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# Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

push(@INC, "/home/xml4c/bin", "/home/xml4c/bin/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib", "/Development2/cupert/bin/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib", "/Development/cupert/usr/local/perl/perl-RUN/opt/perl5/lib");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

require "";
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Ted Leung committed

$|=1;   # Force a flush after every print

PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
my $XERCESCROOT    = $opt_s;
my $targetdir      = $opt_o;
my $ICUROOT        = $ENV{'ICUROOT'};
my $ICUIsPresent   = (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && length($ICUROOT) > 0);
my $ICUResourceDir = "$XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/ICU/resources";
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
# Check for the environment variables and exit if error
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
if (!length($XERCESCROOT) || !length($targetdir) || (length($opt_h) > 0) ) {
    print ("Usage is: packageBinaries <options>\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("  where options are:\n");
    print ("    -s <source_directory>\n");
    print ("    -o <target_directory>\n");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    print ("    -c <C compiler name> (e.g. gcc, cc, xlc_r, VC6, VC7, VC7.1, ecl or icl)\n");
    print ("    -x <C++ compiler name> (e.g. g++, CC, aCC, c++, xlC_r, cl, ecl, ecc, icl, VC6, VC7, VC7.1 or VC8)\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("    -m <message loader> can be 'inmem' \(default\), 'icu' or 'iconv'\n");
    print ("    -n <net accessor> can be 'fileonly' or 'socket' \(default\)\n");
    print ("    -t <transcoder> can be 'icu' or 'native' \(default\)\n");
    print ("    -b <bitsToBuild> (accepts '64', '32')\n");
    print ("    -j suppress building of ICU (speeds up builds when debugging)\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("    -h to get help on these commands\n\n");
    print ("Example: Under unix's\n");
    print ("    perl -s \$HOME/xerces-c-src3_0");
    print (" -o \$HOME/xerces-c3_0-linux -c gcc -x g++ -m inmem -n fileonly -t native\n\n");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    print ("Example: Under Windows\n");
    print ("    perl -s \\xerces-c-src3_0");
    print (" -o\\xerces-c3_0-win32 [-n fileonly] [-t icu]\n\n");
    print ("Note:\n");
    print ("    Under Windows, by default the XercesLib project files is\n");
    print ("    configured to use Win32 resource file based message loader,\n");
    print ("    WinSocket based net accessor and native Win32 based transcoder.\n");
    print ("    The two options mentioned in the example above are the only\n");
    print ("    options relevant under Windows on the command line for this script.\n");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

if (($opt_t =~ m/icu/i || $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) && (length($ICUROOT) == 0)) {
    print "You have specified an ICU build but you have not defined your ICU install directory.\n";
    print "To build with ICU, you must set an environment variable called ICUROOT\n";
    print "Cannot proceed any further.\n";
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Ted Leung committed
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
# Check if the source directory exists or not
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Rahul Jain committed
if (!(-e $XERCESCROOT)) {
    print ("The directory $XERCESCROOT does not exist. Cannot proceed any further.\n");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

# Check if the target directory exists, exit if it does
if (-e $targetdir) {
    print ("Error: The target directory \'$targetdir\' already exists.\n");
    print ("       You must start with a clean directory to package your product.\n");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
# Find out the platform from 'uname -s'
open(PLATFORM, "uname -s|");
$platform = <PLATFORM>;
close (PLATFORM);
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

#Fix the backslashes on the Windows platform
$XERCESCROOT =~ s/\\/\//g;
$ICUROOT =~ s/\\/\//g;
$targetdir =~ s/\\/\//g;

print "Packaging binaries for \`" . $platform . "\` in " . $targetdir . " ...\n";   # "
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

#Construct the name of the zip file by extracting the last directory name
$zipfiles =~ s/.*(\/|\\)([\w-\.]*)$/$2/g;
$zipfiles = $zipfiles . "/*";
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

#   WINDOWS builds happen here, as long as they
#     aren't using gcc...
#  Tasks:
#    Preparation
#          Initialize Vars
#          Make the target directory and its main subdirectories
#          'FileOnly' NetAccessor
#   Build
#          ICU and/or Resource bundle library for ICUMsgLoader
#          Xerces-C libraries, samples and tests
#   Population
#          include
#          ICU and/or ICUMsgLoader
#          Xerces-C libraries, samples and tests
#          Documentation
if ($platform =~ m/Windows/  || ($platform =~ m/CYGWIN/ && !($opt_c =~ m/gcc/))) {
# Preparation Begin
#    Preparation::Initialize Vars
    my $PlatformName = 'Win32'; 
    my $DevStudioVer = "6.0";
    my $VCBuildDir     = "VC6";
    my $Transcoder     = 0;
    my $MsgLoader     = 0;

    my $ReleaseBuildDir  = undef;
    my $DebugBuildDir    = undef;
    my $ProjectDir          = undef;
    if ($opt_b eq "64") {
        $PlatformName = 'Win64';
    if ($opt_x eq "" || $opt_x =~ m/VC6/i )
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $DevStudioVer   = "6.0";
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $ProjectDir     = "$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir/xerces-all";
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    elsif ($opt_x =~ m/VC7.1/i ) 
        $DevStudioVer   = "7.1";
        $VCBuildDir     = "VC7.1"; 
        $ProjectDir     = "$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir/xerces-all";
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $DevStudioVer   = "7.0";
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $ProjectDir     = "$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir/xerces-all";
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
    elsif ($opt_x =~ m/VC8/i ) 
        $DevStudioVer   = "8.0";
        $VCBuildDir     = "VC8"; 
        $ProjectDir     = "$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir/xerces-all";
    elsif ($opt_x =~ m/ecl/i || $opt_x =~ m/icl/i )
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $DevStudioVer   = "6.1";
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        $PlatformName   = "Win64";
        $ProjectDir     = "$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir/xerces-all/all";
        print ("Error: Invalid compilers used \n");
        print ("-x <C++ compiler name> VC6, VC7, VC7.1, VC8, ecl and icl \n");        
    $ReleaseBuildDir = "$XERCESCROOT/Build/$PlatformName/$VCBuildDir/Release";
    $DebugBuildDir   = "$XERCESCROOT/Build/$PlatformName/$VCBuildDir/Debug";    
    if ($opt_t =~ m/icu/i ) {
        $Transcoder = 1;
    print "PlatformName    =$PlatformName\n";
    print "DevStudioVer    =$DevStudioVer\n";
    print "VCBuildDir        =$VCBuildDir\n";
    print "ReleaseBuildDir =$ReleaseBuildDir\n";
    print "DebugBuildDir   =$DebugBuildDir\n";
    print "ProjectDir          =$ProjectDir\n";
    print "Transcoder        =$Transcoder\n";
    print "MsgLoader        =$MsgLoader\n";
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    if (-e "$") {
        print ("Deleting old target file \'$\' \n");
    # Preparation::Make the target directory and its main subdirectories
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Projects");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Projects/Win32");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir");
    # Preparation:: 'FileOnly' NetAccessor 
    #                     has been specified, then the project files have to be changed.
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    if ($opt_n =~ m/fileonly/i) {
        } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "7.0") {
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "7.1") {
        } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "8.0") {
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        #else: for now we do not build FO with ecl
# Build Begin
#        Build::ICU and/or Resource bundle library for ICUMsgLoader
    if ($ICUIsPresent) {
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        # Make the icu dlls
        if (!(length($opt_j) > 0)) {  
            #Clean up all the dependency files, causes problems for nmake
            print ("Building ICU from $ICUROOT ...\n");
            pchdir ("$ICUROOT");
            psystem ("del /s /f *.dep *.ncb *.plg *.opt");

            # we ship both debug and release dlls
            if ($DevStudioVer eq "6.0") {
                pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source/allinone");
                    psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $PlatformName Release\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_release.txt");
                    psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $PlatformName Debug\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_debug.txt");
                    psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $PlatformName Release\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_release.txt");            	
                    psystem("msdev allinone.dsw /MAKE \"all - $PlatformName Debug\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_debug.txt");            	
                psystem("type buildlog_release.txt");
                psystem("type buildlog_debug.txt");
                pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source/allinone");
                psystem("devenv /rebuild Release /out buildlog_release.txt /project all allinone.sln");
                psystem("type buildlog_release.txt");
                psystem("devenv /rebuild debug /out buildlog_debug.txt /project all allinone.sln");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
                psystem("type buildlog_debug.txt");
            } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "7.1") {
            	# ICU only has allinone.sln for VC7.0
            	# So the build with ICU on VC7.1 may fail until the VC7.1 version is available            	
                pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source/allinone");
                psystem(" allinone.sln /rebuild Release /out buildlog_release.txt");
                psystem("type buildlog_release.txt");

				psystem(" allinone.sln /rebuild debug /out buildlog_debug.txt");                
                psystem("type buildlog_debug.txt");                
            } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "8.0") {
            	# ICU only has allinone.sln for VC7.0
            	# So the build with ICU on VC8.0 may fail until the VC8.0 version is available            	
                pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source/allinone");
                psystem(" allinone.sln /rebuild Release /out buildlog_release.txt");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
                psystem("type buildlog_release.txt");

				psystem(" allinone.sln /rebuild debug /out buildlog_debug.txt");                
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
                psystem("type buildlog_debug.txt");                
            } else { #"6.1"
                pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source/allinone/all");            	
 	  #ship release dlls only
                psystem("nmake -f all_win64_release.mak \"CFG=all - $PlatformName Release\" CPP=$opt_x.exe >buildlog_release.txt 2>&1");
                psystem("type buildlog_release.txt");
                #debug is disabled
                #psystem("nmake -f all_win64_debug.mak \"CFG=all - $PlatformName Debug\" CPP=$opt_x.exe >buildlog_debug.txt 2>&1");
                #psystem("type buildlog_debug.txt");
        # Build resource bundle library for ICUMsgLoader
        # this can only be built when ICUIsPresent
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
            pchdir ("$ICUResourceDir");
            # clean up intermediate files to make it rebuildable
            psystem ("del /s /f *.DLL *.dll *.res *.DAT *.lib *.obj");            
            psystem( "nmake /f resources.mak > buildlog.txt 2>&1 ");
            system("type buildlog.txt");
            # to follow 2 digits convention
            psystem("ren XercesMessages3_0_0.DLL XercesMessages3_0.DLL");
            psystem("ren XercesMessages3_0_0.lib XercesMessages3_0.lib");            
            change_windows_project_for_ICU("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.dsp", $Transcoder , $MsgLoader);
            change_windows_project_for_ICU_VC7_or_VC8("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC7/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.vcproj", $Transcoder , $MsgLoader);
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "7.1") {
            change_windows_project_for_ICU_VC7_or_VC8("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC7.1/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.vcproj", $Transcoder , $MsgLoader);
        } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "8.0") {
            change_windows_project_for_ICU_VC7_or_VC8("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC8/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.vcproj", $Transcoder , $MsgLoader);
        } else { # "6.1"
            change_windows_makefile_for_ICU("$XERCESCROOT/Projects/Win32/VC6/xerces-all/XercesLib/XercesLib.mak", $Transcoder, $MsgLoader);
    } #$ICUIsPresent

    # Build::Make Xerces-C libraries, samples and tests
    # Clean up all the dependency files, causes problems for nmake
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
    # Also clean up all MSVC-generated project files that just cache the IDE state
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT");
    psystem ("del /s /f *.dep *.ncb *.plg *.opt");
    # ===========================================================================
    # ===========================================================================
    # xercesc          yes      yes     yes        yes       yes      no
    # depdom           yes      yes     yes        yes       yes      no
    # samples          yes      yes     yes        no        no       no
    # tests            yes      yes     yes        no        no       no
        if ($PlatformName eq "Win64") { # /USEENV
            psystem("msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"all - $PlatformName Release\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_release.txt");
            psystem("msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"XercesLib - $PlatformName Debug\" /USEENV /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_debug.txt");            
        else {
            psystem("msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"all - $PlatformName Release\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_release.txt");
            psystem("msdev xerces-all.dsw /MAKE \"XercesLib - $PlatformName Debug\" /REBUILD /OUT buildlog_debug.txt");            
        psystem("devenv /rebuild Release /out buildlog_release.txt /project all xerces-all.sln");
        psystem("devenv /rebuild debug /out buildlog_debug.txt /project XercesLib xerces-all.sln");                
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "7.1") {
        psystem("devenv /rebuild Release /out buildlog_release.txt /project all xerces-all.sln");
        psystem("devenv /rebuild debug /out buildlog_debug.txt /project XercesLib xerces-all.sln");               
    } elsif ($DevStudioVer eq "8.0") {
        psystem("devenv /rebuild Release /out buildlog_release.txt /project all xerces-all.sln");
        psystem("devenv /rebuild debug /out buildlog_debug.txt /project XercesLib xerces-all.sln");                
    } else { # "6.1"
        psystem( "nmake -f all.mak \"CFG=all - $PlatformName Release\" CPP=$opt_x.exe >buildlog_release.txt 2>&1");
    system("type buildlog_debug.txt");    
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed

    print "\nBuild is being copied from \'" . $ReleaseBuildDir . "\'";
    if ($ICUIsPresent) {    	
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        # Copy the ICU dlls and libs
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icuuc32.dll $targetdir/bin");
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icuuc32d.dll $targetdir/bin");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        # it seems icudt32*.DLL is generated (upper case dll)
        # but just case, try lower case .dll as well
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icudt32*.DLL $targetdir/bin");
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/bin/icudt32*.dll $targetdir/bin");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/lib/icuuc.lib $targetdir/lib");
        psystem("cp -fv $ICUROOT/lib/icuucd.lib $targetdir/lib");
        psystem("cp -Rfv $ICUROOT/include/* $targetdir/include");
        # Copy the Resouce Bundle for ICUMsgLoader
        if ( $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {           
            pchdir ("$ICUResourceDir");    	
            psystem("cp -fv XercesMessages*.DLL $ReleaseBuildDir");
            psystem("cp -fv XercesMessages*.lib    $ReleaseBuildDir");

            psystem("cp -fv XercesMessages*.res   $targetdir/msg");
            psystem("cp -fv XercesMessages*.DLL $targetdir/bin");
            psystem("cp -fv XercesMessages*.lib    $targetdir/lib");                               
    # Population::Xerces-c
    print ("\n\nCopying Xerces-c outputs ...\n");            
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    psystem("cp -fv $ReleaseBuildDir/*.dll               $targetdir/bin");
    psystem("cp -fv $ReleaseBuildDir/*.exe               $targetdir/bin");        
    psystem("cp -fv $ReleaseBuildDir/xerces-c_*.lib      $targetdir/lib");
    psystem("cp -fv $ReleaseBuildDir/xerces-depdom_*.lib $targetdir/lib");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed

    psystem("cp -fv $DebugBuildDir/*.dll                 $targetdir/bin");
    psystem("cp -fv $DebugBuildDir/xerces-c_*.lib        $targetdir/lib");
    psystem("cp -fv $DebugBuildDir/xerces-depdom_*.lib   $targetdir/lib");
    # Populate the etc output directory like config.status and the map file
    print ("\n\nCopying misc output to etc ...\n");
    psystem("cp -fv $XERCESCROOT/Build/Win32/$VCBuildDir/Release/obj/*.map $targetdir/etc");
    # Populate the samples directory

    # windows specifics: sample projects
    psystem("cp -Rfv $XERCESCROOT/samples/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir/* $targetdir/samples/Projects/Win32/$VCBuildDir");
    # Populate the scripts and docs directory
    # Now package it all up using ZIP
    print ("\n\nZIPping up all files ...\n");
    $zipname = $targetdir . ".zip";
    psystem ("zip -r $zipname $zipfiles");
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
#     End of Windows Builds.
#  UNIX builds happen here ...
#  Tasks:
#    Preparation
#          Initialize Vars
#          Make the target directory and its main subdirectories
#   Build
#          ICU and/or Resource bundle library for ICUMsgLoader
#          Xerces-C libraries, samples and tests
#   Population
#          include
#          ICU and/or ICUMsgLoader
#          Xerces-C libraries, samples and tests
#          Documentation
if ( ($platform =~ m/AIX/i)      || 
     ($platform =~ m/HP-UX/i) || 
     ($platform =~ m/BeOS/i)   ||
     ($platform =~ m/SunOS/i) || 
     ($platform =~ m/Linux/i)    || 
     ($platform =~ m/ptx/i)        ||
     ($platform =~ m/Darwin/i)  || 
     ($platform =~ m/CYGWIN/ && ($opt_c =~ m/gcc/))) {
# Preparation Begin
#    Population::Initialize Vars
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed

    # Echo the current PATH to see what compiler it picks up
    psystem ("echo PATH=$ENV{'PATH'}");

    # Set defaults for platform-specific options.
        $platform = "aix";
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "xlc_r"; }
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "xlC_r"; }
        if ($opt_x eq "xlC_rv5compat") {
            $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O2 -qmaxmem=-1 -qnamemangling=v5"';
            $icu_cflags   = '"-w -O2 -qmaxmem=-1 -qnamemangling=v5"';        	
        } else {
            $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O2 -qmaxmem=-1"';
            $icu_cflags = '"-w -O2 -qmaxmem=-1"';
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed

        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
        psystem ("echo LIBPATH=$ENV{'LIBPATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/Darwin/i) {
        $platform = "macosx";
        if ($opt_c eq "")	{$opt_c = 'cc'; }
        if ($opt_x eq "")	{$opt_x = 'g++'; }
        if ($opt_n eq "") 	{$opt_n = 'native'; }		# native net accessor
        if ($opt_t eq "")	{$opt_t = 'native'; }		# native transcoder
        # Code for mac os specific tools
        if ($TAR eq "") {
            $TAR = 'gnutar'; 

        if ($MAKE eq "") {
            $MAKE = 'make'; 
    } # Mac OS
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
        # Find out the operating system version from 'uname -r'
        open(OSVERSION, "uname -r|");
        $osversion = <OSVERSION>;
        close (OSVERSION);
        $platform = 'hp-11' if ($osversion =~ m/11\./);
        $platform = 'hp-10' if ($osversion =~ m/10\./);
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "cc"; }
        if ($opt_x eq "") {
            $opt_x = "CC";
            if ($platform eq "hp-11") {
                $opt_x = "aCC";
        if ($opt_m eq "") {
            $opt_m = "inmem";
        $icu_cxxflags = '"-w +O2 +Ofltacc"';
        $icu_cflags = '"-w +O2 +Ofltacc"';
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
        psystem ("echo SHLIB_PATH=$ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/BeOS/i) {
        $platform = "beos";
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "gcc";}
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "g++";}
        $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O"';
        $icu_cflags = '"-w -O"';
        psystem ("echo LIBRARY_PATH=$ENV{'LIBRARY_PATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/Linux/i) {
        $platform = "linux";
        if ($opt_c eq "") {$opt_c = "gcc";}
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "g++";}
        if ($opt_x eq "icc"){
            $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O0"';
            $icu_cflags = '"-w -O0"';        	
        } else {
            $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O"';
            $icu_cflags = '"-w -O"';
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
        psystem ("echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/SunOS/i) {
        if ($opt_x eq "") {$opt_x = "CC";}
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
        $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O3"';
        $icu_cflags = '"-w -xO3"'; 
        psystem ("echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}");
    if ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) {
        # Check if the patches have been applied or not
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
        if (!(-d "$XERCESCROOT/src/xercesc/util/Platforms/PTX")) {
            print ("Error: Could not locate PTX-specific XML4C directory.\n");
            print ("    The PTX-specific patches must be applied to both XML4C and ICU before a build can succeed.\n");
Unknown (abagchi)'s avatar
Unknown (abagchi) committed
        # Generally speaking, ICU must be built, before XML4C can be built, for ptx.
        # If this case causes problems, we can revisit it in the future. Right now,
        # we fail only if ICUROOT is defined but mh-ptx is not present.
        if ($ICUIsPresent) {
            if (!(-e "$ICUROOT/source/config/mh-ptx")) {
                print ("Error: Could not locate PTX-specific ICU files.\n");
                print ("    The PTX-specific patches must be applied to both XML4C and ICU before a build can succeed.\n");
Unknown (abagchi)'s avatar
Unknown (abagchi) committed
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
        $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -0"';
        $icu_cflags = '"-w -0"';
        # XMLINSTALL is a ptx-port-specific variable used for manipulating where the files are installed.
        if (!length($ENV{'XMLINSTALL'})) {
            print ("XMLINSTALL has not been explicitly defined. Setting it to \'$targetdir\'.\n");
            $ENV{'XMLINSTALL'} = $targetdir;
Ted Leung's avatar
Ted Leung committed
    if(($platform =~ m/CYGWIN/) && ($opt_c =~ m/gcc/)) {
        $MAKE = "make";
        $platform = "CYGWIN";
    # Set defaults for platform-independent options.
    if ($opt_m eq "")	{$opt_m = "inmem"; }   # In memory  message loader.
    if ($opt_n eq "")	{$opt_n = "socket"; }  # Socket based net accessor.
    if ($opt_t eq "")	{$opt_t = "native"; }  # Native transcoding service.
    if ($opt_b eq "")	{$opt_b = "32"; }      # bitstobuild.
    # Set defaults for platform tools
    if ($TAR eq "") { 
        $TAR = 'tar'; 
    if ($MAKE eq "")	{ 
        $MAKE = 'gmake'; 
    # Check if the target directories already exist or not
    if (-e $targetdir.".tar") {
        print ("Error: The target file \'$targetdir.tar\' already exists.\n");
        print ("       You must delete the file \'$targetdir.tar\' to package your product.\n");
    if (-e $srctargetdir.".tar") {
        print ("Error: The target file \'$srctargetdir.tar\' already exists.\n");
        print ("       You must delete the file \'$srctargetdir.tar\' to package your product.\n");
    # Preparation::Make the target directory and its main subdirectories    
# Build Begin
#        Build::ICU and/or Resource bundle library for ICUMsgLoader
    if ($ICUIsPresent ) {
        # Make the icu dlls
        if (!(length($opt_j) > 0)) {      	
            print ("Building ICU from $ICUROOT ...\n");

            # First make the ICU files executable
            pchdir ("$ICUROOT/source");
            psystem ("chmod +x configure config.*");
            psystem ("chmod +x install-sh");
            $ENV{'ICU_DATA'} = "$ICUROOT/data";

            if ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) {
                psystem ("chmod +x runConfigureICU");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
                psystem ("sh ./runConfigureICU PTX");
            elsif ($platform eq 'hp-11') {

                my $cXX = $opt_x;                 
                if ($opt_x eq "aCC05") {
                    $cXX = "aCC";
                if ($opt_b eq "32") {
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$cXX CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT --disable-64bit-libs");
                else {
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$cXX CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT");
           }elsif ($platform eq 'aix') {

                my $cXX = $opt_x;                 
                if ($opt_x eq "xlC_rv5compat") {
                    $cXX = "xlC_r";
                if ($opt_b eq "32") {
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$cXX CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT --disable-64bit-libs");
                else {
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$cXX CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT");
           }elsif ($platform eq 'solaris') {                       
                if ($opt_b eq "32") {               	
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$opt_x CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT --disable-64bit-libs");
                else {
                    $icu_cxxflags = '"-w -O3 -xarch=v9"';
                    $icu_cflags = '"-w -xO3 -xarch=v9"';                 	
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$opt_x CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT");
            } else {
            # set the 32 bit or 64 bit
                if ($opt_b eq "32") {
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$opt_x CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT --disable-64bit-libs");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
                    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$opt_x CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags sh ./configure --prefix=$ICUROOT");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
            psystem ("$MAKE clean");                  # Clean up the build, may want to comment this line out!
            psystem ("rm -f $ICUROOT/data/*.o"); # make clean is not enough
            psystem ("rm -f $ICUROOT/data/*.c"); # same for .c files
            psystem ("$MAKE");                           # This will take a long time!
            psystem ("$MAKE install");                  # Make this separate since this breaks on Solaris
        } #opt_j

        # resource bundle library for ICUMsgLoader is built by Makefile
        # clean up intermediate files to make it rebuildable  
        if ($opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
            pchdir ("$ICUResourceDir");
            psystem ("rm -f *.o *.res *.c *.lst *dll.mak");            
    # For ptx, ICUROOT must now be set to XMLINSTALL for further work.
    if ($platform =~ m/ptx/i) {
    # Build::Make Xerces-C libraries, samples and tests
    print("\n\nBuild the xerces-c library ...\n");
    pchdir ("$XERCESCROOT");
    psystem ("chmod +x configure config/install-sh config/pretty-make");

    $cfg_icu = "";
    $cfg_m = "";
    if ($opt_m eq "inmem") {$cfg_m = "--enable-msgloader-inmemory"; }
    if ($opt_m eq "icu") {$cfg_m = "--enable-msgloader-icu"; $cfg_icu="--with-icu=$ICUROOT"; }
    if ($opt_m eq "iconv") {$cfg_m = "--enable-msgloader-iconv"; }

    $cfg_n = "";
    if ($opt_n eq "fileonly") {$cfg_n = "--disable-netaccessor-socket --disable-netaccessor-curl --disable-netaccessor-libwww --disable-netaccessor-cfurl"; }
    if ($opt_n eq "socket") {$cfg_n = "--enable-netaccessor-socket"; }

    $cfg_t = "";
    if ($opt_t eq "icu") {$cfg_t = "--enable-transcoder-icu"; $cfg_icu="--with-icu=$ICUROOT"; }
    if ($opt_t eq "native") {$cfg_t = "--disable-transcoder-icu"; }

    psystem ("CC=$opt_c CXX=$opt_x CXXFLAGS=$icu_cxxflags CFLAGS=$icu_cflags ./configure $cfg_icu $cfg_m $cfg_n $cfg_t");
    psystem ("$MAKE clean");     # May want to comment this line out to speed up
    psystem ("$MAKE");
    #   Move ICU libs into lib dir, so samples will link.  This matches the structure of
    #   the eventual binary packaging, even though we are doing it in the build directory.
    if ($ICUIsPresent) {
        # src/xercesc/util/MsgLoader/ICU/resources/Makefile has built and 
        # copied the message library to $XERCESCROOT/lib, we need copy over here.
    }# $ICUIsPresent
    print("\n\nBuild the tests ...\n");
# Population Begin
#    Population::include
    if ($ICUIsPresent) {
        print "\nICU files are being copied from \'$ICUROOT\'";
        psystem("cp -Rf $ICUROOT/include/* $targetdir/include");
Rahul Jain's avatar
Rahul Jain committed
#    Population::ICU and/or ICUMsgLoader    

    # Create symbolic link for those ICU libraries
    if ($ICUIsPresent) {
        # ICU
        # Copy the Resouce Bundle for ICUMsgLoader
        if ( $opt_m =~ m/icu/i) {
            print ("\n\nCopying ICU message bundles ...\n");        	
            psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/msg/XercesMessages*.res $targetdir/msg");
            psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/lib/ .");
            psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
            psystem("find . -name ''   -exec ln -s {} \\;");
            psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/lib/ .");
            psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
            psystem("find . -name ''   -exec ln -s {} \\;");
            psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/lib/ .");
            psystem("find . -name '' -exec ln -s {} \\;");
            psystem("find . -name ''   -exec ln -s {} \\;");            
            psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/lib/libXercesMessages30.0.a .");
            psystem("find . -name 'libXercesMessages30.0.a'   -exec ln -s {} libXercesMessages30.a \\;");
            psystem("find . -name 'libXercesMessages30.a'     -exec ln -s {} libXercesMessages.a \\;");
PeiYong Zhang's avatar
PeiYong Zhang committed
    # Populate the library output directory
    print ("\n\nCopying library outputs ...\n");
    pchdir ("$targetdir/lib");
Tinny Ng's avatar
Tinny Ng committed
    psystem("rm -f libxerces-c* ");
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/ .");
        psystem("ln -s ");
        psystem("ln -s    ");     
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/ .");
        psystem("ln -s ");
        psystem("ln -s    ");        
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/ .");
        psystem("ln -s ");
        psystem("ln -s    ");               
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/ .");
        psystem("ln -s ");
        psystem("ln -s    ");
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/libxerces.a" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/libxerces.a . ");
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/libxerces-depdom.a" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/libxerces-depdom.a . ");
    if ((-e "$XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/libxerces-3.0.dylib" )) {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/obj/.libs/libxerces-3.0.dylib .");
        psystem("ln -s libxerces-3.0.dylib libxerces-3.dylib ");
        psystem("ln -s libxerces-3.dylib   libxerces.dylib    ");
    # Populate the Message Catalog Files
    if ( $opt_m =~ m/iconv/i ) {
        print ("\n\nCopying Message Catalog Files ...\n");
        pchdir ("$targetdir/msg");
        psystem("rm -f XercesMessages* ");    	
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/msg/XercesMessages*.cat .");
    # Populate the etc output directory like config.status and the map file
    print ("\n\nCopying misc output to etc ...\n");
    psystem("cp -Rf $XERCESCROOT/config.status $targetdir/etc");
    # Populate the samples directory
    foreach $iii ('', '', 'Makefile') {
        psystem("cp -f $XERCESCROOT/samples/$iii $targetdir/samples");
    # Populate the scripts and docs directory
    # Change the directory permissions
    psystem ("find $targetdir -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \\;");
    psystem ("find $targetdir -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \\;");
    psystem ("chmod 755 $targetdir/bin/* $targetdir/lib/*");

    # Now package it all up using tar
    print ("\n\nTARing up all files ...\n");
    pchdir ("$targetdir/..");
    $zipname = $targetdir . ".tar";
    $platformzipname = $zipname;

    psystem ("$TAR -cvf $platformzipname $zipfiles");

    # Finally compress the files
    print ("Compressing $platformzipname ...\n");
    psystem ("gzip $platformzipname");
} # end of UNIX build

sub createCommonDir() {
    print ("\n\nCreating  directories ...\n");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/bin");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/lib");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/msg");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/etc");

    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/include/xercesc");

    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/data");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAXCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAX2Count");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAXPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SAX2Print");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/DOMCount");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/DOMPrint");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/Redirect");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/MemParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/PParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/StdInParse");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/EnumVal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SEnumVal");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/CreateDOMDocument");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/PSVIWriter");    
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/samples/SCMPrint");        

    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/scripts");

    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc/html");
    psystem ("mkdir $targetdir/doc/html/apiDocs");


sub populateInclude() {
    print ("\n\nCopying headers files ...\n");

    @headerDirectories =