param AssignTPCHits If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to assign left-over
* TPC hits to the accepted track candidates. No track refit is done in case when hit is assigned
* to the existing track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param AssignETDHits If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to assign
* ETD hits to the accepted track candidates. No track refit is done in case when hit is assigned
* to the existing track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param AssignVTXHits If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to assign left-over
* VTX hits to the accepted track candidates. Track refit is done in case when hit is assigned
* to the existing track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param AssignFTDHits If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to assign left-over
* FTD hits to the accepted track candidates. Track refit is done in case when hit is assigned
* to the existing track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param AssignSITHits If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to assign left-over
* SIT hits to the accepted track candidates. Track refit is done in case when hit is assigned
* to the existing track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param AssignSETHits If this flag is set to 1, the code attempts to assign
* SET hits to the accepted track candidates. Track refit is done in case when hit is assigned
* to the existing track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1) <br>
* @param TPCHitToTrackDistance Cut on the distance between left-over TPC hit and the track helix
* to allow for assignment of the hit with a given track <br>
* (default parameter value : 15.0) <br>
* @param VTXHitToTrackDistance Cut on the distance between left-over VTX hit and the track helix
* to allow for assignment of the hit with a given track <br>
* (default parameter value : 1.5) <br>
* @param FTDHitToTrackDistance Cut on the distance between left-over FTD hit and the track helix
* to allow for assignment of the hit with a given track <br>
* (default parameter value : 2.0) <br>
* @param SITHitToTrackDistance Cut on the distance between left-over SIT hit and the track helix
* to allow for assignment of the hit with a given track <br>
* (default parameter value : 2.0) <br>
* @param SETHitToTrackDistance Cut on the distance between SET hit and the track helix
* to allow for assignment of the hit with a given track <br>
* (default parameter value : 2.0) <br>
* @param ETDHitToTrackDistance Cut on the distance between ETD hit and the track helix
* to allow for assignment of the hit with a given track <br>
* (default parameter value : 10.0) <br>
* @param NHitsExtrapolation Number of the last track hits for extrapolating helix
* to the outer tracking detectors (SET, ETD) <br>
* (default parameter value : 35) <br>
* @param CutOnTPCHits minimal number of TPC hits, used in the track fit, which is
* required for tracks which have no hits from the Si detectors <br>
* (default parameter value : 35) <br>
* @param CutOnTrackD0 cut on the d0 parameter of the track. If the d0 parameter is greater that
* this cut, track is rejected <br>
* (default parameter value : 500) <br>
* @param CutOnTrackZ0 cut on the z0 parameter of the track. If the z0 parameter is greater that
* this cut, track is rejected <br>
* (default parameter value : 500) <br>
* @param ForbidOverlapInZTPC If this flag is set to 1 then merging of the TPC semiloops is
* forbiden for segment overlapping in z <br>
* (default parameter value : 0) <br>
* @param ForbidOverlapInZComb If this flag is set to 1 then merging of left-over TPC semiloop and
* combined Si-TPC track is their segments overlap in z <br>
* (default parameter value : 0) <br>
* @param cosThetaCutHighPtMerge cut on cos theta between the two momentum vectors
* when considering merger of high Pt tracks <br>
* (default is 0.99) <br>
* @param cosThetaCutSoftHighPtMerge cut on the cos theta between the two momentum vectors
* when considering merger of high Pt tracks for softer dp/p cut <br>
* (default is 0.998) <br>
* @param momDiffCutHighPtMerge cut on dp/p
* when considering merger of high Pt tracks <br>
* (default is 0.01 [1/GeV]) <br>
* @param momDiffCutSoftHighPtMerge softer cut on dp/p
* when considering merger of high Pt tracks <br>
* (default is 0.25 [1/GeV]) <br>
* @param hitDistanceCutHighPtMerge cut on 3D distance between hit
* and helix extrapolation when considering merger of high Pt tracks <br>
* (default is 25.0 [mm]) <br>
* @param maxHitDistanceCutHighPtMerge cut for max 3D distance between any hit
* and helix extrapolation when considering merger of high Pt tracks <br>
* (default is 50.0 [mm]) <br>
* @param maxFractionOfOutliersCutHighPtMerge cut on maximum fraction of outliers
* when considering merger of high Pt tracks <br>
* (default is 0.95 ) <br>
* @author A. Raspereza (MPI Munich)<br>
class FullLDCTrackingAlg : public GaudiAlgorithm {
FullLDCTrackingAlg(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc);
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode execute();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
void prepareVectors();
void CleanUp();
void MergeTPCandSiTracks();
void MergeTPCandSiTracksII();
TrackExtended* CombineTracks(TrackExtended* tpcTrk, TrackExtended* siTrk, float maxAllowedOutliers, bool testCombinationOnly);
// TrackExtended* TrialCombineTracks(TrackExtended* tpcTrk, TrackExtended* siTrk);
void Sorting(TrackExtendedVec& trackVec);
void SelectCombinedTracks();
void AddNotCombinedTracks();
void CheckTracks();
void AddNotAssignedHits();
// void RemoveSplitTracks();
void AddTrackColToEvt(TrackExtendedVec & trkVec, edm4hep::TrackCollection* trkCol);
float CompareTrk(TrackExtended * first, TrackExtended * second, float d0Cut, float z0Cut, int iopt);
float CompareTrkII(TrackExtended * first, TrackExtended * second, float d0Cut, float z0Cut, int iopt, float &Angle);
float CompareTrkIII(TrackExtended * first, TrackExtended * second, float d0Cut, float z0Cut, int iopt, float &Angle);
void SortingTrackHitPairs(TrackHitPairVec & trackHitPairVec);
void AssignSiHitsToTracks(TrackerHitExtendedVec hitVec, float dcut);
void AssignTPCHitsToTracks(TrackerHitExtendedVec hitVec, float dcut);
void AssignOuterHitsToTracks(TrackerHitExtendedVec hitVec, float dcut, int refit);
void CreateExtrapolations();
void CleanUpExtrapolations();
HelixClass * GetExtrapolationHelix(TrackExtended * track);
// void PrintOutMerging(TrackExtended * firstTrackExt, TrackExtended * secondTrackExt, int iopt);
// void GeneralSorting(int * index, float * val, int direct, int nVal);
int SegmentRadialOverlap(TrackExtended* pTracki, TrackExtended* pTrackj);
bool VetoMerge(TrackExtended* firstTrackExt, TrackExtended* secondTrackExt);
int _nRun ;
int _nEvt ;
MarlinTrk::HelixFit* _fastfitter;
/** pointer to the IMarlinTrkSystem instance
MarlinTrk::IMarlinTrkSystem* _trksystem ;
Gaudi::Property<bool> _MSOn{this, "MultipleScatteringOn", true};
Gaudi::Property<bool> _ElossOn{this, "EnergyLossOn", true};
Gaudi::Property<bool> _SmoothOn{this, "SmoothOn", true};
TrackExtendedVec _allSiTracks;
TrackExtendedVec _allTPCTracks;
TrackExtendedVec _allCombinedTracks;
TrackExtendedVec _allNonCombinedTPCTracks;
TrackExtendedVec _allNonCombinedSiTracks;
TrackExtendedVec _trkImplVec;
TrackerHitExtendedVec _allTPCHits;
TrackerHitExtendedVec _allVTXHits;
TrackerHitExtendedVec _allFTDHits;
TrackerHitExtendedVec _allSITHits;
TrackerHitExtendedVec _allSETHits;
TrackerHitExtendedVec _allETDHits;
float _bField;
//float _chi2PrefitCut;
Gaudi::Property<int> _debug{this, "Debug", 0};
Gaudi::Property<int> _forceMerging{this, "ForceSiTPCMerging", 0};
Gaudi::Property<int> _mergeTPCSegments{this, "ForceTPCSegmentsMerging", 0};
Gaudi::Property<int> _cutOnTPCHits{this, "CutOnTPCHits", 35};
Gaudi::Property<int> _cutOnSiHits{this, "CutOnSiHits", 4};
Gaudi::Property<int> _assignVTXHits{this, "AssignVTXHits", 1};
Gaudi::Property<int> _assignFTDHits{this, "AssignFTDHits", 1};
Gaudi::Property<int> _assignSITHits{this, "AssignSITHits", 1};
Gaudi::Property<int> _assignTPCHits{this, "AssignTPCHits", 1};
Gaudi::Property<int> _assignSETHits{this, "AssignSETHits", 1};
Gaudi::Property<int> _assignETDHits{this, "AssignETDHits", 1};
Gaudi::Property<int> _forbidOverlapInZTPC{this, "ForbidOverlapInZTPC", 0};
Gaudi::Property<int> _forbidOverlapInZComb{this, "ForbidOverlapInZComb", 0};
//float _dPCutForMerging;
Gaudi::Property<float> _d0CutForMerging{this, "D0CutForMerging", 500.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _z0CutForMerging{this, "Z0CutForMerging", 1000.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _dOmegaForMerging{this, "OmegaCutForMerging", 0.25};
Gaudi::Property<float> _angleForMerging{this, "AngleCutForMerging", 0.10};
Gaudi::Property<float> _chi2FitCut{this, "Chi2FitCut", 100.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _d0CutForForcedMerging{this, "D0CutForForcedMerging", 50.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _z0CutForForcedMerging{this, "Z0CutForForcedMerging", 200.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _dOmegaForForcedMerging{this, "OmegaCutForForcedMerging", 0.15};
Gaudi::Property<float> _angleForForcedMerging{this, "AngleCutForForcedMerging", 0.05};
Gaudi::Property<float> _d0CutToMergeTPC{this, "D0CutToMergeTPCSegments", 100.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _z0CutToMergeTPC{this, "Z0CutToMergeTPCSegments", 5000.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _dPCutToMergeTPC{this, "DeltaPCutToMergeTPCSegments", 0.1};
Gaudi::Property<float> _PtCutToMergeTPC{this, "PtCutToMergeTPCSegments", 1.2};
Gaudi::Property<float> _cosThetaCutHighPtMerge{this, "cosThetaCutHighPtMerge", 0.99};
Gaudi::Property<float> _cosThetaCutSoftHighPtMerge{this, "cosThetaCutSoftHighPtMerge", 0.998};
Gaudi::Property<float> _momDiffCutHighPtMerge{this, "momDiffCutHighPtMerge", 0.01};
Gaudi::Property<float> _momDiffCutSoftHighPtMerge{this, "momDiffCutSoftHighPtMerge", 0.25};
Gaudi::Property<float> _hitDistanceCutHighPtMerge{this, "hitDistanceCutHighPtMerge", 25.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _maxHitDistanceCutHighPtMerge{this, "maxHitDistanceCutHighPtMerge", 50.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _maxFractionOfOutliersCutHighPtMerge{this, "maxFractionOfOutliersCutHighPtMerge", 0.95};
Gaudi::Property<int> _nHitsExtrapolation{this, "NHitsExtrapolation", 35};
Gaudi::Property<float> _distCutForVTXHits{this, "VTXHitToTrackDistance", 1.5};
Gaudi::Property<float> _distCutForFTDHits{this, "FTDHitToTrackDistance", 2.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _distCutForSITHits{this, "SITHitToTrackDistance", 2.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _distCutForSETHits{this, "SETHitToTrackDistance", 2.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _distCutForETDHits{this, "ETDHitToTrackDistance", 10.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _distCutForTPCHits{this, "TPCHitToTrackDistance", 15.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _d0TrkCut{this, "CutOnTrackD0", 500.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _z0TrkCut{this, "CutOnTrackZ0", 500.};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_d0{this, "InitialTrackErrorD0",1e6};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_phi0{this, "InitialTrackErrorPhi0",1e2};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_omega{this, "InitialTrackErrorOmega",1e-4};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_z0{this, "InitialTrackErrorZ0",1e6};
Gaudi::Property<float> _initialTrackError_tanL{this, "InitialTrackErrorTanL",1e2};
Gaudi::Property<float> _maxChi2PerHit{this, "MaxChi2PerHit", 1e2};
Gaudi::Property<float> _minChi2ProbForSiliconTracks{this, "MinChi2ProbForSiliconTracks", 0.001};
Gaudi::Property<float> _vetoMergeMomentumCut{this, "VetoMergeMomentumCut", 2.5};
Gaudi::Property<float> _maxAllowedPercentageOfOutliersForTrackCombination{this, "MaxAllowedPercentageOfOutliersForTrackCombination", 0.3};
Gaudi::Property<int> _maxAllowedSiHitRejectionsForTrackCombination{this, "MaxAllowedSiHitRejectionsForTrackCombination", 2};
//float _dPCutForForcedMerging;
bool _runMarlinTrkDiagnostics = false;
std::string _MarlinTrkDiagnosticsName;
std::map<TrackExtended*,HelixClass*> _trackExtrapolatedHelix;
std::set<TrackExtended*> _candidateCombinedTracks;
UTIL::BitField64* _encoder;
int getDetectorID(edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit hit) { _encoder->setValue(hit.getCellID()); return (*_encoder)[lcio::ILDCellID0::subdet]; }
int getSideID(edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit hit) { _encoder->setValue(hit.getCellID()); return (*_encoder)[lcio::ILDCellID0::side]; };
int getLayerID(edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit hit) { _encoder->setValue(hit.getCellID()); return (*_encoder)[lcio::ILDCellID0::layer]; };
int getModuleID(edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit hit) { _encoder->setValue(hit.getCellID()); return (*_encoder)[lcio::ILDCellID0::module]; };
int getSensorID(edm4hep::ConstTrackerHit hit) { _encoder->setValue(hit.getCellID()); return (*_encoder)[lcio::ILDCellID0::sensor]; };
void setupGearGeom() ;
double _tpc_inner_r;
double _tpc_outer_r;
double _tpc_pad_height;
int _tpc_nrows;
// struct VXD_Layer {
// int nLadders;
// double phi0;
// double dphi;
// double senRMin;
// double supRMin;
// double length;
// double width;
// double offset;
// double senThickness;
// double supThickness;
// };
// std::vector<VXD_Layer> _VXDgeo;
unsigned int _nLayersVTX;
// struct SIT_Layer {
// int nLadders;
// double phi0;
// double dphi;
// double senRMin;
// double supRMin;
// double length;
// double width;
// double offset;
// double senThickness;
// double supThickness;
// };
// std::vector<SIT_Layer> _SITgeo;
unsigned int _nLayersSIT;
unsigned int _nLayersSET;
// struct FTD_Disk {
// int nPetals;
// double phi0;
// double dphi;
// double alpha;
// double rInner;
// double height;
// double innerBaseLength;
// double outerBaseLength;
// double senThickness;
// double supThickness;
// double senZPos_even_petal1;
// double senZPos_even_petal2;
// double senZPos_even_petal3;
// double senZPos_even_petal4;
// double supZPos_even_petal1;
// double supZPos_even_petal2;
// double supZPos_even_petal3;
// double supZPos_even_petal4;
// double senZPos_odd_petal1;
// double senZPos_odd_petal2;
// double senZPos_odd_petal3;
// double senZPos_odd_petal4;
// double supZPos_odd_petal1;
// double supZPos_odd_petal2;
// double supZPos_odd_petal3;
// double supZPos_odd_petal4;
// };
// std::vector<FTD_Disk> _FTDgeo;
std::vector<float> _zLayerFTD;
gear::GearMgr* gearMgr;
unsigned int _nLayersFTD;
int _nPhiFTD;
bool _petalBasedFTDWithOverlaps;
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _TPCTrackerHitColHdl{"TPCTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _FTDSpacePointColHdl{"FTDSpacePoints", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _FTDPixelTrackerHitColHdl{"FTDPixelTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _SITTrackerHitColHdl{"SITSpacePoints", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _SETTrackerHitColHdl{"SETSpacePoints", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _VTXTrackerHitColHdl{"VTXTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _inSITRawColHdl{"SITTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _inSETRawColHdl{"SETTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackerHitCollection> _inFTDRawColHdl{"FTDStripTrackerHits", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
//DataHandle<edm4hep::SimTrackerHitCollection> _inVTXRawColHdl{"VXDCollection", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> _TPCTrackColHdl{"ClupatraTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> _SiTrackColHdl{"SiTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Reader, this};
DataHandle<edm4hep::TrackCollection> _OutputTrackColHdl{"MarlinTrkTracks", Gaudi::DataHandle::Writer, this};